
I haven't been through the rural South since the 70's but I remember stopping at a few places like that usually in the middle of the day just to check things out on the way to one of our big hotel gigs in Florida or wherever and man, it's a different world that's for sure. The locals were not too impressed with a bunch of long haired musicians from LA either, we'd just grab a burger and be gone asap.

I passed through the south in the 70's as a longhair and got the same treatment. However, that was before Lynyrd Skynyrd. These days there are more long-haired rebels than any other kind. And if they ever ask "you ain't from around here, are ya...?" that sends the same basic signal a rattlesnake sends when it rattles. Time to back away slowly.

Skynyrd is probably the main reason these guys want to hear southern rock. It is unapologetic, pro-south in-your-face rebel music. Skynyrd's reply to Neil Young's SOUTHERN MAN says it all: "A Southern Man don't need you around anyhow..."