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June 18, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Shorty's Place

Hi Forum friends. Thanks for all the wonderful comments on Down on Your Love!! It really means a lot to me. There is a lot of great talent on this forum and to get such positive feedback is appreciated more than you know. I know there are some on the forum who are Steely Dan fans. I am a huge fan of The Dan!! In my mind, Becker and Fagan occupy a status in music that shares the rarified air with very few, such as Lennon and McCartney. The more I learn about music....arranging, mixing, soloing.....the more these guys just blow my mind. This tune is basically a Steely Dan tribute.

Shorty's Place

BIAB has some great tracks for such music. In fact, recently watching a Steely Dan performance on YouTube, they mentioned Jon Herrington, who was sitting in and plays guitar on this track, as "a long time friend of the band". Hope you enjoy and would love to get your feedback. Take care. Greg

The band:
Bass. 3682
EP. 904
Lead guitar. 2604
Sax. 1055
Drums. ElecCymbalSw16
Horns. Kontakt Session Horns pro
BG vows. Eastwest Hollywood backup singers

Posted on June 18, 2024 10:24 AM

Entries from June 2024:

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