Band-in-a-Box® for Windows Patches & Updates

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2025 Build 1128 Update (700 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2025 to Build 1128 from any previous 2025 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 7.0.16.

Release notes

  • Fixed: Updated support for localized versions.
  • Fixed: Stem Splitter might fail if the source audio file contains non-English file names.
  • Fixed: Added option in VST3 host to reset exclude list.
  • Fixed: Resizing VST3 window should not resize other VST3 instances.
  • Fixed: Labels in Mixer might say 'selector' instead of the name off the VST plugin.
  • Updated: PDF manual, help file.
  • Fixed: Using HALion VST3 synth during your session might leave a bbw64 background process running for some time after you close Band-in-a-Box.
  • Added: Message when selecting HALion that explains how to set it to GM mode. Note: To get HALion or HALion Sonic to work in General MIDI mode, open the plugin then click on Options, and change "Prg Changes" to GM Mode. If you've added HALion or HALion Sonic as the default synth, it will remember this setting when you close BIAB, but these steps will need to be re-done every time you remove and add the plugin from the Default Plugin slot.
  • Fixed: A few Melodists missing from MultiPicker list.
  • Fixed: MIDI Track "Side Stick Metronome" should use METRONM style instead of PNOSMP

Release notes - DAW Plugin v.7.0.16

  • Fixed: Loading songs with Track MIDI Patch data on utility tracks can sometimes cause a crash
  • Fixed: DAW setting Style tempo upon reopening a song with plugin
  • Fixed: Garbled text in message when dragging ungenerated tracks
  • Fixed: Increased font sizes for Japanese font
  • Fixed: MIDI playback not following DAW tempo map
  • Fixed: Changing generate options in menu should update REAPER Panel settings

Release notes - RealTracks and content updates

  • Improved: Piano, Electric, Rhythm FusionFastLatinJeff Ev 190 has the volume of the shots and holds increased
  • Fixed: 4845:Bass, Electric, DiscoPulseSync ev16 105 - incorrect chords.
  • Fixed: 1265:Synth Pad, PopShiningSoft Ev 120 - incorrect chord.
  • Fixed: 4284: Bass, Electric, ProgRockRadioDistorted Ev 120 was playing without distortion
  • Fixed: 4726:Bass, Acoustic, FolkRootsQuarterNotes ev 080 - incorrect slash chords.
  • Fixed: 2589:Bass, Electric, PunkFuzzPickedA-B Ev 165 - incorrect chord
  • Fixed: 4171:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkLondonSoulRiffsTrem Ev16 120 - incorrect chord
  • Fixed: 4111:Bass, Synth RedDoorPurePro 65 was not playing shots correctly.
  • Fixed: 3166:Guitar, Baritone Electric, BackgroundSoloist RockabillyLicksClnBrent Sw 190 - incorrect chord
  • Fixed: 3956:Bass, Synth WarmHugHeld 65 - shots were playing incorrect notes and the endings were a half step up.
  • Fixed: Bass RealTracks 4235 through 4240 (e.g. Bass, BluesFunky AB Ev 120) were not playing slash chords correctly.
  • Improved: The following RealTracks have improved riff selection [R], added or improved transcriptions [T], and/or simple variations added [S]:
        [ST] 4507:Bass, Electric, BroCountrySyncAB Ev 075 has had simple tags and transcriptions added.
        [T] 4510:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPop16thHighSync Ev16 075
        [T] 4511:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPop16thMidSync Ev16 075
        [T] 4512:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPop16Dist16ths Ev16 075
        [T] 4523:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BroCountryPop16PowerDist Ev16 075
        [T] 4677:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAdoreSyncAB ev 075
        [T] 4678:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopAdoreDelayAB ev 075
        [T] 4780:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopFaithAlternatingSyncDelay ev16 090
        [T] 4781:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopFaithSparseChordsSpaceySynth ev16 090
        [STR] 4785:Bass, Acoustic, VintageCountryWaltz Sw 110
        [STR] 4784:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm VintageCountryWaltzTicTac Sw 110
        [STR] 4783:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintageCountryWaltzTremolo Sw 110
        [STR] 4788:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintageCountryShuffleChug Sw 110
        [STR] 4790:Pedal Steel, Soloist TrainBeatDoug ev16 130
        [TR] 4350:Bouzouki, Rhythm AmericanaTrain16ths ev16 085
        [TR] 4682:Guitar, Electric, Soloist AmericanaGentleTrain ev16 085
        [TR] 4553:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AmericanaTrainAB ev16 085
        [TR] 4353:Banjo, Rhythm AmericanaTrain ev16 085
        [T] 4843:Bass, Electric, DiscoUptempoAB ev 125
        [STR] 4883:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SoulJazzGroovinSlowFunk Ev 100
        [STR] 4851:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Funk8ths ev 120
        [T] 4763:Bass, Electric, MetalModernFastSlapAB Ev16 160
        [T] 4798:Bass, Electric, ModernCountryRootsy16thsAB ev16 060
        [T] 4803:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Background AmericanaWestRoots ev16 060
        [T] 4801:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AmericanaWestSoulfulTrem ev16 060
        [T] 4804:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AmericanaWestHiChop ev16 060
        [T] 4802:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm AmericanaWestTrem ev16 060
        [ST] 4886:Guitar, Electric, Soloist SoulJazzFastFunkBrent Ev 130
        [T] 4740:Bass, Electric, ModernCountryPoppyAB Sw16 090
        [ST] 4888:Guitar, Electric, Soloist SoulJazzFastFunk8thsBrent Ev 190
        [STR] 4885:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SoulJazzFastFunk Ev 130
        [T] 4455:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AmericanaMovinAB Ev 135
        [STR] 4700:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AcRock8thsSteadySync ev 120
        [STR] 4701:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AcRock8thsSteadyLow ev 120
        [STR] 4702:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AcRock8thsHiArpPicking ev 120
        [STR] 4830:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AcRock8thsHiSteady ev 120
        [STR] 4831:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm AcRock8thsHiStrum ev 120
        [T] 4143:Bandoneon, Rhythm TangoClassicArgentina ev 095
        [T] 4456:Mandolin, Rhythm AmericanaMovinAB Ev 135
        [T] 4584:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopMotionHeldSpaceySynth ev 100
        [T] 4577:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopGlowHeldPlus ev16 065
        [T] 4578:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopGlowArpeg ev16 065
        [STR] 4892:Bass, Acoustic, TangoMilongaArgentina ev 095
        [STR] 4893:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm TangoMilongaArgentina ev 095
        [STR] 4891:Bandoneon, Rhythm TangoMilongaArgentina ev 095
        [STR] 4895:Bass, Acoustic, TangoWaltzArgentina ev 180
        [STR] 4894:Bandoneon, Rhythm TangoWaltzArgentina ev 180
        [STR] 4896:Bass, Acoustic, TangoWaltzArgentinaArco ev 180
        [S] 4897:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm TangoWaltzArgentina ev 180
        [T] 4810:Banjo, Fingerpicking IndieFolkSync16ths ev16 075

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Mar 18, 2025

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2025 Build 1125 Update (330 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2025 to Build 1125 from any previous 2025 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 7.0.10.

Release notes

  • Fixed: Possible crash with VST's using advanced bus layouts. e.g. Halion 7
  • Fixed: Excluded_VST3_list.txt is available in /bb/DX Settings/
  • Fixed: From RealTracks Picker, choosing item 'show styles using this RT' wasn't refreshing the list of styles.
  • Fixed: A few RT were silent if .flac files existed but no wav or wma existed.
  • Added: UserTracks can use .flac files
  • Added: About box displays letter numbers like version 1124c when appropriate
  • Updated: PDF documentation and help file.
  • Added: Support for VST3 program changes
  • Fixed: Program Changes not working in some VST3 plugins, like Halion 7 and VSTSynthFont.
  • Fixed: Some new RealDrums were showing that notation was NOT present in the Multipicker/RD-picker, even though they did in fact have notation displaying correctly.

Release notes - DAW Plugin v.7.0.10

  • Fixed: Localized strings
  • Fixed: Pops/clicks during playback
  • Fixed: Out-of-sync playback when playing from the DAW with tempo changes
  • Fixed: Song with no style will use BLANK.STY by default (for saving SGU, Style Picker)
  • Fixed: Changed Japanese font to use Meiryo
  • Fixed: Wrong message displayed when trying to drag ungenerated (or only instructions) tracks

Release notes - RealTracks and content updates

  • Fixed: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesDeltaChuggin Ev 100 had gaps at some points before chord changes
  • Added: Full transcription for RockNRollClassicClave^_105_style.mgu
  • Fixed: 4855:Bass, Acoustic, SoulJazzGroovinFunk Ev 100 - major and minor triads added, and simple riffs.
  • Added: Holds for LH-organ - e.g. 4897, 4859
  • Fixed: Missing audition demos for Bass, Acoustic, BossaHardBop60s Ev 125
  • Fixed: Missing audition demos for Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BossaHardBop60s Ev 125
  • Fixed: Missing audition demos for Bass, Acoustic, JazzBalladBasic styles
  • Fixed: Missing audition demos for Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Funk16ths ev16 110
  • Added: Holds for new electric piano styles (e.g. RT4897, RT4859)
  • Added: Holds for Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist PopSync16thsBrent ev16 090
  • Fixed: _PLEASNG.WMA misnamed
  • Added: Full transcription for DiscoUptempo_125
  • Fixed: Missing audition demo for Bass, Electric, VintagePopSlowSwingBasic Sw 060
  • Added: Holds for Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintageCountry styles
  • Added: Solo audition file missing for Guitar, Electric, Soloist AmericanaGentleTrain ev16 085
  • Fixed: Holds for 4815: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm SyncGroove Sw16 085
  • Added: Full transcription for FunkModernDisco_110 and DiscoPulse_125
  • Fixed: Missing audition demo for Piano JazzMinorBlues styles
  • Fixed: _Acrobat and _Agency Style Demos - instruments came in too late
  • Added: Full transcriptions for FunkPop80sFastEv8^_120 and BluesFlatTire
  • Fixed: 4712:Bass, Acoustic, SoulJazzBluesyFunk Ev 110 - missing minor endings.
  • Fixed: BluesFlatTire_130 - 4 bar ending was offset by a bar.
  • Fixed: TangoLounge^_100 had a small noise at the beginning.
  • Added: Full transcriptions for TangoLounge^, DiscoPulseSync, SongwriterSlowBrushes
  • Fixed: 4737:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesDeltaChuggin Ev 100 had gaps at some points before chord changes.
  • Added: Full transcription for RockNRollClassicClave^_105
  • Fixed: 4145:Bass, Acoustic, TangoClassicArgentina ev 095 was not playing 4 bar endings correctly
  • Fixed: 4693:Guitar, Resonator, Rhythm BluesDeltaVintage Sw 080 had gaps in the playing.
  • Fixed: 4837:Bass, Electric, SlapFunk70sPop ev16 100 and 4838:Bass, Electric, Slap80sPopFunkFast ev 120 did not play slash chords properly
  • Fixed: 4844:Bass, Electric, DiscoFunkySync ev 125 was missing some 1 and 2 beat riffs
  • Fixed: 4616: Banjo, Rhythm AmericanaMovinArp Ev 135 - was corrupt (_MIGHT crash)
  • Fixed: _12STACF long style name was incorrect
  • Updated: RT4792-4797 substyle and notation settings corrected
  • Improved/Added: Many RealTracks have had simple variation added, and/or improved transcriptions and riff selection. This includes:
        4151:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm TangoClassicArgentina ev 095
        4492:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Metal80sPopFast8ths Ev 130
        4497:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Metal80sPopMed8ths Ev 095
        4545:Guitar, Electric, Soloist Metal80sPopFast8ths Ev 130
        4898:Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist PopSync16thsBrent ev16 090
        4347:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm IndieFolkSlow128 sw 040
        4556:Banjo, Strumming FolkSlow128 sw 040
        4705:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm PopSyncopated16thsHighAB ev16 090
        4703:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm PopSyncopated16thsMid ev16 090
        4704:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm PopSyncopated16thsLow ev16 090
        4900:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterGroovinJohn Sw16 75
        4901:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterPopSlow8thsJohn Ev 60
        4902:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterPopWaltzJohn Ev 120
        4903:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterPopBalladJohn ev 85
        4904:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm SongwriterCountryBallad ev16 70
        4874:Bass, Acoustic, Jazz60sModal Ev 130
        4711:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm Jazz60sModal Ev 130
        4873:Bass, Acoustic, BossaHardBop60s Ev 125
        4709:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BossaHardBop60s Ev 125
        4884:Guitar, Electric, Soloist SoulJazzGroovinSlowFunkBrent Ev 100
        4731:Guitar, Resonator, Rhythm BluesDeltaVintage Ev 090
        4868:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Funk16ths ev16 100
        4845:Bass, Electric, DiscoPulseSync ev16 105
        4524:Bass, Electric, MetalModernSw16AB Sw16 100
        4535:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSwing16Triplets12key Sw16 100 AND related styles
        4861:Bass, Acoustic, SoulJazzCoolKittySync Ev 190
        4859:Organ, Bass SoulJazzFastFunk8thsLH Ev 190
        4858:Organ, Rhythm SoulJazzFastFunk8thsRHComping Ev 190
        4524:Bass, Electric, MetalModernSw16AB Sw16 100
        4907:Piano, Electric, Rhythm FunkPopJohn Ev 100
        4908:Piano, Electric, Rhythm FunkPopJohn Ev 120
        4153:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm StrathspeyFast Sw 170
        4852:Bass, Electric, RockPumping8ths Ev 130
        4881:Guitar, Acoustic, JazzQuarterShortSteady Sw 110
        4882:Guitar, Acoustic, JazzQuarterShortSteady Sw 140
        4729:Organ, Rhythm SoulJazzFastFunkRHComping Ev 130
        4730:Organ, Bass SoulJazzFastFunkLH Ev 130
        4867:Organ, Soloist, SoulJazzFastFunk16ths Ev 130
        4853:Bass, Electric, RockPumping8ths Ev 120
        4854:Bass, Electric, RockPumpingQuarters Ev16 95
        4864:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Funk16ths ev16 110
        4767:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernFast12key2 Ev 160
        4772:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSwingHeldPlus12key Sw 120
        4771:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSwingChugging12key Sw 120
        4616:Banjo, Rhythm AmericanaMovinArp Ev 135
        4777:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSyncHits12key Ev16 070
        4778:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSyncOctaves12key Ev 070
        4779:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSyncHeldPlus12key Ev 070

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Jan 27, 2025

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2025 Build 1124 Update (120 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2025 to Build 1124 from any previous 2025 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 7.0.4.

Release notes (Dec 31 - "c" update patch)

  • Updated: Updated: PDF manuals, help file, and Feature Browser files
  • Updated: Updated: Many new (and some old) RealTracks have had Playable RealTracks associations added.
  • Added: Fixed: With FLAC-only RealTracks folder (e.g. Audiophile download), generating WAV-instructions-only in the DAW plugin would result in silence.
  • Added: Fixed: Reaper wave instructions use .wma files even if .flac files are present (e.g. Audipohile SSD)

Release notes (Dec 17)

  • Added: Vertical cursor on all tracks in the Tracks window.
  • Added: If you hold down the Ctrl key while pressing the +/- buttons to expand/reduce the vertical track heights, they will expand/reduce at 5 times the normal rate, and if holding down shift it will expand/reduce at 10x the normal rate.
  • Fixed: Possible crash with some Native Instruments and Steinberg VST3 plugins such as Halion 7

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 31, 2024

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2025 Build 1123 Update (120 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2025 to Build 1123 from any previous 2025 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 7.0.4.

  • Fixed: When saving to XML, tempo wasn't being written.
  • Fixed: When importing to XML to tracks other than melody/soloist, the tracks weren't being frozen so they likely would have been regenerated.
  • Fixed: When importing chords in XML that didn't have the text specified, it could ignore the chord type and just display regular major chords.
  • Added: Output chords feature now restarts chord if the chord is restated
  • Added: Output chords feature has support for "keyswitches", with a checkbox setting to preserve track notes and events outside of the chord note range
  • Fixed: Stylepicker could have an exception in some cases on first run from the dialog that suggests a rebuild
  • Fixed: Chordbuilder could be blank occasionally
  • Changed: RealDrums settings options to replace MIDI drums with RealDrums on a MIDI style now defaults to false
  • Improved: BB2Go dialog now renders to m4a
  • Added: VST2 options dialog has a button to switch to VST3, and text clarifies vst2 vs vst3 functions
  • Added: Stems, now has a button "Use Existing Audio Track" which sets the stem splitter to use the Audio Track and set various options
  • Added: Process to make Stems, use ACW for TempoMap and Chords, and then Equalize the tempos to one tempo has been improved with several additions
        1. When bar 1 line moves, the stems all move as well in sync
        2. When equalize tempos is chosen, the stems all get equalize tempos too so they stay in sync
        3. Style changes don't change the tempo if audio track or stems or tempo changes are in place
  • Updated: Manual, help file.
  • Fixed: MST 44 and 45 had no set number in the MST Picker
  • Fixed: Misc typos/display issues with text in the RT Picker

DAW Plugin 7.0.4 release notes

  • Fixed: Standalone plugin not saving state when closed
  • Fixed: Wrong bar highlighting when changing plugin tempo during playback
  • Fixed: Clicks when tempo changes in DAW
  • Fixed: Updated hints for Sync and Generate buttons

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 11, 2024

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2024 Build 1114 Update (500 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2024 to Build 1114 from any previous 2024 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 6.3.10.

  • Added: New feature "remembered" style name now available as a menu item in StylePicker. (style is remembered when song loaded, song saved, or set in menu item on stylepicker)
  • Added: Right click menu on StylePicker with common items.
  • Fixed: Picker could have an exception sometimes if no items were in list.
  • Fixed: Typo on stylepicker, said : 'Select Files types to Render'.
  • Fixed: Rebuild dialog enhanced, now rebuilds all picker lists, and also saves new folder locations for use by plugin and RealBand too.
  • Fixed: Picker updates various lists like loops, usertracks with each rebuild in stylepicker now.
  • Fixed: StylePicker doesn't change tempo unless user changes it. Was previously changing it if resized dialog sometimes.
  • Fixed: Rebuild dialog in the StylePicker doesn't rebuild by simply typing part of a folder name, need to press update now.
  • Fixed: Peaks folders created by Reaper DAW wont be mis-indentified as RealDrums.
  • Fixed: Pasting an area of RealTracks sometimes pasting at wrong location.
  • Fixed: Tracks window selected regions sometimes not working with copy/paste from PartGen dialog.
  • Fixed: Some instructions for Reaper weren't correct if path name was large.
  • Fixed: Copying rests using H key wasn't working in some cases.
  • Fixed: StylePicker menu items added, rebuild dialog enhanced and other StylePicker enhancements.
  • Fixed: RealCharts weren't saved for RealBand RealCharts for drums on non-drums track.
  • Fixed: Bar Settings utility track changes added to song.txt for opening sgu songs.
  • Fixed: Edit > Delete Bars might ask user to select RealTracks.
  • Fixed: Edit > Normalize/Amplify/Transpose remembers previous user parameter.
  • Fixed: Generating partial region might not work if no track region is selected.
  • Fixed: Snap to beat was not working properly.
  • Fixed: M4A files wouldn't work if used for RealTracks, RealDrums, etc.
  • Fixed: Plugin and RealBand: no error when StylePicker opened and style specified didn't exist.
  • Updated: Manual, help file, various dialog tweaks.
  • Fixed: The slash chords for RealTracks 4235 through 4240 (Bass, Electric, BluesFunkty*) were not playing correctly.

DAW Plugin 6.3.10 release notes

  • Fixed: Sync Playback disables after generating tracks.
  • Fixed: After choosing a default style the Preferences panel refuses to close.
  • Fixed: Disabled track is included in playback.
  • Fixed: Deleting all stems should not notify of related stems.
  • Fixed: Clearing empty tracks removes the track name.
  • Fixed: RealDrums from 'Recently Used' not loading correctly.
  • Fixed: No Utility tracks when loading .SGU or .MGU.
  • Fixed: Stylepicker does not open if previously used style is missing.
  • Fixed: Generating Drum track from Options menu will generate wrong track.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Feb 5, 2025

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2024 Build 1113 Update (500 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2024 to Build 1113 from any previous 2024 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 6.1.13.

  • Fixed: When saving to XML, tempo wasn't being written.
  • Fixed: When importing to XML to tracks other than melody/soloist, the tracks weren't being frozen so they likely would have been regenerated.
  • Fixed: When importing chords in XML that didn't have the text specified, it could ignore the chord type and just display regular major chords.
  • Fixed: Potential XML issues importing tempos and time sigs.
  • Fixed: Notation printout could have "end" showing up twice.
  • Fixed: Default folder to save a range of notation images in Print Preview window wasn't being set to the song folder.
  • Fixed: Saving a bitmap in Print Preview could still affect the size of the preview image in some cases.
  • Fixed: Right click menu items for vocal synth weren't working.
  • Fixed: Mute in the Bar settings does not work after bar 41.
  • Fixed: 32 bit UserTracks did not work.
  • Fixed: Various dialog box layout tweaks.
  • Fixed: Edit | Lyrics menu has two incorrectly named items
  • Fixed: RealTracks and RealDrums out of sync when using a Style Change.
  • Fixed: Blip noises at the end of some RealDrums (eg LaPopJazzCoolEv16).
  • Fixed: RealDrums tick offset setting was not being applied.
  • Fixed: Track Actions > Erase Track was not undoable.
  • Fixed: "There is no RealTracks on this Track. Would you like to select one?" message appears when deleting bars.
  • Fixed: Wrong help video link in the Chord Builder.
  • Fixed: Possible crash during bootup.
  • Fixed: Plugin was ignoring RenderMIDIToAudio setting.
  • Updated: Documentation.

DAW Plugin 6.1.13 release notes

  • Fixed: Bass track on style page does not generating in some cases
  • Fixed: MIDISuperTrack not generating in some cases
  • Fixed: Plugin prompts to save when no changes have been made to song
  • Fixed: Recent files not being found when saved without extension
  • Fixed: Saving tracks to SGU folder should reset when opening new song

RealTracks and Content updates

  • Fixed: RT1645:Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist SambaFusionCarlos Ev 190 was playing chords instead of single notes for shots and holds.
  • Fixed: RT2346:Horn Section, Rhythm, Funk 2-part, Ev 110 was rendering in Mono instead of Stereo
  • Fixed: RT844:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryRockPopping Ev 120 had an off sounding bar.
  • Fixed: RT3633:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm DublinPopArpConstant Ev 120 did not have the Direct Input option available in the RealTracks picker.
  • Fixed: RT3163:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BluesyPopSteady8thsBrent Ev 100 and RT3165:Guitar, Baritone Electric, BackgroundSoloist RockabillyLicksBrent Sw 190 were playing at half speed and down an octave
  • Fixed: RT2914:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Folky16thsBrent Ev16 085 and RT3644:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking IndieFolkAlternate Ev16 085 were not playing 'sus' chords.
  • Fixed: RT2966:Bass, Acoustic, JazzWaltzFastABNeil Sw 220 was playing out of sync with other instruments at times with the A substyle
  • Fixed: Several SynthMaster audition files from MST SEt 39 were playing an incorrect instrument
  • Fixed: RT3694:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm MinorBluesCompMiles Sw 140 was not playing major chords and was silent if a major chord was entered.
  • Fixed: RT4244:Bass, Electric, PopSwingBouncyAB Sw 120 was silent when slash chords were entered.
  • Fixed: RealDrum TeenBeatUptempoEv16 did not have a count-in.
  • Fixed: Guitar, Electric, Background CinemaHeldLowDarin solo and band audition files were swapped.
  • Fixed: Harmonica, Background CountryBalladJellyRoll Ev 085 and Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryBalladPower1 Ev16 075 were missing shots and holds.
  • Fixed: RT2958:Bass, Acoustic, SmoothCoolNeil Sw16 075 was not playing major and minor chords properly.
  • Fixed: RT2748:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm AltHipHop Ev16 085 had an issue with Cm7 chords
  • Fixed: NewOrleansMardiGras16ths^ would not play at all for variation 2, and variation 5 would not have a count-in
  • Fixed: SambaBrazilBrushPercAlex16ths would sometimes have empty bars
  • Fixed: RT3715:Guitar, Baritone Acoustic, Fingerpicking AmericanaRootsy Ev16 085 would play notes not suitable as a one chord
  • Fixed: RT3080:Mandolin, Rhythm AmericanaPop8thsAndy Ev 100 was playing a dominat 7th note in major chords
  • Fixed: RT1645:Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist SambaFusionCarlos Ev 190 was playing chords instead of single notes for shots and holds
  • Fixed: RT3404:Bass, Electric, LoungeFunkAlex Ev16 080 and MIDI SuperTrack 3517:Bass, LoungeFunkAlex Ev16 080 were not playing proper major endings
  • Fixed: =Picnic.sty may not load properly, or shows bogus substyles.
  • Fixed: Several Audition files were not playing correctly, or were too quiet.
  • Fixed: Several RealDrums Demos Audio files were not playing.
  • Fixed: Several MIDI SuperTracks audition files were missing or incorrect.
  • Fixed: Several Style Demos Audio files had stuck MIDI notes.
  • Added: Several missing Style Demos Audio files.
  • Fixed: 'Synth, Rhythm DiscoShakuhachiHeld Ev 120' and 'Synth, Rhythm DiscoShakuhachiPulse Ev 120' play incorrect substyles.
  • Fixed: 'Synth, Rhythm DiscoSynthGuitDelaySync Ev 120' and 'Synth, Rhythm DiscoSynthGuitDelayStraight Ev 120' play incorrect substyles.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. July 23, 2024

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2024 Build 1111 Update (520 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2024 to Build 1111 from any previous 2024 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 6.1.8.

  • Fixed: StylePicker font size setting did not work for sizes greater than 10pt.
  • Added: MultiPicker Defaults button opens a panel which allows you to set defaults separately for column widths, window size, and font size.
  • Added: MultiPicker Defaults includes setting for font size (range 4 - 30).
  • Fixed: Track actions menu was truncated sometimes when using picker as well
  • Fixed: MIDI Soloist now has options to control whether a style will be loaded. MultiPicker dialog and MIDI Soloist dialog have a setting to enable/disable style changes.
  • Fixed: MIDI Soloist displays name of style that will be loaded in the list and if it will be loaded.
  • Fixed: MIDI Soloist was sometimes loading the wrong style.
  • Fixed: StylePicker had overlapping text sometimes e.g. '10,027 styles, sorted by name'.
  • Fixed: StylePicker 'other' filter text sometimes overlaps with "include similar" checkbox
  • Fixed: When there was a key signature change to a new key like C# , this could result in a flat key signature (like Db) showing up in the notation window.
  • Fixed: "Print to PDF" now defaults to Microsoft Print to PDF driver, which fixed certain issues such as the title area sometimes not displaying the correct fonts.
  • Fixed: issue involving section text and lyric printout not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed: could not save from the Print Preview to TIF or PNG format.
  • Fixed: In the Big Lyrics Window, when the checkbox to display chords was unchecked in the Options dialog, chords were still displaying when the Big Lyrics where displayed onscreen.
  • Added: Ability to specify a specific folder when saving a range of images from the Print Preview window.
  • Fixed: When saving Print Preview image(s) to disk, and you change the width/height in order to save a specific size, it would affect the width displayed onscreen.
  • Fixed: printing issue that could result in the first row of tablature to not have horizontal lines drawn, or potentially the lines be drawn too long on other rows.
  • Fixed: Also ability for RB to specify that a track is frozen when writing BBINput.txt to save an MGU/SGU.
  • Fixed: Possible spurious "window error 109" error message.
  • Fixed: Exporting WAV files at higher sample rates would sound out of tune.
  • Fixed: Importing an audio file at different sample rates might sound out of tune.
  • Fixed: Loops would not generate if demo player was used in the Loops dialog.
  • Fixed: Undo Convert track to editable audio did not work.
  • Fixed: Audio Edit > Insert Silence did not work.
  • Fixed: Selected track MIDI patch might change after visiting MIDI Driver Setup dialog.
  • Fixed: Possible "MIDIEventOutDataErrors" error message when starting playback.
  • Fixed: "Transpose audio tracks by semitones:" in Song Settings only applied to legacy accompaniment track numbers.
  • Fixed: Possible crash when switching to the Loops tab in the MultiPicker.
  • Fixed: StylePicker memos might contain truncated instrument lists.
  • Fixed: Type button in MultiPicker did not work.
  • Fixed: Memos might be truncated in the MultiPicker.
  • Fixed: Adding volume automation nodes might not line up with mouse cursor on some tracks.
  • Fixed: Changing "Adjust Shot Velocity" setting in RealDrums Preferences does not cause song to re-generate.
  • Fixed: Undo Copy/Move Tracks does not work.
  • Fixed: Track Settings - MIDI channel submenu sometimes does not update as expected.
  • Fixed: Artist Performance Tracks might not display MIDI on Guitar window, Big Piano, etc.
  • Fixed: Track Actions > Erase Track that contains RealDrums will also erase and disable RealDrums on the legacy "Drums" track.
  • Fixed: Edit > Undo Insert Bars did not undo any MIDI data that was shifted.
  • Fixed: Edit > Insert Bars did not shift MIDI data on tracks other than Melody.
  • Fixed: Edit > Insert Bars did not shift audio or volume automation nodes.
  • Fixed: Edit > Undo Delete Bars did not undo any MIDI data that was shifted.
  • Fixed: Edit > Delete Bars did not shift MIDI data on tracks other than Melody.
  • Fixed: Edit > Delete Bars did not shift audio or volume automation nodes.
  • Fixed: Tone knob on Mixer did not send MIDI controller (CC 74 brightness).
  • Fixed: F5 bar changes dialog would sometimes show old data if clicking on chordsheet to change bars.
  • Fixed: Issues with Cut Time notation.
  • Fixed: Issues with repeats in RealBand.
  • Fixed: On some screen, chord options button did not fit on Views panel.
  • Updated: Manual, Help file, feature browser.

DAW Plugin 6.1.8 release notes

  • Fixed: Crash opening plugin in RealBand
  • Fixed: Load Recent/Default Style when plugin first opens does not work in RealBand
  • Fixed: SGU with 2-bar ending is now converted to 4-bar ending when opened in plugin
  • Fixed: Generated tracks are silent after loading chords from MIDI file

RealTracks and Content updates

  • Fixed: Several holds files are missing: 944, 946, 947, 948, 949, 979, 1000, 1014, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027
  • Fixed: RT 3588 and RT 3589 were playing both A and B substyle when they were supposed to play just A or just B
  • Fixed: 4446:Bass, Electric, BroCountryPulsingAB Ev 110 was not playing the root for slash chords that were not major or minor slash chords
  • Fixed: RT386: "Bass, Electric, Blues Chuck Sw 102" was playing a F# over a Dm9 chord.
  • Fixed: Bouzouki, Rhythm AmericanaTrain16ths ev16 085 #4350 solo played the band version
  • Fixed: _FLYER Demo - Flyer Rootsy R&B Funk.SGU had stuck notes
  • Fixed: Bass, Synth SynthMasterBassBrosModernGroove ev16 85 has been improved so it no longer plays glitchy note
  • Fixed: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopModernGrooveBrightA-B Ev16 075 has had a simple option added so that in the A section only arpeggios
  • Fixed: SongwriterTrainSlightSwing16^ RD was not playing audition demos, and the variations were not displaying properly
  • Fixed: _BYNIGHT RD should not have disabled B substyle.
  • Fixed: Some of the new RT Artist bios were blank.
  • Fixed: Minor typos in the MultiPicker MIDI Tracks, and StylePicker
  • Improved: RT1831 - added simple version with only arpeggios.
  • Improved: Transcriptions, transitions between chords have been improved, and 'simple' option added, for many of the RealTracks released in Dec. 2023. [S = simple tags added, M = marking improved, T = transcriptions improved
         [M] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Metal80sPopFast8ths Ev 130
         [M] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Metal80sPopMed8ths Ev 095
         [TS] Guitar, Electric, Soloist ModCountryTravellerJohnny Sw16 075
         [TSM] Guitar, Electric, Soloist MetalModern12key Ev 070
         [S] Horn Section, Background RnBFunky3-part Ev 120
         [S] Trumpet, Background RnBFunky Ev 120 (1TrackHornSection)
         [S] Sax, Tenor, Background RnBFunky Ev 120 (1TrackHornSection)
         [S] Sax, Baritone, Background RnBFunky Ev 120 (1TrackHornSection)
         [S] Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm LAPopJazzShuffle Sw 130
         [S] Bass, Electric, LAJazzPopShuffle Sw 130
         [TSM] Bass, Electric, PopPumpingSync Ev 120
         [SM] Piano, ElectricClav, Rhythm LAPopJazzFunky ev16 095
         [SM] Piano, Electric, Rhythm LAPopJazzFunky ev16 095
         [S] Piano, Acoustic, Soloist JazzBebopRH Sw 260
         [SM] Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzBebopLHComp Sw 260
         [SM] Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzWaltzSlowLHComp Sw 085
         [M] Piano, Acoustic, Soloist JazzWaltzSlowRH Sw 085
         [SM] Piano, Acoustic, Soloist JazzBalladRH Sw 060
         [M] Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewOrleansSwampSw16 sw16 090
         [SM] Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewOrleansGumboSlow ev 090
         [SM] Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm NewOrleansGoodTimeSwing sw 150
         [TS] Guitar, Electric, Soloist BroCountryPopJohnny Ev 110
         [TSM] Bass, Electric, ProgUKHeavy8thsAB Ev 110
         [TSM] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Soul70sRelaxedRiffs Ev 100
         [M] Guzheng, Background CalmingMelodic ev16 065
         [M] Pipa, Background CalmingMelodicShortPhrases ev 065
         [S] Piano, ElectricClav, Rhythm FunkSlowGroove ev16 070
         [S] Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm FunkSlowGrooveTremolo ev16 070
         [S] Piano, Electric, Rhythm 70sEZSoulFunk ev 100
         [S] Piano, Electric, Rhythm 70sEZSoulSwingPhaser sw 120
         [TSM] Banjo, Fingerpicking SlowGentle16thsSync ev16 065
         [TSM] Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm IndieFolkGentleSyncDADGAD ev16 065
         [TSM] Bass, Electric, MetalModernHeavyBalladAB Ev 070
         [S] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernBalladHeldPlus12key Ev 070
         [TS] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRockNRoll Ev 110
         [TS] Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRockGrittyTwang Ev 110
         [T] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BroCountryRockHiSteady8ths Ev 110
         [TS] Bass, Electric, ProgUK128PowerAB Sw 075
         [TSM] Bass, Electric, MetalModernTripletsAB Sw 140
         [T] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernHeldPlus12key Sw 140
         [T] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernTripletSync12key Sw 140
         [TSM] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SoulFunk70sCoolRiffs Sw16 090
         [TSM] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Soul60sSlow128Riffs Sw 060
         [T] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopGlowHeldSpaceySynth ev16 065
         [M] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopGlowHeldPlus ev16 065
         [T] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopMotionHeldHiGrit ev 100
         [M] Bass, Electric, Americana16thsSteveA Ev16 075
         [TSM] Bass, Electric, VintageCountrySwingAB Sw 110
         [SM] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintageCountrySwingTremolo Sw 110
         [S] Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm VintageCountrySwingTicTac Sw 110
         [TSM] Pedal Steel, Rhythm VintageCountrySwingDoug Sw 110
         [TSM] Bass, Acoustic, VintageCountryWaltzSlow Sw 085
         [TSM] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintageCountryWaltzTremolo Sw 085
         [SM] Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm VintageCountryWaltzTicTac Sw 085
         [TSM] Pedal Steel, Rhythm VintageCountryWaltzDoug Sw 085
         [TSM] Bass, Electric, VintageCountryWaltzSlow Sw 085
         [TM] Bouzouki, Rhythm AmericanaGroovin Sw16 075
         [TM] Banjo, Rhythm AmericanaGroovin Sw16 075
         [TM] Mandolin, Rhythm AmericanaGroovin Sw16 075
         [TM] Fiddle, Background AmericanaGroovinAB Sw16 075
         [TSM] Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SoulRock70sRiffs Ev 100
         [T] Fiddle, Background AmericanaMovinAB Ev 135
         [T] Mandolin, Rhythm AmericanaMovinAB Ev 135
         [SM] Banjo, Rhythm AmericanaMovinArp Ev 135
         [SM] Bouzouki, Rhythm AmericanaMovinSync Ev 135

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. April 3, 2024

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2024 Build 1109 Update (290 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2024 to Build 1109 from any previous 2024 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 6.1.4.

