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June 05, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - 6 Strings 3 Chords and a Beer

This jam had a very unusual beginning. On May 5th BobH and I were jamming, i.e. just having fun. Bob played the rhythm guitar part and I was playing a lead. During the playback Bob started singing. I immediately muted my part, grabbed a mic, plugged it in and hand held it in front of his face; I wanted to capture his vocal as he was making up the lyrics. Because of other commitments were couldn't get back to this until now. Just remember that this is a live on the spot vocal so it may not make sense in spots, but we thought it was worth posting as is. I would like your opinion on this quick and dirty jam.

6 Strings 3 Chords and a Beer

I'm sure that Bob and I will polish this into an "official" song sometime in the near future.

I played the bass part on my fretless bass and the EP is from BiaB style Delusion MIDI Classic Pysch Rock. The EP sound is from Lounge Lizard, 3 Custom Electric Pianos. Because we didn't use a click track the timing varied around 46.nnn BPM. Thus I had to heavily modify the EP to fit the song.

As always all comments are welcomed.

Posted on June 5, 2024 10:54 AM

Entries from June 2024:

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