Dear "cliftond"...

In my response to your comments about "Bottom Dollar Blues", I asked if you had posted anything to the User's Forum. Well, before I logged out for the night, I ran across "Valley of the Dolls". I blinked and grinned with surprised recognition because I remembered the best-selling novel of the late 60's with the same name. "Whoa!", I said to myself, "this song is gonna be interesting!"...

...and so it was! First thing I noticed was the ease and warmth in the way you laid down the lyrics through your voice. You sound like a man who has a lot of stories to tell, but who doesn't want to rush the storytelling. And the brief bits of harmonizing on the track, they made me feel like I was hearing your memories.

May I add also that your written introduction to your song was incredibly interesting? It was so descriptive that I felt as though I was reading a page out of a novel!

This was a memorable tale set to some laid-back, but moving music.


"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".