  • Added: Three extra RealTracks added, that should have been included in sets 444, 445, and 447 but were only included in the 49PAK: Bass, Electric, VintageCountryWaltzSlow Sw 085; Guitar, Electric, Soloist BroCountryPopJohnny Ev 110; Guitar, Electric, Soloist ModCountryTravellerJohnny Sw16 075
  • Fixed: _Chase.sty triggered HiQ error.
  • Fixed: _Beefy.sty might show N/A RT.
  • Fixed: Apply button should be enabled in MultiPicker if no item is selected.
  • Fixed: When importing MIDI files that use a higher PPQ than 120, will place the lyrics at the wrong times.
  • Fixed: Selecting a chord from the Chord Progressions window by clicking the .. button to the right of the main button while holding shift will just preview the chord.
  • Fixed: When exporting MIDI files with lyrics, the lyric events were saved as plain text events instead of lyric events. This would prevent them from showing up when the MIDI file was imported into some programs, such as Synth V.
  • NOTE: If you want to import a MIDI file with a melody harmony into Synth V with the harmony parts on separate tracks: (1) Do not select the option in Band-in-a-Box to Convert/write harmony to melody track, and (2) to export the MIDI file use File | Save Special | Save as MIDI file (or .MID button), and make sure that "Harmony on separate tracks" is selected in Options.
  • Fixed: MIDI lyrics export option "PG Music format (old)" which was obsolete, changed to "Plain Text Events".
  • Fixed: MP3 loop files would not not play.
  • Fixed: Playback auto-scrolling in the Audio Edit window might stop working after right-clicking.
  • Fixed: "Record from bar" might place recorded audio at wrong location if the track was empty before recording.
  • Fixed: Copy/Move tracks failed to copy audio.
  • Fixed: Possible crash when generating songs with very short riffs and "Automatically fill gaps between riffs" is enabled. Typically occurred on long songs with many chord changes.
  • Fixed: Opening the Lead Sheet window would make the Piano Roll disappear.
  • Fixed: Using "Choose colors for Chord and Notation display" in the ChDisp menu wouldn't permanently change the Notation Window’s background color.

DAW Plugin 6.1.4 release notes

  • Fixed: Generating disabled track shows error message
  • Fixed: Crash when BB folders cannot be found
  • Fixed: Problems playing multi-instrument MIDI track
  • Fixed: String localization errors
  • Fixed: Exit button (X) when spinning wheel covers entire plugin
  • Fixed: Load Chords from MIDI File by drag-n-drop over Chord Sheet

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Jan 30, 2024

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2024 Build 1108 Update (160 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2024 to Build 1108 from any previous 2024 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 6.0.13.

  • Fixed: Possible program freeze if using 'Auto-Fix Sour Notes' feature.
  • Fixed: Mix-paste in Audio Edit was not working properly.
  • Fixed: Visual metronome dialog now counts in correctly if bars 1 and 2 have timesigs like 3/4 5/4 7/4.
  • Fixed: Partial Generation improved for RealDrums, when using the MultiPicker partial-generation button , on drums and other tracks, including notation.
  • Fixed: Apply button on MultiPicker should be enabled for all except Melodist, Soloist if None is selected.
  • Fixed: UserTracks were taking a long time to generate, even if .bt2 files were present.
  • Added: Audition chord on beat 2 or 4 by pressing Control-Shift-Enter (note: Shift-Enter already auditions beats 1 or 3).

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Jan 2, 2024

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2024 Build 1106 Update (160 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2024 to Build 1106 from any previous 2024 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 6.0.13.

  • Fixed: Tracks out of sync if using multiple styles on a track.
  • Fixed: Access Violation error if attempting to make audio harmonies.
  • Fixed: Issues with viewing volume nodes on mono tracks.
  • Fixed: Selecting a blank track in the Audio Edit window would display the wrong track data.
  • Fixed: "Auto-Fix Sour Notes" features were not working.
  • Improved: If changing "stretching quality" setting in RealTracks Settings dialog, relevant tracks will be reprocessed immediately.
  • Fixed: Problematic style changes with styles like 'Airduo' and Aircelt' that have no drum part.
  • Updated: PDF Documentation, help file.
  • Fixed: "Automatically fill gaps between riffs" feature was not working.
  • Fixed: Various GUI issues with Audio Chord Wizard mode.
  • Fixed: Possible slow bootup for some users.
  • Fixed: Tracks with multi-drums would stop generating if restarting playback.
  • Fixed: Audio Conversion Error -1072875854 when exporting MP3 or M4A files.
  • Fixed: Right-click on Chords button should show the Chords Display menu.
  • Fixed: Home key did not work on tracks window.
  • Fixed: Rebuild in the RD Picker duplicates some multidrum entries during the current session.
  • Fixed: style _MIASMA (rt431)
  • Fixed: Possible problems playing style Demo songs that were frozen.
  • Fixed: Trumpet, Background RnBFunky Ev 120 (1TrackHornSection) not playing properly
  • Updated: RT Memos for all RealTracks included in the 2024 release.v
  • Improved: The following RealTracks have improvements including better phrase transitions:
        - Piano, Acoustic, Soloist JazzFastRH Sw 190
        - Guitar, Electric, Soloist ModCountryTravellerJohnny Sw16 075
        - Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernTripletSyncReverse12key Sw 140
        - Guitar, Electric, Soloist BroCountryPopJohnny Ev 110
        - Bass, Acoustic, SoulJazzMellow ev 85
        - Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm SoulJazzMellowTrem Ev 085
        - Bass, Acoustic, Fusion70sFunk ev16 100
        - Piano, Electric, Rhythm Fusion70sAvantFunk ev16 100v     - Guitar, Electric, Soloist Metal80sPopFast8ths Ev 130
        - Guitar, Electric, Soloist AmericanaGentleTrain ev16 085

DAW Plugin 6.0.13 release notes

  • Fixed: Crash opening the plugin
  • Fixed: RD Stems not loading from SGU
  • Fixed: Destination REAPER track should not be deleted before sending to REAPER
  • Fixed: Renamed some labels in REAPER Panelv

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 19, 2023

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2024 Build 1104 Update (120 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2024 to Build 1104 from any previous 2024 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 6.0.7.

  • Fixed: Possible noise when starting first playback after loading a song.
  • Fixed: Tracks waveform appearing wrong if multiple RealTracks with different tempos are generated onto a single track.
  • Fixed: Forced accidentals revert to Automatic when playing a song.
  • Fixed: RealTracks stems could not be selected.
  • Fixed: Cannot select Bass track when opening program.
  • Fixed: Volume automation nodes might appear in wrong locations on Master track.
  • Fixed: Resize cursor appears when hovering mouse over track label in tracks window.
  • Fixed: Track label did not redraw after setting a custom label.
  • Fixed: Shots and holds not working for a few older RT's like #2915
  • Fixed: Load demo song did not work for LookMa set 11
  • Fixed: Tracks might play out of sync if starting playback beyond the end of an Artist Performance Track.
  • Fixed: Missing riffs in some RealTracks demo songs (eg piano soloist in _WARP.STY demo at bar 10).
  • Fixed: Bad timing on some RealTracks riffs.
  • Fixed: Crash when transposing region of an audio track.
  • Fixed: Media Foundation error -1072875836 when playing _FLEE.STY.
  • Fixed: Delete key on Tracks window behaving like Shift+Delete.
  • Fixed: Minimize issue fixed in MultiPicker Library, F5 Bar Settings, Chord Options
  • Fixed: Apply button on F5 dialog had a semicolon
  • Fixed: URL provided in FlashMessage when the function is used
  • Fixed: [plugin]: Function added to allow generation of Master.wav while using ReaperInstructions
  • Fixed: [plugin]: Reaper Instructions now have “Beat” parameter allowing them to support live tempo changes
  • Fixed: Demos playing weren’t shutting down if play was pressed elsehwere in some cases
  • Fixed: Standalone RealDrums picker when closing needs to point to RealDrums picker in the MultiPicker
  • Fixed: Instrumental Studies Set 21 files are supposed to notation on both the soloist guitar track and the rhythm guitar track.
  • Updated: Manuals, help file

DAW Plugin 6.0.7 release notes

  • Fixed: Changed plugin name from "2023" to "2024"
  • Fixed: Deselect all REAPER media items after sending tracks
  • Fixed: Some media items sent to REAPER don't show signal
  • Fixed: Add button to expand REAPER Settings area to cover panel
  • Fixed: Sending tracks to reaper makes sound when complete
  • Fixed: Pressing PLAY with "Send REAPER Instructions enabled" will result in endless loop if not generated
  • Fixed: Enabling Style Mix track causes plugin to always generate wav files

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 12, 2023

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2023 Build 1013 Update (500 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2023 to Build 1013 from any previous 2023 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 5.5.6.

Summary of changes for Build 1013 (since 1010) (March 9, 2023)

  • Fixed: Changing songs would auto-hide tracks in the Mixer when it shouldn't.
  • Fixed: The most recently loaded scheme was not checked under Load Scheme.
  • Fixed: Songs weren't loading properly after using Freeze All.
  • Fixed: The Freeze All button might appear to be engaged when starting a new song.
  • Fixed: Possible crash when cancelling Print to PDF.
  • Fixed: RD and RT favorites list weren't showing if no recent RD/RT were found.
  • Fixed: In Audio Edit when copying/pasting, if the start point of your selection is before bar 1 there's an "out of range" error. Should be possible to copy/paste a "pick-up" in bar 0
  • Fixed: Chord Output dialog DEFAULT button wasn't working.
  • Fixed: RealDrums Picker wasn't adding to recently used RealDrums if track was not drums.
  • Fixed: Writing chords to a track sometimes used old chords.
  • Fixed: RealTracks picker context menu "Select/Edit Favorites & Recent" did not work properly.
  • Fixed: Generating a single RealTrack was not undoable.
  • Fixed: RealDrums shot & push decibel offsets settings were not working properly.
  • Fixed: Using Copy From/To always copies the Bar Lyrics, even if the Lyrics checkbox is unchecked.
  • Fixed: Undoing Copy From/To required 2 undo steps for lyrics.
  • Fixed: Updating the filter in the RealTracks picker was removing the currently selected RealTrack.
  • Fixed: Issues with "Auto Show/Hide Tracks When Starting Playback, or Changing Styles" setting.
  • Fixed: If asked to load the auto-saved song when launching, the auto-saved song is not loaded.
  • Fixed: Track Actions > Erase Track should erase style elements eg embedded RealTracks or RealDrums.
  • Fixed: Writing chords to a track sometimes used old chords.
  • Fixed: Dropping on the drop station would fail if the DragDrop folder was missing.
  • Fixed: Plugins are lost when generating song if there are more than just A/B part markers in the song.
  • Fixed: Edit > Undo Tracks Generation did not work for RealDrums.
  • Fixed: Selecting RealTracks was not undoable.
  • Fixed: Selecting RealDrums was not undoable.
  • Fixed: Select/Edit Favorites & Recent menu item in the RealTracks picker did not work.
  • Fixed: [DAWPlugin] Selecting a custom RealDrums or RealTracks folder location might crash the program.
  • Fixed: [DAWPlugin] Custom RealTracks path is displaying in all caps in the rebuild dialog.
  • Updated: Documentation (manuals, help file, tips).

DAW Plugin build 5.5.6 Release notes (since 5.1.25)

  • Fixed: MicroChord label text is not visible.
  • Fixed: Plugin not finding correct folder paths.
  • Fixed: Plugin does not remember custom SavedTracks folder location.
  • Fixed: Crash when attempting to generate after deleting saved folder paths file.
  • Fixed: AU Plugin not passing validation in Logic.
  • Added: Text when scanning for synthesize.
  • Added: Visual transpose now displayed beside key (ie:C+9)
  • Fixed: Visual transpose did not show option to transpose down 1 semi-tone (+11 or -1)
  • Fixed: Solo/Mute sometimes not working on MIDI tracks
  • Fixed: Some MIDI Style demos show error trying to generate "Instrument 68"
  • Fixed: Changed default value of "Action for New Session" to <<none>>
  • Fixed: Plugin incorrectly shows dialog to delete drum stems when loading song with drum stems
  • Fixed: Inserting bar multiple times changes layout of chords
  • Fixed: Bar highlighting always includes lead-in
  • Fixed: Current chorus never changes when auditioning song with multiple choruses
  • Fixed: Song tags not working correctly
  • Fixed: Auditioning tracks with "send midi to embedded synth" on and lead-in changed produces static
  • Added: Visual count-in when playing through DAW

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. June 29, 2023

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2023 Build 1010 Update (500 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2023 to Build 1010 from any previous 2023 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 5.1.25.

Summary of changes for Build 1010 (since 1006) (March 9, 2023)

  • Fixed: Flat symbols displaying as B when using PG Chords font.
  • Fixed: Possible "1400 Invalid Window Handle" error when saving a song or exiting the program.
  • Fixed: GUI freeze when playing a song that has "N/A" RealTracks.
  • Fixed: Crash if resizing the floating Audio Edit window very small.
  • Fixed: Deleting or inserting a region of audio did not move the automation nodes.
  • Fixed: Wrong number of bars imported when importing MIDI if using "Number of blank bars to insert at beginning".
  • Fixed: Importing a single-track MIDI file should automatically import onto the currently selected track.
  • Fixed: Utility track MIDI channel not saved in songs.
  • Fixed: When opening a song file from Explorer to launch a second instance of the program, the first instance would also open the song.
  • Fixed: RealTracks favorites are not saved between program sessions.
  • Fixed: Crash if cancelling a batch render to mp3.
  • Fixed: Failure to open files with semicolon in the file name.
  • Fixed: CTRL+SHIFT+N did not switch open the Big Piano window if the Notation window was open.
  • Fixed: CTRL+ALT+N did not switch viewing modes in the Notation window.
  • Fixed: Underlying audio track is audible when recording over it.
  • Fixed: Freeze occurs when deleting the last note on a track in the Notation window.
  • Fixed: Frozen RealDrums might not generate after song has been reopened.
  • Fixed: Pre-record dialog allowed recording audio onto the Thru track.
  • Fixed: Track menu "Choose No RealDrums for this track" does not cause Mixer to redraw.
  • Fixed: RealTracks selected by the Soloist dialog become refrozen often accompanied by "Soloist track has been LOCKED" flash message.
  • Fixed: WMA loops in a song or style would not load if the M4A file was available.
  • Fixed: Loading a style should remove plugins.
  • Added: "Delete decompressed WAV files when loading songs" setting added to Audio Edit settings dialog.
  • Fixed: Loading a style like M_CBOOGI.STY does not load the Hi-Q patch in the style.
  • Updated: Sforzando v1.973 included.
  • Updated: PDF manuals, help files.

DAW Plugin build 5.1.25 Release notes

  • Fixed: Clicking on part marker after entering chord will delete entry
  • Fixed: Insert/Remove bar does not include part marker
  • Fixed: Copy/Paste bar does not include part marker
  • Fixed: Closing plugin window while multiple dialogs are open can cause memory leak
  • Fixed: Cannot retrieve activation dialog behind other windows
  • Fixed: Generate indicator starts flashing after moving tracks to project folder
  • Fixed: Cannot load song with MIDI utility tracks
  • Fixed: RealCharts are only visible after tracks are generated
  • Fixed: Files created during song opening should be in timestamped folder
  • Fixed: Chord sheet does not scroll when moving playback bar to beginning
  • Fixed: Plugin lags during playback of long songs
  • Fixed: Plugin loads wrong default chord font
  • Fixed: Chord Progression entries double after opening Preferences dialog
  • Fixed: Plugin should recognize that 12/8=4/4 etc.
  • Fixed: Removed options to clear and load instrument on Style Mix track
  • Fixed: Custom track on style page does not clear
  • Fixed: Custom tracks loaded from saved song do not contain "=" marker
  • Fixed: Utility track loaded from saved song does not have correct track description
  • Fixed: Tracks do not clear on first attempt

RealTracks and Content Notes

  • Fixed: RealDrums/Stems JazzSwingModern and JazzSwingModernBrushes did not work.
  • Fixed: Five RealTracks were assigned incorrect holds (Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 120, Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Dire Ev 140, Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Hank Sw 065, Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm OldWorld2Beat Ev16 140, Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Blues12-8Brent Sw 065)
  • Improved: These RealTracks previously used full chording shots & holds, but now more correctly use single-notes:
    Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Bossa Ev 140
    Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Bossa Ev 085
    Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Bossa Ev 190
  • Added: New style - _APPEARS.sty was missing from RT set 424.
  • Added: New styles - _CLOUDS.STY and _LUNDI.STY should be included in the bonus 49PAK.
  • Fixed: _TINES had wrong long stylen name in StylePicker.
  • Improved: Many RealDrums were missing long substyle descriptions, which have now been added. E.G. PercFestejoPeru^, FunkModernDiscoEv16^
  • Improved: RealTracks Picker memos have been added for some RealTracks that were previously missing them.
  • Fixed: The artist bio for Shobhit Banwait was not showing up.
  • Improved: Artist Performance Sets 13 & 14, lyrics added to the lyric document dialog.
  • Fixed: Demo for _LATNBLU.sty loaded the wrong style
  • Fixed: RT2615:Bass, Electric, FunkPumpingQuarters Ev 100 was playing incorrect notes for certain chords.
  • Fixed: _MISTNYC had odd groove mismatches between instruments
  • Fixed: The CountryEv8 drum style is supposed to use brushes for the A section, but at tempos near 100 it was playing sticks
  • Fixed: _Perch.sty missing from StylePicker.
  • Fixed: The demo for _CAVERNB was using a different RealDrum than the style itself
  • Fixed: The shots and holds for RealTrack 2619:Organ, Rhythm Funk Ev 100 were playing two tones above what was entered
  • Fixed: The audiophile version of 3467:Bass, Electric, AmericanaSyncSteveAB Ev16 085 had some notes that were quiter than others.
  • Fixed: The notation for 2696:Bass, Synth, TropicalHouseA-B Ev 120, 2694:Bass, Synth, TropicalHouseOffBeat Ev 120 and 2695:Bass, Synth, TropicalHouseSync Ev 120 was in a higher octave than what was being played
  • Fixed: Audiophile edition: RealDrums BebopLatin2Swing^ & JazzModernShuffle^, as well as the Direct Input Holds 330 would play nothing but static
  • Fixed: The 146 tempo of JazzWaltzTerryClarke^ RealDrums would have dropouts in some bars
  • Fixed: The demo for _LATNBLU.sty would load STRAYST8.sty
  • Fixed: _SUNDRY.sty had silent audio demo
  • Fixed: The demo for =PICNIC.sty previously had a horn section on one of the tracks that was not supposed to be there
  • Fixed: RT4270: Bass, Electric, ProgRockTOAB Ev16 090 was not playing Sus chords.
  • Fixed: RT4013: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedLoArp Ev16 65 was playing some incorrect notes
  • Fixed: Most of the Synthmaster presets did not have working demos when you double-clicked on them
  • Updated: Help file, manual, tips, etc.
  • Improved: Transcriptions, transitions between chords, as well as new simple variation options, have been made to many of the RealTracks from the December 2022 release. S=Simple added, T=Transcription improved, M=Improved transitions between riffs. List below:
    Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Bossa Ev 085 (SM)
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BossaLHComp Ev 085 (S)
    Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Bossa Ev 190 (SM)
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm BossaLHComp Ev 190 (S)
    Guitar, Lap Steel, Background BluesSlow128 Sw 065 (TSM)
    Guitar, Lap Steel, Background BluesFunky Ev 120 (TSM)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BluesShuffleSyncBasic Sw 120 (TS)
    Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist BluesGrittyPat Ev 120 (SM)
    Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist BluesGrittyPat Ev 085 (SM)
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzRockSoul Ev 130 (S)
    Bass, Electric, SoulRock70sAB Ev 100 (TSM)
    Bass, Electric, Soul60sSlow128AB Sw 060 (TSM)
    Sitar, Background SlowSwing16thsAnwar Sw16 075 (M)
    Bass, Electric, MetalModernJoshAB Ev 120 (SM)
    Bass, Electric, MetalModernDoubleTimeJosh Ev 120 (SM)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernChugDouble12keyNico Ev16 120 (S)
    Guitar, Lap Steel, Soloist BluesShuffleRob Sw 120 (TSM)
    Bass, Electric, ProgRockTOAB Ev16 090 (TSM)
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist ProgRockTO Ev 090 (TSM)
    Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist RockShuffleGrittyPat Sw 110 (SM)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlow128PowerHeldPlus Sw 050 (S)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlow128PowerChug Sw 050 (S)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlow128PulsingDelay Sw 050 (SM)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlow128DreamyHiPads Sw 050 (SM)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlow128LoPadsDelay Sw 050 (SM)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleWaltzDistArpeg Sw 120 (TSM)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleWaltzDistPowerChordsHeld Sw 120 (TSM)
    Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm NashvilleWaltzMelodicTremolo Sw 120 (M)
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist ModernCountry16thsBrent Ev16 060 (SM)
    Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm ModCountrySlowSw16Tremolo Sw16 060 (SM)
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryCoolSw16Johnny Sw16 090 (M)
    Guitar, Lap Steel, Background BluesShuffleRob Sw 120 (TSM)
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist Soul70sRelaxedPat Ev 100 (SM)
    Guitar, Lap Steel, Background CountryPopGrittyShuffle Sw 110 (SM)
    Guitar, Lap Steel, Background CountryPopGritty Ev 120 (SM)
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist NashvilleShuffleGrittyBrent Sw 110 (TS)
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist ChicagoBluesPat Sw 140 (TS)
    Bass, Electric, BluesFunkyAB Ev 120 (S)
    Bass, Electric, BluesShuffleAB Sw 110 (TS)
    Bass, Electric, BluesFunkyAB Ev 085 (TS)
    Bass, Electric, PopSwingBouncyAB Sw 120 (TS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BluesShuffleSync Sw 120 (TS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BluesFunky Ev 120 (TS)
    Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Bossa Ev 140 (S)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkLondonMuteWah Ev16 120 (TSM)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkLondonSoulRiffsTrem Ev16 120 (TSM)
    Guitar, Lap Steel, Background BluesFunkyRob Ev 085 (S)
    Guitar, Lap Steel, Background BluesSlowShuffleRob Sw 085 (TSM)
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesSlow128Johnny Sw 60 (TS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm LatinRock Ev 125 (TM)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm LatinRockDbl Ev 125 (TM)
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist LatinRock Ev 125 (M)
    Bass, Electric, SoulFunk70sSw16AB Sw16 090 (TSM)
    Bass, Electric, SoulFunk70sAB Ev 100 (TSM)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SoulFunk70s Ev 100 (TSM)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernArpeggio12keyNico Ev 120 (MS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernSyncHi12keyNico Ev 120 (MS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernPowerHeldPlus12keyNico Ev 120 (MS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernStaccatoSync12keyNico Ev 120 (MS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernChugDouble12keyNico Ev16 120 (M)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalModernChugging12keyNico Ev 120 (MS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockHiStrum Ev 170 (TS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockHiRiffs Ev 170 (TS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRock1-noteBreakMid Ev 170 (TS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRock1-noteBreakLow Ev 170 (TS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerBreakMute Ev 170 (TS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerBreakPartialMute Ev 170 (TS)
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerBreakdown Ev 170 (TS)
  • Improved: Improvements to transcriptions for many of the RealDrums from the December 2022 release. List below:

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. March 9, 2023

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2023 Build 1006 Update (250 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2023 to Build 1006 from any previous 2023 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 5.0.9.

Summary of changes for Build 1006 (since 1004) (Dec 21, 2023)

  • Fixed: RealTracks regenerate every time playback starts if an ST2 file is missing, or using a style like _STUNR3.STY with RT "Silence"
  • Fixed: Big Piano window was not returning to its previous size when opened.
  • Fixed: Incorrectly labeled menu items in the Soloist menu.
  • Fixed: Notes might not be turned off after rendering.
  • Fixed: Possible crash if starting playback immediately after loading a song.
  • Fixed: "Unsupported Time signature change" might appear many times if using File > Open Special > Open MIDI File.
  • Fixed: Import MIDI from clipboard menu items did not open the new dialog.
  • Fixed: User was prompted to save song after generating song, even if no changes were made.
  • Fixed: Broken file extension filter in the File Open dialog.
  • Fixed: RealTrack 2498: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockabillySwingKevin Sw 165 had gaps in audio.
  • Updated: PDF Manuals, help, tip files.

DAW Plugin build 5.0.9 Release notes

  • Fixed: Need to click several times for tempo sync button to work
  • Fixed: Simple (Short) file names sometimes show duplicate instrument name
  • Fixed: Simple (short) file names are not working for drum stems
  • Fixed: Some file extensions in 'Open Recent' list were not present
  • Fixed: Selecting new style while on utility tracks page should scroll to top
  • Fixed: Generating a disabled track should enable it and generate
  • Fixed: Generating current page is not working

Summary of changes for Build 1004 (since 1003) (Dec 13, 2023)

  • Added: 52 RealStyles added for RT401-429, MST36-39, and the Bonus 49PAK.
  • Added: User cateegories for xtra Styles 14-15 and XPro 4
  • Fixed: Bass, Electric, ProgRockTOA-only Ev16 090 does not play sus chords
  • Fixed: Several misnamed RD Stems files (e.g PopRock8ths^_085_Overhead_.*)
  • Added: Stem support for Vocals, Background GospelShuffle3-part Sw 11
  • Fixed: Some demo fixes (e.g. silent _sundry.wma)
  • Fixed: misnamed RT "Guitar, Electric, Background LAPopJazzLiteSimpleLicks Ev 118"
  • Fixed: Hitting Esc key while song stopped might cause short noise.
  • Fixed: Audio Edit might appear blank when opening.
  • Fixed: Erasing Melody track did not erase the lyrics.
  • Fixed: Possible corrupt MIDI files if exporting song that contains section text events.
  • Fixed: MIDI File Options: "Write section text as text events" check box was not working properly.
  • Fixed: Import Audio File dialog only allowed selecting Utility tracks.
  • Fixed: The "All" check box in Bar Settings was not working properly.
  • Fixed: Possible issues with volume automation if starting playback at exact location of a node.
  • Fixed: Hot-keys not right-aligned in some popup menus.
  • Fixed: Choosing to output chords on a specific track does not immediately update the Mixer.
  • Fixed: Select and Generate RealTracks menu in Audio Edit should open the Regenerate dialog if the current track is using a RealTrack.
  • Fixed: User was prompted to save song after choosing Cancel in Song Settings.
  • Fixed: Notation: note names not appearing on Utility tracks.
  • Fixed: Notation: issues with note coloring.
  • Fixed: Undo of Regen was sometimes reverting to the first variation, not the previous variation.
  • Fixed: The setting to include the ending when printing the whole song in Print Options wasn't always working.
  • Fixed: Issues with the key sig on every line not working properly.
  • Improved: Audio Edit cursor selection synchronizes when switching between tracks that have different base tempos.
  • Added: "Include chord text markers" added to MIDI File Options dialog.
  • Added: Write Chords to track has option to keep root lowest note.
  • Fixed: Leadsheet File | Print.
  • Fixed: [DAW Plugin] Possible freeze when opening the Style Picker multiple times.
  • Fixed: [DAW Plugin] silent organ in _LAMAGIA.STY.
  • Fixed: [DAW Plugin] Audio tracks are not rendered when generating a SGU file.

Summary of changes for Build 1003 (since 1001) (Dec 5, 2023)

  • Fixed:"Error starting ASIO driver (error = InvalidMode)" error when starting playback after playing demos in the Style Picker.
  • Fixed:Crash log should show the current version and build.
  • Fixed:[Save Report to Log File] should show the file in Windows Explorer.
  • Fixed:Possible crash when turning on Audio Input Monitoring.
  • Fixed:Audio Input Monitoring was silent during recording.
  • Fixed:Track Settings: [Erase Track] did not reset the track description.
  • Fixed:RealTracks Picker was shrinking every time it was opened.
  • Fixed:Possible crash when pressing keys in Song Picker.
  • Fixed:If loading a style or TGS file that uses an Amplitube 3 preset, Amplitube 4 will be used if available.
  • Fixed:Amplitube should be automatically added to plugin lists if it is installed.
  • Fixed:Mixer popup windows might appear on the wrong monitor.
  • Fixed:Possible crash if opening the Audio Edit window immediately after song generation starts.
  • Fixed:Possible click sound when stopping playback.
  • Fixed:Mislabeled menu items in Edit Melody menu.
  • Fixed:"Load Group" in the mixer does not remember the last location you used for that function.
  • Fixed:Add-ons dialog reported 94% of Xtra style sets instead of 100%.
  • Fixed:Styles weren't applying the drum volume offset for drums on non-drums tracks.
  • Fixed:StyleMaker, dB setting now applies to drums on drums or other tracks.

Summary of changes for DAW Plugin 5.0.2 (since 5.0.0)

  • Fixed:ArtistPerformanceTracks change after generating.
  • Fixed:Added option to simplify file names even more.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 21, 2022

Download Now!

Band-in-a-Box® Version 2022 Build 927 Update (410 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2022 to Build 927 from any previous 2022 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 4.8.13.

Summary of changes for Build 927 (since 926) (Nov 8, 2022)

  • Fixed: Melody harmonies were not rendered to audio files.
  • Fixed: Command+dragging mixer controls should not affect the Default Synth track.
  • Fixed: Volume/pan/reverb mixers controls did not work for MIDI tracks set to display type "Drums".
  • Fixed: Shift+click Play and Generate should force frozen tracks to regenerate.
  • Added: "Show RealDrums with stems" check box added to the RealDrums picker.
  • Fixed: RT2852:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RnBSoulSw16Mike Sw16 085 was playing a 7th chord when a major chord was entered
  • Fixed: MST3576: Bass, NashvilleRadioCoolAB Sw16 090 did not have a swing 16 feel
  • Fixed: RT2676:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm BluesShuffleBrent Sw 130 was playing incorrect chords
  • Fixed: RT4033:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryFunkyBrent Sw16 090 was causing Band-in-a-Box to crash when selected
  • Fixed: RT4013:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedLoArp Ev16 65 was playing a #11 over certain chords. If the user would no longer like to hear the #11 they can select the simple option which has been updated to remove all instances this.
  • Fixed: RT3957:Bass, Synth DramaPianoOctaves 65 was playing some notes one step higher than they were written

Summary of changes for DAW Plugin 4.8.13 (since 4.6.16)

  • Fixed: MIDI playback through synth does not reset position when changed
  • Fixed: Changing 2 bar lead-in after generating and then starting playback will result in bar-highlighting being 2 bars off
  • Fixed: Changing lead-in after generating does not trigger generate needed icon
  • Fixed: Bar highlighting during playback should not scroll chord sheet if the current row is the end of the song
  • Fixed: Style Mix is enabled even when Preferences setting is set to disabled
  • Fixed: Drums cannot be generated on style page if not on default drum track
  • Fixed: Utility tracks should be muted if generating Style Mix to avoid doubling of instruments
  • Fixed: Right-clicking (or "+" menu) on Style Mix scrolls track table to first page
  • Fixed: Muting Style Mix track unmutes all style tracks but not AUDIO track
  • Fixed: Tooltips in Preferences dialog do not fit in tip area

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Nov 8, 2022

Download Now!

Band-in-a-Box® Version 2022 Build 926 Update (410 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2022 to Build 926 from any previous 2022 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 4.6.16.

Summary of changes for Build 926 (since 923) (Oct 4, 2022)

  • Fixed: RealTracks Picker might not find the right audition demos.
  • Fixed: RealTracks Picker audition demos might be delayed.
  • Fixed: Undoing a style selection did not restore the selected RealTracks on higher tracks.
  • Fixed: "List Index Out Of Bounds" error in the Melodist Maker dialog.
  • Fixed: Song Medley Maker: The Insert button did not work if the current list was empty.
  • Fixed: Some MicroChords might not be saved in song file.
  • Fixed: Generating custom RealTracks in the Audio Edit window would force the RealTrack to be in Direct Input mode.
  • Fixed: "Version 8 New Features" in Help menu item should say "Newest Features".
  • Fixed: Possible crash when using the Piano Roll with more than 5000 MIDI events.
  • Fixed: mysong.wav did not appear to be loaded visually when starting playback.
  • Fixed: When a RealTrack becomes editable, there should be only one Undo step to get back to the uneditable state.
  • Fixed: Keyboard input might stop working after choosing to [Keep Take] when recording audio (Windows 11).
  • Fixed: Audio Edit "Convert Channels" might not work the first time used (Windows 11).
  • Fixed: UserTracks become unfrozen when generating song.
  • Fixed: If using Copy/Move Tracks to move an entire MIDI track, the source track still appears to contain MIDI events.
  • Fixed: Drums windows was playing on the wrong MIDI channel.
  • Fixed: The Mixer did not properly redraw after visiting the RealDrums Preferences dialog.
  • Fixed: Copy/Move a MIDI track should ignore option to copy/move audio.
  • Improved: Elastique upgraded from version 3.3.1 to 3.4.0.
  • Improved: Elastique Tune upgraded from version 1.4.0 to 1.4.5.
  • Improved: Elastique Harmony upgraded from version 1.0.4 to 1.0.5.
  • Improved: Elastique ReTune upgraded from version 1.0.5 to 1.1.0.
  • Fixed: [DAWPlugin] Custom STY mixer settings were not applied when rendering songs.
  • Fixed: When old line-based lyrics are imported using the "auto-split" option, spaces should be inserted before capital letters.
  • Fixed: Unwanted volume events in exported MIDI files when using Bar Settings to mute bars.
  • Fixed: "Preferred default track type for new songs" setting did not work.
  • Fixed: The floating Audio Edit window did not respond to the space bar.
  • Fixed: MIDI Export: "Write Guitar part on 6 channels" did not work for some tracks.
  • Fixed: Direct Input setting for RealTracks did not work on Utility tracks.
  • Fixed: MultiRiff: Regenerated section is blank if selected region starts before bar 1.
  • Fixed: Make Notation Video dialog did not allow you to select Utility tracks.
  • Fixed: Make Notation Video dialog did not allow you to use custom dimensions for notation videos.
  • Fixed: Filter is retained when reopening the Hi-Q Patch selector dialog.
  • Fixed: Tabla RealDrums did not automatically tune to the song key.
  • Fixed: The audio import dialog would not appear after previously importing audio.
  • Fixed: Track Actions > Erase did not remove RealDrums, or Loops.
  • Fixed: Dragging an automation node should move all the selected nodes.
  • Added: Shift+mouse-wheel will scroll the track position in the Audio Edit window.

