I have rarely used the "slow down" process to end a song.... I think I did one time, but that was before BB so it was simply a matter of recording the parts like I wanted.

I think you can set a different tempo on a measure by measure basis..... but that's not really the best way to slow to a stop at the end.... I imagine that would sound like a stepped process...

Another option is a plug in (which I believe is free) called GLITCH. I think this thing, among all the other things it does, has a function that sounds like a record coming to a fairly quick stop.

Perhaps there is a way to use a DAW and draw a tempo map/curve controller.....

Since I don't use slowdowns in my songs, I'm afraid I'm not up to speed on exactly how I would accomplish this in BB or RB.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 01/14/14 05:28 AM.

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