PowerTracks Pro Audio Patches & Updates
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 2024 Update--Build 5 (Apr 12, 2024)
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 2023 Update--Build 2 (June 28, 2023)
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 2022 Update--Build 3 (Dec 7, 2022)
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 2021 Update--Build 4 (July 13, 2021)
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 2020 Update--Build 3 (May 26, 2020)
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 2019 Update--Build 2 (Oct 10, 2019)
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 2017 Update--Build 3
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 2016 Update--Build 5
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 2016 Update--Build 4
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 2010 Update--Build 4
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 12 Update--Build 12
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 11 Update--Build 4
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 10 Update--Build 3
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 9 Update--Build 25
- PowerTracks Pro Audio 8 and earlier Updates

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2024 Build 5 Patch
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2024 to Build 5 from any previous 2024 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2024 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for April 12, 2024
- Fixed: Frozen utility tracks were not loading into PT when loading in an MGU/SGU
- Fixed: if a song had key sig changes, then the key sig change could overwrite notes on the Lead Sheet or in printout or print preview.
- Fixed: key sig changes could show up when there is drum notation
- Fixed: The Send Realtime Messages setting in Preferences - MIDI - MIDI Out wasn't being saved when exiting PowerTracks.
- Fixed: In the Print Preview window, the width/height that you select for the saved image(s) was affecting the display within the preview window itself
- Fixed: "Print to PDF" now defaults to Microsoft Print to PDF driver, which fixes certain issues such as the title area sometimes not displaying the correct fonts.
- Added: When saving a range of Print Preview images to disk, PowerTracks will now let you choose the target folder.
- Fixed: In the Print Preview window, Saving to PNG or TIF format wasn't working
- Fixed: access violation when loading in an SGU
- Fixed: When loading in an MGU/SGU that had regular audio (non-RT audio) on Utility Track(s) PowerTracks wasn't loading in the .WAV files.
- Fixed: when inserting a track, removing a track, or swapping tracks, the BankLSB setting would not be set correctly
- Fixed: Part Markers might not be loaded in correctly if loading in an MGU/SGU that was saved by BBW that had repeats.
- Fixed: Chords weren't being loaded in correctly if loading in an MGU/SGU that was saved by BBW that had repeats
- Fixed: When using the Edit - MIDI - Split MIDI Drums command, an access violation would occur
- Fixed: When using the "R" hotkey in editable notation to insert a rest, the rest might be inserted on the wrong clef.
- Fixed: Left-Clicking on the number field in the mixer to select a track would cause the pop-up menu to pop-up.
- Fixed: Undo for generation of RealDrums did not work
- Fixed: when using the right-click "Copy/Move highlighted area of current track to another track" command, and there was already data on that area of destination track, the dialog that gives you a choice of overwriting/merging/canceling had blank text.
- Added: A warning message, and an option to not load in a BB file (e.g. MGU or SGU), if PT determines it might not actually be a BB file.
- Fixed: Notation Window - Right Click -Vocal Synth...(auto) was not working correctly
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated April 12, 2024

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2024 Build 3 Patch
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2024 to Build 3 from any previous 2024 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2024 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for Jan 4, 2024
- Fixed: When UseElastique is unchecked and time stretching or pitch shifting was enabled, the audio was severely distorted
- Fixed: a few additional language strings added to the resource file
- Fixed: Expired program error.
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated Jan 4, 2024

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2023 Build 2 Patch
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2023 to Build 2 from any previous 2023 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2023 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for June 28, 2023
- Added: checkbox in File Preferences that will enable the saving of all VSTi/DXi synth instances to .SEQ files even if they are in default slots.
- Fixed: Small chance of an access violation occurring during Undo if the existing song had non-default DXi/VSTi synths.
- Fixed: Very small chance of access violation when using metronome.
- Fixed: MIDI submenu was showing up in the right-click menu of the Tracks Window when an audio track was clicked on.
- Fixed: Auto-detection of guitar tracks in the Notation Window is now less likely to mistake a non-guitar track for a MIDI guitar track.
- Fixed: When running in 4k, Tracks Window would not maximize fully.
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated June 28, 2022

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2022 Build 3 Patch
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2022 to Build 3 from any previous 2022 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2022 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for Dec 7, 2022
- Fixed: When dragging a section of audio, the From/Thru display wasn't updated while dragging
- Fixed: Tracks Window & Audio Edit Window - Pressing Alt or Shift along with Ctrl to copy or move a section of audio in the without showing any dialog wasn't working correctly.
- Fixed: Slash key in the number section of keyboard wasn't working in the Chords Window.
- Fixed: When saving to a .SEQ file, stereo audio tracks that didn't have any audio data, but which had info such as a track name could show up as mono tracks when the .SEQ loaded back into RealBand.
- Fixed: DAW Plugin Mode button didn't work in the Tracks Window.
- Fixed: In the Key Signature dialog, changing the Semitones setting itself would not result in any transposition of the tracks.
- Fixed: When loading an .SEQ file to Scrap (File - Scrap - Load Scrap), and the audio in the .SEQ is a different sampling rate than the existing song, MIDI tracks in the SEQ would not be loaded into the scrap buffer.
- Fixed: Could not load in a .TGS file that was saved by BBW if it was a version 2 format.
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated Dec 7, 2022

