Technical Support Help Request Form (Windows)

Please use the following form to send us your technical support questions. Fill in as many fields as you can. If you're unsure about a particular field, or if it's not relevant to your question, you can just leave it blank. If you have trouble using this form, you can send an email to

First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Verify Email Address *
Which program(s) is your question about?
What exact version of the program do you have? Please check this by going to the program's Help menu and clicking on About.... (Note: In some programs, About... is located under the File menu).

General computer information can be found in the System Properties dialog: Right-click on My Computer and select Properties. Look at the 'General' and 'Hardware/Device Manager' tabs.
Operating System:   Other:
Memory (RAM):
Sound Card:
Sound Module or Keyboard Synthesizer (if using an external MIDI synth):
MIDI interface (how is the synth connected to your computer?):

Describe the current MIDI and audio driver setup for the program you are having trouble with. For each of our programs, there is a screen which contains MIDI driver information.

You can find this information by going to the Options or Opt. menu within the program and choosing either MIDI Driver Setup or MIDI Devices. In a few of the multimedia programs, you will find this information under the File menu | Options | MIDI Drivers. Use this information to fill in the following sections:
MIDI Input Driver:
MIDI Output Driver (currently selected):
MIDI Output Drivers (all available):
Are you using a DXi or VSTi Synth? (only applies to Band-in-a-Box, RealBand, and PowerTracks Pro Audio):
Are you using MME or ASIO Audio Drivers? (only applies to Band-in-a-Box, RealBand, and PowerTracks Pro Audio. The setting is found in Options | Preferences | Audio):

Please describe your problem or question in the space below. *
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