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June 28, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Open Road

I'd almost forgot about this one.... It was partially finished when a new song required my full attention and then something else came along and ...well, it kinda got forgotten along with I wasn't really happy with the way it was going.....But, I decided to put a few pieces into the puzzle and call it done.

A road trip song that's also a love song....


EDIT: This has a different but similar solo and the B3 #686 organ added Updated version

Here's the band:
Vocals: Solaria
Modern country rootsy drums
Bass 3502
Guitar 316-362-542
Guitar solo: (Me) Gibson SG and Spark modeling amp.
Copyright Herb Hartley 2024

Thoughts and comments appreciated

Thanks for listening

Posted on June 28, 2024 12:32 PM

Entries from June 2024:

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