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2021 Build 4 Patch
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2021 to Build 4 from any previous 2021 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2021 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for July 13, 2021 (since build 3)
- Fixed: If an XML file being saved contained a drum track, then notes on the bottom staff would display too low in other programs
- Fixed: PT will now reduce the size of the Chord font in the notation window, when appropriate, to ensure the chords fit within the bar.
- Fixed: Could get distorted audio when recording with ASIO, with input monitoring effects enabled.
- Fixed: Issue with event list event times sometimes displaying incorrectly, when odd time sigs, or multiple time sigs, exist
- Fixed: Undo of an audio transpose didn't work, if the transpose was a result of a key sig change.
- Fixed: Hi-Q midi patches were not working. Now, Sforzando Hi-Q midi patches are supported, when right clicking on a MIDI track in the Tracks Window, and choosing "Select Hi-Q MIDI Synth Patch.."
- Fixed: if a song with gain nodes is loaded in, or changes to gain nodes were made for the current song, and the song was rendered without first playing it at all, then gain nodes could be ignored during rendering.
- Fixed: max number of patches in a patch list increased from 2000 to 20000 to support modern synths with lots of patches.
- Fixed: issue with JBridge not working correctly as a result of not being able to read a registry key
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated July 13, 2021

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2021 Build 3 Patch
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2021 to Build 3 from any previous 2021 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2021 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for Feb 19, 2021 (since build 1)
- Fixed: Program would silently crash (quit) when selecting FlexASIO driver.
- Fixed: If changing the song sample rate in Audio Settings and then going into the ASIO drivers dialog, then "resampler in use" or "resampler NOT in use" might be incorrect.
- Fixed: Problems launching utilities like the MIDI Monitor.
- Fixed: If Windows Audio input/output drivers had different sampling rates, then the warning message was shown too frequently. It will not be shown once per session, or when recording is pressed.
- Fixed: You could only resize the track height in the Tracks Window by hovering the mouse over the overview area but not the panel area on the left side of the screen.
- Fixed: Print options doesn't adhere to the Bars Per Line in Print Options when "from this screen on" is changed in Notation Window. (Fixed by adding a checkbox setting to Ignore Bars Per Line Markers.)
- Fixed: When printing, and a Bars Per Line marker exists in 2nd row of notation, then the first row being printed might have the incorrect bars per line.
- Fixed: When loading in an MGU/SGU, slurs Entered in Band-in-a-Box Notation Aren't Present In RealBand Notation.
- Fixed: Flashmessage added if attempting to save to MGU/SGU (not supported in PowerTracks).
- Fixed: Can't save mono wma files (could do so in PTW2020 and earlier).
- Fixed: Load Audio Category Effects does nothing.
- Fixed: Interpret Chords always uses Audio interpretation instead of MIDI.
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated Feb 19, 2021

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2020 Build 3 Patch
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2020 to Build 3 from any previous 2020 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2020 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for May 26, 2020 (since build 2)
- Fixed: Title field in the toolbar not being properly updated when a song is loaded or the title is changed in the Print Options dialog.
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated May 26, 2020

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2020 Build 2 Patch
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2020 to Build 2 from any previous 2020 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2020 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for May 7, 2020 (since build 1)
- Fixed: Intelligent harmonies would not work if Band-in-a-Box was not installed.
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated May 7, 2020

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2019 Build 2 Patch
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2019 to Build 2 from any previous 2019 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2019 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for Oct 10, 2019 (since build 1)
- Fixed: Sometimes the position of the VST/DX plugs window (even if not visible) would prevent a drop, such as into the drop station, from occurring.
- Fixed: When batch converting files, the volume of some file types such as wav/mp3/wma/mp4, etc. would be too low.
- Fixed: In Chords Window, you could not enter held chords on Piano track.
- Fixed: LeadSheet might not display tied notes on the last bar of a track.
- Fixed: Pressing "M" key in Editable Notation to insert a new note at the current time location on the Staff was inserting a duplicate note rather than inserting it above an existing note.
- Fixed: Loading in a MusicXML file could result in MIDI notes of zero instead of the currect MIDI notes.
- Fixed: Dragging a file into the tracks window didn't always result in the effects slot for the track being setup properly for the file type dragged in.
- Fixed: When inserting hard rest, and answering Yes to question about removing notes for the peg, it would remove notes from both clefs instead of the clef that the rest was inserted on.
- Fixed: Potential access violation when deleting a note in staff window.
- Fixed: Potential jukebox access violation if there were songs with the entire path of the filename being 256 characters or greater loaded into jukebox.
- Fixed: Jukebox not playing the playlist in correct order in certain situations involving stopping/restarting, etc.
- Fixed: When loading in a MusicXML file that has a specific guitar fretboard defined that matches one of our fretboards, the guitar tablature type will now be set for the notation.
- Fixed: Ability to load in .MXL (compresssed musicXML file) as well as ability to load normal noncompressed musicXML file with the new .musicxml extension instead of just .XML.
- Fixed: Hammer ons, pull offs, and slides are now being saved to MusicXML files.
- Fixed: Exceptionally jittery timing indicator in the notation window during playback compared to older versions of RealBand.
- Fixed: If the start of a generated section of a song didn't have a chord entered at the beginning of the section, then it could default to a C major chord instead of the most recent chord prior to the section.
- Fixed: Potential access violation if song has micro-pegs and multiple notes on a peg.
- Fixed: Accidental element that specified whether a note was displayed as sharp/flat wasn't eing saved to XML, even though the correct pitch of the note itself was saved.
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated Oct 10, 2019

