
I just listened to your songs.. I think they are excellent! You aren't failing to get gigs because of lack o' talent, that's for sure! Maybe they're so good that when people hear the demo, they assume you're going to come in and pull a karaoke on them. For that reason, Mac and Ian's idea makes particularly good sense. If you show them a video, they'll see that even though you're playing backing tracks, you're also playing an instrument. And like Mac said, if you film the video at a party, you can work the crowd and have some fun. Club owners want acts that make it fun for their patrons.

Another thought is this: I recall that a few months ago you were talking about relocating. Cultural differences around the country greatly influence opportunities for musicians. For example, here in the bible belt there aren't nearly as many pubs as there are in the northeast. But In central Pennsylvania where I grew up, there's a beer joint on every block, and they are frequented by working class older people, exactly the crowd you want. Plus the animal circuit is alive and well there.

Another thought, given your current location, is resorts. Surely there's a ski resort near you. How far are you from Dollywood? Pigeon Forge has a lot of tourism, and people who are away from home will pay for entertainment.

Another thing: maybe you are limiting yourself by looking only at places that ALREADY have live music. Try approaching places that DON'T and see if you can present compelling reasons why they SHOULD. That might be a better avenue for offering to play for tips. The owner can try live music without having to worry about losing money if it doesn't go over well. He's got everything to gain and nothing to lose by letting you try. It's a natural win-win for everybody.

Good luck to you, John. You are a very talented guy... in the right place, you should be able to carve out a niche.

Last edited by Pat Marr; 08/08/10 05:42 PM.