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July 04, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - 愛のCARNAVAL

After a little blank, this is my third post of this year.
Summer is fast approaching, so I've prepared a song that's perfect for the season.

It's a Jobim-esque samba/bossa nova style song.
Any comments encouraged. Always welcome.

愛のCARNAVAL (Translation: CARNAVAL of Our Love)

Vocal: Yoko, my friend
Guitar: Tatsuya Oomi, Yamaha teacher

Style is L_BATUCD.STY : Batucada (Brazilian)
Style MIDI Instruments are : Acoustic Bass (33), Acoustic Piano (1), Nylon String Guitar (25), Strings (49),
MIDI Drums
All are played with EastWest Goliath

Posted on July 4, 2024 01:29 PM

Entries from July 2024:

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