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October 18, 2023  -  User Tip: How to add drum fills without changing any other tracks

MarioD has shared some great advice when it comes to adding drum fills without changing any other tracks in your song:

There have been a number of questions asking how to add drum fills without changing any other tracks in a song. This is especially important if one is holding a chord for a few measures and wants to add a drum fill prior to the next chord. The following is how to accomplish that:

1-get the instruments/tracks to play like you want but don't worry about the drums for now.
2-generate the song.
3-freeze all tracks
4-unfreeze the drum track
5-add your fills where you want them
6-generated the song again - note this will only generate the drum track and not the frozen tracks
7- when you get the drums like you want them freeze the track

Have your own program tip to share? Post it on our Tips & Tricks forum!

Posted on October 18, 2023 08:34 AM

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