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2017 Build 3 Patch
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2017 to Build 3 from any previous 2017 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2017 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for March 17, 2017 (since build 1)
- Fixed: Improved support for the Vielklang VST instant harmonies plugin.
- Fixed: Always on MME added (checkbox setting).
- Fixed: The time location of time-based VSTi plugins was being continually advanced when RB was stopped. This has been fixed so that the VSTi time location now gets set to PT's current time location when playback is not happening.
- Fixed: Drag and drop from the drop station to VSTI plugins, that support this, is now implemented.
- Fixed: Program title was changed to 'file converter' if a conversion needed to be done such as after recording (this affected the title shown when alt-tabbing or hovering over the icon on the task bar, etc.).
- Fixed: FX button now correctly turns blue if MIDI track is actually using a VSTi or DXi synth.
- Fixed: the choose note dialog in Notation Window had garbled text.
- Fixed: when drawing a slur in the situation of notes being extremely close together, program could potentially slow down or freeze.
- Fixed: a few miscellaneous minor localization and help-topic link issues.
- Fixed: Saving to XML would result in the timing being wrong, if the song's PPQ was not 120.
- Fixed (build 2): Localization support.
- Fixed (build 2): Installer didn't show destination directory if PT was already installed.
- Fixed (build 2): Code 740 error could happen after installation finished when launching program.
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated March 17, 2017

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2016 Build 5 Patch
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2016 to Build 5 from any previous 2016 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2016 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for July 4, 2016
- Fixed: Importing a WAV file removed all track categories.
- Fixed: Selecting Note Names: Channel Numbers in Notation Window Options shows numbers on the notes heads, but they don't correspond to MIDI channels at all.
- Fixed: Triplets not written to XML file correctly if a triplet began with a rest.
- Fixed: Some XML files, saved by certain programs, were getting access violations when loaded into RB
- Fixed: Loading in a BB song, such as SGU or MGU, might result in an access violation due to an inconsistency in the type/size of strings stored in the song structure.
- Fixed: When entering chords in the chords window, and it scrolls to new row during entering, the screen redraw/entering may not work correctly (current bar may jump to top row and redrawing temporarily messed up).
- Fixed: Changing a part marker in a song when the song is scrolled to the 2nd page of the chords window might result in the window jumping back to the beginning of the song.
- Fixed: Duration and snap-to settings in the Piano Roll Window weren't always (or usually) sticking, if you closed and reopened the window.
- Fixed: Access violation for paste with data filter and ctrl-7.
- Fixed: In Chords Window, entering a chord on beat 3 of a 3/4 bar caused the 1st beat of next bar to be erased.
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated July 4, 2016

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2016 Build 4 Patch
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2016 to Build 4 from any previous 2016 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2016 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for May 13, 2016
- Fixed: Users who don't have Band-in-a-Box were seeing some unnecessary dialogs regarding folder locations. Users can now prevent the "okay to review" question as well as the folders dialog from appearing at start-up.
- Fixed: Lyrics from a .KAR file not displaying correctly.
- Fixed: An issue in which the program might still freeze on exit if play wasn't pressed, GS Wavetable was the current synth, and ASIO4all was used.
- Fixed: Errors referring to FP32.exe / File-Open dialogs might not support newer file formats.
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated May 13, 2016

PowerTracks Pro Audio 2010 Build 4 Patch
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2010 to Build 4 from any previous 2010 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 2010 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for May 27, 2010
- Fixed: MIDI Drums window, MIDI Monitor, and Guitar Tuner windows didn't open from within the program.
Summary of Changes for Build 4 (May 3, 2010)
- Fixed: Audio harmonies not working when used from within RealBand.
- Improved: Hint for Audio Edit and Notation window gives more info (ctrl click to open more than one window at a time).
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated May 27, 2010

