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December 11, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - The Older I Get The Less I Get It

Our last song (Chaos Of Change) was blatantly pessimistic regarding the "state of affairs" so here's one that is less so and with an attempt at whimsy.

The Older I Get The Less I Get It

Janice's two outro lines are quoted from Bud's wise mentor when he (Bud) started his career in behavioral health services thinking he could quickly change things. Thanks to Peter for the guitar tracks and, as always, to PG Music. Your time to listen and perhaps comment are much appreciated. The lyric is below tech stuff and on SoundCloud.

Janice: lead/BGV/harmony vocals, arrangement, melody, and progression (yeah, there’s an A major). Izotope Nectar for all processing.

Peter: guitar solos/fills and arrangement and mix input.

Bud: lyric, mix and mastering

For the tech inclined:

Drums: Nashville Radio Shuffle > Waves CLA Drums (comped from multiple tracks)
Snare: From above kit > Waves Magma BB Tubes > Ozone Impact > Logic Pro ChromaVerb
Cymbal: From above kit > Logic Pro ChromaVerb

Bass: RealTrack 3567 Nashville Radio Shuffle > Logic EQ > Waves Bass Rider > Waves Magma BB Tubes

Rhythm Guitar: RealTrack 654 Texas Boogie DI > Logic Pro Brownout Amp/mic/speakers

Piano: RealTrack 2124 Acoustic, Rhythm Country Shuffle John > Waves CLA Unplugged > Ozone Imager

Mastering: Ozone EQ > Ozone Multi-band compression > Ozone Imager > Ozone Maximizer > Ozone Tonal Balance > Logic Pro Loudness Meter


Posted on December 11, 2023 12:53 PM

Entries from December 2023:

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