Summary of changes for DAW Plugin 4.6.16 (since 4.5.33)

  • Fixed: Cannot cancel generation.
  • Fixed: Track name is not showing correctly in localized versions
  • Fixed: Clicking on scrollbar section for track page should jump to that page
  • Added: Keyboard at the bottom of chord settings dialog to show what notes are in chord
  • Added: Update render settings menu (and track + menu)
  • Added: Way to save output channel mapping layout as default
  • Added: Ability to exclude tracks from MCC
  • Fixed: Extra MultiRiff track is visible in 'Track Table' view
  • Fixed: Clicking on utility track in 'Track Table' view causes track to jump to the top
  • Fixed: Arrow keys and scroll skip over track 2 and 3.
  • Fixed: Mouse wheel scroll in track table is too sensitive
  • Fixed: Cancelling out of style picker before generating should cancel generation
  • Fixed: First hit of drum count-in is heard even when drums are muted
  • Fixed: Crash when starting local playback after generating new song
  • Fixed: Preference option to set chord display does not immediately update Chord sheet
  • Fixed: Crash after selecting MIDISuperTrack on a utility track
  • Fixed: Loading MST followed by MIDISoloist mixes up tracks when soloing
  • Fixed: Plugin loses focus when generating track
  • Fixed: Bug when clicking on large spinning wheel while style picker is opening
  • Fixed: Cannot "Paste Special" from main program to plugin
  • Fixed: Style page should also be considered as available tracks for non-style tracks
  • Fixed: 'Highlight Bar From DAW' option in Preferences dialog causes high CPU
  • Fixed: Separate audio tracks not working properly
  • Fixed: Sync stops working if dragging tracks fails
  • Fixed: midi tracks on same channel are muted together
  • Fixed: plugin crashing after generating song with SYNC on

RealTracks / Content

  • Fixed: Some artist performances in sets 11 & 12 had incorrect metadata in the wma files, and one song missing all audio. Some had incorrect track names & labels. Some needed minor mix tweaks.
  • Fixed: Octave was wrong for PRT 755
  • Fixed: 2494:Piano, Acoustic, HeldChords 120 was not playing 7sus chord in certain situations
  • Fixed: 1677:Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking CountryBrent Ev 120 was not playing an ending in G correctly.
  • Improved: 4010:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedSwellsHeld 95 has been improved so when it is played no instances of disonant chords will be heard.
  • Improved: The RealTrack 3582:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm PalmMuteRockPushSlow Ev 100 and 4060:Guitar, Electric, Soloist BluesSlow128Johnny Sw 60 have had their riff selection improved so that the transitions between chords will sound smoother.
  • Improved: The following RealTracks have had simple tags added so that when the simple option is selected the playback will not be as busy as a regular version
        RT 4038:Guitar, Electric, Soloist OutlawCountryBrent Ev 160
        RT 3775:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkDanceHiChop Ev16 110
        RT 3766:Vibes, Rhythm PopSwing Sw 110
        RT 3878:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintagePopSlow68Chop Sw 070
        RT 3879:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintagePopSlow68SingleRoots Sw 070
        RT 3880:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintageRockNRollSweepArp Ev 120
        RT 3881:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintageRockNRollMarch Ev 090
        RT 3882:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockNRollTremoloHeld 090
        RT 3883:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm RockNRollSweep Sw 120
        RT 3884:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm VintagePopArpSlow128 Sw 060
        RT 3765:Vibes, Rhythm PopBallad Ev 085
        RT 3598:Bass, Acoustic, RumbaFlamencaAB Ev16 120
        RT 3771:Tin Whistle, Low, Background Folky16thsGeoff Ev 085
        RT 3781:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockNRollTremoloHeld 120
        RT 3999:Sax, Alto, Background BluesShuffleChris Sw 130 (1TrackHornSection)
  • Improved: The following RealTracks have had the transcription and tablature improved. Now in the notation or lead sheet window the transcription and tablature will more accurately represent what is being played.
        RT 4056:Guitar, Electric, Soloist ModernCountryStraightGrittyBrent Ev 120
        RT 3947:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FusionSw16Brent Sw16 075
        RT 3949:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FusionBalladBrent Ev16 080
        RT 4033:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryFunkyBrent Sw16 090
        RT 3894:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkDetroitHiChords Ev16 100
        RT 3896:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkSoulful60sPulse Ev16 105
        RT 4005:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkyOctaves Ev16 130
        RT 4003:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopRotaryHeld 130
        RT 4059:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountrySwingBalladJohnny Sw 85
        RT 3897:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkSoulful60sPulseChop Ev16 105
        RT 4038:Guitar, Electric, Soloist OutlawCountryBrent Ev 160
        RT 3983:Bass, Electric, RumbaBlues Ev 120
        RT 4022:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryBalladPower2 Ev16 075
        RT 4023:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModCountryBalladPower8thsMute Ev16 075
        RT 4030:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryFunkyLow2 Sw16 090
        RT 4007:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopRotaryHeld 95
        RT 3977:Bass, Electric, JumpBluesAB Sw 165
        RT 4004:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkySingle Ev16 130
        RT 4008:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopHushMuted2noteAlt Ev16 95
        RT 4009:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopHushMuted2noteLoAlt Ev16 95
        RT 4011:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopRotaryHeld 65
        RT 4010:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedSwellsHeld 95
        RT 4029:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryFunkyLow1 Sw16 090
        RT 3966:Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist BluesSlow12-8Pat Sw 065
        RT 3974:Guitar, Resonator, BackgroundSoloist BluesFunkyRob Ev 120
        RT 3775:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkDanceHiChop Ev16 110
        RT 3975:Guitar, Resonator, Soloist BluesShuffleRob Sw 120
        RT 3976:Guitar, Resonator, BackgroundSoloist BluesFastRockNRollRob Ev 165
        RT 3940:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltRock2-noteAlternate Ev 095
        RT 3768:Guitar, 12-String Electric, Rhythm ModernPopBrent Ev 120
        RT 3874:Guitar, 12-String Electric, Rhythm BalladPickingBrent Ev16 060
        RT 3770:Tin Whistle, Low, BackgroundSoloist Folk8thsGeoff Ev 110
        RT 3777:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm VintagePopArp Ev 085
        RT 3884:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm VintagePopArpSlow128 Sw 060
        RT 3885:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm ClassicLatinPop Ev 140
        RT 4027:Guitar, Electric, BackgroundSoloist ModCountryGrittyBrent Ev16 075
        RT 3765:Vibes, Rhythm PopBallad Ev 085
        RT 4031:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryFunkyHigh Sw16 090
        RT 3643:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm DublinPopSlowMuteChop Ev16 105
        RT 3727:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm GrungePopDist8ths Ev 110
        RT 3736:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm GrungeSlowDistPower8ths Ev 080
        RT 3649:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm Spirited16thsSoft Ev16 120
        RT 3660:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm 60sCoffeehouse16ths Ev16 100
        RT 3668:Dulcimer, Rhythm Swing8ths Sw 110
        RT 3722:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PopSoulHeldSlow128Brent Sw 040
        RT 3184:Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm GrungeSlowQuinn Ev16 060
        RT 3986:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RumbaBluesPat 120
        RT 3942:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm PunkPopMuted Ev 170

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Oct 4, 2022

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2022 Build 923 Update (320 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2022 to Build 923 from any previous 2022 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 4.5.33.

Summary of changes for Build 923 (since 922) (June 13, 2022)

  • Fixed: Track "is empty" error message when trying to freeze a MIDI track.
  • Fixed: "Allow Lead-in Bars" setting would be switched on after rendering song.
  • Fixed: [ST2] button in Melodist Editor did not work.
  • Fixed: Possible crash when opening the Track Settings dialog.
  • Fixed: Possible crash when opening the MicroChords dialog.
  • Fixed: Melody > Edit Melody Track > Record Melody from bar#... ignored the selected bar number and chorus.
  • Fixed: Melody track might be silent after recording.
  • Updated: Help file and PDF manual.
  • Added: Support for Xtra Styles PAK 13 and XPro Styles PAK 3.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. June 13, 2022

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2022 Build 922 Update (320 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2022 to Build 922 from any previous 2022 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 4.5.33.

Summary of changes for Build 922 (since 920) (March 9, 2022)

  • Fixed: MIDI input was not working from external MIDI controllers.
  • Fixed: Small errors in Song titles database for localized versions.
  • Fixed: RealDrums MIDI would not export if the track contained MultiDrums.
  • Fixed: Drum stem tracks were not regenerating until song was reloaded.
  • Fixed: Thru track was playing on the wrong MIDI channel.
  • Fixed: Audible Metronome uses Piano Sound.
  • Fixed: Guitar Window would decrease in width after leaving the Guitar Settings dialog.
  • Fixed: "Phrygian position" option missing from Guitar Settings dialog.
  • Fixed: Selecting a MIDI Soloist would always choose _DEPTHS.STY.
  • Fixed: Entering "SS14" into chord sheet did not open the Audio Chord Wizard.
  • Fixed: Hints did not show in the Reverb settings dialog.
  • Fixed: Recorded audio would play out of sync if recorded into a song with tempo changes.
  • Updated: PDF manuals, documentation

DAW Plugin 4.5.33 (since 4.5.10)

  • Fixed: MicroChords are incorrect in Nashville Notation
  • Fixed: Cannot enter 'Fadd2' chord
  • Fixed: Plugin crashes in FL Studio
  • Fixed: Generating style track from track context menu not working
  • Fixed: Generating 'Selected Region' shows wrong region in track description
  • Fixed: Generating 'All Pages (Ungenerated Tracks Only)' not working
  • Fixed: Cannot enter chord on second beat
  • Fixed: Sync offset cannot be edited
  • Fixed: Starting playback with more than 1 chorus causes generate icon to blink
  • Fixed: Play icons do not change when first pressing PLAY
  • Fixed: Clicking on plugin while BBApp is opening and running stops operation
  • Fixed: Copy/Paste in chord sheet does not work properly
  • Fixed: Spacing between items in Preferences menu
  • Fixed: Duplicate MicroChords do not work
  • Fixed: MicroChord dialog 'Triplet' does not work
  • Fixed: MicroChord dialog copies chords to next beat
  • Fixed: MicroChord dialog 'Force Enabled'/'Triplet' buttons are greyed out when there are chords present
  • Fixed: Cannot enter MicroChord with (Blues) chord
  • Fixed: MicroChords are not included in midi marker file
  • Fixed: MicroChords are not heard when auditioning midi chord
  • Fixed: Cannot enter (A,B,C,D)B in chord sheet
  • Fixed: Bar is wrongly highlighted when there is no playback
  • Fixed: Generating MultiRiffs crashes plugin

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. April 27, 2022

Download Now!

Band-in-a-Box® Version 2022 Build 920 Update (320 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2022 to Build 920 from any previous 2022 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 4.5.10.

Summary of changes for Build 920 (March 9, 2022)

  • Fixed: RealDrums Picker: "Show RealDrums that are N/A" did not work.
  • Fixed: RealDrums stems were unassigned if the parent was the Drums track.
  • Fixed: "Save Song as ABC Notation File" menu item was missing.
  • Fixed: The MicroChords dialog would not close when clicking on the X button.
  • Fixed: Some RealDrums had incorrect number under the Set column in the RealDrums Picker.
  • Fixed: Chords might not display properly after using the Melodist.
  • Fixed: Pedal Bass might not display properly on the chord sheet.
  • Fixed: Thru harmony played on the wrong MIDI channel.
  • Fixed: Issues with replacing a RealDrums stem parent with RealTracks.
  • Fixed: Equalize Tempos feature should enable Conform to Playback Tempo setting.
  • Fixed: The volume control in the Track Settings dialog always set the volume to 20.
  • Fixed: Track > Edit MIDI > Timeshift Track (ticks)... did not work.
  • Fixed: Access violation in Piano Roll if dragging mouse to the left of the controller area.
  • Fixed: Changing song key did not transpose MIDI on higher tracks (Utility range).
  • Fixed: Tabla RealDrums did not automatically tune to the song key.

DAW Plugin 4.5.10

  • Fixed: Generate icon should not blink when tracks are empty
  • Fixed: Drum and Piano tracks are swapped when dragged individually
  • Fixed: Plugin should only reset DAW dirty bit when song is dirty or unsaved
  • Fixed: Visual count-in did not show when moving playback position to start
  • Fixed: Riff numbering is incorrect when selecting "MultiRiff from this RealTrack" in Track menu
  • Fixed: Generate Icon not blinking correctly
  • Fixed: Right-click on solo & mute buttons should work as in Band-in-a-Box
  • Fixed: BBPluginDebug.txt should always be written
  • Fixed: Order of Style Tracks in custom menu was incorrect
  • Fixed: Order of Style tracks when dragging incorrect
  • Added: Visual indicator for count-in
  • Fixed: Plugin should close BBApp when multiple instances are running
  • Fixed: Creating BBInput file caused crash in some cases
  • Fixed: Mute buttons should work as in BIAB
  • Fixed: Solo buttons should work as in BIAB
  • Fixed: Setting global chord display not working correctly
  • Fixed: Visual transpose not working
  • Fixed: Plugin is stuck with "Shutting Down Band-in-a-Box Engine" message
  • Fixed: Confirmation dialog not showing on correct plugin instance when multiple instances are running
  • Fixed: Input restrictions for song settings (Tempo, Start Bar, Total Bars, Choruses)
  • Fixed: Confirmation dialog should take keyboard focus when opened
  • Fixed: Could not set AUDIO track settings
  • Fixed: Chord display not being saved when plugin window is closed
  • Added: MIDI Soloist option for style page tracks
  • Added: Preference option to disable/enable spacebar playback in standalone
  • Added: Preference option to disable/enable "always on top" in standalone
  • Added: Action logging for the plugin. *Note that in order for this to work, there must exist a file called "C:\Users\Public\Ticket\BBPluginDebug.txt"


  • Fixed: Several missing bt1 files for Drums and RealTracks.
  • Fixed: Some missing RealDrums Demos Audio
  • Fixed: A few missnamed Direct Input shots files, e.g. SH6811_DI.wma should be SH6811.wma
  • Fixed: Nashville2Beat^, ReggaeClassic, PopWaltz, Shaker128-16ths - displayed with wrong groove info in RD Picker.
  • Fixed: Typo in MalletsSw16Slow DrumGrooveName
  • Fixed: RT2328 assigned wrong holds
  • Fixed: Bass, Electric, NorthernRock Sw16 075 has been altered to now no longer play 7th chords on the I or IV chord.
  • Fixed: 2158:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkyGroove60s Ev 100 has been altered to now no longer play b7 notes on a major chord.
  • Improved: Simple variation added to the following:
         RT3962:Guitar, Electric, Soloist FusionSlow16thsMike Ev16 080
         RT3961:Guitar, Electric, Soloist FusionCoolSw16Mike Sw16 075
         RT3949:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FusionBalladBrent Ev16 080
         RT3980:Bass, Acoustic, JumpBluesAB Sw 165
         RT3977:Bass, Electric, JumpBluesAB Sw 165
         RT3983:Bass, Electric, RumbaBlues Ev 120
         RT3984:Bass, Acoustic, RumbaBlues Ev 120
         RT3985:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RumbaBluesPat 120
         RT3986:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RumbaBluesPat 120
         RT3987:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RumbaBluesFastPat 150
         RT3988:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RumbaBluesFastPat 150
         RT3989:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JumpBluesPat Ev 165
         RT3990:Guitar, Electric, Soloist JumpBluesPat Ev 165
         RT3991:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RumbaBluesKevin Ev 120
         RT3992:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JumpBluesKevin Sw 165
         RT3993:Organ, Soloist BluesFunkyEvenCharles Ev 120
         RT3994:Organ, Soloist BluesSlow128Charles Sw 060
         RT3995:Organ, Soloist BluesShuffleCharles Sw 130
         RT3996:Organ, Rhythm BluesSlow128LHcomp Sw 060
         RT3997:Organ, Rhythm BluesShuffleLHcomp Sw 130
         RT3998:Horn Section, Rhythm BluesShuffleChris Sw 130
         RT3999:Sax, Alto, Background BluesShuffleChris Sw 130 (1TrackHornSection)
         RT4000:Sax, Tenor, Background BluesShuffleChrisHi Sw 130 (1TrackHornSection)
         RT4001:Sax, Tenor, Background BluesShuffleChrisLo Sw 130 (1TrackHornSection)
         RT4002:Sax, Baritone, Background BluesShuffleChris Sw 130 (1TrackHornSection)
         RT3938:Guitar, Electric, Background AltRockSlowLowSingle Ev 085
         RT3988:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RumbaBluesFastPat 150
         RT4006:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopSoulRiffs Ev16 130
         RT3898:Guitar, Electric, Background FunkSoulful60sPulseSingle Ev16 105
         RT3990:Guitar, Electric, Soloist JumpBluesPat Ev 165
         RT3776:Guitar, Electric, Background FunkDanceSingleRiff Ev16 110
         RT4004:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkySingle Ev16 130
         RT4005:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkyOctaves Ev16 130
         RT4006:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopSoulRiffs Ev16 130
         RT4007:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopRotaryHeld 95
         RT4008:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopHushMuted2noteAlt Ev16 95
         RT4009:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopHushMuted2noteLoAlt Ev16 95
         RT4012:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedSwellsHeld 65
         RT4011:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopRotaryHeld 65
         RT4013:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedLoArp Ev16 65
         RT4015:Vocal, Rhythm Doo-WopSlow128 Sw 065
         RT4016:Vocal, Background Doo-WopSlow128TenorHiDbl Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection)
         RT4017:Vocal, Background Doo-WopSlow128TenorMedDbl Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection)
         RT4018:Vocal, Background Doo-WopSlow128BaritoneDbl Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection)
         RT4019:Vocal, Background Doo-WopSlow128BassDbl Sw 065 (1TrackVocalSection)
         RT4052:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightHighRiff Ev 120
         RT4053:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightTremoloHeld Ev 120
         RT4054:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightPowerRiff Ev 120
         RT4055:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightHighHeld Ev 120
         RT4056:Guitar, Electric, Soloist ModernCountryStraightGrittyBrent Ev 120
         RT4020:Bass, Electric, ModernCountry16ths Ev16 075
         RT4028:Bass, Electric, ModernCountry8ths Ev 120
         RT4029:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryFunkyLow1 Sw16 090
         RT4030:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryFunkyLow2 Sw16 090
         RT4031:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryFunkyHigh Sw16 090
         RT4032:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm CountryFunkyHeldTrem Sw16 090
         RT4033:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryFunkyBrent Sw16 090
         RT4034:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm OutlawTwangyPhaser Ev 160
         RT4035:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm OutlawTwangyMuted Ev 160
         RT4036:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm OutlawHeldPlusTrem Ev 160
         RT4039:Bass, Electric, CajunZydecoAB Ev 190
         RT4042:Bass, Acoustic, CajunZydeco Ev 190
         RT4043:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryCajun Ev 190
         RT4088:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Zydeco Ev 190
         RT4097:Accordion, Rhythm ZydecoJeff Ev 190
         RT4098:Accordion, Soloist ZydecoJeff Ev 190
         RT4058:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryWaltzJohnny Sw 110
         RT4059:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountrySwingBalladJohnny Sw 85
         RT4057:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryShuffleJohnny Sw 120
  • Improved: The following have more accurate transcriptions:
         RT3945:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FusionFunky16thsBrent Ev16 110
         RT3941:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltRockFastChuggingHi Ev 150
         RT3939:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltRockSlowHiArpPhaser Ev 070
         RT3936:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltRockPop8sGrittyPower Ev 130
         RT4057:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryShuffleJohnny Sw 120
         RT3937:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AltRockPop8sPowerHeld Ev 130
         RT3938:Guitar, Electric, Background AltRockSlowLowSingle Ev 085
         RT3988:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RumbaBluesFastPat 150
         RT4006:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopSoulRiffs Ev16 130
         RT3898:Guitar, Electric, Background FunkSoulful60sPulseSingle Ev16 105
         RT3990:Guitar, Electric, Soloist JumpBluesPat Ev 165
         RT3776:Guitar, Electric, Background FunkDanceSingleRiff Ev16 110
  • Improved: Better Riff selection and chord transitions for the following:
         RT3996:Organ, Rhythm BluesSlow128LHcomp Sw 060
         RT4009:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopHushMuted2noteLoAlt Ev16 95
         RT4013:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedLoArp Ev16 65
         RT4012:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedSwellsHeld 65
         RT4010:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedSwellsHeld 95
         RT4053:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightTremoloHeld Ev 120
         RT4015:Vocal, Rhythm Doo-WopSlow128 Sw 065
         RT4052:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightHighRiff Ev 120
         RT4037:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm OutlawStrummingTwang Ev 160
         RT4054:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightPowerRiff Ev 120
         RT4097:Accordion, Rhythm ZydecoJeff Ev 190
         RT4043:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryCajun Ev 190
         RT4101:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerBreakMute Ev 170
         RT4102:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerBreakPartialMute Ev 170
         RT4103:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerBreakdown Ev 170
         RT4109:Bass, Sub Synth CityLightsStranger 65
         RT4110:Synth, PinkRoomChamberHit 65
         RT4111:Bass, Synth RedDoorPurePro 65
         RT4112:Synth, Rhythm CurtainCallLaserVoxDistorted 65
         RT4071:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MemphisSlowBluesPat Ev 085
         RT4049:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleShuffleGrittyLicksBrent Sw 110
         RT4050:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleShuffleLowSingleMute Sw 110

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. March 9, 2022

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2022 Build 918 Update (240 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2022 to Build 918 from any previous 2022 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 4.3.26.

Summary of changes for Build 918 (Feb 3, 2022)

  • Fixed: Bar Settings: Volume changes not working for MIDI tracks.
  • Fixed: Higher Banks patches were not displaying for Thru track.
  • Fixed: Audio Edit window might zoom extensively in when starting a new song.
  • Fixed: MIDI channels were not applied to tracks when importing MIDI files.
  • Fixed: Track names from imported MIDI files were not applied to track descriptions in the mixer.
  • Fixed: Vocal Synth vocalist selection was incorrect.
  • Fixed: Track Settings Dialog: Setting "Editable Audio" did not work for MIDI tracks, or RealTracks that were not generated yet.
  • Fixed: Dropping an audio file onto Audio Edit did not work for lower track range (Bass, Piano, Drums, etc).
  • Fixed: Auto-Generate Track Labels was not working for MIDI tracks on higher tracks (Utillity range).
  • Fixed: Auto-Generate Track Labels should choose "Drums" for MIDI tracks that are using channel 10.
  • Updated: Manuals and Help file
  • Fixed: StylePicker should only require rebuild after an update if the database is changed.
  • Updated: StylePicker misc. fixes. e.g. N/A appearing for some MultiDrum tracks in mixer.
  • Fixed: GM2 and Higher Bank patches were not displayed on the Mixer for some tracks.
  • Fixed: MIDI batch created wrong song files in wrong directory if there is no slash at end of the folder name.
  • Fixed: "Insert Silence" and "Delete" in the Audio Edit window did not work on RealTracks.
  • Fixed: MIDI Track Picker: "From Track" names were showing patch names instead of source track names.
  • Fixed: "Edit MIDI" sub-menu was missing from the track context menu.
  • Fixed: The Event List Editor window would not work with any track other than Melody or Soloist.
  • Fixed: Using the MicroChords dialog did not cause the song to regenerate.
  • Added: "Display dB Setting for Individual Tracks" setting added to the Global Song Override dialog.
  • Fixed: Harmony tracks might be out of sync with source RealTrack.
  • Fixed: Audio Edit window may be visually out of sync if using RealTracks on higher tracks (Utility range).
  • Fixed: Recording audio did not mute the region being recorded over (eg a punch-in).
  • Fixed: Piano track in MIDI Channel settings was restored to default if user set it to 8 or 9.
  • Fixed: "Select GM2 Patch..." track context menu item did not work for higher tracks (Utility range).
  • Fixed: Custom MIDI did not save in songs if on higher tracks (Utility range).
  • Fixed: Custom MIDI style tracks were not displayed in the automatic song memo.
  • Fixed: Playable RealTracks notes are deleted during song generation if on Melody or Soloist track.
  • Fixed: Main window is constrained to the dimensions of primary monitor if its resolution is smaller than the secondary monitor.
  • Added: "MIDI Channel" menu item added to Track Settings context menu.
  • Added: "MIDI Channel" setting added to Track Settings dialog.
  • Added: "Audio Transpose" setting added to Track Settings dialog.
  • Fixed: Access violation error when opening the RealDrums picker if using a small monitor.
  • Fixed: Possible "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window." error when opening the MicroChords dialog.
  • Fixed: The automatic song memo did not include descriptions for Utility tracks.
  • Fixed: RealDrums RealCharts were not saved in exported MIDI files.

Release Notes (DAW Plugin build 4.3.26)

  • Fixed: Entering chords in MicroChord dialog is not always working
  • Fixed: Default button in Render Settings dialog should only reset check boxes
  • Fixed: Preferences settings being changed automatically by plugin
  • Fixed: Plugin now generates style with utility tracks together
  • Fixed: Font selection lost when first opening the plugin
  • Fixed: Piano and Drums track were being swapped
  • Fixed: Plugin scrolling to last page with tracks when window opens
  • Fixed: Plugin crashes when undoing added tracks with identical names
  • Fixed: Utility tracks store custom track data like style tracks
  • Fixed: Importing external wav/midi file not working
  • Fixed: Cannot generate RT on audio track
  • Fixed: '3' in slash chord does not work
  • Fixed: Setting custom track does not delete previous track data
  • Fixed: Enabling Style Mix did not allow it to be generated
  • Fixed: Nashville notation display issues
  • Fixed: Trying to generate a single style tracks generated all style tracks
  • Fixed: Generating "All Ungenerated Tracks" will generate Style Mix even if it is disabled
  • Fixed: Chord Sheet resizes when adding/removing secondary chord display
  • Fixed: Setting tempo percentage change in bar settings dialog was not working correctly
  • Fixed: Playing midi progression while DAW plays showed error message when stopped
  • Fixed: Starting DAW playback should stop playback in the plugin if sync is on
  • Fixed: Highlighted cell is still shown after playback is stopped when "Highlight DAW Bars = Only During playback"
  • Fixed: Generating all but master (master disabled) does them one at a time
  • Fixed: micro chords should work exactly like in BIAB
  • Fixed: Cannot enter "(Blues)" chord
  • Fixed: Buzzing sound when playing tracks in plugin while DAW is running (Sync is off)
  • Added: Style Mix volume button now shows volumes for all tracks (Master volume button)

RealTracks updates

  • Fixed: _Tumba multidrums error
  • Improved: All 53 RealDrums that include stems now have embedded volume and pan settings for the stems that will make them sound similar to the original mix when loaded.
  • Fixed: Incorrectly named CajunZydeco RealDrums
  • Fixed: In the RealTracks picker, in most cases there should be a single number in the "Holds" column, unless the RealTracks is an A-B RealTrack with different holds for A & B
  • Fixed: Incorrect shots/holds were assigned to several RealTracks
  • Fixed: RT 3583 missing information in RT Picker
  • Improved: The following RealTracks have been improved with better riff selection and phrasing.
         RT3997:Organ, Rhythm BluesShuffleLHcomp Sw 130
         RT4003:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopRotaryHeld 130
         RT4007:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopRotaryHeld 95
         RT4011:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopRotaryHeld 65
         RT4036:Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm OutlawHeldPlusTrem Ev 160
         RT4064:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerStrum1 Ev 170
         RT4065:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockPowerStrum2 Ev 170
         RT4066:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockHiStrum Ev 170
         RT4067:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRockHiRiffs Ev 170
         RT4099:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRock1-noteBreakMid Ev 170
         RT4100:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopFastRock1-noteBreakLow Ev 170
         RT4069:Guitar, Electric, Soloist ChicagoBluesPat Sw 140
         RT4061:Guitar, Electric, Soloist NashvilleShuffleGrittyBrent Sw 110
         RT4056:Guitar, Electric, Soloist ModernCountryStraightGrittyBrent Ev 120
         RT4033:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryFunkyBrent Sw16 090
         RT4070:Harmonica, Soloist ChicagoGrittyBluesPat Sw 140
         RT4062:Piano, Acoustic, Soloist Bossa Ev 140
         RT4057:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryShuffleJohnny Sw 120
         RT3990:Guitar, Electric, Soloist JumpBluesPat Ev 165
         RT4072:Guitar, Electric, Soloist MemphisSlowBluesPat Ev 085
         RT3986:Guitar, Electric, Soloist RumbaBluesPat 120
         RT4073:Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist RockSlowGrittyPat Ev 110
         RT4074:Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist BluesRockGrittyShufflePat Sw 130
         RT4075:Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist RockFastGrittyPat Ev 140
         RT3969:Harmonica, BackgroundSoloist BluesFastRockNRollPat Ev 165
         RT4035:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm OutlawTwangyMuted Ev 160
         RT4104:Vocal, Rhythm Doo-WopPop8ths Ev 085
         RT3992:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JumpBluesKevin Sw 165
         RT4038:Guitar, Electric, Soloist OutlawCountryBrent Ev 160
         RT4055:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernCountryStraightHighHeld Ev 120
         RT4068:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ChicagoBluesPat Sw 140
         RT3901:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockNRollSoul128 Sw 085
         RT4051:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleShuffleRiff Sw 110
         RT3987:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RumbaBluesFastPat 150
         RT4043:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryCajun Ev 190
         RT4048:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleShuffleGritHeldBrent Sw 110
         RT4014:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopDistortedHiArpTrem Ev16 65
         RT4034:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm OutlawTwangyPhaser Ev 160
         RT4004:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkySingle Ev16 130
         RT3918:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm ContradanceReelSlightSwing Sw16 120
         RT3991:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RumbaBluesKevin Ev 120
         RT4031:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryFunkyHigh Sw16 090
         RT4033:Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryFunkyBrent Sw16 090
         RT4006:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopSoulRiffs Ev16 130
         RT3989:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JumpBluesPat Ev 165
         RT4005:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkyOctaves Ev16 130
         RT4008:Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopHushMuted2noteAlt Ev16 95
         RT3998:Horn Section, Rhythm BluesShuffleChris Sw 130

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Feb 3, 2022

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2022 Build 914 Update (230 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2022 to Build 912 from any previous 2022 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 4.2.8.

Summary of changes for Build 914 (Dec 30, 2021)

  • Fixed: Access violation error when opening the RealDrums picker if using a small monitor.
  • Fixed: Possible "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window." error when opening the MicroChords dialog.
  • Fixed: The automatic song memo did not include descriptions for Utility tracks.
  • Fixed: RealDrums RealCharts were not saved in exported MIDI files.

Release Notes (DAW Plugin build 4.2.8)

  • Fixed: Secondary chord display should be coloured grey
  • Fixed: Transpose to minor key not working correctly
  • Fixed: Changing key without transposing not working correctly
  • Fixed: Audio RC should play if midi is not sent.
  • Fixed: Chord Theory options are not transposing to current key
  • Fixed: Select... buttons changed colour when clicked
  • Fixed: Plugin shows message saying track was not generated even though it was
  • Fixed: Localization bugs
  • Added: Arrows to move to next beat/bar in Chord Settings Dialog have been updated so that Left-click will move 1 beat, and Right-click will move 2 beats.

Release Notes (DAW Plugin build 4.1.7)

  • Fixed: Changing language removes selected key
  • Fixed: Changing language should not change save state
  • Fixed: Changing language with custom tracks will remove them
  • Fixed: Re-word preferences settings to fit new design
  • Fixed: GENERATE button causes crash if clicked when plugin is empty
  • Fixed: Volume slider not working on midi tracks
  • Added: Option in preferences to set "Action for Generate Button"
  • Added: Option in preferences to "Send MIDI Data to Embedded Synth"
  • Added: Newly saved progression should replace older one with identical name

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 30, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2022 Build 912 Update (140 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2022 to Build 912 from any previous 2022 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 4.0.0.

Summary of changes for Build 912 (Dec 16, 2021)

  • Added: Playable RealTracks now has a patch (sound) automatically installed for every RealTracks.
  • Added: Multiriff dialog: Silence checkbox, and then precise regions of silence will be generated, for arranging purposes, or to clean up an awkward section
  • Added: Multiriff dialog: [x] button added to easily clear an alternate realtracks
  • Improved: Multiriff dialog: Precise ranges will be generated (unless "lead-in" or "Extra Beat" is selected and the generation is 2 bars or longer, or range isn't bar boundaries)
  • Improved: Multiriff dialog: Snap-to-Bar button improved
  • Fixed: Multiriff dialog: Playable RealTracks preserved when tracks are deleted by style changes, or disabling style, or using MultiRiff
  • Fixed: The MultiRiff window gets stuck behind the main window when starting playback if using the visual metronome.
  • Fixed: Possible crash if re-selecting drum stems.
  • Fixed: Possible crash if opening a song with Bar Based lyrics after using a previous song with Bar Based lyrics.
  • Fixed: Crash when using "Choose styles similar to current" menu item.
  • Fixed: Possible crash when loading songs that contain line-based lyrics.
  • Fixed: "From Track" resets to Bass sometimes in the MIDI Track Picker.
  • Fixed: Using "M" to access MicroChords dialog advances to the next chord cell.
  • Added: "Import MusicXML File" menu item added to File > Import.
  • Fixed: Drum stems displaying wrong name in Mixer after selecting a different RealDrums style.
  • Fixed: Playable RealTracks notes deleted from song when saving if on Melody or Soloist tracks.
  • Fixed: Issues with MIDI output.
  • Fixed: Mixer does not update after using Copy/Move tracks.
  • Fixed: Failure to import MP3 files.
  • Fixed: Some tracks were not freezable.
  • Added: Playable RealTracks editing features are now available in the Notation window.
  • Added: "Choose a different plugin..." menu item added to Playable RealTracks menu in Piano Roll.
  • Fixed: Several "Playable RealTracks" were playing in the wrong octave.
  • Fixed: RT4005 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModPopFunkyOctaves Ev16 130 - DI version played double-time
  • Improved: RT4058 Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryWaltzJohnny Sw 110 (better riff selection)
  • Improved: RT3956 Bass, Synth WarmHugHeld 65 (better riff selection)
  • Improved: RT3957 Bass, Synth DramaPianoOctaves 65 (better riff selection)
  • Improved: RT3988 Guitar, Electric, Soloist RumbaBluesFastPat 150 (Better riff selection)
  • Improved: RT3985 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RumbaBluesPat 120 (Better riff selection)
  • Improved: RT4098 Accordion, Soloist ZydecoJeff Ev 190 (Better riff selection)
  • Updated: StylePicker, documentation updates.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 16, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2022 Build 908 Update (140 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2022 to Build 908 from any previous 2022 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 4.0.0.

Summary of changes for Build 908 (Dec 6, 2021)

  • Fixed: Choosing a new style would delete Melody and/or Soloist track MIDI data.
  • Fixed: Issues with using P key in the chord sheet.
  • Fixed: MicroChords not showing on chord sheet if there is only 1 chord on sub-beat 1.
  • Fixed: List loses focus in RealDrums Picker when using arrow keys or resizing window.
  • Added: RealDrums Picker can be filtered by "stems".
  • Added: RealTracks Picker can be filtered by "playable".
  • Added: Two new blank 16th Utility styles.

Summary of changes for Build 908 (Dec 6, 2021)

  • Fixed: Newer RealTracks do not appear correctly in RealTracks Picker for localized versions.
  • Added: Specific drum stems can be selected in the RealDrums Picker.
  • Added: Track settings: Confirmation added for adding drums to a non drums track.
  • Added: Track settings: Summary text now copyable, so you can paste it into a custom track description.
  • Added: Track settings: RePlay button added, and Play Button now always regenerates.
  • Added: Loading style demos from StylePicker now show full menus for Songs with Vocals, if more than one is available.
  • Added: Loading style demos from chord sheet now show full menus for song demos if more than one is available.
  • Added: MicroChords now have option to display the MicroChords as bar lyrics (and on BigLyrics Window). This is useful to view motif patterns like x,xx .
  • Updated: Manuals, help file updates.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 9, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2022 Build 906 Update (130 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2022 to Build 906 from any previous 2022 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 4.0.0.

Summary of changes for Build 906 (Dec 6, 2021)

  • Fixed: Freeze all button asked user about non-freezable tracks.
  • Fixed: It was not possible to select RealDrums from the Track Settings dialog.
  • Fixed: Mixer should be open with all tracks when booting with factory settings.
  • Fixed: Choosing Drums for track type did not play MIDI events on channel 10.
  • Fixed: RealTracks Picker takes a very long to open or sort if sorted by Holds number.
  • Fixed: Re-enabling Playable RealTracks required clicking the button twice.
  • Fixed: Playable RealTracks mute region event was limited to 136 bars (4/4).
  • Fixed: Some Playable RealTracks gave an error when selected.
  • Fixed: Error when generating RealDrums Stems might occur on some computers.
  • Updated: Songs with Vocals StylePicker categories.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 6, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2022 Build 905 Update (130 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2022 to Build 905 from any previous 2022 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 4.0.0.