PowerTracks Pro Audio 12 Build 12 Patch (10 MB)
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 12 to Build 12 from any previous version 12 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 12 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for Build 12 (August 12, 2009)
- Added: Mouse Wheel support added to Notation Window and Event List
- Added: Track Erase is undoable
- Added: Multi Column menu checkbox for the RD popup menu in RealDrums dialog lets you disable multi-column menu if it exceeds the screen. Since a single column menu is scrollable, all the menu items should be accessible.
- Added: Support for using the TC-Helicon audio harmonizer in RealBand.
- Fixed: When opening a .MID file from clipboard, bank LSB and MSB were not being put onto the tracks window.
- Fixed: When saving to a Type 0 .MID file, Bank settings in the Tracks Window were not saved to the file.
- Fixed: PT crashes when you tried to load in some of the dg files in the drum grid editor. This occurred if the .dg filename has over 12 characters.
- Fixed: RealDrums could not use WMA files directly.
- Fixed: When trying to generate RealDrums tracks using some of the newer RealDrums, you sometimes got a message that "barsblocked cannot be higher than 255".
- Fixed: When a song is slower than the slowest tempo available for the RealDrums style, the generated RealDrums track isn't long enough.
- Fixed: Sometimes when the Piano Roll window is open, you get an access violation when you try to insert notes into the Notation window.
- Fixed: Access violation when clicking piano keyboard if piano window is open
- Fixed: In the Piano Roll you couldn't move a smaller duration note if it occurred within the time frame of an identical note of longer duration.
- Fixed: Help button for Choose recent from/thru range dialog was not working
- Fixed: Program gave an error message when trying to load MONO WMA files
- Fixed: MIDI Time Code usually sent out the MIDI Port too slowly
- Fixed: Markers would become compressed timewise if increasing the PPQ to a higher PPQ.
- Fixed: On Windows 98, you couldn't open the help file by clicking on the Help menu and selecting Contents.
- Fixed: PT didn't allow you to input some chords, for example Cmaj7b5, Cb, Fb.
Summary of Changes for August 24, 2007
- Updated: Help file has been updated with more information on using DXi and VSTi synths.
Summary of Changes for Build 10 (August 15, 2007):
- Added: New "Specific DXi/VSTi Synth for MIDI Track" menu item in the Tracks Window right click menu. This makes it much easier to select a DXi/VSTi synth.
- Added: "Load DXi/VSTi Synth into unused Slot" menu item in the Ports Submenu of the Tracks Right Click menu.
- Added: "Load DXi/VSTi Synth into existing Slot" menu item in the Ports Submenu of the Track Window Right Click menu.
- Added: "Open DXi/VSTi Synth Panel Configuration" menu item in the Tracks Window right click menu. If the track is audio track, a similar menu item for DX/VST audio plugins appears.
- Added: "Open DirectX/VST and DXi/VSTiPlugins" menu items added to the Audio Menu.
- Changed: Left clicking on Track-Type icon in the Tracks Window changes the current track. Also, by default, a left-click no longer launches a pop-up menu.
- Added: New setting in Options - Preferences - General dialog to re-enable the display of the popup menu in Tracks Window in response to a left-click on the track-type icon.
- Added: Edit | Fill Track with RealDrums (Audio) menu item.
- Fixed: Custom Chord Wizard dialog in the Chords Window would not display properly if large fonts were used.
- Fixed: The text of the Disk Gigs Free indicator on toolbar would get cut off if large fonts were used.
- Fixed: Bug involving the Mixer Window and Tracks Window, where volume/pan changes weren't being updated if ReRouting to default DXi checkbox in MIDI Drivers dialog was enabled.
- Fixed: If a song's audio format is 24-bit, then Track - Merge did not work. Pasting with the merge check box enabled did not work with 24-bit either.
- Fixed: If the Loop field in a MIDI track's disclosure panel was set, and the track was using DXi, the track wouldn't loop.
- Fixed: If a non-realtime plug-in didn't support 24-bit, PT would not issue an error message. Note that while the non-realtime plugins in the Edit | Audio Effects menu cannot currently be used with 24 bit files, you can use the realtime DirectX plugins that are bundled with PowerTracks as non-realtime plugins by selecting the 'Edit | Audio Effects | DirectX Audio Effects' item.
- Fixed: If a RealDrums style was a 3/4 style, the timing was off.
- Fixed: DXi render bug in which the last MIDI note in the song sometimes wasn't rendered to disk.
- Fixed: Help button in Sysex event dialog did not work.
- Fixed: Endless loop beyond the end of song didn't work properly if DXi was used, or if DXi synths were loaded but not actually used.
- Fixed: Error msg when using MIDI Mapper for output.
- Fixed: Warning message about silent playback was shown even if a song had MIDI tracks that were using a DXi synth for output
- Fixed: When copying and pasting multiple MIDI tracks, the MIDI data is sometimes "merged with the existing data", even if you have selected to "overwrite existing data".
- Fixed: PT crashed when you try to remap some files to .kar format.
- Fixed: When you saved a song that has a long lyric event (close to 128 characters), PowerTracks sometimes created a corrupt file, then you got a "File has invalid data" error when you tried to re-open it into PT.
- Fixed: PowerTracks wouldn't run if there was another window with the exact name 'PowerTracks Pro Audio' open on the computer.
- Fixed: Copyright information didn't print if there was only one page.
Summary of Changes for Build 7 (July 18, 2007):
- Updated: PDF documentation has been updated.
- Fixed: Menu breaks in the RealDrums pull-down menu were sometimes not working.
- Added: Some text was not displaying properly.
Summary of Changes for Build 6 (June 22, 2007):
- Fixed: If a track was recorded with the new Recording Offset MS setting, the offset wouldn't stick if any editing was later done on that track.
- Added: Install button in Real Drums dialog which will decompress any Real Drums files that were shipped in compressed format, such as WMA. Also, when generating a Real Drums track, PowerTracks will automatically decompress an individual Real Drums file if it hadn't already been installed.
- Fixed: When recording a track, and a song had a lot of audio effects, the program might pause for 10 or 20 seconds after the "Keep Take" dialog was exited.
- Fixed: Count-In field in the Options - Metronome dialog was not preserved after a .SEQ was loaded even if the "Keep these settings permanent" checkbox was checked.
- Fixed: If changing the PPQ from a higher resolution to a lower resolution, sometimes the program would round really short durations to zero instead of making sure the duration still at least had a value of 1.
- Fixed: In Drum Grid editor, sound would cut out if playing a drum pattern and the program was using DXi for playback and there was no audio track. Also, CPU usage would be extremely high when playing a pattern.
- Fixed: Tip of the day updated.
Summary of Changes for Build 4 (June 7, 2007):
- Added: Audio Chord Wizard: Right-click item for individually changing the time signature of one or more bars. This feature never moves barlines, just re-interprets inside selected bars.
- Fixed: Audio Chord Wizard: Barline discrepancies between ACW and PTW were encountered on some songs.
- Updated: Help file and manual updated with complete documentation on RealDrums stylemaking.
- Added: Recording offset that can be used to correct issue on some computers (mainly Vista) where recorded tracks can be out of sync when using MME. This setting is in Options - Preferences - Audio.
- Added: Developer Mode checkbox for RealDrums which generates DrumAudioResults.txt, useful when making and testing RealDrums styles.
- Fixed: Running the Audio Chord Wizard a 2nd time would sometimes not pass bar lines back to ACW again.
- Fixed: Integer Overflow when copying lyrics to clipboard.
- Fixed: Loop button of Tranzport wasn't working correctly
- Fixed: Pressing Add button on Tranzport would add a marker even if one already existed at current location.
- Fixed: 24-bit MME audio did not work under Vista.
- Fixed: Access violation in staff roll mode of notation window.
- Fixed: Range check error (or access violation) in piano roll.
- Fixed: Button to launch recording controls did not work in Vista.
- Fixed: Leadsheet and printout were drawing time sig changes at end of lines instead of just at beginning.
- Fixed: When time stretching or pitch shifting a stereo track, the left channel was being copied to, and replacing, the right channel.
Summary of changes for Build 2 (May 9, 2005):
- Improved: You can now delete a chord in the Chords Window by pressing the Delete key.
- Fixed: Edit - Insert Bars (and Delete) bars not always properly handling moving of the chords.
- Fixed: Edit - Insert and Delete Bars not shifting part markers.
- Fixed: Edit - Insert and Delete Bars was not moving pushes and shots along with chords.
- Fixed: When undo was being cleared, new part marker undo buffers were not being cleared out.
- Fixed: When Input Monitoring was enabled and IM effects recording were enabled with some ASIO drivers (mainly ASIO4ALL), PT was recording existing tracks along with the input.
- Added: Option to not show ASIO warning for untested sound card formats.
- Fixed: Audio Chord Wizard - Bars sometimes didn't align correctly after importing song to PT, when Bar One was set very close to the beginning of the song.
- Improved: Audio Chord Wizard - Automatically attempts to find a valid Bar One location.
- Improved: Audio Chord Wizard - 'Set Bar One' function more accurately estimates bar lines throughout the entire song.
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated August 12, 2009

