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Thanks very much for the input Mike and John.

(1) I would enjoy both studio and live. I enjoy anything to do with music but, with my health (a hernia plus a back problem and a gut problem, both of which have been operated on already plus high blood pressure and a thyroid problem), studio would probably be more suitable and possibly more useful
(2) Are there really any real jobs anywhere these days? Hence, I want to study something I can use for myself and which could lead to possible employment. At 50, I really have virtually given up the thought of finding permanent full-time work and I am not sure my health would take it anyway.
(3) Time of day is not a problem but maybe the lifting would be
(4) Long term the pay is not too important. I am lucky enough to have 2 independently wealthy parents from whom I potentially stand to inherit enough to see out my days and I have no pension rights to date anyway. I am even considering working the cruise liners eventually as a nightclub singer or taxi dancer. The most important thing is to be doing something that contributes to this world rather than just rotting away in my flat (for which my 80 year old father is currently paying)


These are important things to consider before you start your education. Perhaps you could use your previous education and the knowledge and experience you already have and build from that to find a new career.

That is what I thought too and have racked my brains for months plus networked to hell and back trying to find something but no joy, sadly.

As to the home brewery business, it is still there in the background but at the moment it is taking longer to build than originally projected and at the moment I am not even officially involved. It may take off in due course... or not

@John: I do indeed have more than enough education but some training in something I would enjoy could well prove useful in the long run. I can't see that either of the two courses I have outlined above would go amiss and I would enjoy doing them and they could prove useful to me as a recording artist in my own right and possibly as a freelance journalist on the music scene in Vienna (or elsewhere). As to being a gigolo, it has its complications and can be rather tricky at times - you try running 3 girlfriends at the same time

BTW, the SAE in Vienna are actually starting this course in 'Digital Journalism' for the first time this autumn which might be an indicator that there is actually a market demand that at the moment is not currently being met. I would be one of the first on the market with a diploma in it. Just a thought

Mentioning my health, I have recently finished reading 'The King and Dr Nick', all about Elvis Presley's health problems and the story behind his death. Seems I have more in common with him than vocal talent and a love of music. Great book and I highly recommend it

Hello Sam,

Do you think it might be a good idea to relocate back to the UK, you know the score, complete new scene new outlook, new way of life, a complete new start to stimulate your mind, just thinking it might be your answer.

all the best

Paddy McGurk,
Don't mention the Beatles!!
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sam, sandra aced it imho. if i were your prospective employer, quite frankly, id ashcan your resume' as being 'over qualified' knowing you can't be 'expert' in 19 disciplines. you would be much better off devoting the time to acquiring some ojt even if you had to work for free temporarily. i would prefer experience over all your degrees. to list ALL your qualifications comes across as arrogance and turns employers off. they see you as a 'professional student' who doesn't know his own goals. i think it boils down to your acquiring work experience whatever the cost in time and reduced income. consider it an investment...the paying of your dues, as it were.

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There's something to what Don says.
In my years in business, and running other people's businesses, I have interviewed literally thousands of people. I rarely read a resume. Sometimes out of curiosity, I might.
I could find everything I wanted to know simply by talking to the prospect.

One story that always comes to mind was an arrogant prospect that had a resume as thick as a book. He "chucked" it across my desk. I slid it back to him & told him I wasn't interested in all his failures. He made some wise remark and I asked him..."if you've succeeded in any of these things, why are you here"?

Last edited by Mick Emery; 04/10/10 07:06 AM.
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You seem like a nice guy, and if you don't really need the money, why not think about a social service to give you the satisfaction of giving something back to the world. I know of people of independent means who spend a lot of time helping out in old people's homes and hospices etc. These institutions always need support, and you would still have time to follow your dream. Maybe it would help put your dream in perspective. Good luck in whatever you decide.

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Good one about the resume. I glance at them.

Since retirement I've gone back to consulting when I feel like it. All those years learning to interrogate people can make it interesting. I deal mostly with bar owners in trouble. The bar has to be at least tending towards upscale. The initial contact and report is 1k. Not negotiable. I turn down 3 for every one I take. They have to understand:

1. I don't work past 10 pm. so I'll get that info from the employees.
2. Pay me up front.
3. The report might be a page or less.
4. I'll be blunt.
5. You hire about 75 percent the wrong people. (this really stirs it up).

When I first started I had a poster of a bar a blew up. Lights on a dance floor, mostly empty, very nice decor. Ask..what do you think as floor manager.

There were beer bottles on tables that were empty, empty glasses, serviettes on the floor (Mom hit us if we called them napkins which women..never mind). But the picture showed a very nice place.
Most common answer.."I'd like to work there" Beep ..out...
Second most common.."Very nice looking place.." Beep out..
Third most common.."Kewl" Beep Beep...
One out of 10 would say..."someone should clean up the tables..." hired.

Even the owners got it wrong.

I've stopped using that ..word got out.

At the end of the day you have to love what you do, and do what you love. I love the 'cachet' of being a firefighter. I hated the narrow minded dolts who watched the price is right and argued if a 67 vette had oval lights in the glove that was the 68.. SHUT UP. And I used the time to study.

I can increase a waitresses tips 30 percent. 90 percent of them won't listen to why. Well, I was a customer for about 50 years honey, and you've been working what, 2 months..yup you've figured it out.

