Originally Posted By: Adebisi
Hi All, I am new to BIAB.

I saw it around in the 90's but never tried it out (how wrong I was), what a great tool for songwriting and arranging. My friend owns the 2016 PC version and my School (I am a music teacher) own the 2016 mac version.

I would like to buy a site licence to add it to our mac school systems for the next academic year, but I am not sure which version is best. We run both OSX and Windows 10 on our macs.

One big difference I find is that my friend can export full musicxml files from the PC version but the mac version only exports a maximum of 32 bars of music into musicxml (maybe I am doing it wrong). This is one of the biggest things my students would need so they could bring their BiaB creations into Logic 10.3 and Sibelius.

Welcome Adebisi.

For a school setting I would suggest highly that you contact PG staff and discuss this issue with them. I don't know but it is possible they may have educational licensing available where you either get a discount on the price or you get to use this on a group of computers under an educational license.... Like I said, they can tell you what, if any, perks you get in an educational setting.

Regarding the 32 bar thing in the Mac version..... yeah, you're doing it wrong. You should always be able to export the entire song.

Regarding the version....PC vs Mac. The PC version comes with Real Band which is a DAW (similar to Logic X) that opens up a whole world of using real tracks and editing the audio so much easier. RB lets you generate the real tracks that sound like live musicians that you hear in many of the songs here.

Even if you have Mac computers.... if I understand correctly, there is a Windows OS that can be installed to run on those machines if you do not have PC's in the music classroom. That would allow you to use the PG music PC version and export the files to Logic X.

Call the support line and talk to the people in the office. They can answer the questions you have accurately.

BTW: I think it's really cool that you are using BB with kids in school.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.