Summary of changes for Build 905 (Dec 1, 2021)

  • Fixed: Mislabeled drum stems.
  • Fixed: Playable RealTracks always chose Direct Input Sforzando preset.
  • Updated: Help docs

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 1, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 845 Update (660 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 845 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.9.12.

Summary of changes for Build 845 (Oct 29, 2021)

  • Fixed: RealDrums would become unfrozen when generating song, if on any track other than Drums.
  • Fixed: Time-base setting in the RealDrums picker applied to the Drums track rather than the currently selected track.
  • Fixed: The song memo dialog did not have scroll bars.
  • Fixed: Hot-keys for changing all track volumes were not working.
  • Fixed: Generate Video dialog did not automatically select the Video RealTracks of the calling track context menu.
  • Fixed: Imported MIDI from a corrupt file did not filter out corrupt MIDI events.
  • Fixed: Artist Performance transpose setting was ignored after leaving Song Settings dialog.
  • Fixed: [DAWPlugin] Generating a selected range of bars did not include the song ending.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Oct 29, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 844 Update (660 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 844 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.9.12.

Summary of changes for Build 844 (Oct 15, 2021)

  • Fixed: The Songs button in the Practice window displays a menu that is limited to 300 songs.
  • Fixed: Using M4A for an Artist Performance Track would freeze the program during playback.
  • Fixed: Ctrl+clicking on the Master track should not solo it.
  • Fixed: Ctrl+clicking on a track radio should not solo it if a drag operation was completed.
  • Fixed: Soloing a track may cause the Master and Default Synth tracks to appear muted.
  • Fixed: The plugin selector dialog did not remember its size and position between program sessions.
  • Fixed: Importing a single channel MIDI file might set the Melody track to multi-channel mode.
  • Fixed: "Re-Route to MIDI Channel" is not reset when creating a new song.
  • Fixed: MIDI events such as patch changes are missing in exported MIDI files if not including the count-in.
  • Fixed: Some tempo changes might not be included when exporting MIDI.
  • Fixed: Incorrect tool tips in the Quantize Melody dialog.
  • Fixed: Audio > Edit Audio > Adjust volume level of audio track would fail if using a non-integer value for decibels.
  • Fixed: Audio > Edit Audio > Timeshift Audio (ms) would fail if using a non-integer value for decibels.
  • Fixed: Importing MP3 files might swap left and right channels.
  • Fixed: Artist Performance transpose setting was ignored after leaving Song Settings dialog.
  • Fixed: Crash when zooming all the way out in the chord sheet.
  • Fixed: Using WAS audio drivers limited recording to 16 bit.
  • Fixed: Audio > Edit Audio menu items should warn user if selected track doesn't have any editable audio.
  • Fixed: Possible crash when opening the Lead Sheet.
  • Fixed: Track context menu > Edit MIDI > Step Edit Melody did not work.
  • Fixed: The [None] and [All] buttons in the Sequencer window did not work.
  • Fixed: Punch-in audio recording might be inserted at the wrong location in the track.
  • Added: "Record using" setting added to the Audio Settings dialog for choosing input channel(s).
  • Added: The About dialog shows the file path of the currently running application.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Oct 15, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 842 Update (660 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 842 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.9.12.

Summary of changes for Build 842 (Sept 3, 2021)

  • Fixed: Edit > Song Memo did not work.
  • Fixed: "Include ACID info" render setting did not work.
  • Fixed: Batch rendering audio files might render songs at the wrong tempo.
  • Fixed: The Chord Breaks feature was not working.
  • Fixed: Song audio transpose setting should not be applied if no Artist Performance Tracks are present.
  • Fixed: The Mixer may appear to be using the wrong levels after rendering to individual tracks.
  • Fixed: Errors in tool tips for screen-mode buttons.
  • Fixed: When saving an unsaved song as MIDI, the song title should be used as the suggested file name.
  • Fixed: Rendered file might not be shown in Windows Explorer after rendering.
  • Improved: Rendering MIDI to audio may be faster in some cases.
  • Fixed: [DAW Plugin] Styles with [Half-Time] RealTracks (eg _LAUNCH.STY) are generated at half the tempo.
  • Fixed: Some bar settings might be ignored in rendered files.
  • Fixed: Drawing issues in the RealTracks Picker when the list is not focused.
  • Fixed: The song tempo is doubled if choosing a RealTrack that is [Double-Time] and then clicking on [Generate Track].
  • Fixed: "Include Mix" setting in the Drop Plus dialog was ignored.
  • Fixed: Issues with accidentals on tied notes.

Release Notes (DAW Plugin build 3.9.12) (Sept 3, 2021)

  • Fixed: Enable style mix option should immediately enable the style mix
  • Fixed: Song with replaced style tracks is not showing in the plugin but is generating correctly
  • Added: Close BB App after each call if multiple instances are open
  • Fixed: Double-clicking on ending bars starts playback at chorus 2 bar 1 instead of ending bars
  • Fixed: Right-clicking play from ending bars should not show chorus options
  • Fixed: Style tracks should match order of BIAB
  • Fixed: Panning, Volume, Reverb, Tone was lost when opening song in plugin
  • Fixed: Changing language after tracks are generated will delete master track
  • Fixed: Improved midi player
  • Fixed: Plugin should set the host's dirty bit when window is resized
  • Fixed: Failure to load song files that contain international characters in the file path.
  • Fixed: Master track did not include reverb.
  • Fixed: MIDI tracks rendered as audio were silent.
  • Added: 'Clear' to recent menus
  • Added: File->Quit to standalone plugin
  • Added: 1, 2 bar previews
  • Fixed: Plugin should hide grey background after style picker is closed
  • Fixed: Crash when closing plugin window
  • Fixed: Make play button darker green
  • Fixed: Dry Mix preferences option has been reset to default to improve render times
  • Fixed: Generating a single track when master is muted or disabled should not mute the single track
  • Fixed: Changed wording of preference option "Enable style mix for all new projects" to "Enable Style Mix"

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Sept 3, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 840 Update (660 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 840 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.7.23.

Summary of changes for Build 840 (July 29, 2021)

  • Fixed: RealTracks Picker will crash if no RealTracks are selected when switching to a different track.
  • Fixed: Changing the fret position in the Guitar Window did not trigger the Notation window to redraw.
  • Fixed: Changing user memo in Song Memo dialog was not undoable, and did not prompt user to save song.
  • Fixed: Changing user memo in Song Memo dialog could not be canceled.
  • Fixed: "Set program" sub menu was missing from the plugin context menu for plugins that have a program list.
  • Fixed: Audio > Plugin effects would fail and create distorted audio.
  • Fixed: Audio > Plugin effects should apply to the currently selected track, and currently selected region if applicable.
  • Fixed: Erase Track causes tracks to change solo state.
  • Fixed: "flat, dry, and center" option in the Drop Plus dialog should be available for dragging single tracks.
  • Fixed: MIDI files containing sysex data would fail to import.
  • Fixed: Dropping a MIDI file onto Band-in-a-Box would be ignored if the file extension was ".midi".
  • Fixed: When importing MIDI files "Merge with existing data" did not work correctly.
  • Fixed: Rendering compressed formats (mp3, wma, m4a) would fail if "One file per track" was checked.
  • Fixed: Improved: Render speed improved.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. July 29, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 838 Update (660 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 838 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.7.23.

Summary of changes for Build 838 (July 13, 2021)

  • Fixed: Drum notes in bottom staff saved to XML file were shown too low.
  • Fixed: Frozen RealDrums RealCharts were not saved in song files.
  • Fixed: Track Actions > Save as performance track would fail.
  • Fixed: Using Copy/Move Tracks to copy audio to a non-editable track (eg Soloist) would fail.
  • Fixed: Issues with chord sheet scrolling when near end of song.
  • Fixed: File > Revert to saved should not ask user if they want to save their current song.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box should automatically copy to stylz1.bin if stylz1.bin is missing.
  • Fixed: Drag and drop Master track to MIDI quadrant, and 1 track is soloed, should be SMF type 0 instead of 1.
  • Fixed: The time signature does not update on the chord sheet after selecting a style.
  • Fixed: Using mouse wheel over Track Selector control does not work to select None (eg in Record dialog).
  • Added: Feature Browser menu item added to the Help menu.

Release Notes (DAW Plugin build 3.7.23):

  • Added: Preview N Bars to chord sheet right-click menu
  • Added: Message notifying that saved window size has completed
  • Added: Bar highlighting for midi preview
  • Fixed: Clicking anywhere on plugin while bbm4 window is open should bring window to front (plugin will now be greyed out while bb dialog is open)
  • Fixed: Change disabled Preview N Bars to Preview 4 Bars by default
  • Fixed: Chord sheet/track table view should not resize if horizontal size has been changed
  • Fixed: Some strings not externalized in chord builder
  • Fixed: PLAY/STOP buttons should be green/black to match BIAB
  • Fixed: Gain value changes when toggling volume slider
  • Fixed: Updated hints for "Render Flat Mix" and "Render Dry Mix" to include 2021 changes
  • Fixed: "Move media to project directory" when saving was not always working
  • Fixed: Limit for choruses and start bar were incorrect
  • Fixed: Selecting secondary chord display and then going back to none doesn't resize rows well
  • Fixed: Components incorrectly overlaid in confirmation dialog
  • Fixed: Expand clear renders feature to exclude currently generated tracks
  • Fixed: Expand auto-clear feature to work when starting new session
  • Fixed: Plugin sometimes resets when closing/reopening plugin editor
  • Fixed: "Auto-generate song" was not working with song demos
  • Fixed: noise when starting sync playback in the plugin
  • Fixed: chord sheet should get keyboard focus after any action
  • Fixed: generate "region" not working
  • Fixed: Save Window Size was not working
  • Fixed: Plugin now uses VSTSynthFont for midi rendering (e.g. used for chord preview feature)
  • Fixed: VST3 did not correctly load the dedicated synth.
  • Fixed: "Set default style" not working
  • Fixed: Moving files when saving doesn't work if style is loaded but not generated.

Summary of changes for Build 837

  • Fixed: Memory leaks when regenerating RealTracks or playing songs several times in a program session.
  • Fixed: New Xtra Style might not display correctly in the StylePicker.
  • Fixed: If starting playback from a bar that contains a % tempo change, the tempo change is applied twice.
  • Fixed: Plugin file path is listed twice in Plugin selector dialog.
  • Fixed: "Utility Tracks were automatically transposed." message shows after leaving song settings when no transpose settings were changed.
  • Fixed: "Also generate MIDI Drums in the MIDI file" did not export the underlying MIDI style if the song has RealDrums RealCharts.
  • Fixed: Delete Beats at Bar was not undoable.
  • Fixed: Delete Beats at Bar should ask for chorus/bar numbers rather than just a bar number.
  • Fixed: Insert Beats at Bar should ask for chorus/bar numbers rather than just a bar number.

Summary of changes for Build 836

  • Fixed: Original song tempo was not restored after finishing playback.
  • Fixed: If starting playback from a bar that contains a % tempo change, the tempo change is applied twice.
  • Fixed: Issue with playback synchronization when using the Conductor.
  • Fixed: Frozen RealTracks on Drums track are not saved in song.
  • Fixed: New Xtra styles do not show in the StylePicker for localized versions if the language patch is not up to date.
  • Fixed: VST plugin scans may be slower in some cases.
  • Fixed: Drag and drop individual MIDI tracks should be SMF type 0 instead of 1.
  • Fixed: Using arrow keys to change selection in Hi-Q patches dialog does not update the memo.
  • Fixed: Track context menu > Track Actions > Save track as WAV file should select stereo/mono automatically.
  • Added: "Save in current song directory" setting added to Render dialog.
  • Improved: Enabling render setting "Individual tracks flat, dry, and center" will improve rendering time.
  • Added: "Include Mix" option added to rendering options which can be disabled if rendering individual tracks.
  • Improved: File rendering time reduced.
  • Fixed: If scanning or loading a VST plugin causes Band-in-a-Box to crash, then that plugin should be automatically excluded the next time running the program.
  • Added: Plugin selector dialog shows info on listed plugins, such as the file path and unique identifier. This is useful for troubleshooting plugin installation problems, duplicates, etc.
  • Fixed: "Lyrics below by" changed to "Bar Lyric Position" and now serves as an adjustment when either Lyrics Above or Lyrics Below are selected in the combo for bar lyrics.
  • Fixed: Potential access violation in Lead Sheet window when Fake Sheet mode is selected and there are note-based lyrics.
  • Fixed: Issues with note colors.
  • Fixed: A menu item added to convert note-based lyrics to bar based lyrics.
  • Fixed: Clicking on bar based lyric in Lyrics Window will now start the song from that position.
  • Updated: Documentation, feature browser.

Release Notes (DAW Plugin build 3.6.15):

  • Added: "Preview N Bars [Cmd/Ctrl-P]" option in Generate menu. Hot key for this function is CMD/CTRL-P
  • Added: Option in "Preferences -> General Settings" to save current plugin size as default
  • Added: Option in "Preferences -> Render Settings" to auto-clear renders on startup. Note that this option should only be enabled if the DAW creates copy of media when importing. Enabling this setting will delete the entire renders folder whenever the plugin is first loaded without checking if tracks were dragged or not.
  • Added: Option in "Preferences -> Render Settings" to separate audio output channels for each track after generating
  • Added: Notification for missing media (tracks that will not generate)
  • Added: [PLAY] button to "Generation is complete!" message
  • Added: AU plugin now sends MIDI to DLS Music Device if "Send MIDI to DAW" is selected
  • Added: "Play Current Chord [Shift-Enter]" to right-click menu of chord sheet. Hot key for this function is SHIFT-ENTER
  • Added: Updated preferences dialog to be tabbed menu
  • Added: Global chord display options (in prefs dialog)
  • Added: Chord builder dialog
  • Added: Volume sliders
  • Added: Dedicated synth
  • Added: Make channel displays for midi and audio clickable to set from
  • Added: Ability to set folder path for saved tracks for that instance
  • Added: Preview chord progression as midi (click elsewhere on chord sheet to stop)
  • Added: 'Store/Load chord progression' to chord sheet context menu
  • Added: Hide top menu
  • Added: Button in preferences to open plugin log of green/yellow messages
  • Added: Custom chord font options in Preferences dialog
  • Fixed: BB frequently hangs a long time on "Retrieving Style"
  • Fixed: Changed "Paste Special" to "Paste Special (from Band-in-a-Box)" which is only enabled when system clipboard has song info
  • Fixed: Plugin sometimes does not prompt to save generated tracks with song
  • Fixed: Status message text has bad horizontal scale (should not be compressed)
  • Fixed: Updated audio output channel display to show track channels -> output channels
  • Fixed: "Chart" button text was cutoff
  • Fixed: Play button in Chord Builder crashed AU plugin
  • Fixed: "Preview Chord Progression" crashed AU plugin
  • Fixed: Chordsheet should get focus when generation is complete
  • Fixed: Issues with style picker (and other bb windows) hiding when CMD-TAB is used to navigate to another app and then back to DAW
  • Fixed: Multiple instances of bbm4 open when running AU and VST plugin and retrieving style upon launch
  • Fixed: Plugin should ask to save song before loading song demo
  • Fixed: Preferences dialog should not move position when selected tab changes
  • Fixed: Play/Stop buttons should still alert user that nothing is generated when they are disabled
  • Fixed: Moved "Preview Chord Progression" feature from right-click menu to button under chord sheet (next to C7 button)
  • Fixed: Plugin sometimes crashes in Pro Tools (when setting negative value for bar offset)
  • Fixed: Duplicate file name displayed in "Recent Files"
  • Fixed: Remove "(Mir)" from audio output channel label
  • Fixed: Could not load Midi Soloist on first Extra track from context menu
  • Fixed: Audio latency offset not working in DAW
  • Fixed: Selected font in chord font list should be highlighted
  • Fixed: Time signature changes in bar settings are not working
  • Fixed: Looping bars from chorus > 1 did not work
  • Fixed: Demo button stays disabled after DAW playback stops
  • Fixed: Render Settings button not showing when enlarging plugin window
  • Fixed: Loading new song should reset visual transpose "Key" colour
  • Fixed: Generate Custom -> All Pages (Ungenerated Tracks Only) should not be available when all tracks are generated
  • Fixed: Expanded audio output channel remapping feature to allow for Left, Right, and Summed selections when outputting stereo track to mono channel
  • Fixed: High cpu usage
  • Fixed: PGChords font not displaying correctly
  • Fixed: Saving a song does not add it to "Recently Opened" list
  • Fixed: Playback from bar at chorus x options disappear during playback
  • Fixed: Plugin hangs when trying to unfold choruses if it exceeds bar limit
  • Fixed: Demo button should not be disabled before generating
  • Fixed: Demo button should change colours to indicate when playing
  • Fixed: Crash when opening plugin after it closes
  • Fixed: Global (default) chord display should change current chord display
  • Fixed: Crash when right-clicking on bar in chord builder dialog
  • Fixed: [Play] button in the chord builder does not work (button moved to top right of bar)
  • Fixed: Made status message more pronounced during yellow flash
  • Fixed: Added "Cancel" button in chord builder dialog to undo instantaneous changes
  • Fixed: Choosing option to move project media while Saving As crashed the program
  • Fixed: "Preview Chord Progression" does not work
  • Fixed: Removed duplicate chord display option in "Also show..." to reduce redundancy. If main chord display is "Normal" then secondary display cannot be "Normal"
  • Fixed: Close bbm4 before opening plugin log
  • Fixed: Hiding top menu/toggling views had incorrect window resizing
  • Fixed: Cannot drag volume slider after moving it to right side
  • Fixed: Midi tracks play during demo playback
  • Fixed: Crash when closing Preferences dialog while style picker is open. Preferences dialog will now stay open until BB window is closed
  • Fixed: Bug preventing file browser from opening when Preferences dialog is open
  • Fixed: Folder search is more intelligent
  • Fixed: Bugs related to chord display in chord sheet
  • Fixed: Lag in plugin when using secondary chord display
  • Fixed: Retrieving localized style after changing language should preserve generated tracks
  • Fixed: Extra tracks are lost after changing language
  • Fixed: Bar Settings only shows 1 chorus when there are multiple choruses
  • Fixed: Organized track menu (remove mute/solo, midi/audio channels, and more from + menu in track sheet)
  • Fixed: Playback should pause if bbw4 dialog is opened
  • Fixed: Loading default style when plugin first starts shows incorrect style and description
  • Fixed: Chord sheet now recognizes "min" chord (Dmin as Dm)
  • Fixed: "Play from bar at chorus" played 1 chorus later than expected
  • Fixed: Plugin does not play the tag correctly
  • Fixed: Bar highlighting should not go past song length
  • Fixed: Opening a song file will ask to save when there have not been edits
  • Fixed: Changing tag should enable "generate is needed" blinking light

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. July 13, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 835 Update (650 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 835 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.4.6.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 835 (June 16 2021)

  • Fixed: Edit-Expand Chords item was sometimes adding extra part markers.
  • Fixed: Click at end of drums track in some cases (drum ending shortened by 6 ticks).
  • Fixed: Changing part marker via right click didn't set flag for file save or regenerate song.
  • Fixed: Changing RealDrum substyle via right click didn't set flag for file save or regenerate song.
  • Fixed: Loading a new style should clear custom settings on tracks for Direct input/held/bluesy/double time/embellish (Undo restores them).
  • Fixed: Drum shots: Last drum shot on a song with no ending was missed sometimes.
  • Improved: RealDrums settings dialog: The settings for dB adjust of shots/holds and pushes have a wider range now (using dB).
  • Fixed: Song Demos for some MIDI styles (e.g. Look Ma no MIDI) were not found. All song demos should be found.
  • Fixed: The Guitar Tutor made no sound through plugins.
  • Fixed: [Load Song Demo] not finding demos for some MIDI styles in "Look Ma more MIDI" series.
  • Fixed: Drum click sometimes happening at the very end of a song.
  • Added: Notation color settings added to Display Options dialog.
  • Fixed: Mono Waves AU plugins are silent.
  • Fixed: Mono Waves VST plugins are silent on the right channel.
  • Fixed: Recently installed Waves VST plugins might not get added during a plugin scan.
  • Fixed: C:\Program Files\VstPlugins is added to VST search directories after it has been removed.
  • Fixed: "Fix sour notes" default track data is not set properly for new songs.
  • Fixed: Song audio transpose setting should not be applied if no Artist Performance Tracks are present.
  • Fixed: Artist Performance Tracks are transposed wrong if user changed key or changed setting.
  • Fixed: Artist Performance Tracks might not be displayed correctly on the Mixer.
  • Fixed: Artist Performance Tracks might play at the wrong tempo.
  • Fixed: The [X] button in the Big Piano window does not work.
  • Fixed: When using the "Quantize Track" function the "Ok" button does not close the dialogue box nor does it apply the selected settings.
  • Fixed: Melody > Edit Melody Track > Quantize, Time Adjust > Delete Beats in Melody, displayed "Insert at Bar number" instead of "Delete at Bar number".
  • Fixed: Selecting chorus begin/end should respond to clicking on a part marker on the chord sheet.
  • Fixed: Audio Edit timeline did not indicate tag ending.
  • Fixed: Shift+click on Notation button did not launch floating Notation window.
  • Fixed: Utility tracks might be out of sync after using loop-playback.
  • Fixed: Issues with RealDrums shot/pushes volume.
  • Added: Edit - Change Time Signature has a button to set the range to the whole song, and defaults to the whole song range if no range is selected.
  • Added: Note Colors option in the Notation Options now show Scriabin colors for all tracks (except drums).
  • Added: StylePicker shows better set names for disks like XPro 1, Loops-with-Styles (LoopsPAK1, LoopsPAK2), and MultiStyles PAK 1.
  • Added: StylePicker filter now searchable for set names e.g. "XPro" , "Xtra" or "RT372".
  • Improved: Confirmation message after batch saving txt files improved.
  • Improved: Song demos are found for more styles.
  • Fixed: Drum Transcriptions not showing up sometimes.
  • Fixed: Copy Text batch feature doesn't need to resave the song.
  • Changed: i# feature (e.g. i7 to insert 7 bars) now changed to in4 or ins4, because i is a roman numeral, and i7 is a valid chord entry.
  • Fixed: Copy first chorus to whole song - function in Edit - Copy Chords dialog sometimes didn't work as expected.
  • Fixed: Custom Note colors made weren't getting saved between sessions (stored in c:\bb\data\default.ncl).
  • Added: Songs\AboutSongsFolder.txt briefly describes the purpose of the songs folder.

Other Content, RealDrums, and RealTracks improvements, fixes, and additions.

  • Fixed: Many RealDrums previously would play shots/holds/pushes incorrectly. Examples include BossaBrazilAlex^, CajonFolkPop8ths, DancehallClassicWesPerc^. This affected 112 RealDrums (663 individual variations/tempos in total).
  • Added: 26 Additional Pro compatible bonus styles that don't require RealTracks from the UltraPAK (.e.g. HURRY.STY, =PILOT.STY, SEAFLOOR.STY).
  • Fixed: RT2524: Bass, Electric, FunkHalfNotePulseSync Ev16 100 sometimes played incorrect chords.
  • Fixed: 203 MIDI "Style Demos Audio" files had bad audio or were missing. Some notable examples include "BIGPINK" and "MOONRVR".
  • Fixed: Shots and Holds 577 was not playing the correct notes.
  • Fixed: RT2613: Bass, Electric, FunkPumpingOffbeat8ths Ev 100 was playing incorrect chords in certain combinations.
  • Fixed: RT1614: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm DixielandFast Sw 165 was playing parts with the wrong timing.
  • Fixed: RT1788: Banjo, Tenor, Rhythm DixielandMediumA-B Sw 110. When the A substyle was playing and the simple option was selected, freestyle chords would not play.
  • Fixed: Shots and holds 167 was playing the incorrect chords.
  • Fixed: Shots and holds 396 were not playing at all.
  • Fixed: RT 3281 and 3282 (Vocal Mmms, Background RockNRollGospel12-8Tenor..) sometimes had missing audio.
  • Improved: RT 3091:Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkyWaltzMike Ev 150 and MST 3092:Piano, Rhythm FolkyWaltzMike Ev 150 have better timing, transcription, and riff selection.
  • Fixed: RT3766 should not show RealChart.
  • Fixed: RT2757: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockHeavy8thsCraig Ev 120 was playing incorrect chords in places.
  • Fixed: The RealTracks Picker showed as a rhythm style instead of a soloist.
  • Improved: RT1011: Bass, Electric, BritInvation EV 120 has improved transcriptions.
  • Fixed: RT2506: Piano, Electric, HeldChords 060 was not playing at all.
  • Fixed: _BOPNORG, _JAZGRIN, _POP_BRK, and _RAPROCK styles had instruments/loops that occupied the Melody or Soloist tracks when there were instrument tracks available.
  • Fixed: RT524:Guitar, Acoustic, Strumming Ev 165 as not playing 2 beat chords properly.
  • Fixed: RT2474:Bass, Acoustic, Held Ev 085 was not playing 2 beat slash chords.
  • Fixed: RT2498: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockabillySwingKevin Sw 165 and the MST 2490: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockabillySwingKevin Sw 165 were playing behind the beat.
  • Fixed: Online Style Demos Audio for 200 MIDI and MIDI/RD styles have improved audio or have been added if previously missing.
  • Fixed: The RockabillySwing^ RD style previously played an incorrect count-in.
  • Fixed: Several of the "multi" RealTracks would previously play nothing when auditioning them in the RT picker.
  • Improved: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm FunkyGroove60s Ev16 095 and Guitar, Electric, Background FunkyGroove60sSoulRiff Ev16 095 now have a simple option available and transcriptions.
  • Fixed: Several styles were missing .SGU style demos.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. June 16, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 833 Update (330 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 832 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.4.6.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 833 (April 29 2021)

  • Fixed: A clicking sound sometimes happened a few beats after a drum shot.
  • Fixed: Incorrect Drum track volume if loading frozen songs from earlier versions of Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: MIDI export: "Drums on separate tracks" did not work.
  • Fixed: The progress bar was missing when batch rendering audio files.
  • Fixed: Drum Lead-in should be audible if drums are muted at bar 1.
  • Fixed: Xtra Styles PAK 11 support.
  • Fixed: Issue with chord sizes on Notation.
  • Fixed: Entries with garbage text in Song Titles database.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 832 (April 23 2021)

  • Fixed: MIDI Options: "Drum Bank Changes" setting was ignored for plugins, behaving as if it was always enabled. This allows plugins like XGLite to play drums correctly on the drums channel. Note: if using XGLite, make sure Prefs-MIDI Options- "Drum Bank Changes" is disabled (it defaults to disabled).
  • Fixed: "Include 2 bar lead-in in MIDI file" setting did not work for exported MIDI files.
  • Fixed: The Drum Kit window does not send MIDI events to plugins.
  • Fixed: Using hot keys to Cut/Paste/Delete in the Audio Edit window should not be possible on read-only tracks.
  • Fixed: Cancel in the Loops dialog would not cancel the selection.
  • Fixed: A minimized plugin window should be considered hidden when toggling visibility.
  • Fixed: "Allow jBridge" setting added to the Plugins Options dialog.
  • Fixed: PDF manual, help file.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. April 29, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 829 Update (330 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 829 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.4.6.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 829 (April 12 2021)

  • Fixed: Playback would not start if "ASIO Always On" was enabled, and only using MIDI tracks.
  • Fixed: Changes to MIDI File Options are ignored when choosing OK, if launched from Options > Preferences > MIDI File.
  • Fixed: MIDI would not record if recording audio.
  • Fixed: RT3583 showing from set 999.
  • Fixed: FunkRock70sSlow^ problem with variation 3.
  • Fixed: Honcho.sty problem with drums, and other misc .sty fixes.
  • Fixed: ElecClap[single]^ playing half speed.
  • Improved: Transcriptions and Simple tags for:
        RT3767: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBluesyShuffleRotaryBrent Sw 130
        RT3760: Guitar, Electric, Soloist FusionSmoothBrent Sw16 100
        RT3761: Guitar, Electric, Soloist RockBluesySlow128WahBrent Sw 060
        RT3759: Guitar, Electric, Soloist FusionGrittyBrent Sw16 100
        RT3763: Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm Nanigo68Ramon Sw 110
        RT3764: Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm BeguineRamon Ev 110

Summary of Changes for DAW Plugin 3.4.6

  • Fixed: RealDrums MIDI Charts not generating in some cases.
  • Fixed: Various localization bugs.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Mar 25, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 827 Update (320 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 827 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.4.4.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 827 (Mar 25 2021)

  • Fixed: Play from Bar X Chorus Y chord sheet context menu item played from the end of the song.
  • Fixed: MIDI on the Melody track was not muted by Bar Settings.
  • Fixed: Tracks were not muted by Bar Settings if on bar 1.
  • Fixed: The Melody track might be set to channel 0 after importing a MIDI file.
  • Fixed: The JukeBox skips every second song.
  • Fixed: MIDI files fail to open if they are read-only.
  • Fixed: Chord sheet highlighting during playback stopped after 2 bars of the ending.
  • Fixed: If selecting Drums as the source for a Custom MIDI Track, the wrong drums style is generated.
  • Fixed: Custom MIDI Tracks might not generate if tracks are frozen.
  • Added: "Set all tracks to this:" selector added to the MIDI import dialog.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 825 (Mar 4 2021)

  • Fixed: Using Track Settings > Auto-Fix "Sour" Notes might cause program to freeze when generating RealTracks.
  • Fixed: Possible crash when stopping recording if using ASIO drivers and "ASIO Always On" is disabled.
  • Fixed: Files in DragDrop folder might be deleted during program exit, even if "Recycle (trash) all dropped files in this folder on bootup" is disabled.
  • Fixed: Choosing a plugin for a .STY file in the More Settings dialog did not include sub-folders.
  • Fixed: Hot-keys for selecting next track did not work (CTRL+F5, CTRL+SHIFT+F5).
  • Fixed: Style description button on main toolbar should animate mouse hovering.
  • Fixed: If recording 32 bit audio with ASIO drivers, the "Overdub underlying Audio" setting is ignored.
  • Fixed: Custom settings for styles (Panning, Reverb, and Tone) were not updated on the Mixer when loaded.
  • Fixed: Exported MIDI files are panned wrong.
  • Fixed: Tracks with multiple RealTracks changes might be silent.
  • Fixed: Visual playback will be out of sync after pausing and un-pausing, if "Pause Play Until MIDI or Key received" is enabled.
  • Fixed: Possible stack overflow error if using the Conductor window.
  • Fixed: Mixer volumes restoring to original values after playback if song has volume changes in Bar Settings.
  • Fixed: Volume changes made by Bar Settings should be applied the same as in Band-in-a-Box 2020 for backwards compatibility.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Mar 25, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 822 Update (320 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 822 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.4.4.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 822 (Feb 5 2021)

    • Fixed: Individual decibel offsets for A & B substyles in RealDrums were not applied.
    • Fixed: RealCharts MIDI for Soloists might be heard during playback if added by the Soloist dialog.
    • Fixed: Bar Settings for bar 1 might not be applied.
    • Fixed: Issues with Notation display in Japanese.
    • Fixed: "Back to Normal" in Bar Settings did not restore previous volume levels.
    • Fixed: Song Settings "Fadeout ending # bars" did not work.
    • Fixed: Audio track might be deleted after editing and choosing not to save song.
    • Fixed: Volume change events were not included in exported MIDI files.
    • Fixed: MIDI export dialog: [Batch mode] button does nothing.
    • Fixed: Lyrics were not included when importing MIDI files.
    • Fixed: Tracks that have "Conform to Playback Tempo" disabled should still conform to the playback tempo percent.
    • Fixed: Disabling "New Plugins default to Mixer control" setting has no effect.
    • Fixed: It was not possible to export a notation video of any Utility tracks.
    • Fixed: Chord sheet video would be visually out of sync with audio if "Include 2 bar lead-in" was disabled in the Render dialog.
    • Fixed: Chord sheet video would fail to render if 16 bit-depth was not selected in the Render dialog.
    • Fixed: Choosing [Take Again] when recording audio might cause the Keep Take dialog to immediately appear when playback restarts.
    • Fixed: Drag and drop render might ignore the "Separate files for each track" setting.
    • Fixed: Song files containing ACW data, and saved in Band-in-a-Box 2017 or earlier, will play out of sync.
    • Fixed: Track display colour was green if adding a custom MIDI track on top of a RealTrack.
    • Fixed: Recorded audio will be out of sync if "Allow Lead-In Bars (all songs)" is disabled, or "1-bar lead-in" is enabled.
    • Fixed: Time line did not display all of the ending bars if "Allow Lead-In Bars (all songs)" was disabled.
    • Fixed: Drum transcriptions for MerengueAlex, NashClassicWaltzSw^, NashvilleBrushesBalladPushEv16, PopRockBasic^ are improved.
    • Fixed: RealDrums Picker might have entries for several nonexistent RealDrums, e.g. RockBasic.
    • Fixed: FunkRock70sSlow^3-Sidestck,Snare RD variation did not work.

    If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Feb 5, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 818 Update (320 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 818 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.4.4.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 818 (Jan 28 2021)

    • Fixed: If 'Mute melody during middle chorus' is selected, last chorus is also muted.
    • Fixed: Delay before playback, especially for long songs with RealCharts.
    • Fixed: The track selector in the Notation window might display the wrong track number if using the 32 bit version.
    • Fixed: "Pause Play Until MIDI or Key received" caused MIDI hardware to play out of sync with RealTracks.
    • Fixed: Utility tracks would fail to render to audio via Drag and Drop.
    • Fixed: Audio plugins on slot 1 were not loading to Utility tracks when loading songs.
    • Fixed: Removing RealDrums or RealTracks does not automatically assign the Default Synth to a track.
    • Fixed: In the Choose from list dialog, an exclamation before a keyword does not filter out that keyword.
    • Fixed: Playback is visually 1 bar out of sync after looping to beginning of song if "1 bar lead-in" is enabled.
    • Fixed: Bar Settings changes for bar 1 should be applied at start of lead-in.
    • Fixed: Step advancing through Melody might not produce any sound if using a DXi synth.
    • Fixed: Selecting a Thru track patch would be applied to the currently selected track.
    • Fixed: RT2263, Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm 80sPopMedium Ev 120 cutting out.
    • Fixed: Added: Simple option for RT3757 Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RockBluesySlow128RotaryBrent Sw 060.
    • Fixed: Added: Simple option for RT3762 Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm PartidoAltoRamon Ev16 100.
    • Fixed: Added: Transcriptions for RealTrack Bass, Electric, Pop HalfNotes Ev 085.
    • Fixed: Bar Settings fades did not work for "All Instruments".
    • Fixed: MIDI hardware is out of sync with RealTracks on some computers.
    • Fixed: Copy/Move Tracks might change the destination track's MIDI channel.
    • Fixed: Sequencer Window: The "Play" check boxes did not filter notes being sent to plugins.
    • Fixed: "Also generate MIDI Drums in the MIDI file" was ignored when exporting MIDI files.
    • Fixed: Volume/Pan/Reverb were not loaded to Thru track from when loading songs.
    • Fixed: Added: "Thru Volume, Pan, Reverb, Patches" setting added to the Overrides dialog.
    • Fixed: Issues with Bar Settings un-muting tracks.
    • Fixed: Rendering individual tracks to MP3 might fail if high bit rate is selected.
    • Fixed: Options > Preferences > [Colors] should launch the Display Options dialog instead of the old Colors dialog.
    • Fixed: Division By Zero error after recording audio if there are no input devices available.
    • Fixed: BodhranTradSlipjig RealDrums were playing the wrong audio.
    • Fixed: Updated: Documentation files.

