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January 05, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Whispering Asia

This is the second of two songs I put together with the new Chinese instruments from BIAB 2024.

Whispering Asia

This one has fuller and richer backing tracks and is noticeably more subdued. Noel Adams and I exchanged some thoughts about this particular song as I brought it to fruition. To make a long story short, I went on YouTube and watched/listened to clips from a couple of Chinese romance movies for some insight and guidance on how to make a few changes to better catch the Asian mood.

After a few adjustments to my original track, this is where I ended up. It's a soundscape for a romantic setting. Let me know what you think.

Here are the band members:

Title: Untitled Song
File:Whispering Asia.SGU
Key=D , Tempo 65, Length (m:s)=1:58
Style is _ROSY2.STY (Rosy Modern Pop)

RealTracks in style: 4109:Bass, Sub Synth CityLightsStranger 65
RealTracks in style: 1840:Synth Pad, PopModernGrooveMellow Ev16 075
RealTracks in style: 4110:Synth, PinkRoomChamberHit 65
MIDI SuperTracks in song: 4368:Synth, Pad, SynthMasterLastInstant HighEthereal 75
RealTracks in song: 4381:Erhu, Background SimplePentatonic Ev 060
RealTracks in song: 4568:Pipa, Background CalmingMelodicShortPhrases ev 065
RealTracks in song: 4567:Dizi Flute, Background CalmingMelodic ev 065
RealDrums in Song:Dholak8ths: a: Simple b: Busy

Posted on January 5, 2024 12:59 PM

Entries from January 2024:

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