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January 08, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Wonderment

Janice bubbles over with optimism and daily reads quotes to Bud about it. She thought that could work for a song so ole pessimistic Bud said, go for it.

She picked up her old Martin box and quickly wrote and arranged this short little ditty to express our feelings to PG Music and all you forum folks.


We hope y'all are having holiday fun and happy upcoming new year! Thanks for listening and comments are more than welcome.

Janice: Lyric, melody and arrangement / Vocals > Izotope Nectar
Piano: MIDI SuperTrack 1809 (comped) > Logic Grand Steinway > Waves CLA Unplugged > Ozone Imager
Bass: RealTrack 366 > Waves Bass Rider > Waves Magma BB Tubes
Rhythm Guitar: RealTrack 1596: Waves CLA Unplugged
Drums: RealDrums NashvilleEven > Waves CLA Drums
Mastering: Logic EQ > Waves LinMB > Ozone Imager > Waves L2 Maximizer > Izotope Tonal Balance > Logic Loudness Mete

Posted on January 8, 2024 09:45 AM

Entries from January 2024:

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