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July 11, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Don't Ever Be Afraid To Fly

Here is a new production done in an R&B style.

Don't Ever Be Afraid To Fly

I wrote all the music and lyrics. It consist of a combination of RealTracks and my bass and rhythm guitar recorded live. Except for the Oohs and Aahs, I sing all the vocal leads and harmonies. It was produced in Reaper.
I hope you get a chance to listen and enjoy.

****** Song Summary *************
Title: Awakened By The Storm
File:Awakened By The Storm.SGU
Key=Cm , Tempo 85, Length (m:s)=3:14
No intro. 65 bar chorus, from bar 1 to bar 65. Repeat x1 chorus
No Melody
No Soloist track.
Song is saved with Volume, Pan, Reverb, Chorus, Bank0,
Style is _JZFNKUR.STY (Jazz Funk Groovin' w/ Movin' Dru)

RealTracks in style: ~~1636:Bass, Electric, JazzFunkBreezy Ev16 075
RealTracks in style: ~~1639:Piano, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkBreezy Ev16 075
RealTracks in style: ~~1637:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkBreezyChords Ev16 075
RealTracks in style: ~~1638:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzFunkBreezyMuted Ev16 075
RealTracks in song: 3027:Vocal Oohs, Background Pop3-part Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 3064:Vocal Oohs, Rhythm Pop3-part Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 3020:Vocal Aahs, Background Pop3-part Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 3063:Vocal Aahs, Rhythm Pop3-part Ev 085
RealTracks in song: 2746:Synth, Rhythm AltHipHopPad8ths Ev16 085
RealTracks in song: 2745:Synth, Rhythm AltHipHopPadHeld Ev16 085
RealTracks in song: 2115:Horn Section, Background, R&B Ev16 110
RealTracks in song: 2110:Horn Section, Background, R&B Ev16 110
RealDrums in style:JazzFunkUrban^2-a:Picolo Snare, HiHat , b:Snare, HiHat

Posted on July 11, 2024 11:52 AM

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