Windows Software Updates
Latest updates:Macintosh Software Updates
Latest updates:Windows Language Patches
Band-in-a-Box for Windows International language support. (Note: This just adds language support for your existing version. Install the latest program build for your version using the software update patch).
Mac Language Patches
Band-in-a-Box for Mac International language support. Note: This replaces your existing program build with the localized program. Use the latest update patch available for your language. Installing the English patch will remove the language support.
Ask sales and support questions about Band-in-a-Box using natural language queries. The knowledge base includes the complete Band-in-a-Box User's guide, and sales information from our website.
Contact Support
Frequently Asked Questions & Knowledge Base
Chances are someone else has had the same problem as you in the past. Search our FAQ page to see if your question has already been answered.
Support Request Form
Windows | Macintosh
You can email us directly, but filling out a technical support request form enables us to respond more effectively, since we'll have information about your computer setup.
Online Manuals
The latest Band-in-a-Box® manuals for Windows and Mac.
User Forums
We have a friendly and lively community of PG Music software users, ranging from first-time users to experts.
A selection of in-depth tutorials and "how-to's" written by PG Music staff.
These are designed to showcase our various products, provide program tutorials, and answer commonly asked technical support questions.
Product Registration
Registered users of our programs are entitled to unlimited technical support for our software. You are already registered if you purchased directly from us.
Band-in-a-Box® VST DAW Plugin for Windows
The Band-in-a-Box VST DAW Plugin can be used inside your favorite DAW (Cakewalk, Reaper, Pro Tools, etc.) to generate styles, RealTracks and Multi-Riffs.
Band-in-a-Box® VST DAW Plugin for Mac
The Band-in-a-Box VST DAW Plugin can be used inside your favorite DAW (e.g. GarageBand, Logic, Reaper, Pro Tools, etc.) to generate styles, RealTracks and Multi-Riffs.
Band-in-a-Box® in the Classroom for Educators
Visit the Learning Zone for quick lesson ideas, connect with other educators on the Educator Forums and more.
Band-in-a-Box® for iOS
Help page for the iOS version of the Band-in-a-Box®
Patch Maps
MIDI synthesizer patch maps for Band-in-a-Box®, RealBand, and PowerTracks Pro Audio.
Unconditional 30-Day Money Back Guarantee on all PG Music products purchased from PG Music Inc.
PG Music Inc.
29 Cadillac Ave Victoria BC Canada V8Z 1T3
Sales: 800-268-6272, 250-475-2874,+ 800-4746-8742*
* Outside USA & Canada where International Freephone service is available.
Access Codes
Tech Support: Live Chat,

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