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November 22, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - Baby Won't You Please Come Home

Another one in our Public Domain series.

Baby Won't You Please Come Home

"Baby Won't You Please Come Home" is a blues song written by Charles Warfield and Clarence Williams in 1919.

The song's authorship is disputed; Warfield claims that he was the sole composer of the song.

The song has been covered by many musicians and has become a jazz standard.

The first hit version was Bessie Smith's 1923 recording, which stayed on the charts for four weeks peaking at No. 6

Arranged and mixed by the 3 of us, Bud Mastered the song.

The Band
Janice Merritt - Vocals
Bud Merritt - Acoustic Bass
Peter - Guitar
RealTracks in style: 2167:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Country12-8John Sw 065 MST
RealDrums in style:PopRock12-8^02-a:Sidestick, Kick , b:Snare, Kick
RealTracks in song: ~~937:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzBalladFreddie Sw 060

Posted on November 22, 2023 10:04 AM

Entries from November 2023:

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