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June 04, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Oh Lord (can I come back home)

New song we made :)

Oh Lord (can I come back home) - SoundCloud
Oh Lord (can I come back home) - YouTube

Piano Jukka Tolonen
Vocals Lloyd Miller
Bass Timo Tuppurainen
Songcredits & Yamaha moxf8 :Jonathan

BbGuitar Real 2359 guitar rhythm motownRnBUptempo EV 165
Harmonica backgroundblues roadhouse ev120
Guitar 2359 electric rhythm motownrnbuptempo ev 165
Guitar 3352 baritone electric soloist swampyblues talkboxbrent
Drums RnBClassicuptempo 02ride sidestick Toms b Ride

Posted on June 4, 2024 08:23 AM

Entries from June 2024:

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