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August 07, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - In The Beginning

I started working on this song back in February, finally managed to get it finished! The video was made using images generated via Co-pilot AI and royalty free video clips from

In The Beginning

Turned out pretty good I think, but I also added an audio only link at the end for those that don't like videos.

The Band:
892:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopLiverpool Ev 065 (A-simple)
893:Piano, Acoustic, Solo-Accompaniment PopLiverpool Ev 065 (B-energetic)
1543:Synth Pad, PopBelieve Ev16 065
Marty Straub (BabuMusic) is on bass guitar. Check how he changes his part based on the song dynamic, and especially what he did during the last verse right after the guitar solo. Awesome!
Chris Spruit is on vocals (six tracks!), and she also did the vocal arrangement.
I play the lead guitar part, added a BGV, and built the drums and tambourine tracks using EZDrummer3.
Mixed in Reaper using plugins from Waves and iZotope, mastered with Ozone 11.


Posted on August 7, 2024 11:37 AM

Entries from August 2024:

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