PowerTracks Pro Audio 11 Build 4 Patch (3 MB)
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 11 to Build 4 from any previous version 11 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 11 for this update patch to work.
Summary of Changes for Build 4 (September 14 2006):
- Fixed - 24-bit editing often gave access violations or resulted in corrupted audio.
- Fixed - Smooth audio cuts were only working for boundary at the end of the cut, and not the boundary at the start of the cut.
- Fixed - Smooth audio cuts were not working at all for 24-bit
- Fixed - Cancelling a merge of audio/DXi tracks to disk would result in hung DXI notes if the song had DXi tracks.
- Fixed - If a song had mixer changes, then playing the song would cause the program to later issue a "Work has changed" warning even though no changes to the song had actually taken place.
- Fixed - Converting a song to a different audio format (such as converting from 16-bit to 24-bit) would fail unless all the tracks in the song were consolidated or unless editing had taken place on all of the audio events in the song.
Summary of Changes for Build 3 (July 6 2006):
- Fixed - Any .SEQ file containing audio that was saved with PT11 would not load correctly into PT10.
- Improved - Panning now reset to 0 when initing the song variables before loading in a new song or file new happens ($OPTIONS.SEQ will override this).
- Fixed - Input monitoring now works correctly, and new Input Monitor Slot shows up in last Track slot in DX/VST Window.
- Fixed - Default button in mixer will reset aux4 knob to zero if the track is audio.
- Fixed - Changing a track type from MIDI to audio will now ensure AuxKnob4 gets set to zero rather than 127. Changing the type from audio to MIDI will ensure expression gets set to 127.
- Fixed - Potential bug if an ASIO driver uses floating point data type.
- Fixed - Inserting or removing a track wasn't ensuring that moved tracks kept the same AuxKnob3/AuxKnob4 for audio or Expression/Modulation for MIDI tracks.
- Fixed - Audio Harmonies to separate tracks were not loading the harmonies into PT.
- Fixed - PT will load up to 16 mono audio harmonies if the Chorus option is being used.
- Added - Status bar added to mixer to show knob and slider changes.
- Added - New TextSlider to Tracks Window, adds Right-click behavior and smoother operation.
- Added - Input monitoring FX slot.
- Added - Mixer window flyby hints and bottom info bar.
- Added - Piano Roll window: Automation selectors for new aux 3 and aux 4 sends.
- Fixed - VST preset name display/edit, for those VST plugins that do not support VST 2.0 naming conventions.
- Improved - Better anti-denormal code (internal, not user-visible).
- Added - Added VST Update Time Info function (internal, not user-visible).
- Improved - StopStreaming fixes (internal, not user-visible).
- Improved - Optimized some playback code, eliminate floating point divides (internal, not user-visible).
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks Pro Audio, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated September 14, 2006

PowerTracks Pro Audio 10 Build 3 Patch (2.6MB)
Summary of changes for Build 3 (August 12, 2005):
- Fixed - Erratic VU Meters and possibly distorted playback when an MME driver is used with a 24-bit file.
- Fixed - Program did not load #RECOVER.SEQ after a crash if $OPTIONS.SEQ was present in the PT folder, or if the "Load Most Recent File at Boot-Up" setting is enabled.
- Fixed - Exiting the ASIO driver settings dialog could cause distorted playback under certain circumstances, such as when the file format is 24-bit
- Fixed - Exiting the ASIO driver settings dialog at boot-up could cause an Access Violation
- Fixed - Timing of MIDI thru is improved when using smaller ASIO buffers. (Probably not too noticeable though.)
- Fixed - Edit - Fill Track with Drum Pattern (.DP File) did not work if Track 1 was an audio track, even if you had correctly specified a MIDI track as the target track.
- Fixed - Pressing the '[' and ']' keys within the Drum Grid editor caused an Access Violation.
- Fixed - Help buttons did not work in ASIO Drivers dialog, or the section text dialogs in the Notation Window.
Summary of changes for Build 2 (July 5, 2005):
- Fixed - Access Violations and exceptions when playing ASIO, especially at 10ms or lower. ASIO should be much more stable.
- Fixed - JCJR - Piano Roll is more properly dealing with editing of Volume, Pan, Aux1, and Aux2 for audio tracks.
- Fixed - two of the 10 colors were the same when Big Piano Vary Colors By Track was enabled
- Fixed - Options - Preferences - Big Lyrics Window, then pressing any of the color buttons would cause an access violation
- Fixed - transmission of sysex events either from a Bank or Sysex Event did not show up in the MIDI Monitor
- Fixed - Dragging and dropping audio to another track to copy the audio (instead of moving it) would cause an Invalid Pointer error afterward when executing certain commands like File - New, or Open Next File
- Fixed - undo for dragging and dropping to copy audio wasn't working correctly even though it worked correctly for moving audio
- Fixed - playback start of MIDI tracks could be erratic if the song had multiple tempo events and ASIO was used for audio
- Fixed - if the song had multiple tempo events in the tempo map, the paste might not have pasted the whole copied section
- Fixed - Highlighting a section of the song in the audio edit window (and also the Tracks window) usually scrolled ahead way too far if mouse was moved beyond the right border of the window
- Fixed - Button in Help About pointed to old forums
- Fixed - .INI file for tool bar had the word "BETA" in it.
- Fixed - Audio Convert was incorrectly allowing an existing track to be overwritten rather than requiring a blank track.
- Fixed - made some minor edits to .HLP file
- Fixed - Big Piano Vary Colors By Track defaults to true instead of false
- Added - new tips to tip of the day
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks Pro Audio, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated August 12, 2005

