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June 24, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Another Whiskey Song (The Best of David Snyder and Brad Williams)

I couldn't resist adding "The Best of", but since it's our only one together I suppose it's "The Worst of" too. I was fortunate enough to have David approach me over a year ago with the offer of doing a co-write. He has showed tremendous patience because life has been so busy I've not had any time for music. I finally sat down and put down some ideas We teamed up on the lyrics, but the melody is almost entirely his work. This is my first attempt at using the Ozone mastering tool as well, so any comments (good or bad) are certainly appreciated. It's been great working with David, and another great aspect of using this forum. I hope to catch up with all of your music soon as well.

Another Whiskey Song

All music and lyrics copyright 2024 by Brad Williams and David Snyder

The Musicians:
Drums: Fred Eltringham, _RAINY.STY
Bass: Dow Tomlin, _CBALAD2.STY
Accoustic rythm guitar: Tony King, _CBALAD2.STY
Bariton accoustic rythm guitar: Quinn Bachand, _RAINY.STY
Electric rythm guitar: Audley Freed, _RALEIGH.STY
Power Chords: Eric Borash, _RAINY.STY
Pedal Steel: Eddy Dunlap, _RAINY.STY
Oohs/Aahs: Shelly Justice and David Wise, _OOHLALA.STY
ProTools 12 / Ozone 10 /85 BPM

Posted on June 24, 2024 10:10 AM

Entries from June 2024:

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