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March 19, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Epstein-Barr

Pathologist Anthony Epstein was working on chicken viruses when he learnt of a mysterious childhood cancer during a talk he almost skipped. It led to the discovery, with his doctoral student Yvonne Barr, of the Epstein–Barr virus (EBV): a virus able to cause cancer in people.

This is a humble tribute song to Epstein, Barr, and the thousands of researchers around the world who are dedicated and working hard to understand and eradicate human cancers. Some researchers we may hear about, most we don’t. I hope Epstein would approve of this and I hope you enjoy it.


Epstein died recently in February of this year, at age 102 but his legacy continues to shape research in virology and oncology.
Rest in peace.

RealTracks in style: 1861:Synth, Rhythm, EuroDance ChorusHousePianoOffBeat Ev16 120
RealTracks in song: 2457:Strings, Rhythm CelticAir Ev 085
RealDrums in style:SynthDrumsDanceRock^1-a: Bass and Snare , b: Snare and Bass

Korg Keyboard: Intro Synth, Lead Bells Synth, Flute, Piano, Female Vox, Guitar
Roland Drum Pad: Cymbals
Fender Bass

Mixed in Studio One

Posted on March 19, 2024 08:53 AM

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