PowerTracks Pro Audio 9 Build 25 Patch (3.4MB)
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 9 to Build 25 from any previous version 9 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 9 for this update patch to work.
Summary of changes for Build 25 (September 2, 2004):
- Updated [Build 25]: Miniburn.exe plugin updated to support other languages.
- Updated [Build 25]: Drums.exe plugin updated to support other languages.
- Fixed [Build 25]: Sysex events at time zero will now be sent before the initial patch changes are sent. This prevents the wrong patches from being heard if the sysex happened to contain a GS reset, etc.
- Fixed [Build 25]: Access violation when saving to a Type 0 file if the song had sysex in the tracks.
- Fixed [Build 25]: If VSampler 3.04 was being used as a DXi synth, the synth's banks were not saved to the song or to a TGS file even if that option was checked in the VSampler options dialog. (and it's good news that the vsampler even works with PT at all)
- Fixed [Build 25]: Harmonies would be out of sync with the source track if the audio began in the middle of the From measure.
- Fixed [Build 25]: When executing the "Save Track To File Command" and the track was audio, but the first audio event started beyond time zero, the initial silence wasn't included in the .WAV. Now a Yes/No message box will ask if you want to include the silence before the first audio event.
- Fixed [Build 24]: Undo would cause an existing stereo track to become mono if the undo was executed after Importing a wave to an existing stereo track, or if executed after generating a stereo harmony to an existing stereo track.
- Fixed [Build 24]: Ch and Event labels in event list are lined up better.
- Fixed [Build 24]: Notation bug in which chord symbols were sometimes being vertically staggered even when they would have fit just fine when drawn in a straight line. Now a Chord's Y Position is never staggered vertically unless the previous chord symbol actually takes up more horizontal space than the width of the previous beat.
- Fixed [Build 24]: if the "re-route to DXi" checkbox was enabled in the MIDI Devices dialog, and if you adjusted the Pan/Volume settings within the Mixer window during playback, no changes to those settings would be heard.
- Fixed [Build 24]: Filling a track with .DP usually did not work correctly if the resolution was greater than 120. Also I'm pretty sure this bug also caused very large From/Thru settings to be shown after changing the resolution of a song, or after loading a file with the automatic PPQ conversion setting enabled.
- Fixed [Build 24]: Volume control in tracks window only affected the left channel if a track was stereo audio.
- Fixed [Build 24]: Mad flickering of leadsheet in Hebrew Windows (and hopefully Win95 too although I can't verify this since I no longer have access to Win95)
- Fixed [Build 24]: Save/Load Scrap did not work with Stereo audio tracks.
- Added [Build 24]: Mouse Scroll Wheel support for Tracks and Chords window.
Summary of changes for Build 23:
- Fixed - Sysex events said "Channel 14."
- Fixed - Sysex events at time zero loaded into old sysex window.
- Fixed - Sysex bug with events greater than 256k in size.
Summary of changes for Build 22:
- Added - a progress dialog to the merge-tracks-to-wave.
- Fixed - lockup problem when highlighting a region beyond the end of the tracks or audio edit window.
If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features/functions of PowerTracks Pro Audio, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated September 2, 2004

