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July 02, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Lost in You

This is one of my early attempts at songwriting (decades ago) that I haven't recorded except on a cassette with an acoustic. It was a bit of a toss off song: it had two verses and a chorus. I liked the chorus, so I decided to resurrect it for fun. I added a cheap and easy bridge but kept the same mundane lyrics. It's a slightly frenetic power pop ditty that clocks in at just under two and a half minutes.

Lost In You

The Wrecking Crew:
1008 Bass, Electric, ElecRock
3931 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltRockFastChugMute
4065 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerStrum2
2586 Guitar, Electric, Soloist PunkMurray
Native Instruments Electric Mint

Posted on July 2, 2024 11:02 AM

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