

I've heard the stuff you've posted previously, and I think it is very good and quite marketable to the crowd you are trying to reach. I want to do the same thing eventually, but what has held me back is the demographic that currently goes out to hear live music. Around here it is a college age and young adult crowd that doesn't want to hear the music I want to play. Even playing for tips, the wrong music will drive a demographic away, and most business owners aren't going to risk that.

The trick, I think, is to find out ...
1) where older people go,
2) where there is potential for music.
3) where there is a budget for music

Older people are in rest homes, at restaurants, in church, at political rallies, at club functions, at resort areas, at the mall, state and local parks, at animal circuit clubs (Elks, Moose, Lions etc) hunting & fishing camps, . Many of these places have a budget for music. Those that don't might let you play for tips.

The young crowd dominates the night-scene where most live music still exists (when it hasn't been replaced by open mic and karaoke) In order to get a piece of that action, you may need to learn a different set of songs. But around here the young crowd seems to be highly oriented toward original music... much more so than our generation.

I've sent an email requesting the link to your songs. Will comment more specifically afterward

You've hit the nail right on the head I believe. I've played the Animal Circuit all my life. Although were I am in NC there is an abundance of animals there are no animal clubs.
I just wanted to check and see if it's me. Maybe I'm just to old. At 60 you start getting paranoid. 'Tis odd that we live in the same State and have the same issues. My observations are if it isn't:
1. Blues
2. Grass
3. Southern Rock
You have no chance. It doesn't even matter how bad it's played either.

ESI Gigaport HD+
Lenovo Turion II /4 Gig Ram/ Win7x64 be
15.6" Monitor
"The only Band is a Real Band"