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July 09, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - ALL WE KNEW

All We Knew

Written by Janice Merritt & ray cochrane
Vocal recording, engineering & production by Bud Merritt.
Vocals & vocal arrangements by Janice.
Mastered by Fran Ashcroft Happybeat Studio
BIAB info:
NewWave Light 80s
Drums: RealDrumsSoulRock70sEv^4
Baritone Guitar solo: 2444 (there were huge problems with this...glitch sounds that weren't carried by the trem which suggests they're edits...much multiriffing and cut paste later it seems okay)
Piano: 2825
Organ: 673
ray bits:
Trem guitar: Squire Bullet, J.S.Trem & Spectrum Matcher
Bass: Vantage -> Alesis Microlimiter -> ReaEQ

Mixed in Reaper with NOTHING on the master/stereo bus
Exported as 24bit .wav file and sent to the M.E.


Posted on July 9, 2024 03:34 PM

Entries from July 2024:

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