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June 12, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Oh, My Girl

The images in this rock instrumental's video depict the progress of a new relationship in 4 stages. Will it succeed or fail?

Oh, My Girl

This is the first instrumental I've done in BiaB in which I couldn't find a single solo which was consistently good throughout, so the opening and closing guitar solos are hybrids of 2 solos and the middle harmonica solo is a hybrid of 3.

Drums: 3 Guitar Country Rock ~ Brian Fullen
Bass Guitar: Country Rock Guitar Solo, Pop Ba ~ Tobin Frank
Organ: Country Rock Guitar Solo, Pop Ba ~ Gene Rabbai
1st Rhythm Guitar: Rock Guitar Solo, Pop Ba ~ Mike Durham
1st Guitar Solo: Jovian Divine Alt Rock Soloing ~ Brent Mason
2nd Rhythm Guitar: Centaur Gtr Solo Hard Rock Bal ~ Darin Favorite
Harmonica Solo: hybrid of 2 parts Wounded Ev Fiery Harmonica Blues & 1 part Vicksburg Harmonica Even-8 Blues ~ L. D. Miller
3rd & 4th Rhythm Guitars: Jovian Divine Alt Rock Soloing ~ Mike Durham
5th & 6th Rhythm Guitars: Nashville Radio Power Bal Solo ~ Danny Rader
2nd Guitar Solo: Nashville Radio Power Bal Solo ~ Danny Rader

Posted on June 12, 2024 11:09 AM

Entries from June 2024:

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