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June 19, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - The Truth About Lies

I seriously doubt this is the first song with this title. But, I didn't look it up.

The Truth About Lies

About two years ago, Di and I discussed what our favorite bands and artists from the 70s, 80s, and 90s would sound like if they recorded in today's music environment. For some reason, that conversation crossed my mind at about two o'clock this morning. So, I gave this one a try. This is my idea of what Dire Straits might sound like if they recorded something this week. The Synth and Horn Section tracks are buried pretty deep in the mix. But taking them out is noticeable. They gently fill out the soundscape without being obvious.

I have an hour and twenty minutes invested in this one. As I mentioned, my time for music is significantly abbreviated.

The obvious differences are the drums and the busy rhythm guitar on the right channel. I also gave the lead guitar a tiny bit more treble than Mark Knopfler typically used. The drums are much louder than what Dire Straits have used. But I think it works on this one.

Tell me what you think. Am I way off base, or maybe kind of close?

Another thing you might not have noticed - this is the exact same chord progression I used in my previous song, "Keeping It Simple." I just selected a different style and added the Alt Hip Hop Pad - no other changes whatsoever. I think that's another testament to the versatility and capabilities of BIAB with a little intuition on the user's part.

File:The Truth About Lies.SGU

Key=Dm , Tempo 130, Length (m:s)=3:02

Style is _OUTFIT.STY (Outfit Modern Funk Pop Gtr Solo)

RealTracks in style: ~683:Bass, Electric, PopHalfNotesPush Ev 120
RealTracks in style: 3197:Guitar, Electric, Soloist PopBalladMellowBrent Ev 130
RealTracks in style: 4006:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopSoulRiffs Ev16 130
RealTracks in style: 4004:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkySingle Ev16 130
RealTracks in song: 2744:Synth, Rhythm AltHipHopPadA-B Ev16 085
Loop in Song: Pop-Soul-RnB\Pop - pop_ballad_Drums_108_b ev16.wav
RealTracks in style: ~2293:Horn Section, Rhythm PopPads Ev 130
RealDrums in style:PopPepSquad^08-a:No cheers, Acoustic Snare , b:Cheers, Quiet hihat

Posted on June 19, 2024 08:37 AM

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