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(Chuckle!) Obviously Mario meant no offence. I did however find myself bridling a bit when I read the word 'foreigner' and after a moment's thought realised that for some reason I don't consider myself (from the UK) a foreigner to folks from the Americas, or Antipodes for that matter, even though I obviously am in their eyes! Perhaps it's that my brother-in-law who lives nearby is a US ex-pat and I have relatives only one generation back who emigrated to the US (Texas), Canada and Australia.


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Skyline #14065 02/11/09 04:07 AM
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When I have something to say, I do it in public. Never was shy. I live in the best country in the world though I'd never say it was perfect. And some nights the single malt is beside what my kids call the Fraser chair, something to do with TV I suppose, and I really let loose. But I cut that back due to waking up too many mornings in the chair instead of my bed, though heaven knows the steps down in the morning are getting tougher and tougher. I tried taking the bottle upstairs once and fell, oh the fear that I'd broken it when my leg felt wet. What a relief to find out the glass broke and cut me leg, and that the whiskey was ok....just lost a pint of blood...

Hang in there, anyone who lives in Detroit has to be sure is a great place, having I75 to it's credit. LOL, head north to the Soo, or South to Florida, where I can where white socks and sandals and feel at home.....LOL..

John Conley
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Hey Mate. I learned a long time ago not to respond to, nor read, PM's from jerks. When I saw their name I just nuked it. Case closed. Anyway, this person's opinion is totally unimportant. Ya can't go thru life lettin' a fly get you down. Hang in there baby.

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Do what you feel ya gotta do buddy, but as you can see, you got plenty of reasons to stick it out!
Hope you've got it off your chest and decide to stay.....

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Just don't go away for the reason you stated. An insulting or demeaning PM is always upsetting, but gee, you still have a lot to contribute here, and to learn here. I'm a complete nimrod on this forum, and have seen a bunch of pretty un-american statements made from time-to-time, but, all considered, this is a great forum.

In addition, it's a very international forum, and even though I live in Texas, I can certainly learn a lot from those folks outside the USA & Canada if I listen with an open mind.

So please reconsider and stick around.

I don't wanna lose a fellow bluesman!

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Man, to send you a PM just to tell you something like that is pretty bad. Don't let him run you off, LT that's ridiculous. I didn't agree with you on some political things but so what? If I only hung out with people who agreed with me, I'd have no friends at all. You're a good player and a good guy and I know we'd enjoy a beer together. Stick around, buddy.



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I said it to Gary when he had issues and I'll say it to Swanman. If you feel you need to throw out the baby with the bath water & put us all in the same category as this person then I say good riddance.

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If you feel you need to throw out the baby with the bath water & put us all in the same category as this person then I say good riddance.

Good god what an amazing reply from slivertones, no matter how you read it. GOOD RIDDANCE to swanman. NOPE that is wrong in my opinion.
re the mention of Jeff Beck, I was in a music store in London in the 1970's say 74, 75 and was playing "Jeff's Boogie" on some beautiful Les Paul and this guy said I was doing it wrong and showed me how to play the opening lick and a few runs and left. The guy in the shop said that was Jeff Beck, my hero, <swoon> So along with Skyline there are 3 of us now.

Keep on playing man I enjoy your stuff and lurk, as I do , on this forum.

gibson #14072 02/11/09 11:38 AM
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send the PMs to the webmaster.

When the PG site got polluted by Ivan and co. a few years ago, it took a minor deluge of notices to the webmaster for them to track down the culprit and cut him/her off.

Same thing has happened with some particularly untoward posts in years since.

PG does a good job running their boards. Leave now and the idiot wins.

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ditto with rockstar_not. One idiot does not make a "there goes the neighbourhood".
Lots to learn, lots to share - stick around.

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then I say good riddance.

Might be a bit harsh. I encourage Swanman to stay and also respect his right to go, if he feels harassed, but I also have to say that internet harassement can be a royal pain. We had an internet idio who set up bogus web sites using my daughters id and image. Who for a year and a half sent men to our home, to her work, etc (pretending to be her and inviting them to drop by) at all hours of the day and night. Local law enforcement seemed unable to do anything, inspite of the fact we had a name, and address, emails form people he sent, and even voice mails left on the phone uttering threats and acknowledging that he was doing it (not saying it was him, in fact pretending to be someone else from somewhere else, but some with a phone number tag, many where his voice was recognizable. We eventually moved and droped our phone number (one I have had for 30 some years) for an unlisted number. Still had a problem with some of my daughters not too bright friends giving out her cell phone number (this had to be changed a couple more times).

