Originally Posted By: Belladonna
This is my second FAWM. I also did a 30 Songs in 30 Days where they would send you a picture in an email everyday with some information about the picture and you would have to come up with a song. It was really fun and taught me I could write about almost anything and write a song every day. Not really getting to put the music to them, but in a couple months hope to have more time. I also did the 50/90 this summer but only got about 30 songs. I have written total over 250 songs in about five years. If anyone wants to put any of these to music that would be great. Thanks for your comment.

Every way I look at the above, it's amazing what you've accomplished in such a short space of time. I'm looking forward to hearing what you do with your lyrics and BIAB when you get a bit of time.


Audiophile BIAB 2024