    Summary of Changes for DAW Plugin 3.4.4

    • Fixed: Added: Line between 'GENERATE' and 'CUSTOM...' buttons to separate the two visually
    • Fixed: Out-of-sync bar highlighting when there are tempo changes
    • Fixed: Generating with disabled style mix leaves blinking light on
    • Fixed: Transport buttons stay greyed out after stopping sync playback in DAW
    • Fixed: Localization display issues and bugsv

    If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Jan 28, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 814 Update (320 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 814 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.3.5.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 814 (Jan 5 2021)

  • Fixed: The "Output Chords" track was not included in exported MIDI files.
  • Fixed: Dragging Master to MIDI quadrant of drop station would fail.
  • Fixed: MIDI files exported using drag and drop was not channeled properly.
  • Fixed: Access violation when generating song that has style changes.
  • Fixed: RealDrums will be silent if BT1 and BT0 files are missing.
  • Fixed: Issues with muting & un-muting tracks using Bar Settings.
  • Fixed: Changing song position during playback did not work if using MME audio drivers.
  • Fixed: Deleting chords in the chord sheet did not trigger RealTracks to regenerate.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 813 (Dec 29 2020)

  • Fixed: Noise at end of songs with Loops.
  • Fixed: Range check error when launching the 32 bit version.
  • Fixed: Floating Mixer was not returning to its previous position and size.
  • Fixed: Mixer was not showing decibels when loading older song files.
  • Fixed: Reopening a song that contains an Audio Chord Wizard tempo map would play the Audio track out of sync.
  • Fixed: Exported MIDI did not include harmonies.
  • Fixed: "Melody > Mute Melody during Middle choruses" was ignored if using plugins or Default Synth.
  • Fixed: MIDI Import dialog was displaying one less track than was in the MIDI file.
  • Fixed: Importing a multi-track MIDI file should automatically choose separate destination tracks instead of Melody for all of them.
  • Fixed: VST plugins that do not have GUI should not automatically open a window when assigned.
  • Fixed: Nameless VST plugins should just display using DLL name.
  • Fixed: Some RealDrums Picker entries had incorrect or incomplete feel and tempo info.
  • Fixed: SkaSlow70sWes^ audition demos now playing correctly.
  • Fixed: MarkTreeFills extraneous noise.
  • Fixed: Copy/Move Track: "Merge with existing data" was ignored when copying or moving MIDI.
  • Fixed: PopRockBasic^ Drums might be silent.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 811 (Dec 22 2020)

  • Added: New free bonus requested half-time / double-time variation styles.
         - 111 new RealStyles.
         - variations of existing 16th-based bluegrass.
         - variations of existing celtic and train beat styles.
         - new styles with both 8th-based and 16th variations.
         - 16th-based samba variations.
         - 80 new half-time/double-time RealTracks variations.
         - 27 new 8ths/16ths RealDrums variations.
  • Fixed: Notation context menu > Insert Section Text Event would cause access violation.
  • Fixed: Muting the Melody track would not mute the harmony voices.
  • Fixed: Melody harmony notes were not displayed on the Melody piano on the Mixer.
  • Fixed: The "Keep Take" dialog appears immediately starting to record MIDI.
  • Fixed: Loading some songs will remove the Defaulth Synth.
  • Fixed: Frozen MIDI tracks were not saved properly in song files.
  • Fixed: Compressed utility tracks were not loading with songs (WMA, M4A, etc).
  • Fixed: Distorted audio recording if using WAS drivers with 96kHz or higher sample rate.
  • Fixed: Pitch shifted audio recording if using ASIO drivers with sample rate other than 44.1kHz.
  • Fixed: Reverb can still be heard after song is stopped.
  • Fixed: Disabled MIDI tracks continued to play through the default synth.
  • Fixed: Exported MIDI would ignore range settings if selected.
  • Fixed: Lyrics were not included with exported MIDI files.
  • Fixed: Choosing Karaoke format was ignored when exporting MIDI files.
  • Fixed: Generating RealTracks on a Utility track would cause RealTracks on the Melody track to become silent until regenerated.
  • Fixed: StylePicker fixes for 12/8 and 6/8 time signatures and Sw/Ev errors.

DAW Plugin Build 3.3.5 (Dec 22 2020)

  • Added: Preferences option to enable/disable style mix track by defaut. Note that when the style mix track is disabled, it will be excluded from generation. You can enable/disable the style mix track by using the "+" button or right-clicking on the track.
  • Fixed: Chords in midi marker file should hold past bar to next chord
  • Fixed: Generate single track from track table was not working
  • Fixed: Generating single style tracks does not activate transport buttons
  • Fixed: Generating individual tracks would render single tracks
  • Fixed: Plugin does not always mute style tracks correctly after generation

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Jan 5, 2021

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 808 Update (210 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 808 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.1.4.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 808 (Dec 14 2020)

  • Fixed: Generating RealTracks on Utility tracks would fail with an error message.
  • Fixed: The Melody track was being erased after generating a RealTrack on a Utility track.
  • Fixed: Possible crash when rendering song with tempo changes and "one file per track" enabled.
  • Fixed: When rendering a song with tempo changes, individual tracks will be out of sync (wrong tempos).
  • Update: PDF Manuals, Help file, Feature Browser.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 807 (Dec 13 2020)

  • Fixed: RealTracks might be silent after using more than 1 song or style (eg. _BALFRED.STY followed by _J085_GB.STY).
  • Fixed: No sound if using ASIO driver with the 32 bit version.
  • Fixed: No sound if using MME driver if there is no input available.
  • Fixed: If using MME audio drivers, and switching default devices while Band-in-a-Box is running, the new device was not used, and the program would freeze during exit.
  • Fixed: Slow redrawing while recording audio.
  • Fixed: Hot-Keys for Mixer volume, pan, reverb were not working.
  • Fixed: Disabled tracks not displaying the right color on the Mixer.
  • Fixed: Progress bar should be shown during VST plugin scan.
  • Fixed: Possible crash when generating RealTracks on a Utility track.
  • Added: 2 additional Feel filters for StylePicker: 8th (Even 8th or Swing 8th), Swing (Swing 8th or Swing 16th)
  • Fixed: Audio harmonies failed to work if "Output to separate tracks" was disabled.
  • Fixed: Select Guitar/Bass Amp Plugin menu item was not working.
  • Fixed: VSTSynthFont should not ask for serial number if run from Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: MIDI and audio go out of sync if using Tempo Percent feature.
  • Fixed: Issues with Tempo Percent change during playback.
  • Fixed: Possible crash during playback after importing MIDI files.
  • Fixed: Importing separate tracks of a MIDI file onto the same track in Band-in-a-Box would not merge the tracks together.
  • Fixed: Imported files were not playing on the right channels.
  • Fixed: Utility tracks don't show patch names in the Mixer.
  • Fixed: VST plugins with more than 2 inputs channels were silent (eg. Native Instruments Guitar Rig).
  • Fixed: Changes to the Plugins Exclude lists should be saved before adding new plugins from the Plugins Options dialog.
  • Fixed: MIDI on Utility tracks should transpose when changing song key.
  • Fixed: Utility track audio should transpose when changing key of song.
  • Fixed: Artist Performance Tracks were playing at the wrong tempo.
  • Fixed: The [Tutor] button in the Guitar window should be highlighted when the Tutor is enabled.
  • Fixed: The Guitar Tutor display did not work.
  • Added: "Transpose by Semitones" menu item added to Utility track context menu.
  • Added: "Erase Track" menu item added to Utility track context menu.
  • Added: [Add Plugins] button added to the Plugin Selector dialog.

DAW Plugin 3.1.4 Update

  • Added: Render setting option to "Use high-quality tempo stretching"
  • Added: 'C7' Button (bottom right corner). Drag from there to export chords in MIDI file to the DAW. Click on the button for more options.
  • Added: Click status message area to bring any open bb window to front
  • Fixed: "End" in chord sheet overlapped with tempo change
  • Fixed: Changing render setting should notify that regeneration is needed
  • Fixed: Right-click play from chord sheet while a section is highlighted should loop that section
  • Fixed: Opening plugin window while DAW is playing shows warning message

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 14, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 804 Update (150 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 804 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.0.9.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 804 (Dec 4 2020)

  • Fixed: RealTracks could be assigned to the wrong track, if the target track was not selected.
  • Fixed: Distorted audio in rendered files if using 48kHz or 96kHz sample rates.
  • Fixed: MIDI controller 64 = 0 (sustain pedal) was not being sent to MIDI output when stopping playback.
  • Fixed: MIDI controller 74 = 0 (brightness) was being sent to MIDI output when stopping playback.
  • Fixed: Importing some MIDI files might cause access violation.
  • Fixed: If using Windows 7, the mouse wheel did not work for: Audio Edit window, Track Selector (various windows), Mixer controls.
  • Fixed: Excluding plugins manually would not list any plugins in the File Open dialog.
  • Fixed: jBridge did not work bridging 64bit/32bit plugins.
  • Fixed: "Auto Show/Hide Tracks" setting should apply (or not apply) to loading styles, songs, etc.
  • Added: Generating RealTracks on Utility tracks can be done from the track context menu, or from the Audio Edit window. Generate over the selected region, or otherwise the whole track.


    To generate a RealTracks on a utility track, select the utility track in the mixer and right click to get the menu. Then select and generate Realtracks. The utility track will turn orange when it's done. Then press play or view the Audio Edit Window to see the RT.

    To generate a RT for a selected region, from the audio edit window of the utility track, select the region and use the audio edit window menu called "Edit", then choose to generate a RT, and it will appear for the selected region.

  • Here is a video showing how to generate RealTracks on a utility track:

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 4, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2021 Build 803 Update (150 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2021 to Build 803 from any previous 2021 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 3.0.9.

Summary of Changes for Version 2021 Build 803 (Dec 2 2020)

  • Fixed: Crash on bootup with various ASIO drivers.
  • Fixed: Crash when selecting various ASIO drivers.
  • Fixed: Copying chord text to clipboard was not working.
  • Fixed: The Default Synth settings were not saved when exiting the program.
  • Added: Ctrl+Shift+V hotkey added for Edit > Paste Special.
  • Updated: Documentation - Help file, manuals, feature browser.
  • Added: Double-click on a track label to rename it.
  • Fixed: Track context menu > Kill Audio was applying to the wrong track.
  • Fixed: Dropping an audio file onto Audio Edit did not import to the right track.
  • Fixed: Possible crash after recording, if using 32-bit input with ASIO.
  • Fixed: Recording might fail the second time if using ASIO.
  • Fixed: (32bit version) crash on bootup if using MME audio drivers with "Wave Mapper" selected.
  • Fixed: (32bit version) possible crash on exit if using MME audio drivers.
  • Fixed: (32bit version) crash when opening the Audio Edit window.
  • Fixed: Transpose indicator on main toolbar did not update when setting was changed in the Notation Options dialog.
  • Fixed: Lead Sheet window might freeze when opening.
  • Fixed: MIDI remains on Utility tracks when loading another song.
  • Fixed: Audio Harmony dialog was showing 4 voices when only 2 was selected.
  • Fixed: It was not possible to select multiple track in the Lead Sheet window.
  • Fixed: Issues with Miniature Mixer Mode.
  • Fixed: Issues with patch changes in rendered files.
  • Fixed: Playback and rendering problems with relative tempo % changes.
  • Fixed: StylePicker MIDI Sets 78-83 were labelled incorrectly.
  • Fixed: What Add-ons Dialog wasn't listing MultiStyles 1 or Loops with Styles 1,2.
  • Added: User StylePicker category for Rediscovered bonus styles.
  • Fixed: Conflict between RT3507 and MST3684
  • Improved: Instrumental Studies 14

DAW Plugin 3.0.9 Update

  • Fixed: MST not generating correctly on extra page
  • Fixed: Problems unfolding song
  • Fixed: Changing audio output channels of audio RC on MIDI track does not work
  • Fixed: Audio does not play in sync mode with DAW running
  • Fixed: Plugin crashes when trying to load a song demo
  • Fixed: Plugin should say 2021 not 2020
  • Fixed: Make midi note length equal length of note in chord sheet
  • Fixed: Update colours for play buttons
  • Fixed: Chord display settings in chord sheet context menu not working properly

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 2, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2020 Build 734 Update (350 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2020 to Build 734 from any previous 2020 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 2.12.15.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 734 (Oct 8 2020)

  • Fixed: RealTracks memos were not displaying properly in the RealTracks Picker.
  • Fixed: The zoom buttons in the notation window did not work.
  • Fixed: If using more than one RealDrums track, drum fills will play at the wrong bars or not at all.
  • Fixed: Access violation when opening dialogs with demo player (StylePicker, RealTracks Picker, etc) if Windows Media Player is not installed.
  • Fixed: Opening song files with invalid repeats might crash the program or corrupt the chord sheet.
  • Fixed: Clicking on the Guitar Window plays note on Thru track.
  • Fixed: The Piano Roll's [Ghost] button could not be disengaged.
  • Fixed: Dropping files onto Band-in-a-Box was not not accepted by some source applications.
  • Fixed: Importing audio might fail if the source file is locked
  • Fixed: "UltraPAK=" style category counts are larger than they should be.
  • Fixed: Spurious messages about Natural Arrangements.
  • Fixed: Some VST plugins might not be triggered to play or stop.
  • Fixed: saved XML was sometimes getting errors in MuseScore about expecting 4/4 but getting a different size measure.
  • Fixed: extra grey rests showing in MusicScore
  • Fixed: red rests/notes in Finale.
  • Added: Save Exact Chord Text checkbox to the Save XML dialog.
  • Fixed: horizontal scrollbar in the Notation wasn't always working correctly.
  • Fixed: Moving ACW markers during playback should not generate a tempo map until playback has stopped.
  • Fixed: Move Audio to Performance Track does not play the new track until the song is re-generated.
  • Fixed: Window > Audio Edit > Audio Edit Window while in ACW mode does not work properly.
  • Fixed: Opening the floating Audio Edit window while in ACW mode should cause chord sheet to resize.
  • Fixed: When opening a song and the audio track file is missing, warning message was not displayed.
  • Fixed: Current location should be sent to VST plugins when song isn't playing.

DAW Plugin 2.12.15 Update

  • Fixed: Right-click bar should also select that bar
  • Fixed: Time signature could not be undone when undoing style selection
  • Fixed: Render options did not trigger regenerate blinking light
  • Fixed: Midi marker file was not working with 3/4 songs
  • Fixed: Bars after tag ending were showing in grey
  • Fixed: Zooming in/out of chord sheet not always working

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Oct 8, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2020 Build 730 Update (350 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2020 to Build 730 from any previous 2020 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 2.12.9.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 730 (August 28 2020)

  • Fixed: Play-from (eg. spacebar) will cause needless song regeneration the next time playback is started.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 729 (August 27 2020)

  • Fixed: High pitch noise might be heard if using THIS SONG or ALL SONGS mixer controls to boost volume by a significant amount (eg +36 dB).
  • Fixed: Access violation and program crash if adding a repeat to song that requires too many bars (more than 255).
  • Fixed: Song generation might be skipped if previously using Play > Play Special > Play from Current Position - no Regeneration.
  • Fixed: The Drums window, MIDI Monitor, and Tuner would take a long time to open when using the 64 bit version of Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: Songs with two drums tracks could have the main drums tracks playing fills at the wrong time.

DAW Plugin 2.12.9 Update

  • Added: Show bar markers for bar changes (red line in PM)
  • Fixed: Opening Preferences dialog does not take keyboard focus
  • Fixed: Count-in bars were missing from render of selected region
  • Fixed: Crash running plugin as modal window in Reaper
  • Fixed: Chord sheet disappears when loading song demo
  • Fixed: Selected cell in chord sheet moves unexpectedly
  • Fixed: Time Sig/Tempo changes not working in the plugin
  • Fixed: Bar highlighting not following time sig/tempo changes
  • Fixed: Preferences options "Pad Multi Riffs" and "Start Multi Riffs early/late" don't do anything
  • Fixed: Setting time base to triple stalls plugin
  • Added: bbw4_FlashMessageLog.txt file saved in Data folder from plugin activity.
  • Fixed: Normalize/Acidize was sometimes happening when turned off.
  • Fixed: Sometimes generating audible MIDI on a RealTrack.
  • Fixed: Was sometimes thinking a bar had custom info when it didn't.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. August 27, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2020 Build 728 Update (350 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2020 to Build 728 from any previous 2020 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 2.10.9.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 728 (August 13 2020)

  • Fixed: Possible Access Violation crashes (wmp.dll) when playing demos in the StylePicker after playing demos in other dialogs.
  • Fixed: The Roland Sound Canvas VA VSTi plugin is silent in the 64 bit version of Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: The plugins window would not respond to plugin GUI resizes (eg. opening the FX panel in the Roland Sound Canvas VA).
  • Fixed: The floating Piano Roll window would go blank when opening the Notation window.
  • Fixed: The floating Audio Edit window would go blank when opening the Notation window.
  • Fixed: Chords in the Audio Edit window should display pushes (^ or ^^).

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 725 (July 22 2020)

  • Fixed: User should be prompted to save their song after editing the song memo.
  • Fixed: Attempting to step-advance with the Guitar or Big Piano windows would not work for the the Piano track, displaying flash message "Piano track is empty, cannot step advance".
  • Fixed: The Audio track should be recovered if choosing not to save song after choosing Kill Audio.
  • Fixed: Edit > Redo Kill Audio did not work.
  • Fixed: Audio > Edit Audio > Erase Choruses menu items did not do anything.
  • Fixed: Pressing Play in the MIDI SuperTracks dialog would crash the program.

DAW Plugin 2.10.9 Update

  • Added: "Insert" and "Delete" options in chord sheet context menu (right-click)
  • Fixed: Tempo/time sig was sometimes appearing on first bar
  • Fixed: DAW playback bar highlighting was not accurate for tempo with decimal
  • Fixed: Bars in chord sheet were not highlighting on shift-click
  • Fixed: Chord sheet right-click was resetting highlighted bars
  • Fixed: Changed shortcut for deleting bars from "REMOVE" to "DELETE"
  • Fixed: Inserting/Deleting bars not working correctly in chord sheet
  • Fixed: Undo/Redo not working in chord sheet
  • Fixed: Text in track table not resizing automatically
  • Fixed: Minor resizing inconsistencies for chord sheet
  • Fixed: Pushes not working if note is lower case (ie: ^a, ^^d, etc.)
  • Fixed: Tags should disappear for 1 chorus and reappear for multiple choruses and not be set when not active
  • Fixed: Playback progress bar is not accurate if tags exist
  • Fixed: Zoom in chord sheet should preserve viewed area
  • Fixed: Plugin should check if rendered files exist and reset "generate status" upon change
  • Fixed: "Generate Needed" should flash anytime tracks are not generated/up to date
  • Fixed: Generating master track after other tracks does not individual tracks
  • Fixed: Crash after entering tempo with decimal (only allow integer or round to int)
  • Fixed: Placement of chord sheet visuals should not overlap and fit in the space given
  • Fixed: Plugin showing irrelevant messages when bb app cannot be found
  • Fixed: Changing total choruses during playback did not trigger "Generate Needed"
  • Fixed: "Selected Host" in Preferences said "Unknown" if DAW not in list

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. August 13, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2020 Build 724 Update (350 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2020 to Build 724 from any previous 2020 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 2.9.41.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 724 (June 22 2020)

  • Fixed: "Control has no parent window." error after using CTRL+L to exit Note Based Lyrics entry mode in the Notation Window.
  • Fixed: Bar Based Lyrics and Section Text would not display properly in the Lead Sheet when using Japanese version.
  • Fixed: Lyrics would not display properly in Big Lyrics window when using Japanese version.
  • Fixed: The RealDrums button should open the RealDrums Picker if holding [shift] key, and RealDrums Preferences if holding [ctrl] key.
  • Fixed: RealCharts for:
    Horn Section, Background BluesShuffle Sw 130
    Sax, Tenor, Background BluesShuffleGrowlyHigh Sw 130
    Sax, Tenor, Background BluesShuffleLow Sw 130
    Trumpet, Background BluesShuffle Sw 130
  • Added: RealCharts for Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Blues Chuck Sw 102 and Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm CelticJigDADGAD Sw 110
  • Fixed: Endings fixed: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RhythmChangesCompMiles Sw 140
  • Fixed: LoungeFunkSput^ and LoungeFunkPerc^ - Many variations were not playing endings properly.
  • Fixed: Guitar, Baritone Electric, Rhythm BluesyPopHeldEmbelBrent Ev 100: might play in the wrong key.
  • Fixed: A number of RealStyles and Demos have fixes to correct minor playback problems, key, feel, and song memos.

DAW Plugin 2.9.41 Update

  • Added: "Send MIDI Data to DAW for playing MIDI tracks" option in Preferences. **Note: When not enabled, the plugin will send the rendered audio for MIDI tracks if available
  • Added: Grey "track type" name in description area if track is empty
  • Added: Daw tempo under tempo if not the same
  • Added: Context menu option in track table to generate selection for MultiRiffs
  • Added: Global sync to host button for non standalone plugin types
  • Added: Mute and solo buttons
  • Added: Mute and solo options in track context menu
  • Added: Labels for pages in track table
  • Added: Preferences options for "Default Sync"
  • Added: Context menu in chord sheet
  • Added: Default settings button in preferences dialog
  • Added: Red MIDI channel icon next next to track description
  • Added: Chord sheet auto resizes to fit length of song
  • Added: Spacebar starts/stops playback in standalone plugin only
  • Changed: WAVE, MIDI, and CHART button redesign
  • Changed: Update stereo/mono indicators to be abbreviations
  • Changed: Moved demo (play) button to style info area
  • Fixed: Changed default setting for "Auto Generate Songs" to false
  • Fixed: Problems generating a RealDrums track on page two
  • Fixed: Removing custom MIDISuperTrack from page one replaced description with MST number
  • Fixed: Track table auto scrolling to track with name change
  • Fixed: Cannot bring pickers to front when first opening bb app
  • Fixed: Scroll bar jumping between pages while scrolling
  • Fixed: MIDI notes stay on when playback is stopped
  • Fixed: Improved syncing between plugin and DAW
  • Fixed: Moved demo (play) button to style info area
  • Fixed: Bug when initializing Band-in-a-Box while tracks are playing or synced
  • Fixed: Chord sheet highlighting should loop back to beginning if past 256 bars
  • Fixed: Loading m_FEDORA.STY displays first chord as Gb instead of F#
  • Fixed: Plugin focus is lost when generation starts
  • Fixed: Update stereo/mono to be abbreviations
  • Fixed: Rename "Special" to "Extra" for tracks on the second page
  • Fixed: "Transpose" button resets when closing/opening
  • Fixed: Track scrolling is reverse on windows
  • Fixed: Ending repeat symbol is off screen
  • Fixed: 'ALL' icon should show on midi only gen of midi style
  • Fixed: 'ALL' icon should drag primary tracks (midi and audio)
  • Fixed: Enable right-click for menu buttons (File, Select, Generate Options)
  • Fixed: Custom RDs not generating in style
  • Fixed: MultiRiffs are not generating with 4 bar ending
  • Fixed: MultiRiffs are not generating all choruses
  • Fixed: Harmonies are not working
  • Fixed: Default for all render settings is now false
  • Fixed: Bar number gets cutoff when window height is large and width is small
  • Fixed: Issues selecting bars in the chord sheet
  • Fixed: Some songs in "Recents" menu were missing the file name
  • Fixed: Unfold should copy everything (time sig and tempo markers)
  • Fixed: Issues generating custom track on style page
  • Fixed: Local playback should be disabled during DAW playback
  • Fixed: Increase track font size for large plugin window
  • Fixed: Tip for Generate button was identical to Generate Options
  • Fixed: Plugin should not be able to overwrite song demo
  • Fixed: Riffs of selected region is not working in context menu
  • Fixed: P hotkey should keep the same bar selected
  • Fixed: Improved chord sheet zooming to snap to row
  • Fixed: Auto scrolling chordsheet during playback should move in pages
  • Fixed: Change "Master" track label to "Style Mix"
  • Fixed: Tag end should be removed if tag start and tag jump are removed
  • Fixed: Issues adding tempo/time signature changes in the chord sheet
  • Fixed: RT on Melody track does not get generated
  • Fixed: Bar highlighting sometimes flickers when local playback has finished

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. June 22, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2020 Build 722 Update (300 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2020 to Build 722 from any previous 2020 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 2.6.8.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 722 (June 5 2020)

  • Fixed: Possible crashes with the DAW plugin related to running multiple instances of bbw4.exe.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. May 22, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2020 Build 721 Update (300 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2020 to Build 721 from any previous 2020 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 2.6.8.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 721 (May 22 2020)

  • Fixed: The Xtra Styles filter list did not include set 9.
  • Fixed: Step-advancing notes with the [ins] and [del] keys did not display on the Big Piano window.
  • Fixed: Step-advancing notes with the [ins] and [del] keys did not work if Big Piano or Guitar Window was focused.
  • Fixed: [Esc] key should stop sustaining MIDI notes when song isn't playing.
  • Fixed: It was not possible to type M, N, or R into the Song Memo window if Editable Notation mode was active.
  • Fixed: It was not possible to type M, N, or R when using Edit Current Chord in notation window.
  • Fixed: It was not possible to type minor chords while in Editable Notation mode.
  • Fixed: The [Cancel] button is not accepted after clicking [Choose] style in the Select Soloist dialog.
  • Fixed: "unable to write file to disk" error when cancelling Save Song As.
  • Fixed: Looping bars by typing L into the chordsheet did not work if the number contained a 3 (eg looping 13 bars).
  • Fixed: Email song file would fail to launch client email application.
  • Fixed: Drop station quadrant should not remain orange if a compression process failed.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. May 22, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2020 Build 720 Update (300 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2020 to Build 720 from any previous 2020 build. This includes VST DAW Plugin 2.6.8.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 720 (May 6 2020)

  • Fixed: It was not possible to enter the ^ character into the chordsheet if using a French keyboard layout.
  • Fixed: "Can't play this demo because another one is still in the process of initializing." error message when demoing styles.
  • Fixed: [#] genre filter menus did not work in localized versions.
  • Fixed: The StyleMaker button was missing.
  • Fixed: Drum transcription MIDI files fixed.
  • Fixed: Feature Browser could crash in some cases.
  • Fixed: Features in the DAWPlugin would not work if Band-in-a-Box was running.
  • Improved: Various improvements for localized versions.
  • Fixed: Saving preferences file fails with error "The file name is not valid."
  • Fixed: Some File Open dialogs did not filter for the required file extension.
  • Fixed: The notation window setting "Display Font Size %" is reset when opening or resizing the window.

DAW Plugin 2.6.8

  • Fixed: Normalize, Acidize, Flat, Dry Center options.
  • Fixed: Bar Changes dialog (stylechange, key sig changes).
  • Fixed: Drum transcription MIDI files fixed.
  • Added: Plugin creates language.ini file if none exists
  • Fixed: Chord sheet zoom does not dirty bit in DAW
  • Fixed: Plugin localization issues
  • Fixed: Clicking Generate on an empty page shows Completion message after 9 clicks
  • Fixed: Generate button does not work if there is no track in the first row of the current page
  • Fixed: Selected tracks reset when closing the plugin
  • Fixed: Current page in track table resets when closing the plugin
  • Fixed: Dragging the playback position in the plugin while tracks are muted produces noise

Other RealTracks Improvements

  • Fixed: Silent chords on Bass, Acoustic, OldTimeHappyDance Ev16 125
  • Fixed: RealTracks audition demos for RT3447, 3419, 3479, and 3498 were silent.
  • Improved: Better transcriptions, with bends, slides, etc. added to:
    Instrumental Studies 12 - Rhythm Changes Jazz Guitar Soloing
    Instrumental Studies 13 - Jazz Blues Guitar Soloing
  • Improved: Transcriptions, simple tags available and riff selection improved
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalCinematicLowTuneSteadyDarin Ev16 110
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm MetalCinematicLowTuneChopDarin Ev16 110
    Bass, Acoustic, AmericanaMountain16thsAB Ev16 070
    Bass, Electric, SkaPunkPopAB Ev 180
    Bass, Electric, SkaClassicAB Ev16 100
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SkaSlow Ev16 100
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist RhythmChangesOlly Sw 140
    Bass, Acoustic, JazzBluesNeilAB Sw 140
    Flute, Background BossaLounge 140 (1TrackHornSection)
    Horn Section, Background BossaLounge2-partOctaves Ev 140
    Horn Section, Background BossaLounge3-part Ev 140
    Sax, Alto BossaLounge 140 (1TrackHornSection)
    Trumpet, Muted, Background BossaLounge 140 (1TrackHornSection)
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm GospelCool Sw16 075
    Vocals, BackgroundSoloist GospelCoolSoulful Sw16 075
    Vocals, Background GospelCool3-part Sw16 075
    Vocals, Background GospelCool2-part Sw16 075
    Vocals, Background GospelCoolHighDbl Sw16 075
    Vocals, Background GospelCoolHigh1 Sw16 075
    Vocals, Background GospelCoolHigh2 Sw16 075
    Vocals, Background GospelCoolMedDbl Sw16 075
    Vocals, Background GospelCoolMed1 Sw16 075
    Vocals, Background GospelCoolMed2 Sw16 075
    Vocals, Background GospelCoolLowDbl Sw16 075
    Vocals, Background GospelCoolLow1 Sw16 075
    Vocals, Background GospelCoolLow2 Sw16 075
    Vocals, BackgroundSoloist GospelCoolSoulful Sw16 075
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RhythmChangesCompOlly Sw 140
    Sax, Alto, Soloist RhythmChangesPJ Sw 140
    Bass, Acoustic, FolkSlowSwing Sw 085
    Bass, Electric, AmericanaSyncSteveAB Ev16 085
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Americana16thsDelayBrent Ev16 075
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist AmericanaGritty16thsBrent Ev16 075
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist NashvilleRadioBalladDanny Ev16 075
    Bass, Acoustic, OldTimeHappyDance Ev16 125
    Bass, Electric, RockHeavy8thsDoug Ev 120
  • Improved: Transcriptions improved:
    Bass, Electric, RootsyFunkAlex Ev16 110
    Bass, Electric, NashvilleRadioBalladAB Ev16 075
    Bass, Electric, LoungeFunkAlex Ev16 080
  • Fixed: Bass, Fretless Electric Pop8thsRene Ev 085 was not playing sus chords.
  • Improved: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm BritPsycPopBalladHighDelay Ev 065 has improved riff selection.
  • Improved: Transcriptions available and the riff selection has been improved
    Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm PeruValsCriollo Ev 140
    Quatro, Rhythm Joropo68Ramon Sw 060
    Vihuela, Rhythm MariachiRanchero Ev 120
    Bajo Sexto, Rhythm NortenoRamon Ev 120
  • Fixed: The tablature was not displaying properly on the correct channels for these MIDI SuperTracks:
    Bass, LoungeFunkAlex Ev16 080, Bass, SkaPunkPopAB Ev 180
    Bass, NashvilleRadioBallad Ev16 075
  • Improved: Notation is more accurate for:
    Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm CelticPolkaFastReelQuinn Ev16 140
    Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm CelticHornpipe Sw16 070

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. May 6, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2020 Build 717 Update (280 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2020 to Build 717 from any previous 2020 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 2.5.25.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 717 (April 15 2020)

  • Fixed: "Allow multiple instances of Band-in-a-Box to be running" would be ignored if unchecked.
  • Fixed: The media player in the RealTracks Picker was not working properly.
  • Fixed: Demo player in the Hi-Q patch selector dialog was not seeking properly.
  • Fixed: Buttons in Custom toolbar are not draggable.
  • Fixed: After assigning a new RealTrack, the notation window track buttons did not update.
  • Fixed: RealTracks are silent if added to a track that currently contains a MIDI plugin.
  • Fixed: Audio Edit page should not automatically scroll during playback if user is dragging mouse.
  • Improved: Bootup log includes times for individual DX plugin scanning.
  • Improved: The plugins window has a new [Hide] button for maximizing space for the plugin'S GUI.
  • Improved: Serial number entry is improved for convenience.
  • Fixed: Possible access violation during bootup.
  • Fixed: Avast will deem Band-in-a-Box as unsafe and silently block it (affects both program and plugin)

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 715 (April 8 2020)

  • Fixed: Chord sheet videos might be full with random white rectangle artifacts if rendering to a larger resolution file.
  • Fixed: Possible crash when using the Audio Chord Wizard.
  • Fixed: Dropping a MusicXML file onto Band-in-a-Box, and then choosing [Yes] to import the file causes an access violation.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box will freeze during bootup if intrface.bbw is corrupted.
  • Fixed: 7#9 chord does not display if using the BeStPlain chord font font.
  • Fixed: If higher sample rate or higher bit depth are selected prior to rendering to mp3, m4a, or wma, the process will fail with error -1072875847 or -1072875852.
  • Fixed: Using space bar to start song from beginning should not always cause the song to re-generate.
  • Fixed: If importing a MIDI file, drum notes with duration zero do not play.
  • Fixed: Edit > Song Form > Unfold does not remove the tag ending.
  • Fixed: Changing multiple bars in the Bar Settings dialog will not be displayed on the chord sheet or title bar.
  • Fixed: Issue with ties in loading XML files.
  • Fixed: Some .mxl files would not load.
  • Fixed: Melody > Generate Soundtrack > Load Soundtrack song... causes "File problem" error.
  • Fixed: Misc. Feature Browser and PDF manual updates.
  • Fixed: Several of the "1TrackVocalSection" variations of the "RockNRollGospel12-8 Vocal Mmms" RealTracks were broken
  • Updated: PDF Manual and help file routine updates.

