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August 08, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Get Lost

This is another road trip love song. And it sure was a task putting this together. But it's finally presentable. I deleted more tracks than I've ever done in the process. I finally found the right tracks to make this happen. Some of the track info got lost when I deleted tracks (*). I hope you enjoy this. Feel free to comment.

Get Lost

So here's the important stuff:

BB tracks

Guitars: 649, 4492, 1850, 1025
Bass: 995
Mando: * pretty low in the mix
Drums: RD Nashville Pop
B3: 686
Vocals: Solaria
Lead and other misc clean guitars: Me & Spark40/Tele

Posted on August 8, 2024 12:47 PM

Entries from August 2024:

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