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November 16, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - A Fragile Piece

Here is a new song I've been working on.

It's called A FRAGILE PIECE, which is a play on the words "piece" and "peace".

The song is hard to describe; maybe "ambitious" is a fair comment.

I’d love you to have a listen or two and let me know what you think of the song, arrangement, sound, production etc.

All opinions, flattering and flattening, are encouraged.

The intro piano part is edited from SuperTrack 1892: Piano, Solo accompaniment PianoWaltzJohn SW140.
The intro drums are RealDrums (JazzWaltzLewis).
The other parts are mine.

Posted on November 16, 2023 10:30 AM

Entries from November 2023:

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