Summary of Changes for DAW Plugin Update 2.5.25 (April 8 2020)

  • Fixed: "Open Recent" opened file chooser dialog
  • Fixed: Unfold feature not working with some songs
  • Fixed: Choruses not resetting when playback is stopped in DAW
  • Fixed: Chord superscripts
  • Fixed: Clicking zoom many times will crash standalone plugin
  • Fixed: Undo removes all chords after opening a song
  • Fixed: Buzzing sound in Studio One
  • Fixed: Plugin determining chord accidentals now matches main program
  • Fixed: Removed alert menu when sync playing tracks that are not up-to-date (generated).
  • Fixed: Cancelling generate made song lose "dirty" state
  • Fixed: All selected tracks should drag from the plugin
  • Fixed: Shortcut file feature not working always working. Support was also added for pgshortc.txt files
  • Fixed: Double clicking grey area in chord sheet started playback
  • Fixed: Bar highlighting skipped last chorus when the start bar is greater than 1
  • Fixed: Right-click on bar should first launch popup menu
  • Fixed: Double clicking anywhere on a track should open its picker
  • Fixed: Opening plugin when the DAW has altered tempo shows sync tempo indicator despite the match
  • Fixed: typing roman numerals in Normal display makes them show as superscripts
  • Fixed: Dragging tracks not working properly
  • Fixed: Changing track does not delete old file (if not dragged).
  • Fixed: Selected Host shows duplicates in the list
  • Fixed: Double clicking on empty track should not launch a picker
  • Fixed: Generate state should reset when all tracks are replaced
  • Added: About to File Menu
  • Added: "year" to plugin name
  • Fixed: remove sync tempo button if already synced
  • Fixed: improve 2 finger scroll (too fast)
  • Fixed: Issues transposing chords correctly
  • Fixed: "Key" field shows unrelated text
  • Fixed: Auto-Generate runs after File->New and previous style is loaded
  • Fixed: Sync tempo button not working
  • Fixed: Issues with focusing plugin when running bbApp
  • Fixed: Not repainting after opening track context menu
  • Fixed: Problem transposing chords to "natural accidentals" when explicitly typed in "unnatural" way (ie: Cm chords in Key of C)
  • Fixed: Closing plugin window in DAW should close any open bb windows for that instance
  • Fixed: Issues remaining with scrolling
  • Fixed: P should be a hotkey for part marker toggle (but not interfere with entering titles etc).
  • Fixed: Nashville Notation font
  • Fixed: Issue calling bbApp to localize strings when changing language
  • Fixed: File-New should preserve the style name
  • Fixed: add checkbox to toggle buttons
  • Added: Shortcuts file feature
  • Fixed: Cannot enter some chords in chord sheet
  • Fixed: Generate makes VST jump to background
  • Added: opening song file with wav of same name should load it into audio track
  • Fixed: "Generating Style" not translating properly
  • Fixed: scroll wheel on mouse wheel not scrolling track table
  • Fixed: make flashing generate more subtle (maybe small light indicator like tempo sync)
  • Fixed: focus taken from plugin when initializing band-in-a-box
  • Fixed: get focus for all windows in bbapp
  • Fixed: up-key and down-key not going to empty page in track table
  • Fixed: adding audio file from master + menu adds it to audio track
  • Fixed: Visual transpose +0/+12 not working in alternate chord displays
  • Fixed: Visual transpose increases bottom label size on every change
  • Fixed: Visual Transpose not saving properly
  • Fixed: Visual transpose not resetting when starting new session
  • Fixed: SavedTracks folder can't be external
  • Fixed: pulsating buttons
  • Fixed: unfold/fold should not trigger "Song Is Dirty"
  • Fixed: adding/changing track after generating should trigger "Song Is Dirty"
  • Fixed: generated added/changed track should not trigger "Song Is Dirty"
  • Fixed: close bbApp if open when changing folder paths
  • Fixed: bb connection icon not repainting after style picker

Other RealTracks Improvements:

  • Improved: Simple options now available for these MSTs:
    Piano, Soloist RhythmChangesMiles Sw 140
    Piano, Soloist JazzBluesMiles Sw 140
    Piano, Rhythm RhythmChangesCompMiles Sw 140
    Piano, Rhythm JazzBluesCompMiles Sw 140
  • Improved: RealCharts improved for:
    Bass, Electric, MerengueAB Ev16 130
  • Improved: Simple tags added, and better transitions between chords for:
    Piano, Acoustic, Soloist RhythmChangesMiles Sw 140
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RhythmChangesCompMiles Sw 140
    Piano, Acoustic, Soloist JazzBluesMiles Sw 140
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzBluesCompMiles Sw 140
  • Fixed: The abbreviated name for 'Fiddle, BackgroundSoloist MommasPrayerAndy Sw 085' had "Mandolin" in the name.
  • Improved: This RealTrack will work slightly better over all chords:
    Fiddle, Background WesternSwing Sw 190
  • Fixed: RealCharts were incorrect for:
    Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Songwriter16ths Ev16 075
    Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking Songwriter16thsHigh Ev16 075
  • Improved: Better transitions for:
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm CountryPopBrent12-key Ev 085
  • Improved: Improved RealCharts for:
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist CountryBluesRock Ev 110
  • Improved: Simple option now available, and better transition between chords for:
    Guitar, Resonator, Background CountryWaltzRandy Sw 110
  • Improved: Simple option now available for:
    Guitar, Resonator, Rhythm Folk8thsRandy Ev 085
  • Improved: Simple options now available for these RealTracks & MIDI SuperTracks:
    Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm RockabillyMike Sw 190 (MST)
    Organ, Rhythm BluesSlow128Mike Sw 065 (RT & MST)
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm GypsyJazzJohn Sw 190 (RT)
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzClassicJohn Sw 110
  • Fixed: Some chords were playing incorrectly for:
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkSlowSw16Mike Sw16 060 (RT)
    Piano, Rhythm FolkSlowSw16Mike Sw16 060 (MST)
  • Improved: RealCharts & simple version now available for:
    Bass, Acoustic, OldTimeFastWaltz Sw 165
  • Improved: Simple options available for:
    Cello, Background CelticAirFlowingNatalie Ev 085
    Cello, Background CelticHornpipeFlowingNatalie Sw16 070
    Cello, Background CelticWaltzNatalie Ev 100
    Cello, Rhythm Celtic SlipjigChoppingNatalie Sw 110
    Cello, Rhythm CelticHornpipeChopNatalie Sw16 070
    Cello, Rhythm CelticJigChoppingNatalieAB Sw 110
    Cello, Rhythm CelticReelChoppingNatalieAB Ev16 110
    Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist LaidBackBluesyBrent Ev 100
    Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist PopBalladBrent Ev 065
    Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist RnBPopBrent Ev 110
    Guitar, Acoustic, Soloist Slow12-8Brent Sw 040
    Guitar, Electric, Background CinemaHeldHighDarin Ev16 090
    Guitar, Electric, Background CinemaHeldLowDarin Ev16 090
  • Improved: RealCharts now available for:
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AtmosphereWaltzArpDarin Ev 120
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm IslandGroove Ev16 100
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm SkaFastPunk Ev16 180
    Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm CelticReelDADGAD Ev16 110
    Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm RumbaFlamencaBallad Ev16 090
  • Fixed: Some issues with RealCharts fixed:
    Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm AndesHuayno Ev16 085
  • Improved: Improved "Hi-Q" RealCharts for:
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPop16thsHighZane Ev16 090
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopSlow16thsZane Ev16 075
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopSw16Zane Sw16 075
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm ModernPopSwingZane Sw 085
  • Improved: Improved chord transitions for:
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm TrainBeatJohn Ev 130
  • Fixed: Some wrong notes fixed for MIDI Supertracks:
    Piano, Solo-Accompaniment CountryPopJohn Ev 085
    Piano, Rhythm PopWaltz Ev 180
  • Improved: Improved RealCharts for:
    Bass, Electric, IslandGrooveAB Ev16 100
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzBluesCompOlly Sw 140
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist JazzBluesOlly Sw 140
    Sax, Tenor, Soloist JazzBluesPJ Sw 140
    Steel Drum, Rhythm IslandGroove Ev16 100
  • Fixed: Minor fixes for:
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RockNRollJohn Ev 165
  • Improved: Simple tags available for these MSTs:
    Shakuhachi, Synth, Background NewAge Ev 110
    Synth, Rhythm Rock80s Ev 120
    Bass, Synth, Rhythm JazzFunkFat Ev 110
    Koto, Synth, Rhythm NewAge Ev 110
    Synth, Background JazzFunkLead Ev 110
  • Improved: Improved transcriptions, simple tags available and riff selection improved
    Bass, Acoustic, Soloist JazzBluesNeilAB Sw 140
    Sax, Tenor, Soloist JazzBluesPJ Sw 140
    Sax, Tenor, Soloist RhythmChangesPJ Sw 140
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm NashvilleRadioBalladDanny Ev16 075
    Bass, Electric, AmericanaPop8thsSteveAB Ev 100
    Bass, Electric, Americana16thsSteveAB Ev16 075
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm Soca Ev16 120
    Bass, Electric, AmericanaSlow12-8SteveAB Sw 040
    Guitar, Electric, Background SocaSingle-note Ev16 120
    Guitar, Baritone Electric, Background AmericanaTremBrent Ev16 075
  • Fixed: Some endings were playing incorrectly:
    Piano, Electric, HeldChords 120
  • Improved: Simple Tags added for these RealTracks:
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist BossaSlow Ev 085
    Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm IslandJohn Ev 110
  • Fixed: Other RealTracks updated as needed if there is a newer version available.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. April 15, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2020 Build 713 Update (230 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2020 to Build 713 from any previous 2020 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 2.4.5.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 713 (Jan 21 2020)

  • Fixed: Rendered audio files might be silent if mono and 24 bit are selected.
  • Fixed: Possible crash when rendering to audio at 48.0kHz or 96.0kHz sample rate.
  • Improved: Better support for localized versions.
  • Fixed: Importing audio files that were 96 kHz sampling rate would fail.
  • Fixed: The [More Info...] button in the Artist Browser dialog would launch the wrong web page.
  • Fixed: Importing an ABCNotation file would not include the key signature.
  • Fixed: ABC files only opening some chords.
  • Fixed: Problem storing minor keys.(ampersand).
  • Fixed: A few artists not displaying properly in Artist Browsers.
  • Improved: RealDrums Picker information for the 2020 RealDrums has been updated/improved.
  • Fixed: Some of the RealDrums from the 2020 release did not have drum groove names.
  • Improved: All of the 2020 MIDI SuperTracks now have memos.
  • Fixed: Some RealTracks were listed under the incorrect Set# in the RealTracks Picker.
  • Fixed: _Gentle style from Xtra PAK 4 had an acoustic guitar set to Held mode.
  • Fixed: Some ska style demos had drum drop outs.
  • Fixed: Rendered files were not being normalized.
  • Fixed: Pressing spacebar in the Notation window might launch a web browser instead of starting playback.
  • Fixed: Practice window | Master Solos | Blues Piano, displays N/A.
  • Fixed: MusicXML files created by Band-in-a-Box cannot be loaded by Band-in-a-Box if song title contains & (ampersand).
  • Fixed: Japanese lyrics are garbage text when saving to MusicXML.
  • Fixed: Various animations (eg. Guitar window notes) would freeze during playback if using MME drivers.
  • Fixed: With some computers, distorted audio when soloing a track.
  • Fixed: Changing a custom track label had no option to Undo, and did not prompt user to save song.
  • Updated: Manual/Help [routine updates]
  • Fixed: When re-saving a song that has an audio track, the audio track was not copied.
  • Fixed: Dropping a song file onto Band-in-a-Box did not set the current directory.
  • Fixed: The RealTracks picker window should remember its location when reopening.
  • Fixed: The Piano Roll window was opening at the wrong bar location.
  • Improved: Better quality audio resampling when rendering audio to higher sample rates.
  • Fixed: Resampler quality setting in ASIO drivers dialog was ignored.
  • Fixed: Using WAS audio drivers with 24 bit & 48kHz output rate might result in noise.

Summary of Changes for DAW Plugin Update 2.4.5 (Jan 21 2020)

  • Fixed: Opening Band-in-a-Box song files (.sgu) would fail if the file names and/or paths contained any European language characters (eg. à,è).
  • Fixed: Message if bbw4 has no valid handle
  • Fixed: Mute and sync buttons not working properly
  • Fixed: Clicking cancel would lag before cancelling
  • Fixed: Right-click anywhere on track for context menu
  • Fixed: Increase maximum chord sheet font size
  • Added: Double click track name to launch picker of currently selected track
  • Added: Flashing GENERATE button to notify if song needs to be regenerated
  • Added: Mute and sync buttons to track context menu
  • Added: Right-click chord opens bar settings menu at that bar
  • Added: Error code for bbw4 related error messages
  • Fixed: Plugin asking to save when booting the plugin and selecting File/Open
  • Fixed: Crash when running vst3 plugin in reaper
  • Fixed: Scroll bar margins when resizing plugin
  • Fixed: Bar settings not saving
  • Fixed: Time Base, and Natural Arrangement not saving settings
  • Fixed: Calling bbw4 when already open will bring windows to front
  • Fixed: Tool tips in Preferences Dialog
  • Fixed: Time signature should be set from DAW when first opened
  • Fixed: Set "..." colours for truncated chords to black
  • Fixed: Selected track in table should be more obvious
  • Fixed: Click YES to Save dialog and then cancel will reset save state to true
  • Added: Right click for track table context menu
  • Added: Medley/Multi (thickening) feature

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Jan 21, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2020 Build 709 Update (230 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2020 to Build 709 from any previous 2020 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 2.2.8.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 709 (Dec 23 2019)

  • Fixed: If opening a song from version 2019 or earlier, any Audio Chord Wizard bar lines might be offset.
  • Fixed: Access violation in Song Titles browser if no song is selected when clicking [Close].
  • Fixed: If running the Feature Browser from one of the [?] buttons, the [Do It] would not "do it".
  • Fixed: The Drop Station would not update if dropping a file onto Presonus Studio One.
  • Fixed: Dragging from the Drop Station directly onto Band-in-a-Box should only be allowed if dragging onto the Audio Edit window.
  • Fixed: Dropping an audio file in Audio Edit window should assume location zero if dropping outside of the wave area.
  • Updated: Many of the memos in the RealTracks Picker.
  • Improved: Drum transcriptions for several RealDrums have been improved or added. This includes BossaBrazilBrushPercAlex^, BluesRock128^, AmericanaSlow128Fred, BossaBrazilPercAlex^, BossaBrushesPerc^, HipHop, RockHardModernEv8^, SmoothJazzBallad^, PopRockWaltzEv,SideStickHat,Ride
  • Improved: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm JazzBluesCompMiles Sw 140 (RT3507) and Bass, Acoustic, JazzBluesNeilAB Sw 140 (RT3476) play better as rhythm styles with more natural sounding phrase selection.
  • Fixed: Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzBluesCompOlly Sw 140 (RT3480) was silent over some chords.
  • Improved: Piano, Acoustic, Rhythm RhythmChangesCompMiles Sw 140 (RT3506) and Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RhythmChangesCompOlly Sw 140 (RT3471) have smoother playing on some chord types.
  • Improved: Bass, Acoustic, RhythmChangesNeilAB Sw 140 (RT3476) Improved riff variations for some chords, smoother playback.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 23, 2019

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2020 Build 708 Update (230 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2020 to Build 708 from any previous 2020 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 2.2.8.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 708 (Dec 19 2019)

  • Added: Several Drums transcriptions added (SurfRock, Shaker, and Bongo styles).
  • Updated: RealTracks memos for the RealTracks Picker are improved/updated.
  • Fixed: 2020 Tooltips may not have displayed correctly or at all.
  • Added: Some new styles and demos added to MIDI SuperTracks Set 31.
  • Added: Many new styles and demos added to RT Sets 329-352, and the bonus PAK.
  • Fixed: Missing chords in Guitar, Electric, Rhythm RhythmChangesCompOlly Sw 140.
  • Fixed: Missing chords in Guitar, Electric, Rhythm JazzBluesCompOlly Sw 140.
  • Fixed: Crash with error "external exception C06D007F" while launching if using Windows XP.
  • Improved: Feature Browser button.
  • Fixed: The Piano Roll window was not redrawing after Edit > Undo.
  • Fixed: The Delete key was not working in the Piano Roll Window.
  • Fixed: Possible Invalid pointer error when using the Guitar Chord Solo generator.
  • Fixed: Blank icons in the StyleMaker window.
  • Fixed: Access violation when generating audio harmonies.
  • Fixed: (DAW Plugin) Audio harmonized voices transcribed to separate tracks was not working.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 707

  • Fixed: If Band-in-a-Box is run as administrator, dropping files onto the main window did not work.
  • Improved: If Band-in-a-Box is run as administrator, the About dialog window title will include "running as administrator".
  • Fixed: If running Band-in-a-Box in safe mode, the Audio Chord Wizard did not produce any chords.
  • Fixed: Possible freeze when importing compressed audio files.
  • Fixed: The Guitar window was not saving its width between program sessions.
  • Fixed: It was not possible to change the Guitar fretboard color.
  • Fixed: The Guitar window did not display the capo.
  • Improved: Guitar capo setting can be changed by right-clicking the fret position bar.
  • Improved: Feature Browser has more video links now.
  • Updated: PDF Manual/Help (routine updates).

DAW Plugin Update 2.2.8

  • Added: p hotkey for adding part markers in chord sheet.
  • Fixed: Dragging all Multi-Riffs only drags tracks 2 - 7.
  • Fixed: Plugin opens songs with flats instead of sharps.
  • Fixed: Tag shortcuts should auto enable tags.
  • Fixed: Adding tags with 1 chorus should show an error message.
  • Fixed: Plugin asking user to save when nothing was edited.
  • Fixed: Multi-Riffs not playing in sync with host.
  • Fixed: Midi sending empty messages during synced audio playback.
  • Fixed: GENERATE button only generating Multi-Riffs of entire song (even when section was highlighted).
  • Fixed: Octave doubling would be incorrect.
  • Fixed: Spurious log error messages.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 19, 2019

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2020 Build 706 Update (200 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2020 to Build 706 from any previous 2020 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 2.1.5.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 706 (Dec 13 2019)

  • Added: Several "Multi" RealTracks added for vocals and horns (RealTracks Picker).
  • Fixed: Some RealStyles were being categorized as all-MIDI styles.
  • Fixed: File > Open Special > Open MusicXML File... was filtering out compressed .mxl files.
  • Fixed: Dropping a .musicxml or .mxl file onto Band-in-a-Box was not accepted.
  • Fixed: Audio harmonized voices transcribed to Soloist track should be on channels 1-4 instead of channel 2.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might freeze during bootup after upgrading Windows 7 to Windows 10.
  • Fixed: Audio artifacts at bar lines when using Equalize Tempos feature.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box would crash if selecting a Hi-Q patch on the same track more than once.
  • Fixed: The Audio Edit window did not always ensure that the current playback position was scrolled into view.
  • Fixed: When dropping an audio file onto the Audio Edit window, the "Snap" setting was ignored.
  • Improved: Thickened is displayed in RealTracks names in RealTracks picker (and other RealTracks picker dialogs), and on mixer for RealTracks names. In RealTracks picker, searching for word "thickened" will show only thickened RealTracks.
  • Improved: Speed of some operations when searching and filtering for styles.
  • Fixed: DAW Plugin - Rebuild and Fix buttons in RealTracks picker now called ReBuild and it justs rebuilds the RealTracks list.
  • Added: Many styles and demos added to MIDI SuperTracks Sets 30 and 31.
  • Added: Many new styles and demos added to RT Sets 329-352, and the bonus PAK.
  • Updated: PDF Manuals and help (routine updates).
  • Fixed: Medleys and Thickened RealTracks were not playing in proper stereo.
  • Fixed: Rendering to audio with a region of bars selected renders the wrong region.
  • Fixed: Rendering to audio with a region of bars selected causes the Choose Range dialog to appear.
  • Fixed: Drag & drop render to audio with region of bars selected causes corrupt .wav file if not 16bit, 44.1kHz.
  • Fixed: Rendering was a bit slower than necessary when exporting 16 bit, 44.1kHz.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box may become unresponsive after rendering to audio.
  • Fixed: The Sinsy Vocal Synth would fail if using the 64 bit version.
  • Fixed: When using the Sinsy Vocal Synth feature, the Import Audio File dialog is not needed.
  • Fixed: Various audio formats would fail to import.
  • Fixed: FakeSheet button in the Custom tool panel was not displaying the check mark.
  • Added: [Reset to Zero] button added to Import Audio File dialog.

DAW Plugin 2.1.5 Update

  • Fixed: Generate Custom (This Page[]) not working.
  • Fixed: Crash when opening saved plugin with part marker on bar 2 and none on bar 1.
  • Fixed: A,B does not get entered into chord sheet.
  • Fixed: Chords being displayed in Roman Numeral without user setting.
  • Fixed: Plugin getting stuck while connecting to bbw4.
  • Added: context menu option in style page to use existing RT as MR.
  • Added: undo/redo functionality (chordsheet only).

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 13, 2019

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2020 Build 704 Update (80 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2020 to Build 704 from any previous 2020 build.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 704 (Nov 30 2019)

  • Fixed: Possible crash when starting playback if song contains audio track.
  • Fixed: Flickering in the Notation Window, especially during playback.
  • Fixed: Flickering in the Piano Roll window.
  • Fixed: Help menu item "Activate Band-in-a-Box" should say "De-Activate" if the user is already activated.
  • Updated: PDF manuals have miscellaneous fixes.

Summary of Changes for Version 2020 Build 703 (Nov 30 2019)

  • Fixed: Incorrect package/version problem when running download manager utility

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 2, 2019

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2019 Build 644 Update (210 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2019 to Build 644 from any previous 2019 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 1.16.29.

Note: There is a separate RealTracks patch (April 16) available here.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 644 (Jan 23 2020)

  • Fixed: Japanese version had some chord sheet display problems.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Jan 23, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2019 Build 643 Update (210 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2019 to Build 643 from any previous 2019 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 1.16.29.

Note: There is a separate RealTracks patch (April 16) available here.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 643 (Jan 14 2020)

  • Fixed: Practice window | Master Solos | Blues Piano, displays N/A.
  • Fixed: The Drop Station would not update if dropping a file onto Presonus Studio One.
  • Fixed: Possible freeze when importing compressed audio files.
  • Fixed: Crash with error "external exception C06D007F" while launching if using Windows XP.
  • Fixed: Access violation in Song Titles browser if no song is selected when clicking [Close].
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might crash during bootup if there is a problem with font installation (usually after upgrading Windows 7 to Windows 10).
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might crash during bootup if an ASIO driver was previously selected, and the device is no longer connected to the computer.
  • Fixed: If an ASIO driver cannot connect during bootup, the default WAS driver should be used instead.
  • Improved: BootupLog.txt will include more elaborate information when troubleshooting bootup problems. This only applies if WriteBootUpLog.txt is present in the Data folder.
  • Fixed: RealTracks #2975 (Vocal Oohs-Aahs) sometimes played incorrect chords for m7b5 and C7.
  • Fixed: Some bars for the B section of RT 2529 were dropping out.
  • Fixed: Some Bass and Nylon Guitar RealTracks (including 2718, 2724, 2722, 2725, 2719) have RealCharts added.
  • Fixed: Several Piano and Organ MIDI SuperTracks have been edited to remove spurious MIDI events (e.g. mod wheel sometimes caused 'warbling' effect).
  • Updated: PDF and help (routine cleanup/updaes).
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might crash when opening a song that contains note-based lyrics.
  • Fixed: Lyrics would not display in the Big Lyrics if "Show chord symbols above the lyrics" was enabled.
  • Fixed: Bar Lyrics and Section Text layers do not line up with bars in Notation window if there are repeats in song, and fake sheet mode is enabled.
  • Fixed: Possible crash if editing a text layer while using the floating Notation Window.
  • Fixed: "There is no audio file currently recorded" error message when using Audio > Plugin.
  • Fixed: If using the 64 bit version of Band-in-a-Box, the BB2Go window would display an erroneous QuickTime version, and converting files to .m4a would fail. QuickTime is only available for the 32 bit version, but is only required if using Windows Vista or earlier.
  • Fixed: Sforzando might not automatically be added to the VST list, causing Hi-Q patch selection to fail.
  • Fixed: [Video] > Render Video(s)... menu item should launch the Make Chordsheet Video dialog if Video RealTracks export is not available.
  • Fixed: When choosing a compressed format for rendering files, and "One file per track" is enabled, the resulting files are .wav format instead of the compressed format.
  • Fixed: Dragging a single track to export MIDI causes that track to be permanently soloed.
  • Fixed: The About dialog said 'for Macintosh' instead of 'for Windows'.
  • Fixed: StylePicker: User Category list wasn't refreshing after choosing a new user category.
  • Changed: Default the 'include similar styles in the stylepicker' to false each bootup.
  • Fixed: melodists were getting quantized incorrectly.
  • Fixed: Rebuilding styles list was causing errors sometimes.
  • Fixed: Clicking OK in the MIDI/Audio Driver Setup dialog should not close the floating Mixer window.
  • Fixed: Applying audio effects using Audio > Plugins would fail with error "Plugin cancelled. Original file is preserved".
  • Fixed: Audio will not import to a custom position if there is already audio on the Audio track.
  • Fixed: Audio > Edit Audio > Timeshift Audio would crash the program if the Audio Edit window was not open.
  • Fixed: Close button in Select chorus start/end dialog should behave like Cancel, ie user clicking on bar afterwards shouldn't do anything.
  • Fixed: Wrong notes on Oohs and Aahs RealTracks.

Summary of changes for Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin 1.16.29

  • Fixed: bounds when highlighting in chord sheet
  • Fixed: make selected cell at the end after pasting
  • Fixed: some styles not dragging all tracks from blue button
  • Fixed: losing focus in chord sheet
  • Fixed: plugin stops playing non-synced tracks when closing and then opening plugin
  • Fixed: track text not resizing correctly
  • Fixed: C#7b5b9b13 to chord sheet
  • Fixed: Audio stutters when resizing plugin in some DAWs
  • Fixed: auto gen after open feature not working in Studio One 4
  • Fixed: Open dialog in infinite loop
  • Fixed: Alert window buttons "punch hole" when pressed
  • Fixed: distortion when stopping playback in pro tools
  • Fixed: Verify folders before each call to Biab
  • Fixed: Send space bar keystrokes to DAW
  • Fixed: Added message if attempting to drag tracks before generating
  • Fixed: Transpose not working
  • Added: shift-arrows to select in chord sheet
  • Added: SHIFT-TAB to go backwards in chord sheet, TAB to go forward
  • Added: SHIFT-ENTER to go backwards in chord sheet
  • Added: copy selected cell if nothing highlighted
  • Added: support for all Biab file types

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Jan 08, 2020

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2019 Build 634 Update (200 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2019 to Build 634 from any previous 2019 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 1.14.2.

Note: There is a separate RealTracks patch (April 16) available here.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 634 (Sept 24 2019)

  • Fixed: The Chord Settings dialog was erasing chords.
  • Fixed: Choosing a patch using he Higher Patches dialog would fail to set the LSB value.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 634 (Sept 24 2019)

  • Fixed: Mixer settings (volume, panning, etc) are reset after exiting the MIDI Driver Settings window.
  • Fixed: Importing 24bit WAV files would result in noise.
  • Fixed: The Audio Chord Wizard was not producing any chords.
  • Fixed: Possible crashes during playback.
  • Fixed: Distortion in some rendered files if using "One file per track".

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Sept 27, 2019

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2019 Build 632 Update (140 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2019 to Build 632 from any previous 2019 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 1.14.2.

Note: There is a separate RealTracks patch (April 16) available here.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 632 (August 14 2019)

  • Fixed: Using multiple monitors might cause the main tool to disappear.
  • Fixed: Miscellaneous display fixes for localized versions of Band-in-a-Box.
  • Added: Support for Xtra Styles PAK 7.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. August 14, 2019

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2019 Build 628 Update (140 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2019 to Build 628 from any previous 2019 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 1.14.2.

There is a separate RealTracks patch (April 16) available here.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 628 (May 2 2019)

  • Fixed: "Could Not Create Wave File" error message when trying to record audio.
  • Fixed: Switching to the Audio Edit window during playback would reset the audio track play position to zero.
  • Fixed: Fretlight Guitar was not supported in the x64 bit version.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 627 (Apr 17 2019)

  • Fixed: Using an external plugin (from the menu Audio > Plugin) would always launch the plugin in English instead of the chosen language in Band-in-a-Box.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 626 (Apr 16 2019)

  • Fixed: In the 64 bit version, PG DirectX plugins would not list any presets. The presets are shared with the 32 bit version, so saving and deleting should affect the same preset lists.
  • Fixed: The VU Meters window was not redrawing properly.
  • Fixed: Various access violation errors may occur in the StyleMaker.
  • Fixed: There was a spurious "Number is out of range" error message when leaving the Guitar Settings window.
  • Fixed: Program might freeze during bootup during "counting candidate plugins" process.
  • Updated: Help file, PDF docs (routine updates).

Summary of fixes for the VST DAW Plugin (1.14.2)

  • Fixed: B part markers was not starting on new line when opening saved song.
  • Added: Sending midi data to DAW.
  • Fixed: BBW connection status was too small. Now it is a Biab player silhouette in the bottom left corner.
  • Added: Unfold multiple choruses.
  • Added: "DEMO", "STOP", "PLAY" shortcuts to chord sheet.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. May 2, 2019

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2019 Build 625 Update (380 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2019 to Build 625 from any previous 2019 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 1.13.5.

There is a separate RealTracks patch available here. More recent RealTracks fixes than Feb 11 are included in this Band-in-a-Box patch.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 625 (Mar 19 2019)

  • Improved: Faster program bootup.
  • Improved: The SongPicker has sorting added. Each column can be sorted in forward or reverse order by clicking on the column.
  • Improved: New buttons [Search] and [Search Again] in the SongPicker allow you to search for certain text.
  • Improved: In the SongPicker, pressing the first letter jumps to that song (using the sorted column). If you type more than one character (within 2 seconds), such as typing ba it will jump to songs beginning with "ba".
  • Improved: SongPicker Options window has "play when chosen" added.
  • Improved: SongPicker Options window has option to disable sorting (if you have a slow machine and more than 40,000 songs in a list, you might want to disable sorting).
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might prompt user to re-activate their license. Users who are still getting a message such as "program can only used on one computer" at bootup, can repair their license with this small .exe
  • Fixed: Noise and frozen playback problems when using SampleTank 3 on some computers.
  • Fixed: The Big Lyrics window would automatically open when opening a song that contained only section text events.
  • Fixed: RealDrums picker might crash if no RealDrums are selected.
  • Fixed: The letter R cannot be used in note based lyrics.
  • Fixed: Audio base tempo would not be applied until song was reopened or Audio Edit window open prior to playback.
  • Fixed: The SongPicker displayed a dark grey background after rebuilding.
  • Fixed: Various minor typos in StylePicker and Titles database as reported.
  • Fixed: Look Ma More MIDI .SGU demos were not loading from StylePicker.
  • Fixed: Various RealDrums transcriptions had issues with bars displaying incorrectly.
  • Added: RealDrums transcriptions for:

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. March 19, 2019

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2019 Build 623 Update (280 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2019 to Build 623 from any previous 2019 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 1.13.5.

There is a separate RealTracks patch (Feb 11) available here.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 623 (Mar 7 2019)

  • Fixed: The SongPicker might crash if clicking on a control when there is no song selected.
  • Fixed: Changing the Soloist track type to Drums did not work.
  • Fixed: Rendering errors with styles that had long medley & multi track names.
  • Fixed: The MIDI Monitor and Drums Window would not display in the language selected.
  • Improved: The VSTSynthFont64 performs faster when reverb is enabled.
  • Fixed: Holds not working properly for Piano, Electric, Rhythm Fusion styles
  • Fixed: PERCMARACASJOROPO68^_060 not found.

Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin 1.13.5 fixes:

  • Fixed: Quiet right channel when testing audio in standalone plugins.
  • Fixed: DAW sync issue in Cakewalk.
  • Fixed: DAW sync issue with non 4-bar song form.
  • Added: Option in preferences for plugin playback in sync with DAW.
  • Removed: Option in preferences to Keep BBW Open (no longer needed).
  • Added: Audio playback through DAW driver (sync option will highlight track in red when clicked).
  • Fixed: Bar highlighting starting at intro after first chorus.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. March 7, 2019

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2019 Build 622 Update (260 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2019 to Build 622 from any previous 2019 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 1.12.16.

There is a separate RealTracks patch (Feb 11) available here.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 622 (Feb 22 2019)

  • Improved: RealTracks generation is improved. Silent gaps between riffs are now filled when necessary, giving a more legato sound to instruments that need it. This feature is on by default, but can be disabled by unchecking "Automatically fill gaps between riffs" in the RealTracks Settings window. The setting can also just be disabled for individual RealTracks by going to the Soloist window > Edit > More... and unchecking "Fill riff gaps automatically".
  • Improved: The RealDrums window resizing is improved. This includes loading/saving of the window's size and position, and column widths. The window is no longer forced to use a single aspect ratios.
  • Fixed: MaxPluginsToScan.txt was not being read on bootup.
  • Fixed: RealDrums RealCharts should display in the Drums Window.
  • Fixed: The memo did not display for many RealDrums in the RealDrums Picker window.
  • Fixed: Pausing playback should not disable the Juke Box.
  • Updated: User guide and Help.
  • Fixed: Possible memory leak when generating RealTracks (build 621 only)
  • Fixed: Errors when generating some Alex Acuna RealDrums.
  • Fixed: Some additional RealTracks shots and holds are added and assigned.
  • Fixed: Miscellaneous minor .STY and audition file errors and typos.
  • Fixed: Some Organs weren't tempo swapping correctly.
  • Improved / transcriptions added: Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm FolkyWaltzBrent Ev 150, Guitar, Acoustic, Fingerpicking SongwriterAlternating8thsQuinn Ev 065
    Guitar, Electric, Rhythm AtmosphereWaltzHeldDarin Ev 120, Guitar, Nylon, Rhythm MariachiRanchero Ev 120
    Mandola, Rhythm AmericanaFolk68Andy sw 060

Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin 1.12.16 fixes:

  • Fixed: Tool tip for connection status icon.
  • Fixed: Cannot open VST3 in Samplitude Pro X4.
  • Added: Favorites list(recent files) now in saved settings for all plugin instances.
  • Added: Shortcuts to chord sheet to the plugin (j[Maj7], h[m7b5], s[7sus], d[dim], S[open style picker], begin[set start bar], chorusend [sets end of chorus], end [sets number of bars], t [sets tempo], tkam [sets key signature e.g. to Am], tram [sets key signature and transposes chord sheet e.g. to Am]).
  • Fixed: Glitch where choruses will say 1/3 when stopped instead of 3.
  • Fixed: When looping playback in a DAW, the BB Plugin still highlights bars in a linear fashion and ignores the loop.
  • Fixed: Issues with bar highlighting.
  • Fixed: If you change the playback location in a DAW without stopping, BB plugin ignores it with bar highlights and continues in a linear fashion.
  • Fixed: Move deleted files to recycle bin.
  • Added: Deletion log file.
  • Fixed: Master not generating on _SHINING.STY.
  • Fixed: Save preferences/filters for style picker.
  • Fixed: RealDrums dragging as style drums.
  • Fixed: Individual tracks not generating more than one chorus.
  • Fixed: Options drop-down cancels generation.
  • Fixed: If RT in 3/4 and style is in 3/4 the error message still pops up.
  • Fixed: Double-clicking bar 1 starts from count in.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Feb 21, 2019

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2019 Build 619 Update (140 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2019 to Build 619 from any previous 2019 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 1.11.14.

There is a separate RealTracks patch available here.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 619 (Feb 11 2019)

  • Fixed: "Pause Play until MIDI or key received" setting did not work if using WAS audio drivers.
  • Fixed: Some important flash messages were not displaying properly.
  • Fixed: The 64 bit version did not have the MIDI Monitor window.
  • Fixed: The drums window would not update after toggling "Display QWERTY Chars On Drums" setting.
  • Fixed: Saving an XML or ABC file will sometimes crash Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: Some ASIO devices would fail to start with error "Your ASIO driver uses a MAC-based data format. The program does not support MAC-basedformats."
  • Improved: ASIO now supports extra audio formats: 64 bit float samples, and big endian sample types (16, 18, 20, 24, & 32 bit).
  • Fixed: If an ASIO audio device has more than 32 input or output ports, Band-in-a-Box would crash with an access violation when leaving the ASIO Audio Drivers window.
  • Fixed: Silent gaps between RealTracks riffs were not being filled.
  • Fixed: There were undesirable gaps between riffs in RealTracks 1278: Synth Pad, PopUplift Ev 120.

Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin 1.11.14 fixes:

  • Fixed: Generating a single RealDrums rendered wrong track and had wrong name sometimes.
  • Fixed: UserTracks not showing correct name, or not generating sometimes.
  • Fixed: Loops and UserTracks were sometimes ALL CAPS names.
  • Fixed: Drums track names showed up as "N/A" drums when style loaded from a song.
  • Improved: Generating only the master works better.
  • Improved: Master.mid and indivudal MIDI files are saved.
  • Improved: Names for style tracks when on melody or soloist.
  • Fixed: Generating a loop when the style contained a soloist track wasn't working.
  • Fixed: In some DAWs an error could occur while dragging tracks.
  • Fixed: Blue square filled up after generating only master track.
  • Fixed: Midi playback caused crash in some DAWs (e.g. Pro Tools, Studio One)
  • Fixed: Render hangs with large render wav file in some cases.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Feb 11, 2019

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2019 Build 617 Update (300 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2019 to Build 617 from any previous 2019 build. This includes a VST DAW Plugin update to 1.11.11.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 617 (Feb 5 2019)

  • Fixed: After stopping playback the first time in a session, MIDI out to plugins will not work until song starts playing again. This only applies to WAS audio drivers when using "output always on".
  • Fixed: If switching from WAS to MME audio drivers, playback would be very distorted.
  • Fixed: The 64 bit version did not have the Drums window.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 616

  • Fixed: Soloist track menu > Track Actions > Erase Track, would cause all menu items (eg. TimeShift Melody) to be applied to the Soloist track.
  • Fixed: Leaving the Leadsheet memo dialog will crash Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: [Copy to Lyric Document Window] copies gibberish text to Lyric Document Window.
  • Fixed: [Copy to Lyric Document Window] does not work if the Lyric Document Window has not been opened yet.
  • Fixed: The Choose MultiDrums dialog will crash with error "List index out of bounds" if there are no MultiDrums available.
  • Improved: Windows Audio Session error -9996 should report a more informative error message on Windows 10.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 615

  • Added: 64-bit versions of the PG DirectX Plugins.
  • Added: Support has been added for the 64 bit PG Music DirectX Plugins. If opening a .TGS or a song file that assigns the 32 bit versions of these plugins, Band-in-a-Box will automatically load the 64 bit version. Song files will also save backwards compatible .TGS data so 32 bit versions of Band-in-a-Box will load the 32 bit version of these plugins.
  • Fixed: If using WAS audio drivers and "output always on" is disabled, MIDI notes will keep playing when song stops and Panic will not turn them off.

Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin 1.11.11 fixes:

  • Added: Status icon for connection to bbw4 (empty-not running, white-running, green-idle, red)
  • Added: Version number to bottom bar
  • Fixed: Window handle error, which caused bbw not to respond in certain cases.
  • Added: Custom generate item to generate single page
  • Added: Generate button only generates current page
  • Fixed: Changed MIDI super track to light blue
  • Fixed: Problem generating loops after style with soloist
  • Fixed: Improved generating just the master
  • Added: Master.mid and individual MIDI files saving now.
  • Fixed: Names for style tracks when on melody or soloist improved
  • Fixed: Saved Tracks path error
  • Fixed: Improved workflow in Studio One

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Feb 5, 2019

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2019 Build 614 Update (280 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2019 to Build 614 from any previous 2019 build.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 614 (Jan 21 2019)

  • Fixed: Songs would not save plugins on tracks that had a Hi-Q patch selected previously.
  • Fixed: Hi-Q Patches would not load if the Sforzando VSTi was not in the VSTi plugin list.
  • Fixed: The Sforzando VSTi was not automatically being added to the VSTi plugin list during bootup (64 bit only).
  • Fixed: Loading the Hi-Q patch "Hi-Q 040 01 Synth, Analog, FatBass Sforzando" would cause an access violation error.
  • Fixed: Track Settings > Set Track offset [0] was not working properly.
  • Fixed: Importing MusicXML files was failing to include melody notes and lyrics.
  • Fixed: Some new RealTracks were not assigned shots and holds.

Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin 1.10.4 fixes:

  • Improved: Generation is much faster, at least 4X.
  • Added: Notification dialog when generation is complete, and a setting to toggle this on/off.
  • Added: 32-Bit AAX plugin for Pro Tools 10.
  • Fixed: Soloist not generating on first attempt.
  • Fixed: MIDI tracks could be rendered at wrong tempo in the Master.
  • Fixed: Multiriff playback and bar highlighting.
  • Added: "No MIDI Renders" option in Custom Generate menu. If this is selected, any MIDI tracks will be left as MIDI and not rendered to wave which takes time.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 613 (Jan 16 2019)

  • Fixed: Exporting MP3 files would fail if using the 64 bit version of Band-in-a-Box, and Windows 7 or earlier.
  • Fixed: Some audio export error messages were blank.
  • Fixed: The 64 bit version of Band-in-a-Box was not working with jBridge for loading 32 bit VST plugins.
  • Fixed: If using the Lyric Document window, there will be an access violation when saving the song (64 bit only).
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box would freeze when rendering to audio if there was no default synth selected, and "Use DXi/VSTi Snth" was enabled.
  • Fixed: The 64 bit version should use "MaxPluginsToScan64.txt" instead of sharing "MaxPluginsToScan.txt" with the 32 bit version.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 612 (Jan 11 2019)

  • Fixed: Songs would not load or save VST data if larger than 1 megabyte, displaying flash message error "VST/FX data is too large to save".
  • Fixed: It was not possible to use the N key while entering note based lyrics in the Notation window.
  • Fixed: Recorded MIDI would be erased if also recording audio.
  • Fixed: The MIDI Driver dialog would not show the selected VSTi or DXi synth after choosing one in the Plugins window.
  • Updated: PDF and help file documentation.

Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin 1.9.28 fixes:

  • Fixed: Right-clicking generate bass track generated all individual tracks.
  • Fixed: StylePicker, RealTracks Picker, and other style and instrument selection windows would sometimes open behind the main window, requiring you to alt+tab to see them.
  • Fixed: Loading demo from StylePicker or loading a song when a special track was already present sometimes added an extra RealTracks (special track) to page 2
  • Fixed: Output directory error.
  • Fixed: BBW sometimes not receiving message when run as administrator. This would cause some actions to hang or not work at all.
  • Fixed: Skip grey bars when moving selector through chordsheet.
  • Fixed: AAX Plugin was not being recognized by Pro Tools.
  • Fixed: Problem scrolling chord table when crossing PartMarker during highlight.
  • Fixed: Repaint problem in Reason (possibly other DAWs).
  • Fixed: Some opened BB songs with realcharts on a frozen track would cause an access violation.
  • Added: Detailed log file written in BB Data folder bbw4exe_pluginLog.txt.
  • Fixed: Generation of single tracks would hang the program if the bb folder contained the file MaxPluginsToScan.txt containing Max=0. This file should not normally be present except in rare cases where a DX plugin scan failed.
  • Improved: Faster opening of BB song files.
  • Added: VST2 FX 32-bit version.
  • Improved: Installer has options for installing all plugin types. All files are now digitally signed.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 611 (Jan 7 2019)

  • Added: The CoyoteWT DXi synthesizer is now available for 64 bit. This will be used as the default synth in Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: The VSTSynthFont64 could not save an arrangement file (always returned error message "Invalid arrangement file name:").
  • Fixed: The Band-in-a-Box icon was not displayed in the title bar or task bar.
  • Fixed: VST plugins would not load if using jBridge.

Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin 1.9.19 fixes:

  • Fixed: Problem generating RealDrums.
  • Added: Delete key will delete highlighted area in chord sheet.
  • Updated: Windows tools for UI scaling on hi-res monitors.
  • Changed: Tip for valid folders now appears only if Preference dialog is open.
  • Changed: Typing "," in chord sheet now shows it in generic font.
  • Fixed: Problem with BBW pickers not opening on first click.
  • Fixed: Shot, Hold, Rest not loading properly from saved song.
  • Fixed: Shot, Hold, Rest not working properly after "/".
  • Added: Attempting to generate an empty track table from options menu will call the corresponding BBW picker.
  • Added: Second entry to Generate Menu for generating Multi-Riffs of a selected region.
  • Added: Option in the Preferences dialog to set the folder for Saved Tracks. *Note that the folder itself must be called "SavedTracks" (ie: C:\bb\BBPlugin\SavedTracks\).
  • Added: Option in the Preferences dialog to turn on bar highlighting during playback from the DAW. By default, this setting is turned off.
  • Added: 32-Bit versions of the Standalone and VST2 plugins.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 610 (Dec 28 2018)

  • Fixed: Some VST plugins were silent (eg. SampleTank 3).
  • Fixed: Some ASIO drivers might not work. Note that the bug can cause the driver to remain open after using Band-in-a-Box, so this bug fix might require you to restart your computer.
  • Fixed: The drop station would not allow M4A export (highlights red) if QuickTime is not installed. This should only be necessary for Windows Vista or XP.
  • Fixed: The Find File dialog was not displaying folders, and not loading the song chosen.
  • Fixed: If there is a RealTrack on the Drums track, Band-in-a-Box might crash when rendering a region of bars.
  • Fixed: Opening a song file from Windows Explorer would not work if Band-in-a-Box was already open.
  • Fixed: Generating multi-riffs would sometimes generate an error. (tips: make sure to first select a multi-riff before generating. Also, highlight a region of the chordsheet first to generate just that section as a multi-riff)
  • Added: Shots, holds, rests, push chords now read in from BB files.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 609 (Dec 24 2018)

  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might fail to connect to some VST plugins (eg. SampleTank 2), if not running as administrator.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might fail to connect to some ASIO drivers if not running as administrator.
  • Fixed: Multi-channel VST plugins (eg. SampleTank) would only output on channels 1 & 2.

Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin 1.8.14 fixes:

  • Added: Icon for the Standalone plugin.
  • Changed: Disabled input channels for the Standalone plugin.
  • Added: Options menu for the Standalone plugin.
  • Changed: Valid folder warning is now a tip.
  • Fixed: Problem selecting special tracks in v1.7.11.
  • Removed: Space bar controlling playback in the plugin.
  • Changed: Tool tips now appear in status message area.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Jan 21, 2019

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2019 Build 608 Update (280 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2019 to Build 608 from any previous 2019 build.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 608 (Dec 21 2018)

  • Fixed: Soloing a track will cause lots of distortion on some computers (only applies to the 64 bit version). Also, the count-in will be played in the wrong tempo, sound distorted, and cause Band-in-a-Box to be visually out of sync.
  • Fixed: File > Open/Save might not do anything if version 2019 was installed over a previous version of Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: Recording audio more than once in a song would fail with various errors such as "File not found".
  • Fixed: Audio output would be silent in the 64 bit version, if using ASIO with a sample rate other than 44.1 kHz.
  • Fixed: Right-clicking on a track radio might cause an access violation.
  • Added: Drum notation can be saved to MusicXML. Band-in-a-Box or RealBand MusicXML files can be loaded to drum notation.
  • Fixed: If drum notation contained micro-pegs, then the drum names would not display in the key signature for NON-editable mode.
  • Fixed: Song Picker Rebuild might stop on corrupted file with 0 byte size.
  • Fixed: Xtra Set Numbers were wrong on systems set to date formats using hyphens instead of slashes.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 607 (Dec 18 2018)

  • Fixed: Track menu > Track Actions > Save track as WAV file... would choose "W" as the file extension.
  • Fixed: Audio import to middle of song would fail with "File Not Found" error.
  • Fixed: Importing or opening audio files (MP3, WMA, M4A) might fail in the 64 bit version.
  • Updated/Added: Dozens of new RealStyles and demos added. Various RealTracks and style fixes and improvements.

Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin update to 1.7.11 is included:

  • Fixed: Issue with AAX version not being recognized in Pro Tools.
  • Fixed: Plugin may not be found due to a system file missing on some computers.
  • Added: VST3 version of the Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin, installed to C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3. Recommended for most DAWs, unless they only support VST2.
  • Added: Stand-alone version of the DAW Plugin. This is installed to bb\BBPlugins\Files\. This exe is useful if a DAW doesn't support drag and drop, for troubleshooting, and for people who want a very simple Band-in-a-Box program just with Chordsheet and file generation, with drag and drop to Explorer.
  • Added: FX versions of the VST2 and VST3 Plugins for programs that don't recognize VST instruments, such as Audition. Installed to bb\BBPlugins\Files\. If you need these files, copy them from here to your VST folder.
  • Added: Band-in-a-Box DAW Plugin Folder Locations and Settings are saved between sessions. Settings are saved in C:\users\public\ticket]
  • Improved: Check for bb installs is more thorough, on external drives (UltraPAK, etc.)
  • Fixed: Better handling for manually inputting folder paths in Preferences.
  • Fixed: Some chords cannot be entered with shot, hold or rests.
  • Fixed: Bar Highlighting during plugin playback.
  • Fixed: Problem with resizing on startup.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 606 (Dec 13 2018)

  • Fixed: There might be problems with some ASIO audio devices (eg. no sound, distortion, or crashes).
  • Fixed: Invalid VST plugin error message should not say 64 bit plugins cannot be used with 64 bit version.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 605 (Dec 10 2018)

  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might not exit completely if using ASIO drivers. It may appear to be closed, but an instance of bbw.exe or bbw64.exe will still be active in the Task Manager.
  • Fixed: In the Notation Window Options dialog, the up/down buttons for Clef split did not work.
  • UPdated: PDF and help file documentation updated.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 604 (Dec 4 2018)

  • Fixed: Audio > Plugins menu items were not working. The plugin would run, but the effect was not applied to the audio track.
  • Fixed: Audio > Plugins menu items were not preserving meta data in user's audio track (.wav file).
  • Fixed: Launching the manual would open an older manual if it was present in the bb\Documentation folder.
  • Fixed: Pressing space bar in the notation window should not start playback if entering lyrics or section text.
  • Fixed: Choosing a Hi-Q patch did not load the Sforzando plugin (64 bit version only).
  • Fixed: The Lyric Document Window was not loading song text properly.
  • Fixed: Direct drag and drop to another application was not working.
  • Fixed: "Normalize Mix" had no effect when rendering (64 bit version only).
  • Fixed: Online RT and RD auditioning was not working.
  • Updated: Content updates: RealStyles updates, new Styles/Demos, Shots/Holds additions, misc. RT fixes.
  • Updated: Documentation.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 603 (Dec 3 2018)

  • Fixed: Sometimes stopping playback would erase chord in the bar where playback started.
  • Added: Space bar should start from the current position in the notation window.
  • Fixed: The New Features menu items were directing to the wrong webpages.
  • Fixed: The filter wasn't working in StylePicker for the show 2019 styles in when accessed from the Category menu.
  • Fixed: The StyleMaker feature to add memos, examples was incorrectly adding carriage returns sometimes.
  • Fixed: Titles window filters for chord density and number of chords weren't working.
  • Fixed: Pressing backslash in notation to enter section text caused garbage UTF-8 character to appear.
  • Fixed: Higher fret numbers showed up as garbage.
  • Fixed: Loading in an XML file resulted in DTD prohibited error.
  • Updated: PDF documentation and help files.

Summary of Changes for Version 2019 Build 602 (Dec 2 2019)

  • Fixed: Possible range check error at bootup.
  • Fixed: StylePicker would not clear the need to rebuild the styles list.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 21, 2018

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2018 Build 520 Update (200 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2018 to Build 520 from any previous 2018 build.

Summary of Changes for Version 2018 Build 520 (July 17, 2018)

  • Fixed: Bar lines would not display properly in the Audio Edit window if launching through the menu item "Audio Chord Wizard (Audio Edit)".
  • Fixed: Hitting the Return key while in the Audio Edit window might trigger Loop Screen mode.
  • Fixed: [Style Memos etc] button was not visible in the Style Editor -> Misc dialog.
  • Added: Support for MIDI velocity changes in styles. Use the Misc-More dialog in StyleMaker to set velocity changes in MIDI styles.
  • Added: Save As style feature has support for MIDI velocity changes if volumes aren't 90 on mixer when saved.
  • Updated: PDF Manual and Help.

Summary of Changes for Version 2018 Build 519 (June 19, 2018)

  • Fixed: Audio harmonies might be missing some notes.
  • Fixed: File > Open Special > Open Audio was importing audio instead of opening it in a new song.
  • Fixed: The Audio Harmony dialog was missing the new Band-in-a-Box Intelligent Mode.
  • Fixed: Audio harmonies would be generated with the wrong notes if selecting a range of audio in the middle of the track.
  • Added: Help Video button added to the Audio Harmony dialog.
  • Improved: The Audio Harmony Dialog has been rearranged to be more intuitive when using Band-in-a-Box Intelligent Mode.
  • Fixed: The Audio Harmony dialog needed some hints.
  • Fixed: Rendering audio while there is a region of bars highlighted in the chord sheet might cause a crash.
  • Fixed: It was not possible to record audio using WAS audio drivers if "Output always on" was disabled.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might crash on bootup with error "Read Beyond end of file".
  • Fixed: Saving a MIDI file would fail unless saving as type 1.
  • Fixed: Redundant flash messages were showing.
  • Fixed: The VJT application should print out its version number in log files.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box should show message if the latest VJT application is not installed when the user tries to render videos.
  • Fixed: In the Bar Settings window, "Chordsheet and Notation - Start a New Line" should say "Notation - Start a New Line".
  • Added: Additional dialog available for detailed information in the StyleMaker (fields for memo, examples, and other parameters). These are set in the StyleMaker (more dialog, a button called "Style Memos etc").
  • Improved: Audio harmonies now used improved algorithms, and can be easily set using N voices above, M voices below (and have additional functions like duplicate melody, and dup. melody octave below).
  • Improved: Lyrics will be now read from .mid files that used to be karaoke files (.kar) and got renamed somewhere along the line.
  • Improved: ABC opening improvements with some accidentals, and leadin bars that occur in middle of song.
  • Fixed: Removing a custom drums from a track would still display Drums as the name of the loop in the track.
  • Fixed: Quicklist drums picker sometimes showing too many drums in the list.
  • Improved: Support for RealTracks that should be transposed only lower (ie heavy metal guitars) and for future improved metal guitar comping.
  • Fixed: Some 12-key RealTracks were incorrectly set to allow transposition.
  • Fixed: Misc. RealTracks updates.

Summary of Changes for Version 2018 Build 516 (April 17, 2018)

  • Fixed: The [Get Patch/Drum Kit Info] button in the MIDI drivers dialog would not find the synthesizer documentation.
  • Fixed: The busy mouse cursor might remain after analyzing audio with the Audio Chord Wizard.
  • Fixed: Video rendering would fail if saved using Japanese characters in file name.
  • Fixed: Clicking on the far left of the Guitar window would cause a "!!!!!" flash message to show.
  • Fixed: Changing a track name using the StylePicker mixer controls might open a hidden popup window.
  • Fixed: The About dialog was not showing the Fretlight Ready logo.
  • Fixed: "One file per track" was being ignored when rendering a batch of songs to audio files.
  • Fixed: "mono" was being ignored when rendering a batch of songs to audio files.
  • Fixed: "normalize individual tracks" was only working for MIDI tracks.
  • Fixed: Some typos and omissions in RealDrums Picker.
  • Fixed: An access violation error might occur in the RealTracks Picker if quickly scrolling and double-clicking to hear demos.
  • Improved: Windows Audio Session error messages contain more specific information.
  • Improved: The Audio Drivers dialog for WAS devices now shows Bit Depth in the device description.
  • Improved: WAS audio driver performance has been improved when using 44.1 kHz sample rate.
  • Fixed: Using a Coyote DXi synthesizer (eg CoyoteWT or ForteDXi) might cause crackling/buzzing noise during playback.
  • Fixed: Using a multi speaker layout (eg. 4 speakers surround sound) instead of stereo might cause failure to connect to audio hardware with error -9996. This only happened when using WAS as audio driver type.
  • Fixed: Access violation on bootup if using a Roland audio interface (ASIO) that is not connected.
  • Fixed: The Audio Chord Wizard would always run in English.
  • Fixed: If adjusting the number of choruses in your song, choosing Cancel is ignored when asked, "OK to adjust Melody track to fit new # of choruses?".
  • Fixed: Changing the number of choruses was not undo-able.
  • Fixed: Adjusting Melody or Soloist tracks to fit a new number of choruses was not undo-able.
  • Fixed: The Plugins window would be too small when using plugins that have a small GUI.
  • Fixed: When saving a Hybrid style for the first time, the File Save dialog should start in the Styles directory.
  • Fixed: "BBW.LST not found" errors when using the Hybrid Style maker dialog.
  • Fixed: The [.STY] button in the Hybrid Style maker dialog.
  • Fixed: Some Amplitube presets/styles/demos pointed to a preset which wasn't available in some installs.
  • Improved: More RealTracks have HiQ transcriptions. Fixed Bass AmericanaSlow16thsByron bad chords.
  • Fixed: JazzBebopDannyBrushes sometimes out of sync.
  • Updated: Misc. updates to StylePicker database, memos, manuals, help files.
  • Fixed: The PDF driver installer could not be launched from Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: Panning the audio track did not work.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. July 17, 2018

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2018 Build 513 Update (130 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2018 to Build 513 from any previous 2018 build.

Summary of Changes for Version 2018 Build 513 (Feb 20, 2018)

  • Fixed: When recording audio using Windows Audio Session (WAS) audio driver, there would be a stream read error when keeping the take.

Summary of Changes for Version 2018 Build 512 (Feb 15, 2018)

  • Fixed: Mixer changes were not undoable, and would not cause user to be prompted to save their song when exiting.
  • Fixed: After returning Band-in-a-Box to factory settings the File Open dialog would default to the bb\Data\Lib directory.
  • Fixed: The audio latency setting would increase every time leaving the Windows Audio Devices dialog.
  • Fixed: Choosing a custom chord sheet font would ignore any color choice made in the font selection dialog.
  • Fixed: Exporting a MIDI file might cause the error, "MIDIConv.exe no found".
  • Fixed: "Load SoundTrack Song" and "Load song with RealDrums Audio" buttons in the Sound Track dialog were not working.
  • Fixed: The Download Manager folder was 2016 instead of 2018.
  • Updated: Help file.
  • Fixed: Static in RT2438 and other various RealTracks fixes.
  • Fixed: StylePicker database various updates. Some styles were displaying the wrong feel (swing/even) in notation. A few styles incorrectly showed missing Drums.
  • Fixed: Drum names were sometimes truncated in the RealDrums MultiDrums and Quicklist dialogs.

Summary of Changes for Version 2018 Build 510 (Jan 26, 2018)

  • Fixed: The old drop station image was used if loading a custom skin.
  • Improved: The drop station plus dialog will warn you if you do not select any file formats.
  • Fixed: Some audio devices would fail to connect when using a WAS (Windows Audio Session) driver.
  • Fixed: The file open dialog would not filter file types.
  • Fixed: New In 2018 menu item on the Category menu in stylePicker does nothing.
  • Fixed: Opening a .pat patch map file should start looking in the Synth Kits directory.
  • Fixed: The [Demos...] button in the RealTracks Settings dialog did not work.
  • Improved: New ABC notation features have been added:
        - Voice Overlay
        - Multiple Voices
        - Tuplets
        - Grace Notes
        - Free Meter
        - Complex Time Signatures
        - Lyrics (In Bar, Leica)
        - Rests
        - Modal Key Signatures
        - Ties

Summary of Changes for Version 2018 Build 508 (Dec 22, 2017)

  • Fixed: Songs might not load with tone and reverb settings.
  • Fixed: Rendering Video RealTracks would fail if Windows was not set to an English locale.
  • Fixed: Exception in StylePicker routine to find similar styles (menu [Action] mark as prototype command).
  • Fixed: Tracks that have video available are not labeled with "[V]" unless "Auto-Generate Track Labels" is enabled.
  • Fixed: The Help button in the Save ABC notation dialog did not work.
  • Updated: Artist bios.

Summary of Changes for Version 2018 Build 507 (Dec 18, 2017)

  • Fixed: Using File | Open to open an audio file would not load the audio file.
  • Fixed: The audio track was not being included in rendered videos.
  • Fixed: When using the "One file per track" setting in the Render dialog, each track's file is not named properly.
  • Fixed: If video rendering failed, the process would not stop and there was no error message.
  • Fixed: It was not possible to cancel video rendering.
  • Fixed: Repeats/endings were not implemented for XML and ABC notation.
  • Fixed: Saving XML file with 3 divisions per notation beat could result in rests on the wrong clef.
  • Fixed: Playing a demo in the RealTracks Picker might cause an access violation.
  • Added: Style Demos from Third Party Sources, or for any UserCreated style now found if placed in Demos\MIDI Style Demos\ folder.
  • Fixed: The StylePicker was not finding demos in "Drums - Demos".
  • Improved: Background Vocals RealTracks.

Summary of Changes for Version 2018 Build 506 (Dec 13, 2017)

  • Fixed: Deleting a region of chords would cause "Undo Delete Bars" to appear in the Edit menu, but do nothing unless chosen twice.
  • Fixed: Sometimes when deleting a note in the notation window, you will be asked "OK to delete chord".
  • Fixed: "K3" did not work in the chord sheet for copying 3 bars (8 bars would be copied instead).
  • Fixed: The "Show Flash Tips" setting did not have any effect when disabled.
  • Fixed: Flash messages were not being added to the flash message log.
  • Fixed: Error "Input and output sample rates must match" might show when the devices do have matching sample rates.
  • Added: "Export Song as Audio File..." menu item has been added to the Audio menu.
  • Fixed: Rendering .m4a or video files might fail and request that the user install QuickTime if using Windows 7. QuickTime should only be necessary for Windows Vista or XP.
  • Fixed: If Band-in-a-Box was in DAW Plugin mode while exiting, the window size was not restored the next time opening the program.
  • Fixed: When exiting DAW Plugin mode, the window would not return to its previous size (it would become maximized).
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box will not open using the proper window size if the Mixer window was open while exiting.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box always opens with a maximized window briefly before resizing to the user's saved size.
  • Fixed: Some of the Oohs and Aahs (Vocal) RealTracks were not working correctly, and they have been greatly improved.
  • Updated: Various improvements (including Db offset adjustments) to many of the new STY files and .SGU demos included with RealTracks Sets 278-300.
  • Fixed: New styles (STY files) for many of the new RealTracks in Sets 278-300 and MIDI SuperTracks sets 25-27.
  • Fixed: StylePicker User Categories updated for Xtra Styles PAK 4.
  • Fixed: BB2018 tutorials folder.
  • Updated: Styles database.
  • Fixed: WashboardBluegrass drums.

Summary of Changes for Version 2018 Build 505 (Dec 7, 2017)

  • Fixed: The Transcribe feature in the Audio Edit window was not always working.
  • Fixed: Using the Transpose or stretching features in the Audio Edit window might cause an access violation if the audio track is mono.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box would crash with error message "dwmapi.dll cannot be found" while starting up if using Windows XP.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box would crash with error "Procedure entry point MFTEnumEx could not be found in the Dynamic Link Library Mfplat.DLL" while starting up if using Windows Vista.
  • Improved: Band-in-a-Box will start up faster.
  • Fixed: There was no Quality selector in the Render to Audio File dialog if rendering MP3 on Windows 7 or earlier.
  • Added: You can now put Section Numbers in your song. Previously you could only use letters A-Z, but now you can use 1-9 as well.
  • Fixed: The Windows Audio Devices dialog might show garbage text for names of devices if not running Band-in-a-Box in English.
  • Added:You can now filter styles in the StylePicker for styles that contain Video RealTracks.
  • Fixed: There were visual artifacts in the leadsheet & notation windows when moving the cursor.
  • Improved: Importing ABC Notation files has been improved.
  • Updated: Help file and manuals.
  • Updated: RealTracks Artist bio's.

Summary of Changes for Version 2018 Build 504 (Dec 1, 2017)

  • Updated: help file and Manuals.
  • Added: Help button has been added to the Save ABC notation dialog.
  • Added: Help button has been added to the RealDrums Quick dialog.
  • Added: A Quality selector has been added to the Render to Audio File dialog. This lets you select a bit rate for compressed audio types (M4A, MP3, WMA).
  • Fixed: Clicking on flash messages should not deactivate the main window.
  • Fixed: Green flash messages would sometimes not perform any action when clicked on, or perform the wrong action.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might crash if opening an ABC notation file that is not properly formatted.
  • Fixed: Song Titles dialog - improved behaviour of the Clear button
  • Fixed: Song Titles dialog - spelling of some subgenres fixed
  • Fixed: Song Titles dialog - 100 song titles added, total now 10,306
  • Fixed: StylePicker - using mixer menu to customize style now filters according to selected style, not song's style
  • Fixed: StylePicker - Save As Style feature improved
  • Fixed: StylePicker - Generate button removed from Best Soloists dialog if launched from the StylePicker
  • Fixed: RealDrums and RealDrums QuickList - some demos were not playing variations.
  • Fixed: Sometimes loss of RealTracks folder locations.
  • Fixed: What addons dialog not showing MIDI Soloists correctly.

Summary of Changes for Version 2018 Build 503 (Nov 29, 2017)

  • Fixed: Converting to WMA would create a truncated file (too short).
  • Fixed: Videos & M4A files might have a pop noise at the beginning and end.
  • Improved: Better MP3 suport for Windows 7 and Windows XP.
  • Fixed: The Title Generator would not launch.
  • Fixed: Menu item for opening ABC notation files has been added to the File > Open Special menu.
  • Fixed: There were no hints in the Audio Harmony dialog.
  • Added: Help button has been added to the Generate Video dialog.
  • Added: Help button has been added to the Audio Harmony dialog.
  • Added. Help button has been added to the Windows Audio Session devices dialog.
  • Fixed: "Display warnings for detected audio stuttering" check box in the Audio Settings dialog should only be visible when using MME audio drivers.
  • Fixed: Converting to MP3, M4A, or WMA might fail if using older versions of Windows.
  • Fixed: Various errors when trying to convert to MP3 on older versions of Windows, such as "Problem interpreting Input.txt, quitting."
  • Fixed: If rendering to "WMA (lossless)", the output file would not be lossless.
  • Fixed: No error message was shown if failing to convert audio to MP3, M4A, or WMA.
  • Fixed: Batch feature was missing from the Render to Audio File dialog.
  • Fixed: Rendering video might fail (freeze at finalizing stage) for various layouts.
  • Fixed: Trying to render Video RealTracks would fail if the RealTracks were set to Direct Input mode.
  • Fixed: The New Features menu was showing 2017 new features.
  • Fixed: The PDF manuals would not launch.
  • Fixed: "Open abc Notation music file" menu item is added to the file open menu.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Feb 20, 2018

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2017 Build 471 Update (60 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2017 to Build 471 from any previous 2017 build.

Note: There is also a RealTracks update patch available here.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 471 (Dec 6, 2017)

  • Fixed: In the Audio Edit window, "Mark this point as Bar 1 of the song" would mark the wrong point if song tempo did not match the audio master tempo.
  • Fixed: Song with bar one offset, tempo changes, and base tempo that does not match song tempo - plays audio track out of sync.
  • Fixed: Rendering chord sheet as video would fail.
  • Fixed: If launching the Updates dialog from the About dialog, launching an installer would open an hidden and inaccessible window (accessible by Enter key, but not by mouse).

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Dec 6, 2017

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2017 Build 470 Update (60 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2017 to Build 470 from any previous 2017 build.

Note: There is also a RealTracks update patch available here.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 470 (Nov 2, 2017)

  • Fixed: The RealDrums Picker was opening slowly.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Nov 2, 2017

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2017 Build 469 Update (60 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2017 to Build 469 from any previous 2017 build.

Note: There is also a RealTracks update patch available here.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 469 (Oct 31, 2017)

  • Fixed: The splash screen was not showing.
  • Fixed: Possible crash while booting up.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 468 (Oct 20, 2017)

  • Fixed: Various popup dialogs (eg editing volume on mixer) might appear partially off screen.
  • Fixed: Setting "Audio Master (Base) Tempo" does not take effect until reloading the song.
  • Fixed: If importing audio while launching the Audio Chord Wizard, the wrong audio master tempo is set, causing the audio track to never be in sync with the style.
  • Fixed: Dragging to the WAV quadrant of the drop station would ignore the "Drag Master as separate tracks" setting.
  • Fixed: The [Edit Soloist] and [Edit Melody] buttons in the Event List Editor dialog did not work.
  • Fixed: Disabling "Draw interpolation" would cause random lines between sample points in the Audio Edit window.
  • Fixed: If a THRU harmony is selected, then Band-in-a-Box would freeze when soloing the Soloist or Thru tracks.
  • Fixed: Changing the color setting for "Window background" in the Audio Edit window had no effect.
  • Fixed: Hitting [Cancel] in the Audio Edit Settings dialog would cause a random zoom to occur.
  • Fixed: The [Sample] button in the Audio Edit window would zoom in to the far left of the screen, rather than to the cursor.
  • Fixed: If opening a song that was saved in the Mac version, a random character would be inserted at the beginning of these lead sheet fields: "Style", "Tempo", "Copyright", "Composer", and "Composer2".
  • Fixed: When exporting a video of the chord sheet, the the resulting video might be cropped.
  • Fixed: The drop station would take a few seconds to respond during the first attempt to drag and drop.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 467 (July 18, 2017)

  • Fixed: An "out of memory" error would occur in very long songs with lots of RealTracks. Some tracks would be silent when this happened. This might still happen, but the song size limit has doubled.
  • Fixed: The Event List editor window would only work for the Melody or Soloist tracks.
  • Fixed: If there were any style changes in a song, the Bar Settings layer would display "Style changes" on any bar that had any other type of changes (eg tempo, volume).
  • Improved: Elastique has been updated from version 3.1.8 to 3.1.11.
  • Fixed: Drag and drop would not extract the selected region on the chord sheet.
  • Fixed: "No Loop (WAV) chosen for this track" would display for some tracks in the Create Multi-Drums dialog.
  • Fixed: Booting up Band-in-a-Box by double-clicking on a song file would cause any song-based RealTracks to be removed.
  • Added: Several requested 'genre' user categories in the StylePicker.
  • Fixed: Sometimes RealTracks would play a dominant 7th chord for plain major triad song chords.
  • Changed: "Tempo/Pitch Stretching Quality" now defaults to medium instead of low.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 466 (June 20, 2017)

  • Fixed: There were various errors (eg notes not transposed) in the Chord Builder popup menus.
  • Fixed: When exporting a MIDI file, RealTracks would generate even if "Save RealCharts in MIDI files" was disabled.
  • Fixed: When demoing RealDrums in the RealDrums Picker dialog, the demo would not start at the beginning.
  • Fixed: The total choruses button should show the current chorus during playback.
  • Fixed: Rendering to MP3 will cause Band-in-a-Box to crash if choosing "MPEG Layer-3" as the codec.
  • Fixed: Rendering to MP3 might fail with error "cannot get stream size".
  • Fixed: When using the * wildcard for chord type in the Search-Replace Chords dialog, all of the resulting chords would have their type changed to 6.
  • Fixed: The style name and description would not be displayed immediately after bootup.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 465 (May 30, 2017)

  • Fixed: Some hints in the Chord Builder were not showing transposed notes, and a % symbol was showing instead.
  • Fixed: Random sections of RealTracks will not be generated if guitar chord diagrams is enabled, and the Notation window is open while RealTracks are generating.
  • Fixed: New lines for sections on the chord sheet were not allowed when the song had repeats.
  • Fixed: The number pad hot keys for step advancing in the notation window did not work.
  • Fixed: Guitar bend amount could be garbled, and tab font may have been the incorrect font, with some foreign languages like Japanese or Chinese.
  • Fixed: When looping an entire song, and starting from, say, bar 17, the notation would later get locked on bar 17 when the song loops back to the song beginning.
  • Fixed: When printing to a PDF file, or to a printer, bends, slides, hammers/pulls could show up within the margins including the "H" and "P" showing up in the margins.
  • Updated: PDF Manuals.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 464 (May 16, 2017)

  • Fixed: If pasting multiple lines of text into a layer, the last line would be skipped.
  • Fixed: If pasting a single line of text into a layer using the layer context menu, nothing would be pasted.
  • Fixed: When running Band-in-a-Box with factory settings the floating mixer would appear in the top left corner of the screen the first time it was opened.
  • Fixed: When the "auto-resize" is enabled for the floating mixer, stopping playback should only move it back to the maximized position if it was in that position prior to playback.
  • Fixed: Chord sheet fonts were limited to a maximum size that would not quite fill the cells. This would cause superscript extensions to sit too high above the roots.
  • Added: The RealTracks Settings dialog now has a choice of low/medium/high for Elastique stretching quality, instead of just high quality on or off (high quality off meant medium).
  • Fixed: The "Select Hi-Q MIDI Patch Plugin" menu item should be available to the Melody, Soloist, and Thru tracks.
  • Fixed: The media player in the Hi-Q patch dialog did not have a volume control.
  • Fixed: The number pad keys 0, 1, 2 would trigger looping features are inappropriate times (eg. when in the song memo, or when selecting the chorus ending bar, etc.)
  • Fixed: Shift+Arrow keys were not working to highlight regions on the chord sheet.
  • Fixed: The visual metronome would take over the StylePicker window when playing song demo.
  • Fixed: Elastique stretching items were missing from the RealTracks Settings dialog.
  • Fixed: The Help button in the MultiDrums dialog did not do anything.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 463 (April 28, 2017)

  • Fixed: When associating file types with Band-in-a-Box, the user would get the success message "File types are now registered for songs..." when the process failed.
  • Fixed: When unassociating file types with Band-in-a-Box, the user would get the success message "File types are now NOT registered for songs..." when the process failed.
  • Fixed: If opening a Band-in-a-Box song from Windows explorer, and specifically choosing the "Open" command instead of "Play", playback would start anyway.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might ask to associate file in Windows Explorer even if they are already set.
  • Fixed: Right-clicking on a Band-in-a-Box song in explorer and selecting play would not open the song.
  • Fixed: Associating file types only works if the exe is named "bbw.exe".
  • Fixed: Various Conductor hot keys were not working.
  • Fixed: Some number-pad keys were not working in the song memo.
  • Fixed: Toggling Loop Section with the 1 key would not display a message.
  • Fixed: With factory settings, it appears as if "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth" is selected in the MIDI driver setup dialog even though it is not. The user might click Cancel because it appears that the driver is already selected.
  • Fixed: When in the MIDI driver setup dialog, clicking on Audio Settings should connect/disconnect MIDI drivers. Eg. the user might be attempting to connect to ASIO4ALL, which often does not work with the Microsoft GS Wavetable MIDI driver.
  • Added: In the PDF manual, clicking on the Bookmarks navigation pane, Table of Contents, or Index will jump to the corresponding page. (Note: To use the navigational elements, you need to open the PDF manual in Adobe Reader.)
  • Fixed: Some RealTracks Artist Bio's typos/omissions.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Oct 31, 2017