So, silvertones, (while I agree a little, if fact I have already said I hope he stays by Good bye if you must go) I have to say we do not know how much the harassement has rubbed Swanman. I did not think we would give up our phone, I had it for most of my adult life, but in the end after hundreds of strangers dropping in in various states, at various times, after having a rock put through our window, after considering the risk to the family, I let our staker win a small victory, we move (we were planning to anyway) and gave up our phone, public address, etc.

So perhaps "good riddance" is a bit too harsh.

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Harsh? Yes this hits a real sore spot with me! I can't stand someone that will lump everyone into a category. He's not saying that this person is a jerk he's saying that this whole forum is beneath him!
Why announce that you're leaving? Looking for sympathy? Well he got it from most of you and he's not even man enough to post a reply.
Swanman got a nasty gram because he, like others , chose to participate in heated , controversial political arguments on a MUSIC forum. The "OFF TOPIC" was intended for MUSIC related subjects that are not related to PG Music.
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Well I agree with Jesus. His last commandment to the Jews was, "As I have loved you. Love one another. This true commandment. Love one another. By this shall men know. Ye are my desciples. If ye have love, one to another". This is how it's supposed to go. I wished I could say I'm 100% innocent on that issue but I'm just human. So some of us are harsh in our feelings and some of us are soft in them. That's ok. I'm sure Swanman and Silvertones have their own reasons for feeling this way. It's ok. They are entitled to it. We all react to certain things and words in different manners.

I feel that Swanman will, in time, return to the forum. He probably just needs to take a break and cool off then he'll be fine. He'll also find that we are the friendliest forum around in time. So, if nothing else, just think good thoughts about him. He's earned it in my book. The cat rocks.

My 2¢ worth

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"Just wanted to thank those of you who have been so helpful since the time I've been bumping around this site. It's greatly appreciated. Too many names to name. Hoping maybe I can find a similar site that's devoted to the music that I'm interested in ( jazz, blues, fusion) and like minded mindsets, so to speak." "Onward to the search for talented musicians. Thanks again, guys. It's been mostly a great experience."

Silvertones, I really don't think Swanny means that this whole forum is beneath him - at least that's not how it strikes me at all - he's thanking everyone and saying goodbye, and explaining the reasons for his future absence.

He probably hasn't posted a reply because that was his farewell note - he hasn't been back to read these, maybe?

Heated debates. Lots of people took part - Did anyone else receive any PM flames?

Last edited by Mel Maguire; 02/12/09 06:37 AM.
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The funny thing about what Silvertones said was, to me, it really hit home. I had to take a step back, and think about what he said. Did I really want to let my standing here be affected by someone else? While I felt a certain way at that time, coming back shows I did the right thing.

I've already sent Swanny a PM, and hope he reads it. Told him to take a couple of weeks away from here, just chill out, let it pass, and then come back.

What *I* found was, that even though I was angry and hurt, I still couldn't stay away from this bunch of people.


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I left this forum for about a year. Don't know if you were around to remember that, Gary. Same issues, though, let what was probably one person with several "sockpuppet" identities get to me.

But in Gary's case, I was the one who angered him and I certainly hope and pray that we both have all that behind us now.


Mac #14080 02/12/09 10:39 AM
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I know just what it's like to receive an insulting PM - it is as you say a particularily cowardly act.

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mark1 #14081 02/13/09 10:44 AM
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Why don't you just post the PM and expose the person. PM's are for private things, obnoxious rantings should be brought out into the open. Anyway I'd love to know what got you so riled.

CeeBee #14082 02/13/09 03:26 PM
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Don't stir the pot.

CeeBee #14083 02/13/09 05:00 PM
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Why don't you just post the PM and expose the person. PM's are for private things, obnoxious rantings should be brought out into the open. Anyway I'd love to know what got you so riled.

No need to know.

The only thing that matters is the one sole thing that we all agree on: We Love Music.
Some times our political views do not agree, sometimes there are heatened discussion. We all can decide for ourselfs to participate or not. So can we decide to ignore PMs or certain posters.

This is however NOT the place to indulge in gossips and namecallings. This is NOT the place to seek conflicts. This is NOT the place to start a personal fight.

This is a place for music. This is a place for musicians all over the world. The universal language here is music.
Let that be your answer.

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