PowerTracks Pro Audio 8.0d Update (4.5MB)
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 8.0/8.0a/8.0b/8.0c to 8.0d. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 8 for this update patch to work.
Fixes and changes since 8.0b:
- Fixed - Inserting a hard rest in the notation window wasn't shortening the durations of prior notes.
- Fixed - Cursor was not shown in the Markers Window when editing the marker text. Space bar didn't work properly after exiting the Markers window.
- Fixed - In a leadsheet window with multiple tracks, printout was still displaying chords above each track, even when the "Chords Above Each Track" checkbox was disabled in the LeadSheet Options.
- Fixed - When using the Merge Tracks to Stereo Wave File command, volume events within a track weren't working properly if the track was a Stereo track.
- Fixed - Errors sometimes occurred in the situation when loading a .MID in which there was a separate .WAV file with the same name on the hard disk containing audio (such as if was recorded in BBW). PTW would offer to import the .WAV onto the next empty track, but sometimes the import would cause errors.
Fixes and changes for 8.0b:
- Fixed - The Import button in the Multitracks Wave File Player sometimes caused an I/O error when running under WinXP. Also, the Multitracks Wave File Player, if used, would sometimes cause an access violation, or GPF, to occur at a later time, such as when exiting the program.
- Fixed - Recording mixer moves stopped working if a song was played in which a track contained MIDI controllers which were different from the ones used by PT for mixer moves.
- Fixed - Problem with Stereo Tracks which could potentially cause the file's data for the right channel of a stereo track to become invalid after saving the file, and then continuing to work with the after the save.
- Fixed - Obscure bug in which $RECOVER.SEQ (used for recovery) was getting saved with invalid data if you changed the time of an event in the event list window.
- Fixed - Another obscure bug in which there was a potential for a GPF or an invalid pointer error if starting a song just beyond the end of a section of audio.
- Fixed - Obscure problem with VU meters which could cause odd behavior or possibly even a crash when the audio thread setting, in the audio preferences, was set to use a discrete thread rather than the main thread.
Plugin Fixes and changes since 8.0a:
- Fixed - Some obscure bugs in the plugins were fixed, such as checkboxes not begin audibly updated after loading a .SEQ file which had plugin settings stored within the .SEQ.
- New Plugin Feature - VU meters were added to the PG PeakLimit and PG Dynamics plugins.
Fixes and changes since 8.0:
New Feature:Special "Record Mixer Moves" button in the mixer window lets you record only mixer moves. This solves the problem in which you could not hear the current Track when recording mixer moves if the Current Track was an audio track. This button also simplifies the recording of mixer moves, by ensuring that ONLY mixer moves get recorded.
New Feature: Chord wizard will now work for time signatures that aren't x/4, such as 6/8. **NOTE** - In order for this feature to work, we had to change the way PowerTracks stores chord symbols. Before, one chord per "Beat" was allowed, with a "Beat" always being equal to the current PPQ. Now a "Beat", for the purpose of storing chords, is equal to a numerator division. For example, if a measure is 6/8, you can now enter up to 6 chords per bar, although you likely would not normally enter this many. **NOTE** - This change has no effect if your songs had an X/4 time signature.
Although PowerTracks technically didn't support chord symbols for odd time signatures, you may have already entered chord symbols for odd time signature songs (other than X/4), even though they didn't display perfectly. If so, you'll find that the chord symbols for those songs may be now be significantly out of alignment. If this is the case, and you want the chords to work the old way (one chord per PPQ-based beat), then you should place a file called "OldChords.Txt" in your PowerTracks folder. If this file exists when starting PowerTracks, chords will work the old way. However, we recommend using the chord wizard to automatically regenerate the chords, or possibly re-entering the chords rather than sticking with the old chord system.
Bugs Fixed since 8.0:
- Fixed - Undo menu text was incorrectly updated if a non-realtime audio effect was launched but the edit operation was then canceled.
- Fixed - Removing a mono track with the Remove Track command could've caused stereo tracks not to work correctly.
- Fixed - Error messages during paste with repetitions if tempos or markers checkboxes were checked and no tempos or markers had been copied or cut.
- Fixed - Slow Notation for VERY long songs or when multiple notation windows open.
- Fixed - Song end time set incorrectly when entering a lyric in the notation window.
- Fixed - General protection fault when printing notation.
- Fixed - Mixer moves weren't yet taken into account when merging audio tracks to a stereo .WAV file for 8.0.
- Fixed - Time field for Text events couldn't be changed.
- Fixed - Load Scrap didn't load chord symbols for 8.0.
- Fixed - Incorrect event times when recording mixer moves if the audio offset in MS was non-zero.
- Fixed - When using PG Chord Font for notation chord symbols, flat symbol was drawn with upper case B.
- Fixed - Chord wizard only detected chords for HALF the song if it was a 2/4 song.
- Fixed - Chords wizard wouldn't interpret more than around 250 bars.
- Fixed - Looping sometimes didn't play midi notes after the first loop in certain situations.
- Fixed - Fill Track with Drum Pattern command didn't work with files that had lowercase extensions.
- Fixed - Sometimes launching PT by clicking on a .MID or .SEQ didn't load the file (if windows was set up to run PT when clicking on those files). Lower case extensions and spaces in file names were problematic.
- Fixed - Non-realtime DirectX effects host didn't work with 24-bit files. Also, there was timing problem when using the non-Realtime effects with 24-bit, meaning that a slightly different section of the file may have been affected by the editing.
- Fixed - Error message would pop up when entering time values in event list or cut/paste, if a song's time signature had a denominator less than 4.
- Fixed - Access violation in DXPLUG^.EXE after canceling non-realtime processing of audio if it was already in progress.
Updated October 11, 2002

PowerTracks Pro Audio 7.0c Update (1.1MB)
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 7.0/7.0a/7.0b to 7.0c from any previous version 7 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 7 for this update patch to work.
Changes for version 7.0c:
- Fixed bug in which PT would get a General Protection fault in a situation when a .MID file is loaded which contains a track that is set to use a MIDI port that is out of range (greater than 16).
- Added the ability to automatically detect GM lyrics on the track that has the most lyrics, when a .MID file is loaded. PT will convert the lyrics from GM format so that they can work correctly within PT. Also, there is a new option in the File Preferences dialog, called "Write Lyrics in General MIDI Lyric Format". When this option is enabled, and PT saves a .MID file, PT will write the lyrics in General MIDI lyrics format, rather than the format normally used by PG music products.
- Feature added: The conversion to WMA (Windows Media) now uses improved conversion CODEC for Media Player 8 (compatible with earlier versions of Media Player).
Changes for version 7.0b:
- File | Wave Files | Pitch to MIDI Convert command will now work on only the higlighted region of the track. This will save time if you only want to convert part of a track.
- In 7.0a and earlier, after a Pitch to MIDI conversion, the destination track would be labeled incorrecly. For example if the audio track being converted was Track 1 and the conversion was placed onto Track 2, it would say "Converted from Track 2", when it should've said "converted from Track 1". Fixed.
- New wrap-around checking during playback to make clipping less harsh sounding than prior versions. You should still try to keep the VU meters below zero, but if clipping should occur it will be much less likely to have a "thwack" sound.
- Dialog boxes that require a time in ticks will now correctly deal with a situation in which the denominator of the time signature is less than 4.
- Print Margins are now saved to PTW.CFG. Previously they were only saved to .SEQ files. NOTE: Only when the user manually changes the margins will they be saved to PTW.CFG. The margins in PTW.CFG are considered default settings that get restored when PTW starts or the File | New command is executed. Margins loaded from a .SEQ will not change the default setting in PTW.CFG
- Fixed bug in which GPF could occur in Leadsheet Window if an event was deleted from a track while the Leadsheet Window is currently opened.
- Fixed bug in Event List Window, in which the dialog box that pops up when Inserting/Changing an event may have sometimes failed to pop up.
- The following plugin files were updated:
- Plugs.hlp - The updated help file for PowerTracks plugins. Read the relevant topics for description of new or changed features.
- DXPlug^.exe - An expanded and rewritten version of the DirectX plugin support, which offers more features, and improved stability.
- P2MIDI.exe - The Pitch To MIDI plugin offers bug fixes and better tracking.
- STOM^.exe - STOM is the Audio File Converter which PowerTracks uses in the background to import and export audio. This version should operate a bit faster.
Changes for version 7.0a:
- Maintenance fixes on any problems reported are implemented.

