Band-in-a-Box® VST DAW Plugin
With the VST plugin, you can type in chords, choose the style you’d like and generate your arrangement from the comfort of your digital audio workstation (DAW). We’ve taken the features you love in our classic Band-in-a-Box® application and created a plugin that can be used in the DAW of your choice.
The 2024 DAW Plugin is included with every Band-in-a-Box® 2024 for Mac purchase!
New Features in Version 6.0 (Included with Band-in-a-Box® 2024)!
The Band-in-a-Box® VST DAW Plugin has over 20 new features including near instant playback direct from disk, to audition various styles without creating WAV files. You can now load chords from MIDI files. There's support for Shots/Rest/Holds on Utility tracks, and more! For Reaper® DAW users, the Plugin has added built-in specific support for the Reaper® DAW API allowing direct transfer of Band-in-a-Box files to/from Reaper tracks, including tiny lossless files of instructions which play audio instantly from disk.
Instant Playback in StylePicker
The StylePicker can now let you audition styles with the current song, without rendering tracks. Select a style in the StylePicker, and press the green play button. You will instantly hear the song played with the selected style.
Rendering in StylePicker
You can now render tracks in the StylePicker. Press the new [Render Tracks] button in the StylePicker, select track types (WAV files, WAV master, RealCharts, MIDI files, MIDI master, etc.) with the checkboxes or the preset buttons, and press the [Render Tracks Now] button. The Plugin will then render the tracks.
Load Chords from MIDI File
Go to File - Load Chords from MIDI File, and select a MIDI file. The Plugin will use Band-in-a-Box® chord recognition functions to process the MIDI file and write the chords to the Chord Sheet.
Shots, Rests and Holds for Utility Tracks
Rests, shots, and holds now work for the Utility tracks. And if you want to exclude the Utility tracks from rests, shots, and holds, you can use u1 to u16 for Utility #1 to Utility #16. For example, if you type C.u1, all tracks except the Utility #1 track will rest.
You can also use the Chord Builder to exclude the Utility tracks from rests, shots, and holds.
Reload some or all of your favourite / previously used RealDrum stems
We have added the ability to store stems in the Recently Used RealDrums list. This lets you easily reload some or all the stems of a RealDrum that you have previously used.
Generate Staggered Tracks
The plugin is now capable of generating staggered tracks. This means you can now cmd-select tracks 1, 3, and 5 and right-click to generate just those tracks.
StylePicker GUI Improvement
The [Actions] button is renamed to [Options] and it's now located above the list.
The [Rebuild] and [Add-ons] buttons are also moved to above the list.
The green button to play the audio demo is renamed to [Demo] and it's now located above the list.
There is a [+] (demo options) button that shows a menu to set demo options.
The [Load Demo Song] button is removed. You can now use the [+] button to load a demo song for the current style.
There is an option in the [+] button menu to play the song, not the audio demo, when double-clicking on a style.
The buttons for controlling audio demo volume, allowing loop playback of demos, and opening the folder of the demo are removed. You can now use the [+] button to control these functions.
A text box and [+] [-] buttons to change the tempo of the song preview are added.
The Stop button stops both the song preview and the audio demo.
The size of the memo box changes as the StylePicker window size changes.
Reaper Panel (***Special New Feature for Reaper® Users.***)
For Reaper users, the Plugin has added built-in specific support for the Reaper DAW API allowing direct transfer of Band-in-a-Box files to/from Reaper tracks, including tiny lossless files of instructions which play audio instantly from disk.
When you run the Plugin from Reaper, there is a panel to set the following options::
- BB Track(s) to send: This allows you to select the Plugin tracks that will be sent Reaper.
- Destination Reaper Track: This lets you select the destination Reaper track to receive media content from the Plugin.
- At Bar: You can select a bar in Reaper where the Plugin tracks should be placed.
- Start Below Selected Track: This allows you to place the Plugin tracks below the destination Reaper track.
- Overwrite Reaper Track: You can overwrite previous content on the destination Reaper track.
- Move to Project Folder: With this option, you can move the Plugin tracks to the Reaper project folder.
- Send Reaper Instructions Enable this option to send the Reaper Instructions instead of rendering audio tracks, which is faster.
- Render Audio & Instructions: Enable this option to generate audio files and the Reaper instructions.
- Send Tracks After Generating: This allows the Plugin to automatically send tracks to Reaper after generating.
- Send Audio for MIDI Track: Enable this option to send rendered audio for MIDI tracks.
- Send RealCharts with Audio: Enable this option to send RealCharts with audio.
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Tech Support: Live Chat, support@pgmusic.com
Q: How do I get the latest version of Band-in-a-Box?
A: We have packages for first-time or existing customers. Use the convenient chart to find the right package for you.
Q: Can I really have the entire UltraPAK shipped pre-installed on a USB 3 hard drive?
A: Yes, in addition to e-delivery/download, you can choose during checkout to get a physical backup copy hard drive for only $25 US (free shipping). You can use Band-in-a-Box directly from the hard disk, or copy it to your computer.

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