If you are using a non English version (e.g German) I would suggest.

1. Make sure you have the latest version, which is version 452 this is shown in about box. Upgrade at support page. http://www.pgmusic.com/support_windowsupdates.htm#452 Try that version. That may fix it. There were specific changes in that version for non-English bb.

2. If you still have an issue, try this
- quit bb
- erase intrface.bbw. In bb folder
- (this step is Important as deleting language.ini isn't good enough, because bb will assume you want German if you OS is German) ...
Edit the text file language.ini in BB folder and change the line
3. Then run program. It would be in English, but buttons would appear
If you do all that, and the program is completely in English, but still lacks the buttons, then likely some install went awry, and images are missing from you bb data images folder. You could revert to previous bbw by finding an older version of bbw.exe and pasting that in. But first rename bbw.exe to something like bbw-2017.exe

Have Fun!
Peter Gannon
PG Music Inc.