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June 03, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Cold Rain And Snow

Cold Rain And Snow

Cold Rain And Snow is a traditional folk song that nowadays is most frequently heard as a bluegrass tune (as a traditional arrangement we own all rights to it). Some sources date it back to Appalachia in the 1870’s. During our bluegrass years we heard many, many interpretations of it. We thought that a blues version might be fun so here’s the result of that. We tweaked the lyric to make it from a lady’s perspective. Folks often argue over the scale suggesting that it is Dorian or Mixolydian. Meaning our two chord version is in an unknown key … at least to us.:) Hope it works for you and thanks to our music partner PeterF for the guitar rhythm and solos and to PG Music for the great session players. Comments are always welcome. We appreciate your time to listen.

Janice: lead/harmony vocals, arrangement & mix
Peter: guitars, arrangement & mix
Bud: arrangement, mix, mastering & photo
Bass: RealTrack 535 Electric, Pop > Waves Bass Rider > Waves Magma BB Tube
Guitar Rhythm: RealTrack 3364 Electric, Rhythm BritBluesRockSlowShuffle DI > Logic Pro Awesome Tweed amp
Piano: MIDI SuperTracks 2845 Rhythm BluesSlowSwingMike > Logic Pro Grand Steinway > Logic Pro ChromaGlow > Ozone Imager
Drums: RealDrums NashvilleSwing8 > Logic Pro Channel EQ > Waves CLA Drums
Snare: From above kit > Waves Magma BB Tube > Ozone Impact > Nectar EMT 140 Plate reverb
Cymbals: From above kit > Nectar EMT 140 Plate reverb
Mastering chain
Ozone: Equalizer > Stabilizer > Impact > Imager > Dynamic EQ > Maximizer > Tonal Balance > Logic Pro Loudness Meter

Posted on June 3, 2024 10:59 AM

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