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July 03, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Even a Love Song...

So, I'm finally back from a slightly longer vacation, and to get things rolling again here's something short and simple so as not to overtax anyone's attention span, including mine.

Even A Love Song

The backing tracks were a piece of cake and only took the better part of an afternoon,
but no lyrics would fit, no matter what I tried
- against war: nope
- against politics and the current state of Europeland: NO
- against everything (aka Punk): close, but no cigar
- a hate song: okay-ish, but my Revenge song is way better
- protest song: no, been there, done that, the world's still a mess

Then I remembered the wise words of the great American songwriter and philosopher
Floyd Jane: 95% of all songs should be love songs.

There you have it!
A love song.
Nothing more and nothing less.
And, to be honest, I like it.
Upbeat, loud and without a Banjo. What more could you want?
Enjoy, and write something.

As always, thanks to Marty for lyrical and musical advice. You rule!

Some technical information:

The band:
Bass: 2754
Drums: BluesRockEv
Guitars: 697, 648, 3623, 3738, 4387, 2x 3931
Vocals: The usual suspects

Posted on July 3, 2024 11:17 AM

Entries from July 2024:

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