I have volunteered all over. It works only if there is a mutual level of appreciation. Like what you do and do what you like. I played piano in a retirement place, amazing donated Yamaha huge grand. I was ok for year. A woman in her late 60's walks in, makeup like drywall mud, flaming red hair with a white part, way too much make up and looks at me like I'm scum. Says, sonny why are you here? I say, I play the piano Tues and Thursday at lunch but Mrs. McDonald is moving and wanted to hear some old scots tunes so I stuck around. She pushes me, "I'm a pro and they are paying me $200 to play here today. Worse than Edith Bunker on vocals or piano.

I asked the staff about it and they said,well we have a budget and she's been here for 10 years, twice a week like you at 3 p.m. We can't pay you both. They gave me a coffee mug and a thank you card. I went elsewhere....

You really should try these new hear about the..wait hold that thought I'm gonna make coffee.

John Conley
Musica est vita
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John, I gotta say I really do enjoy reading your posts. $200 playing piano at a retirement home? That's something I miss about living in Canada, musicians make more there in most cases. I have a friend who does a lot of retirement home gigs and $75 is about it around here.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.
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Can't find work?

Is your location the problem, friend?

"A corner of Vienna, Austria..."

It sounds nice.. but it may be worth moving to where the work is, if there is none where you are?

Just a thought.. there is work out there, post-50, if you really want it.

N.B. I am also in my 50's and still working.. I changed career several years ago, painful but did it!

Frankly, I needed the money!


New to BIAB and just got hold of a 2007 Megapak... but I have been writing songs for quite awhile... most of them hits (of course..) :-)
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Done the same, at 60

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John, I gotta say I really do enjoy reading your posts. $200 playing piano at a retirement home? That's something I miss about living in Canada, musicians make more there in most cases. I have a friend who does a lot of retirement home gigs and $75 is about it around here.



He did not state the duration of the gig, if it was for an hour that is pretty good pay for a retirement community, but if it was for two or more . . . well you see what I mean.


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200 canadian IS 75 american, aint it, john? (exiting stage left and ducking for cover).

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Hi Don,

Just had a listen to your music there. I'm really impressed. Is it all biab and realband +realtracks?


Paddy McGurk,
Don't mention the Beatles!!
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@Don Gaynor,

For the past year, the Canadian Dollar has held it's own with the US Dollar and exceeded it in value at least once during daily trading. The respect for the mighty American dollar has dropped fairly seriously. I have my opinions on why that is, but it wouldn't add to the conversation here.


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Hi Don,

Just had a listen to your music there. I'm really impressed. Is it all biab and realband +realtracks?


no, most of it was real instruments or midi backing tracks.
the first 3 are real tracks.

thanks for listening and your kind comments.

Last edited by Don Gaynor; 04/12/10 07:16 AM.
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how about online teaching

do some youtube teaser videos about the skills you feel you have knowledge others could use post on relevant forums
setup a website where your paying subscribers would access the paid content like the guitar lessons sites

and remember actively looking for work is just as honorable as working in fact that is your job at the moment

Lenovo YOGA 900 Window s 10 Home 64bit 16GB RAM\2018 13” MacBook Air casio wk7500 presonus audiobox i2 usb interface
casio wk-7500
biab & realband 2023 everything pk both with Current builds
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Hi Sam.

This is a very interesting thread, and I bet its helpful to a lot of people who are considering changing careers etc.

My advice to you would be to that you shouldn't put your future in the hands of employers who may or may not hire you. You should be self employed. Offer services to people based on your specific skills.
For example:
Offer to help people set up music studios. Here's a sample ad for that type of service in Victoria.
There must be lots of people in Vienna that would want that type of help. Most of them would be complete beginners, that would need help getting a basic interface installled and working. You would control your own hours.
This is only an example of course, but could be a place to start.

Have Fun!
Peter Gannon
PG Music Inc.
I think you are depressed and it is your depression speaking all these things, if you love music and it's related thing then why are you leaving them after related with since years. Any where you will work you have to take care of your health then why not here.

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Thanks very much for the input, all.

Peter, you're right. If I could find the openings I would go for it. I do keep looking...

Mike, I am thinking 'online', somehow: teaching, voiceovers. I already offer hypnotherapy via Skype but nothing happening.

Frage, could be the location but is there really anywhere else to go? I was in London for a few days at the beginning of March and my best friend was there for 2 months recently but nothing on offer. That's how I ended up here in the first place some 8 years ago or so. Maybe, if the government in the UK changes, there might be new opportunities sometime but I think that is a way down the road.

Chris (Sinbad), it may come to that! Meantime, I am getting my flat sorted and then we will see.

FWIW, I have spoken to a local friend of mine (who was an SE for a TV channel here) and he told me that he knows about 20 people who studied courses at the SAE. Only 4 of them are in the SE field. The rest are either doing something else or unemployed. They have experience. So, from what I have learnt, the SAE offer good but pricey courses with next to no likelihood of employment in the field having graduated.

Quite frankly, if I could choose between somebody in their early 20s with the right qualifications and somebody over 50 with experience and qualifications, as an employer I would choose the younger option.

Quran, I do look after my health and I have to take at least 7 pills a day - blood pressure, uric acid, thyroid, etc. I have had 2 major operations in the last 3 or 4 years (so hard physical labour would be a no-no) and have a thyroid problem for the rest of my life. Depression? Yes, I have that but it is not clinical and I have my full mental sanity and faculties!

Meantime, I keep thinking about what I could do

Follow That Dream

Karaoke King


Turning that corner again - I have to keep following that dream, no matter what
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