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May 13, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - I'll Keep Holding On

Well, it's been a while . . . I've been on a bit of break musically, and I haven't visited the forum much these past number of weeks (though did get time to listen to a few here and there along the way). Nonetheless, I have a lot of catching up to do.

I’d like to say that my musical hiatus was by design, but sadly it's more attributable to lack of creativity and motivation. After quite the dry spell, I have written two new songs. Not so sure about one of them, but here's the other.


On the production side, a HUGE shout out to Rayc, who plays bass on this one. It's the third song of mine that Ray has played on, and the songs are all the better for it. But on this one, Ray also provided me with some additional and killer guitar and string tracks that really added some teeth to the chorus, giving it the angry edge it desperately needed.

I've done my best to do justice to his great contributions, but then mixing has never been my strong suit. And any shortcomings are solely on my shoulders. But it's as far along as I think I can take it for now. As always, I'm hoping your additional feedback and suggestions will help me bake this a bit more more.

Bass: Ray Cochrane
RealTracks 1181: Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking PopWaltz
RealTracks 1764: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Pop16ths
RealTracks 1761: Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Pop16ths
RealTracks 3554: Multi[Thickened=5] String Quartet, Rhythm PopHall
RealTracks 2503: Piano, Acoustic, HeldChords 085
RealTracks 3268: Cello, Background CelticWaltz
RealDrums: AltRockSlowSteady8ths^4
Rhythm Guitars: Ray Cochrane
Additional Strings: Midi and a Mellotron VST (Ray Cochrane)


Posted on May 13, 2024 10:00 AM

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