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July 15, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - After Hours Jam

The last call at an after hour jazz jam at Leisure Suit's Larry's Lizard Lounge.

After Hours Jam

BiaB style = Jazz Ballad 1 Style - MIDI
Tempo = 70 BPM

Bass - Ample Bassa - upright
Piano - Lounge Lizard - Classic tracks - Riders on the Storm
Drums- Steven Slate's SSD5 - Jazz brushes
Me - My Jay Turser's Jazz Box and via my MIDI keyboard controller the Swam trumpet

As always all comments are welcomed.

I am playing my Jay Turser jazz box guitar and via my keyboard controller the Swam trumpet.

Posted on July 15, 2024 11:10 AM

Entries from July 2024:

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