MIDI Styles Set 11: Classical
30 New Band-in-a-Box Classical styles inspired by the great masters (Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Brahms, etc.). PLUS! Classical MIDI-FakeBook: Over 200 performances of well-known Classical standards, performed in Band-in-a-Box 'chords and melody' format. Hear the great works of Chopin, Beethoven and Mozart in virtuoso melodic performances by Miles Black. See and learn how the great masters used similar chord progressions to those employed today. Change the styles for variations. Learn the pieces by studying the chords. Transpose the pieces to familiar keys for further study.
Orchestral arpeggio 3/4 [ARPORK34.STY]
Classical 3/4 style with left hand Piano 8th note arpeggios and quiet Orchestra. Add French Horns at 'b'.
Orchestral Piano arpeggios 4/4 [ARPORK44.STY]
LH Piano 8th note arpeggios with quiet Orchestra and Bass at 'a'. Add French Horns at 'b'.
Chopin Slow Waltz [CHPSLO34.STY]
Legato LH Piano in 3/4 tempo. Add Strings, Clarinets, Bass and Harp at 'b'.
Dramatic 4/4 Orchestra [DRAMORK4.STY]
A dramatic volume contrast, section 'a' has quiet woodwinds. A very loud Orchestra with Timpani and crashes at 'b'.
Orchestral Waltz with Harp [HRPORK34.STY]
Quiet 3/4 Orchestral accompaniment with Slow Strings, French Horns and Harp arpeggios. Louder at 'b'.
Orchestral 4/4 with Harp [HRPORK44.STY]
Quiet 4/4 Orchestral accompaniment with Slow Strings, French Horns and Harp arpeggios. Louder at 'b'.
Joplin LH 4/4 with Orchestra [JOPLNORK.STY]
Left hand ragtime a-la Joplin at 'a'. Orchestral string pad at 'b'.
Mozart Alberti LH Piano Only [MOZ44LH.STY]
Mozart Alberti style LH Piano with 8th notes in 'a' section and 16ths at 'b'.
Mozart Orchestral 3/4 [MOZORK34.STY]
Mozart waltz style with LH Piano, Strings, Clarinets and Bass. Piano 8th notes at 'a' with 16ths at 'b'.
Mozart Orchestral 4/4 [MOZORK44.STY]
Mozart 4/4 style with LH Piano, Strings, Clarinets and Bass. Orchestral pads with Piano 8th notes at 'a'. 16ths at 'b'.
Orchestral 4/4 with 8th notes [ORK448.STY]
Allegro 4/4 'Mozart' orchestral style with Strings and Clarinets in 8th notes at 'a'. Add Bass and French Horns at 'b'.
Orchestral 8ths and 16ths [ORK816S.STY]
Strings have an 8th note feel at 'a'. At 'b' the feel is 16ths and add Bass.
Orchestral Alberti 3/4 [ORKALB34.STY]
Alberti style LH Piano in 3/4 at 'a'. Add Strings, Bass and French Horns at 'b'.
Orchestral Alberti 4/4 [ORKALB44.STY]
Alberti style LH Piano in 4/4 at 'a'. Add Strings, Bass, French Horns and snare drum at 'b'.
Orchestral 'Bach' style in 4/4 [ORKBCH44.STY]
LH quarter notes Piano with Strings, Clarinets, C-Bass at 'a'. At 'b' the Piano is in 8th notes, the orchestra in quarter notes.
Big 'Handel' 3/4 Orchestral [ORKBIG34.STY]
Grandiose 3/4 'Handel' style orchestra with Harpsichord, Timpani, French Horns and Strings at 'a'. Add crashes and snare at 'b'.
Big 4/4 Orchestra [ORKBIG44.STY]
Strings, French Horns, Clarinets and snare at 'a'. Add crashes and timpani at 'b'.
Orchestral Baroque in 3/4 [ORKBRQ34.STY]
'Handel' style (or Bach) Baroque Orchestra with Harpsichord, Bassoon and Strings at 'a'. Add Clarinets at 'b'.
Orchestral 'Chopin' Waltz [ORKCHWLZ.STY]
LH Piano in 3/4 at 'a'. Orchestral string pad at 'b'.
Medium 3/4 tempo Orchestral [ORKMED34.STY]
A medium 3/4 tempo Orchestral style with Strings, Clarinets, C-Bass and French Horns. Louder at 'b'.
Medium 4/4 tempo Orchestral [ORKMED44.STY]
A medium 4/4 tempo Orchestral style with Strings, Clarinets, C-Bass and French Horns. Add crashes at 'b' with the Bass in 8th notes.
Orchestral Polka [ORKPOLKA.STY]
Orchestral Polka style with accordion, Strings, Clarinets, Bass and Drums in a '2' beat feel. Louder at 'b'.
Orchestral 'Strauss' Waltz [ORKWALTZ.STY]
Orchestral waltz a-la Strauss with Strings, Clarinets, French Horns, Bass and Drums. Louder at 'b'.
Orchestral 'Satie' style in 4/4 [SATIORK4.STY]
'Satie' style LH Piano with Orchestra in 4/4. 8th notes at 'b'.
Simple Orchestral 3/4 [SIMPORK3.STY]
Simple Orchestral pads in 3/4 with Strings, Clarinets and C-Bass. At 'b' add French Horns.
Simple Orchestral 4/4 [SIMPORK4.STY]
Simple Orchestral pads in 4/4 with Strings, Clarinets and C-Bass. At 'b' add French Horns.
Orchestral 12/8 [128ORK.STY]
An Orchestral 12/8 classical style with Piano arpeggios. Quiet Strings, Piano and Ac. Bass at 'a'. French Horns and slightly louder at 'b'.
Orchestral 9/8 [98ORK.STY]
A 9/8 Orchestral classical style with Piano arpeggios at 'a'. Strings and French Horns added at 'b'.
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