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November 21, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - Meadow Lark

I put this together a couple of months ago. Just now having the time to upload it.

Meadow Lark

I realize the name of the bird is spelled "meadowlark", but this song is not named after the bird. An old friend of mine has a daughter named Meadow Lark - her real name. I couldn't come up with a name for the song, and for some reason, I thought of her - thus the name of the song.

I tried very hard to get a sound on the pedal steel similar to that of Sarah Jory - a fantastic pedal steel player from Ireland. I've followed her for quite a few years.

The particulars:

File:Meadow Lark.SGU
Key=F , Tempo 70, Length (m:s)=3:53

Style is _CAVERNS.STY (Cavernous Ctry Pop Ballad Solo)

RealTracks in style: ~700:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 085
RealTracks in style: 1667:Pedal Steel, Soloist CountryPaul Ev 065
RealTracks in style: 871:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernRnBRockWarmStrum Ev 065
RealTracks in song: 1543:Synth Pad, PopBelieve Ev16 065
RealTracks in song: 1705:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryBrent Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 1409:Piano, SynthLayer, Rhythm Soul70sSteady Ev16 100
RealDrums in Song:PopCountry16ths^04-a:Closed Hat, Rock-kick , b:Closed Hat, Push-kick

Mixed in the latest version of Audacity, Ver 3.42 - which has many new options.

Posted on November 21, 2023 10:25 AM

Entries from November 2023:

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