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May 22, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - She Told Me She Loved Me

I tried to tell a little story to make 4 singers from the synthesizers V sing in the same song.

She Told Me She Loved Me

Any resemblance with existing or existing characters can only be coincidental. Complaints should be made to the Villa of Broken Hearts.

Style : _STRAY.STY (Stray Night Ride Gtr Solo)
RealTracks dans ce style Style: 3584:Basse, Electrique, Nashville Radio Crch Bin 100 AB
RealTracks dans ce style Style: 3905:Guitare, Barytone Electrique, Rythmique Cinematique Power Crch Bin 100
RealTracks dans ce style Style: 3907:Guitare, Acoustique, Rythmique Compositeur Pumping 8s DADGAD Bin 85
RealTracks dans ce style Style: 3907:Guitare, Acoustique, Rythmique Compositeur Pumping 8s DADGAD Bin 85
RealTracks dans ce style Style: 3027:Voix, Oohs, Arrière-plan Pop 3-part Bin 85
RealTracks dans ce style Style: 3443:Guitare, Electrique, Soliste, British Psychedelic Funky 16th Binaire 100
RealTracks dans ce morceau song: 2811:Piano, Acoustique, Rythme Smooth Soul Lent Bin 85
RealTracks dans ce morceau song: 1772:Piano, Electrique, Rythme Jazz Funk Movin DblCrch Bin 130
RealDrums [dans ce Style:Moody Songwriter Pop [Multi]

Singers: Kevin, Saros, Hayden, Solaria.
Images generated by Copilot (thanks to Marty)
Mixed in Cubase

Posted on May 22, 2024 10:55 AM

Entries from May 2024:

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