PowerTracks Pro Audio 6.0c Update (314K)
This will update PowerTracks Pro Audio Version 6.0/6.0a/6.0b to 6.0c from any previous version 6 build. You need to have PowerTracks Pro Audio Version version 6 for this update patch to work.
Changes for version 6.0c
- Fixed Save As problem, when using Save As to save a .SEQ file containing audio, and the file being saved had the same exact name as the current file name, a Copy or Copy Disk Space error ocurred.
- Fixed 1-Track Paste problem, when the copied or cut section of an audio track contained more than 1 audio event, only the first audio event in the Scrap Buffer was being pasted.
Changes for version 6.0b
- Fixed bug in which pressing the Browse button in the Options|Preferences|Audio settings dialog was causing a GPF if the system was using Large Fonts.
- In a situation where closing a window would cause the Mixer window to become the active window, the current track was sometimes getting changed. This is fixed now.
- Save Track to File was sometimes saving partial file. Fixed.
- Copy Disk Space Error fixed in the situation when loading in a .SEQ with existing audio, and then you Save As a .MID, and then you later Save As the original .SEQ (without having loaded or created any new songs between these 3 steps). To prevent this from happening, audio in the current project will now be erased when saving to a .MID, and you will be warned about this before saving begins.
- Memory leaks fixed when playing and editing audio tracks.
Changes for version 6.0a:
- Maintenance fixes on any problems reported are implemented.
- The 6 New plugins have some presets to work with.
Updated May 1, 2000

PowerTracks Pro Audio 5.0/5.0a/5.0b to 5.0c Update (473K)
Changes for version 5.0c
- Fixed a small issue where problems can occur when recording a new wave file or recording beyond the end of a wave file.
- Other maintenance fixes on any problems reported are implemented.
Changes for version 5.0b
- Fixed view jumping to wrong location during playback when multiple tempos exist in the song
- Fixed unsteady timing when recording audio beyong the end of a song that already had audio
- Fixed closing the VU meters window during playback sometimes stopped audio output
- Fixed Save As.. when using Save As to save to the same file name as the current song would delete the song altogether if it contained digital audio
- Fixed re-saving a .SEQ with audio that has a long file name deleted the previous long file name
- Other maintenance fixes on any problems reported are implemented.
Changes for version 5.0a
- Fixed Track Duplicate GPF
- Type 0 MIDI Files save correctly when using long-filenames
- 1-Track Paste now has a destination track field that lets you select the destination track.
- Other maintenance fixes on any problems reported are implemented.
Updated February 22, 1999

PowerTracks Pro Audio 4.0 to 4.0b Update (1.7MB)
Changes for version 4.0b
- Allows use of Numberic Patch Names.
- Send MIDI Time Code options in Options | MIDI Out
- Drum Notes button in the Action | Drum Grid Window
Changes for version 4.0a
- Color Coded Event List Window that lets you type directly in the fields.
- LSB support in tracks window and in patches.ini.
- File | Wave Files | Merge Audio Tracks to Compressed File command.
- Support for importing compressed wave files such ADPCM and MP3.
- Full track information (i.e. Tempo, Key, Instrumentation, Song Title) is displayed upon importing a PG Music MultiTrack WAV.
- Fixed GPF when no sound card is installed.
- Fixed problem when importing waves of different formats in NT.
- Program will automatically extract channels to tracks in a .MID when a file is loaded via a plug-in program.
- Other maintenance fixes on any problems reported are implemented.
Updated March 26, 1998

PowerTracks Pro 3.5e Update (150k)
This patch will update PowerTracks Pro version 3.5d to version 3.5e. Please note that you must have at least version 3.5d to use the 3.5e update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed. To check which version of PowerTracks Pro you have, choose About PowerTracks Pro from the Help menu.
Please refer to readme.txt for installation instructions.
Changes for version 3.5e
- Maintenance fixes for all reported problems have been implemented.
Updated Nov 27th, 1997

PowerTracks Pro 3.5d Update (1179k)
This patch will update PowerTracks Pro version 3.5 to version 3.5d automatically. Please note that you must have at least version 3.5 to use the 3.5d update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed. To check which version of PowerTracks Pro you have, choose About PowerTracks Pro from the Help menu.
Please refer to readme.txt for installation instructions.
Changes for version 3.5d
- Maintenance fixes on all reported problems have been implemented.
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