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May 24, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Just A Regular Guy

The title phrase came to mind about a week ago.

It glared at me for a few days so I finally got out the clip board, legal pad & pen and got busy.
Just a very simple I/IV/Ver about just being a regular guy and what I like with an intentional bit of levity.
Just A Regular Guy - SoundCloud
Just A Regular Guy - SoundClick

Music/lyrics/vox/congas: me
Trap set & bass: BIAB
Guitars: Ken Lasaine
B3 track: Ken Lasaine.
UPLIFT2.STY Uplift2 - High Energy Soundtrack
Driving Motown fast ev.8 R&B Rock w/ El. Bass, Drums, Piano & Clav. At 'b' add Rock Organ,
Tambourine, Ride Cymbal, Snare Drum. T= 120-180 (M-Finger Electric Bass, M-Ac.Piano, M-
Clav , M-Rock Organ, Drums

Thanks much to anyone that give it a spin....and have a great day.

Posted on May 24, 2024 10:34 AM

Entries from May 2024:

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