This is a great thred not just for me but for anyone new to this playing out with BIAB or RB. Now I have a story to tell that I shouldn't but will. It was my whole reason for this request for help.Here goes. First some background.
Where I live is in the corner of NC, Ga & Tn.Most of the NC Counties around me & Ga Counties were dry until 2 years ago. No bars of course. No live music. After going around to all the places in the City that have music it was apparent my stuff was a no go. Murphy NC is the only City that is not dry. Everywhere else in NC & Ga still are. So I said where did the folks go for booze. I know I'll find a place. I headed down the 4 lane out of Town and crossed into Tenn. Low and behold about 1/4 into Tenn. is Freddy's Lounge. I pull in and sure enough it's your old time beer joint but no dirty quite well kept. Pool tables smells like beer & cigarettes. Feels like home! I have a CD and song list and talk to the wife of Freddy who of course is the owner as well and books the music. She likes the spiel I give her and is very interested in getting rid of the second rate hard rock bands she's been forced to have. She tells me they used to have a one man band a year or so back but he got married and left. This all happened on Friday. She said she'd listen and call me back on Sat. Well she never did. My only conclusion is that she thought I sucked. Well I was in WalMart today and all of a sudden the new message sound goes off on my cell. It's the owner of the club and wants to know if I can play Sat. night. She called yesterday but my phone decided not to let me know until today.
So I'm on for Sat and more nervous then a dog crapping on a brier bush. I"m well rehearsed and with 45 years under my belt it will pass and I'll probably actually feed on it.
As a side note when I was in there Fri all the cars in the lot were from NC & I recognized a few of the folks. Who knows if they like what I do they may bring the word back to some of the bars in town.

ESI Gigaport HD+
Lenovo Turion II /4 Gig Ram/ Win7x64 be
15.6" Monitor
"The only Band is a Real Band"