I don't get what in my post set you off. YIKES.

I spent a lot of time dealing with the likes of the guy you described. The best were managers of Radio Shacks, guy gets his first tie and sells barky dogs and when you tell him he can't store stuff above the sprinkler system he rolls his eyes. I had a real bad one, got the district manager's boss on the phone, and got him fired, and the rest got the memo. It was "yes sir" for 2 years after that.

Everyone wants Karoke or open mic, because it's almost free. You gotta compete. Bottom line.

What Mac said.

I'm studying the Stan Kenton story. Back to that. Good stuff. Did he invent the Mellophone?

My son used to day, "Dad you need to smoke up". I took wee white pills instead. Now I don't. Either.

John Conley
Musica est vita