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June 07, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Things I'll Never Know

Things I'll Never Know

So this one's been a bit in the making . . . which is to say that Christian Devienne sent me this mix back in November of '23 and it's lingered since. I really liked the music to this one, and I signed up quickly to be a part of it . . . but my original lyric idea failed and I finally conceded and let it go. And Christian eventually crafted a song using this track with others to great success.

But those lyrics lingered on my desktop . . . and I couldn't quite give up on it. So every few weeks I would open it up and play with it . . . a line here, a line there . . . and a few weeks later, a line or two more. Until quite recently, when I woke up one morning, penned a line or two more, and thought this is as far as I can take it.

I'm not sure what song we have here . . . but it became the lyric I needed to finish. I hope it fits the tune . . . I hope it works as a song. But if nothing else, I can take that darn file off my darn desktop, LOL!!

Hope you enjoy the listen...

Here's the Band :
RD NashvilleRadioCoolSw16^2
RT 532 Acoustic Bass
RT 1581 Acoustic Guitar
RT 2856 Harmonica
RT 3152 Fiddle
RT 4033 Solo Electric Guitar
RT 4030 Electric Guitar

Posted on June 7, 2024 10:04 AM

Entries from June 2024:

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