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2017 Build 462 Update (60 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2017 to Build 462 from any previous 2017 build. Additional RealTracks updates are available here

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 462 (Mar 23, 2017)

  • Fixed: Using CTRL+V to paste notes in the piano roll would cause the notes to be pasted twice.
  • Fixed: Some menu items were showing the wrong captions.
  • Fixed: Checking "Set Audio Master (Base) Tempo to" in the Import Audio File dialog was not working.
  • Fixed: It was not possible to specify a chorus when using the "L" code word in the chord sheet, because the second comma would trigger chord entry. (eg "L8,12,2")
  • Fixed: The font size for the large patches in the mixer would not change when resizing the window.
  • Improved: Many electric guitar styles, when using the DI versions, would have very loud shots and holds. These are now balanced.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 461 (Mar 15, 2017)

  • Improved: Much faster bootups. 2-3x faster! (note: fast bootups will start after you've booted up about 3 times and will stay fast).
  • Fixed: Songs with frozen RealDrums might freeze or crash Band-in-a-Box when playback is started.
  • Fixed: Songs with frozen RealDrums would play a count-in even if "Audible Lead-In" was disabled.
  • Improved: Scroll to top button [^] has been added to StylePicker.
  • Improved: Log of bootup times is made if you set this option in edit-prefs.
  • Improved: Styles can now be made with multiple drum tracks. A button has been added to stylemaker.
  • Improved: Buttons added to stylepicker, and titles to add song to databse (launches forum request).
  • Improved: The Bar Settings dialog report shows new track names.
  • Improved: Warning messages about songs with both multidrums on drums track and multiple drums tracks.
  • Improved: Drum Count-ins now work for Double-Time or Half-Time drums (note that the count-in will be MIDI in this case).
  • Fixed: The RealDrums Picker dialog would crash on exiting if the Multiple RealDrums dialog had previously been opened. This bug only effected non-English versions.
  • Fixed: Drag and drop of the audio track would not include tempo stretching, transposing, acidizing, or normalizing.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 460 (Mar 6, 2017)

  • Fixed: The "NEW in 2016" menu item and in StylePicker should say "NEW in 2017".
  • Fixed: It was not possible to set a custom folder for RealTracks (in build 459).
  • Fixed: Record from any bar would open the record dialog instead of letting the user choose a bar to record from.
  • Fixed: Record from any bar did not have a hot key (it is now Ctrl+Alt+R).
  • Fixed: RealTracks that were "Half-Time" were displaying as "Double-Time" on the mixer, and vice versa.
  • Updated: Help file and manuals.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 459 (Feb 20, 2017)

  • Fixed: Audio Edit window was not displaying lines for audio stretching features (bug introduced in build 458).
  • Fixed: Clicking on the Mixer piano (Thru track) does not display notes on the Guitar or Big Piano windows.
  • Fixed: The select bar dialog would conflict with keyboard input.
  • Fixed: Email Song dialog would not show options to attach Artist Performance Tracks if they were WMA files.
  • Fixed: Hitting the [\] key (forward slash) while in the notation window would crash Band-in-a-Box with the "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" error.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might crash on bootup with "Not enough timers available" error.
  • Fixed: The RealTracks picker might freeze if using a custom RealTracks folder location, and this folder does not exist (eg. an external hard drive is not connected, or re-connected with a different drive letter).
  • Fixed: If using Windows 10, holding down the mouse anywhere in the chord sheet window and scrolling the mouse wheel would cause Band-in-a-Box to immediately crash.
  • Fixed: When saving MusicXML files, slurs would be rejected by other programs that opened the files.
  • Fixed: After performing a drag and drop, the previous state of soloed tracks was not restored.
  • Fixed: Drag and drop of audio track would render Bass track instead.
  • Fixed: When using multiple monitors, some popup windows would be forced onto the primary monitor (eg. changing song title, changing track label).
  • Fixed: When using multiple monitors, Band-in-a-Box would not properly open to the previous size, position, and maximized state.
  • Fixed: Previewing chords in the chord sheet (Shift+Enter) or using the chord builder would eventually stop playing all the notes in the chord if using the "always on" setting for the audio driver (MME or ASIO).
  • Fixed: Splash screen was missing if running program in any language other than English.
  • Improved: Shots and Holds for Direct Input RealTracks can be assigned unique Holds library numbers, and unique decibel offsets.
  • Fixed: If using a 3/4 style, Band-in-a-Box would switch to the ZZJAZZ style (4/4) when launching the Audio Chord Wizard. This would cause an incorrect tempo map to be made afterwards.
  • Improved: If making a tempo map after using the Audio Chord Wizard, and the current style has a different time signature, you will be asked to choose a different style. If possible, you can choose to keep the current style, but the time signature of each bar will be set for you.
  • Fixed: Automatic updates were sometimes not working.
  • Fixed: Rendered WAV files would not be acidized if the option to normalize was enabled.
  • Added: Drums name is more descriptive in the drums panel of the mixer, e.g. saying "snare and high hat"instead of "snhh".

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 458 (Feb 1, 2017)

  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might crash if using the "Silence" RealTracks.
  • Fixed: Tracks using the "Silence" RealTracks would display a blank label.
  • Fixed: The splash screen was not showing.
  • Fixed: The mixer might open off screen, and not be accessible.
  • Fixed: Multiple monitor support: floating windows would always open on the primary monitor. This applies to the Big Piano, Guitar, Mixer, Plugins, and Video window.
  • Fixed: Copy or Cut in the Audio Edit window would cause Band-in-a-Box to crash.
  • Fixed: Various situations will cause the Audio Edit window to crash. Eg. using the Vocal Synth dialog to import audio, opening the Audio Window, and pressing play would cause a crash.
  • Fixed: In the Vocal Synth dialog, choosing the first English vocalist would not work (the resulting audio file would just say "shhh" for every lyric).
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might crash if opening or importing an audio file that is open by another application.
  • Fixed: 'Display Chordsheet in Fakesheet Mode' menu item was not showing check mark.
  • Fixed: 'Allow Repeats and Endings for Any Song' menu item was not showing check mark.
  • Fixed: When disabling repeats, a spurious message would appear: "Repeats are now DISABLED. This will take effect when the NEXT song is loaded".
  • Fixed: When disabling repeats, and answering "Yes" to delete all repeats, this was not undoable.
  • Fixed: The activation window might get stuck behind the splash screen.
  • Fixed: Rendering to MP3 will cause Band-in-a-Box to crash if choosing "MPEG Layer-3" as the codec.
  • Fixed: Rendering to MP3 might fail with error "cannot get stream size".
  • Fixed: Tracks with slurs might cause the Notation Window to freeze.
  • Fixed: The "ASIO Always On" setting for ASIO audio drivers was not working (ie MIDI output was silent if song not playing).
  • Fixed: The "Output always on" setting for MME audio drivers did not work for MIDI playback (eg. clicking on the pianos, chord previewing, notation editing, etc.). It only worked for triggering MIDI directly through plugin GUIs.
  • Fixed: In the Vocal Synth dialog, the vocalist selection was not sent correctly to the server (eg. choosing Matsuo-P would use Xiang-Lang).
  • Changed: The new hot key for opening the Record MIDI dialog has been changed to CTRL+R.
  • Updated: Band-in-a-Box help file.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 457 (Jan 18, 2017)

  • Fixed: The tempo buttons should change by 5 with a left click, and 1 with a right click (was inverted from 2016 version behaviour).
  • Fixed: When exiting Band-in-a-Box while the song is still playing, and asked to save song, a number of cryptic messages will appear. A crash may occur with an "Invalid pointer operation" error.
  • Fixed: The Mute feature in the Loop Section Settings dialog was not working.
  • Fixed: Generate Track button in the RealTracks Picker not working during playback.
  • Fixed: The floating mixer would prevent keyboard input if it was focused.
  • Fixed: The [More...] button in the Notation window options dialog would open the "Options for BeStPlain Chord Symbol Font" dialog if that dialog had previously been opened by the [+] button.
  • Fixed: Right-click menu > Track Actions > Save track as WAV file... would save all tracks as individual files if the selected track was soloed.
  • Fixed: The "One WAV File per Track" setting in the Render dialog would always be turned back on if rendering a single track from the right-click menu.
  • Fixed: It was not possible to enter chords into the chord sheet that started with "L" or "R".
  • Fixed: The loop button in normal screen mode did not display a check box.
  • Fixed: Setting the chorus start or end bar was not undoable.
  • Fixed: MIDI and audio go out of sync when "Use VSTi/DXi Synth" is disabled.
  • Fixed: Band-in-a-Box might crash if using an MME audio driver, with "Output always on" enabled, and "Use VSTi/DXi Synth" disabled.
  • Fixed: Strings might be missing on the main screen (eg any words on the mixer) if Band-in-a-Box was not run as administrator.
  • Fixed: Audio loops that are less beats than the time signature cause Band-in-a-Box to freeze while generating the song.
  • Fixed: Playing chords in the Chord Builder dialog did not show on the mixer pianos.
  • Improved: Playing consecutive chords in the Chord Builder dialog will have smoother sounding transistions.
  • Fixed: Using the right-click menu to mute or solo the Thru track would not apply to the right track.
  • Fixed: The Alt+2 hot key was not working for toggling mute for all tracks.
  • Fixed: In non-English versions, RealTracks that have not translated name (ie missing from RealTracksFolderNamesX.txt) should display the English title instead of the short RealTrack name. Eg. "1757:Accordion, Rhythm Pop8ths Ev 085" instead of "1757:Accordion, Rh Pop8ths Ev 085".
  • Fixed: Sforzando was not automatically added to the plugin list, so loading Hi-Q patches would not work unless the user previously added the .DLL to list manually.
  • Fixed: If erasing bar-based lyrics that were previously converted from line-based lyrics, the line-based lyrics would not be erased. This would cause the line-based lyrics to be converted to bar-based lyrics again the next time the song was opened.
  • Fixed: Some missing _wswing.sty demos.
  • Updated: Help file and Manual.
  • Fixed: Using Shift+Enter on the chord sheet to preview a chord would not produce any sound.
  • Fixed: In non-English versions, new RealTracks or MIDI SuperTracks would cause the track radios and mixer track labels to show numbers instead of proper names.
  • Fixed: In normal screen mode, the Transport and Views tool bars were not given priority when resizing the window smaller (ie they should be given more space than the Tools and Tracks tool bars).
  • Fixed: Some hints were not formatted properly, showing extra line breaks.
  • Fixed: The hot keys for muting tracks (eg. Alt+3) were not working.
  • Fixed: The hot keys for selecting the current track (eg. Ctrl+3) were not working.
  • Fixed: Switching tracks from another window (eg. Notation, Guitar, Big Piano) would not select the track radio or mixer panel.
  • Fixed: Songs with Artist Performance Tracks would have their audio base tempo reset when opened, and the tracks would play out of sync if the tempo was changed.
  • Fixed: StylePicker data corrections, including instrument displays.
  • Improved: Decibal offsets fine-tuned for many new (2017) RealStyles, and RealDrums.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 456 (Dec 23, 2016)

  • Fixed: Localized style strings (memos, titles, etc.) were wrong for some newer styles.
  • Fixed: Tracks that contained RealTracks that include RealCharts would display a list of MIDI plugins in the Plugins window.
  • Fixed: The "Mute" item from the Master track radio menu did not work.
  • Fixed: In non-English versions, the drop station would be blank the first time running Band-in-a-Box 2017.
  • Fixed: The mixer dials would not change to yellow when dragging.
  • Fixed: The new mixer buttons related to window sizing did not have hints.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 455 (Dec 22, 2016)

  • Added:The main screen mixer and floating mixer have been replaced with a new one. Here are some improvements of the new mixer:
    • It can be resized when floating.
    • When resized to a larger size, there is a new Tone slider instead of just the dial.
    • The piano shows animated keys when moving the mouse over them.
    • The piano keys are velocity-sensitive. Clicking on the bottom of the key will play maximum velocity (127), and clicking on the top will play minimum velocity (30).
    • The Solo buttons do not effect the status of the Mute buttons anymore. When un-soloing a track, the previous Mute state of all the tracks will be returned. Also, when a track is virtually muted, it will display a different Mute button image than if it is actually muted.
    • Soloing a track can be additive or subtractive now by right-clicking or Shift-clicking. This means that more than one track can be Soloed. Left-clicking will cause the old behaviour: that track will be the only solo'd track.
  • Fixed: If you play by double-clicking on a bar and move your cursor, bars are unintentionally highlighted.
  • Fixed: Sforzando should not be automatically added to the plugins list if the .dll file does not exist.
  • Fixed: The Custom toolbar would reset to factory every time Band-in-a-Box booted up if any button image files were missing.
  • Fixed: The "Next File" and "Previous File" buttons in normal screen mode were displaying the wrong hints.
  • Fixed: The VU meters would not display on the Piano track, unless it was a MIDI instrument.
  • Fixed: Possible mixup of VU display between Piano and Drums track.
  • Fixed: CTRL+clicking on a track radio would not solo the track.
  • Fixed: In non-English versions, style memos were appearing in weird places such as the right-click track menu.
  • Fixed: The plugin names were not displaying on the Plugins tab of the mixer.
  • Fixed: Drag and drop to the MIDI quadrant, or holding Shift while dragging to Windows Explorer, did not work for producing RealCharts MIDI files.
  • Fixed: Right-click, or shift-click on the tempo controls was shifting the tempo by 4 instead of 5.
  • Fixed: Sometimes drag and drop directly to Windows Explorer would cause Band-in-a-Box to freeze.
  • Fixed: The drag and drop [+] dialog was not remembering the previously chosen settings.
  • Updated: Help file and manuals.
  • Updated: RealDrums memos and drum groove information added.
  • Fixed: RealTracks # 2553 played only holds.
  • Fixed: The chord sheet scroll bar was missing when starting Band-in-a-Box (would appear if the window was resized).
  • Fixed: There was a lot of flickering on the main toolbar when resizing the window.
  • Fixed: Opening or creating a new song would not update the freeze buttons on the mixer.
  • Fixed: Crash report logs were showing the wrong version of Band-in-a-Box.
  • Improved: Mixer did not have a border.
  • Updated: Small gui improvements to some bigtoolbar buttons.
  • Fixed: _FNKPLS3.STY appeared N/A

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 454 (Dec 16, 2016)

  • Fixed: Problems saving custom toolbar configuration on some systems.
  • Fixed: Opening the Lead Sheet, moveable PianoRoll, or moveable Notation Window would cause the Audio Edit window to close.
  • Improved: Popup menus will open aligned to the button that opens them, instead of at the current mouse position.
  • Fixed: The Freeze and Simple popup menus did not display customized or auto-generated track names.
  • Fixed: The "101 Essential Riffs and Phrases" buttons in the Practice window would not open a song when chosen.
  • Fixed: Turning off MME "Output always on" would not take effect until exiting Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: "C13#11", "C13#5#9#11", and "C13sus#5#9#11" were each list twice in the chord builder.
  • Added: "C13#5#9" and "C13sus#5#9" are new supported chords for Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: Drag and drop from the drums track would not work if the track contained a RealTrack, and "Use VSTi/DXi Synth" is disabled in the MIDI/Audio Drivers Setup dialog.
  • Improved: If attempting to drag and drop onto the drop station, the [WAV], [M4A], and [WMA] quadrants might higlight red if the render cannot be done. A flash message explaining why will be displayed if the mouse is released over the quadrant.
  • Fixed: "Select Hi-Q MIDI Synth Patch" was not an available menu item for the Drums track.
  • Fixed: When choosing "Select Hi-Q MIDI Synth Patch" a warning flash message would be displayed if SampleTank is not installed.
  • Improved: The Hi-Q selection dialog is resizable.
  • Improved: The Hi-Q selection dialog can exclude keywords (anything starting with ! is excluded).
  • Fixed: After done editing text in the Bar Lyrics layer, the Section Text layer, or editing a chord (eg using CTRL+F2), the application would lose focus and not allow chord entry. This might also cause a "ding!" to be heard.
  • Fixed: The width/height of print preview and save to jpg is preserved, and ratio checkbox added.
  • Fixed: The bar numbers are now drawn below the staff in the case of printout or LS displaying a single clef bass track.
  • Updated: Help files and manuals.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 453 (Dec 5, 2016)

  • Fixed: A full install with all available Band-in-a-Box content was showing a few Styles/Drums missing in the StylePicker.
  • Fixed: The styles M_CTRYSM.STY and M_CTRYSW.STY were producing error messages related to guitar macros for some customers.
  • Fixed: Style filter to show 2017 styles was showing 2016 styles.
  • Fixed: Any track with RealDrums, other than the Drums track, would be labeled "Loop".
  • Fixed: BeStPlain Chord Symbols font was not using various dedicated chord symbols (eg. C7b9) on the chord sheet.
  • Fixed: BeStPlain Chord Symbols font was using various unwanted dedicated minor chord symbols (eg. Cmi7 instead of C-7) on the chord sheet.
  • Fixed: Clicking on the chord sheet when a popup menu was open could cause undesired cell selection.
  • Fixed: The dedicated [Open] button (mini-mode only) would open a popup menu instead of directly going to the file-open dialog.
  • Fixed: The dedicated [Save As] button (mini-mode only) would open a popup menu instead of directly going to the file-save-as dialog.
  • Fixed: When "Superscript chord extensions" was set to "auto", the entire bar would be superscripted whenever there were chords on consecutive beats, instead of treating each chord individually.
  • Fixed: The New Features button would open the wrong popup menu.
  • Fixed: Using the Options menu to Return To Factory Settings would cause the Custom panel to have no buttons in it.
  • Fixed: If the Custom panel button order is corrupted in anyway, it will be automatically detected and reset to defaults.
  • Fixed: If running the program in any language other than English, and a language patch was never installed, all of the main screen buttons would be blank.
  • Fixed: Sforzando was not automatically added to the plugin list, so loading Hi-Q patches would not work unless the user previously added the .DLL to the list manually.
  • Fixed: Error message removed "Track. Error in style, you need to Set StyleMaker-MISC-Guitar Macros Enable=true".
  • Improved: Forced accidental entry and note type entry (normal, invisible, bend, etc.) both now use listboxes, so no pull down is required, and also now has a checkbox for making a bend displayed in notation window as quarter step below the target note.
  • Fixed: Notes at very start of a row in note roll were not visible.
  • Fixed: Wider than normal beat lines in note roll.
  • Updated: 2017 Help file updates.

Summary of Changes for Version 2017 Build 452 (Dec 2, 2016)

  • Fixed: If running the program in any language other than English, most of the main screen buttons were displaying in English. New buttons, and a few that have been altered will remain in English until official localized patches are ready.
  • Fixed: Using "L" in the chord sheet to loop bars was not working.
  • Fixed: "Separate files for each track" in the drop+ dialog did not work.
  • Fixed: After a drag and drop, the Audio track would appear to be muted even though it was not.
  • Fixed: The playback bar would not show the current bar.
  • Fixed: Clicking on playback bar would not select the current bar.
  • Fixed: The playback bar displayed some messy looking vertical lines.
  • Fixed: The 2017 upgrade manual was sometimes not found.
  • Fixed: The menu item "Help > Newest Features" was not opening the right help page.
  • Fixed: The menu item "Help > Help Topics > Tutorial Using the New Features of Version 2016" was not opening the right help page, and should say "2017".
  • Fixed: The menu item "Help > Help Topics > Tutorial #28: Using Redesigned StylePicker, Customizable Chord Sheet, and more" was missing.
  • Fixed: The help button in the Song Titles Browser dialog was not opening the right help page.
  • Fixed: The help button in the Create Multi-Drums dialog was not opening the right help page.
  • Fixed: The help button in the BeStPlain Chord Font dialog was not opening the right help page.
  • Updated: Help file, and pdf manuals.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated Mar 23, 2017

Download Now!

Band-in-a-Box® Version 2016 Build 438 Update (100 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2016 to Build 438 from any previous 2016 build. Additional RealTracks updates are available here

The patch installs some RealTracks updates; make sure to select the correct RealTracks and Drums folders so those files can be updated.

Summary of Changes for Version 2016 Build 438 (Sept 12, 2016)

  • Added: Improved support for time-based VST plugin features. VST plugins (such as JamStix, Addictive Drums, EZ Drummer, and RapidComposer) were previously not receiving MIDI synchronization information from Band-in-a-Box (eg. tempo, play/stop, song position, loop positions). This allows, for example, plugins like JamStix Virtual Drummer to generate and play drum arrangements in real-time.
  • Fixed: Some newer 32bit VST plugins would fail to load without jBridge.

Summary of Changes for Version 2016 Build 437 (Aug 3, 2016)

  • Added: Support for Xtra Styles. These are 150+ additional RealStyles that use existing RealTracks from a 2016 Ultra/EverythingPAK. More information about Xtra Styles.
  • Fixed: Editing notation with keystrokes was not undoable.
  • Fixed: "Render Song to Audio Track" was not allowed if the song had not been saved to disk yet.
  • Fixed: "Render Song to Audio Track" was not undoable, and if killing an existing audio track, that was not undoable either.
  • Fixed: Polish characters did not display correctly in some dialogs.
  • Fixed: Error messages about QuickTime were not very clear. Now it should be more clear if the user needs a different version of QuickTime, or if it is not installed. In both cases the user is presented with a link to a page where they can install any version.
  • Fixed: If a track contains a RealTrack added by the Soloist dialog, then the track color shows as yellow instead of green.
  • Fixed: There were various inconsistencies with track colors between the mixer and the track radio controls.
  • Fixed: Auto-generated track labels do not work for RealTracks or MIDI SuperTracks if generated by the Soloist feature.
  • Fixed: Track label color was yellow for MIDI SuperTracks if generated by the Soloist feature.
  • Fixed: Closing the Conductor window with a hotkey instead of the [Close] button would cause the currently active text field to be ignored.

Summary of Changes for Version 2016 Build 436 (June 30, 2016)

  • Added: "Move current cell when playback stops" check box added to Preferences dialog. If enabled, the current cell will move to the last played bar when playback stops. Previously this option was always true, and could not be changed.
  • Fixed: Patch map files (.pat) would not load if containing blank lines. Note – this bug was only present in build 435.
  • Fixed: Files in the "DragDrop" folder (or custom folder) would be deleted when dragging to the drop station, or loading a different song.
  • Fixed: When attempting to render a video of the chord sheet, and the chord sheet was not currently visible, there would be an error.
  • Fixed: After using "Render Song to Audio Track" feature, attempting to render song would only include the audio track (if it exists). Instead a flash message would display, "Song is rendered to audio track , so copying file...".
  • Fixed: After using "Render Song to Audio Track" feature, a confusing flash message would display the next time loading the song, "Song is rendered to audio track, so audio track will pay the entire arrangement. Menu Play-UnRender from audio track to edit the song."
  • Fixed: Some songs with an audio track offset could not have the offset removed because the "Remove this point as Bar 1 of the song" menu item in (Audio Edit window right-click menu) was grayed out.
  • Fixed: Audio and video would be out of sync in a rendered chord sheet video if the song had an audio track offset (eg. after using the Audio Chord Wizard).
  • Fixed: Rendering a video of the chord sheet would sometimes shrink it and not restore its original size afterwards.
  • Fixed: Using "Permanently apply Bar 1 offset to track by deleting or inserting silence" in the Audio Edit window would provide the option to Undo the changes to the audio, but not restore the offset point.
  • Fixed: The audio range dialog would produce incorrect results if the "to" value was earlier than bar 0 (ie within bar -1).
  • Fixed: If a song had an audio track offset (and no tempo map), the the audio track would go out of sync when changing the tempo.

Summary of Changes for Version 2016 Build 435 (June 23, 2016)

  • Fixed: Clicking on the Print button in the Big Lyrics window would open the old version of the Options for Copy Lyrics to Clipboard dialog.
  • Fixed: Song memo did not show information about audio loops or UserTracks in song.
  • Fixed: Lines drawn under the stave in the lead sheet.
  • Fixed: The right-click menu in the Notation Window would not do anything if in non-editable mode.
  • Fixed: It is not possible to enter "Faug" as a slash chord, unless typing Roman Numerals ('iv') or Nashville Notation ('4') for the root.
  • Fixed: In the Notation Window, changing modes with the right-click menu would not highlight the correct mode button (eg. from editable to regular mode).
  • Added: "Highlight selected cell" checkbox added to Display Options. If enabled, the currently selected cell will be highlighted instead of just out-lined. Select "Cell highlighting" in the color picker to pick the highlighting color. This feature is useful for JAWS Screen Reader users.
  • Fixed: The lead sheet print range always defaulted to the first chorus.
  • Fixed: It is not possible to enter 'Fadd2' as a slash chord, unless typing Roman Numerals ('iv') or Nashville Notation ('4') for the root.
  • Updated: PDF User Guide.
  • Fixed: Diminished chords were recognized wrong when "Treat 'dim' chord as a diminished triad (Cdim5) instead of CDim7" setting was disabled. Entering a 'dim' or 'dim7' chord would result in a 'dim5' chord. Entering a 'dim5' chord would result in no chord.
  • Added: "Play when chosen" option added to StylePicker.
  • Fixed: The GUI for some VST plugins did not fit into the plugins window. An example plugin is XLN Addictive Drums 2.
  • Fixed: The GUI for some VST plugins sometimes change size, and the plugins window would not grow or shrink to match. An example plugin is the Roland soundCANVAS VA.
  • Updated: Help file.
  • Fixed: The Higher Banks dialog was limited to 1983 patches. The new limit is 10000.

Summary of Changes for Version 2016 Build 434 (May 11, 2016)

  • Fixed: The [Options] button in the Repeats dialog would open the old Display Options window.
  • Fixed: The track buttons in the notation window would sometimes cause random messages to appear.
  • Fixed: The song title subgenres were not translated in localized versions.
  • Fixed: Edit | Lyrics | Copy Lyrics to Clipboard did not work with bar-based lyrics.
  • Fixed: Saving a scheme in Display Options might fail sometimes (error = "Failed to save scheme file").
  • Fixed: Rests & Pushes would not display in color while other chords in the same bar were being entered.
  • Fixed: N/A styles show in the StylePicker the first time it opens.
  • Fixed: In the What Add-ons do I have? dialog, RealTracks that only include RealDrums will be missing.
  • Fixed: When opening or importing a WAV file, and choosing "No" for the popup message "File is mono. Answer Yes to import as mono, or No to convert to stereo" would not convert the audio to stereo.
  • Fixed: When opening or importing a WAV file, and choosing "Cancel" for the popup message "File is mono. Answer Yes to import as mono, or No to convert to stereo" would not cancel the import.
  • Fixed: The track decibel offset saved in style files was not applying to UserTracks.

Summary of Changes for Version 2016 Build 433 (April 29, 2016)

  • Fixed: The Help button in the Save XML File dialog did not work.
  • Fixed: Sometimes a part-marker might be changed unintentionally (eg. when double-clicking on a file in the File Open dialog, and the mouse is currently over a part marker).
  • Fixed: Edit | Insert Bar(s) would not shift Bar Lyrics or Section Text (layers).
  • Fixed: Edit | Delete Bar(s) would not shift Bar Lyrics or Section Text (layers).
  • Fixed: BB hard drive icon was pixelated.
  • Fixed: If a "Held" variation of a RealTrack is used in a song, then all the chords will change to the held color while generating, but not changed back after.
  • Fixed: Opening a new song would not always scroll to the top.
  • Fixed: CTRL+P in the Chordsheet would change a part marker instead of opening the Print Options window.

Summary of Changes for Version 2016 Build 432 (Feb 29, 2016)

  • Fixed: The right-click context menu was not opening in Regular notation mode.
  • Fixed: The About dialog now shows the exact version of the élastique DLL.
  • Fixed: Clicking on a bar in the chordsheet would not take focus away from the title box (eg. if user was editing the title).
  • Fixed: Clicking on [Defaults] in Display Options while layers were open would cause ghost layers to remain on screen.
  • Fixed: Generating a song list could be slow if songs included videos, audio tracks, lyrics, etc.
  • Fixed: The menu item File | Import | Import Melody from Clipboard was always showing as enabled even when there was no MIDI data on the clipboard.
  • Fixed: The menu item File | Import | Import to Soloist Part from Clipboard was always showing as enabled even when there was no MIDI data on the clipboard.
  • Fixed: The menu item Melody | Edit Soloist Track | Import to Soloist Part from Clipboard was always showing as enabled even when there was no MIDI data on the clipboard.
  • Fixed: The R key was not opening the Record MIDI dialog.
  • Fixed: When opening or creating a new song, the page might not scroll up to bar 1 in some situations (eg. after playing a song that had a tag ending).
  • Fixed: Some songs (eg. with tag endings, or unknown repeat types) would scroll to a bar way past the end of the song in the chordsheet view.
  • Fixed: The Save As Video window background was purple.
  • Fixed: Audio Edit window was always docked (Ie. the Window > Moveable Audio Edit Window did not create a moveable window).
  • Fixed: Audio Edit window would not reflect the "Bar 1 of the song" audio track offset properly when the song tempo was changed.
  • Fixed: The "Bar 1 of the song" audio track offset mark was not showing the Audio Edit window.
  • Fixed: UserTracks marks were not showing in the Audio Edit window.
  • Fixed: The select-to cursor in the Audio Edit window would jump to the very end of the track if dragging to the left of zero (beginning of track).
  • Fixed: The right-click context menu was not opening in the Audio Edit window.
  • Fixed: Adding a UserTracks marker was not undoable.
  • Fixed: Removing UserTracks marker(s) was not undoable.
  • Added: Audio Edit right-click context menu now has option to remove closest UserTracks marker to cursor (within one beat).
  • Added: Audio Edit right-click context menu now has option to remove all UserTracks markers within selected range.
  • Added: Audio Edit right-click context menu now has option to permanently apply the bar 1 offset by deleting or inserting silence at the beginning of the track.
  • Fixed: Audio Edit window had no Help button.
  • Fixed: Stopping playback (Esc, Spacebar keys) cleared the highlighted region in the chordsheet, so re-looping the same region (F10 key) was not possible.
  • Fixed: The chordsheet would not scroll to the top when playback starts from the count-in.
  • Changed: "High Quality Tempo/Pitch Stretching" in RealTracks Preferences will always be set to false when booting up Band-in-a-Box.
  • Fixed: Loading a scheme in Display Options might cause a strange font size for the main chord font, if the scheme was assigned to a custom font.
  • Fixed: Changes to colors or fonts for layers in Display Options would not display immediately in the Notation Window.
  • Fixed: Custom font names in Display Options would not update when loading a scheme or pressing [Defaults].
  • Fixed: Bar Lyrics font size in the Lead Sheet Window were not adjusting relative to the screen height.
  • Fixed: Bar Lyrics font size was not correct in the Print Preview window.
  • Added: "Bar Lyrics Font" settings added to Notation Options. This allows a specific font size percentage to be applied to Bar Lyrics in the leadsheet.
  • Fixed: When selecting a Controller in the Event List dialog, there was a typo "99 Non--Registered PN LSB" which should say "99 Non-Registered PN MSB".
  • Fixed: "Show chords with pushes/rests in color" setting in Display Options became disabled when un-checking "Show chords with push/rest characters".
  • Changed: "Show chords with pushes/rests in color" applies to the whole chord, instead of just the punctuation. This makes plain rests easier to see.
  • Fixed: Selecting a loop in the list would cause an error if the loop was currently playing.
  • Fixed: The track decibel offset saved in style files was not applying to loops.
  • Fixed: When saving the current instruments as a style, any audio loops would not be included if the underlying style already included loops on the same track.
  • Changed: Loops play only 1 ending bar now instead of 2.
  • Fixed: RealDrums suggested tempo ranges are much more accurate
  • Fixed: CC#99 typo in event list editor
  • Improved: exe is signed using sha256
  • Fixed: _FNKBLS.STY was still reported in StylePicker as having N/A drums.
  • Updated: RealTracks Artist bio's - corrected outdated info and links.
  • Fixed: RealDrums BossaTerryClarke was not showing the correct B substyle in the RealDrums picker window.
  • Fixed: RockabillySlowSing^ was incorrectly displaying the different variations.
  • Fixed: Some missing RealDrums memos.
  • Fixed: Added missing Memo entry for Trumpet, Background CroonerBigBandMuted Sw 110.
  • Improved: Volume levels for all of the 2016 RealTracks have been fine-tuned. They are at consistent levels with similar styles and should be easier to mix.

Summary of Changes for Version 2016 Build 431 (Jan 14, 2016)

  • Fixed: The title in the Windows taskbar, and the ALT-TAB window was not including the proper song file title (it would usually just say " - NONAME.SG1").
  • Fixed: The registered symbol was missing from the About dialog.
  • Fixed: When opening a song, the chordsheet would not scroll to bar 1.
  • Fixed: The chordsheet did not allow the use of a hyphen for entering a minor chord.
  • Fixed: The chordsheet was not displaying bass pedal information.
  • Fixed: Some XML files would cause an access violation error when opened.
  • Fixed: The =/+ key was not responding (to tap out a tempo).
  • Fixed: Edit | Undo Keep Audio Take would not do anything unless there was an existing audio track before recording occurred.
  • Fixed: Edit | Undo Paste (after importing audio) would not do anything unless there was an existing audio track before the import occurred.
  • Fixed: The "Enable Control by QWERTY keys" Conductor feature was not working (chord entry would happen instead).
  • Updated: RealTracks Picker memos for the latest RealTracks are added/improved.
  • Fixed: Chord Display | Choose Colors for chords and notation display... or choosing colors in Preferences | Color would cause and access violation (in build 430).
  • Added: The "Horn Section, Background CroonerJazz9-Part Sw 110" RealTracks style now has a simple arrangement available.
  • Updated: PDF User's Guide, and Help file.
  • Fixed: Converting line-based lyrics to bar-based lyrics was not undoable, and would you would not be prompted to save your song when exiting.
  • Fixed: The flash message 'Your song contains line-based lyrics, and you can convert them to bar-based lyrics.' would appear when opening songs with line-based lyrics and bar-based lyrics.
  • Fixed: The 'max rows:' setting used for the 'Auto-adjust #rows' feature would always default to 17. For smaller screens it should default to 12.
  • Fixed: Typo: "Non--Registered PN LSB" should say "Non-Registered PN MSB".
  • Fixed: When "Start the ending 2 bars early" is enabled in Song Settings, the last 2 bars in the chordsheet would be grayed out. This should only happen if there is only 1 chorus in the song.
  • Fixed: When exiting the MIDI Driver Setup dialog by clicking OK, the MIDI latency setting would not be validated if using a DXi synth and an MME audio driver. This could cause the MIDI latency setting, and the audio latency setting to both be set to improper values.
  • Improved: When exiting the MIDI Driver Setup dialog by clicking OK, the user will be warned if the latency setting was changed automatically.
  • Improved: The redraw speed of the chordsheet during playback has been improved. This may be more noticeable on some machines than others.
  • Fixed: The song title in the Windows taskbar, and the ALT-TAB window was not updated immediately after loading a song.
  • Fixed: There were various impertinent flash messages displayed when toggling layers (Eg. "The chordsheet and notation are now set back to Concert...").
  • Fixed: The state of layers was not saved in between program sessions.
  • Added: There is a new setting in Options | Preferences | Display Options: "Auto-open/close editable layers". If enabled, any editable layers (Bar Lyrics & Section Text) will automatically open or close when opening songs. Eg. if a song has lyrics then the Bar Lyrics will become enabled. Previously this setting was always enabled and could not be changed by the user.
  • Added: Playback using MME audio drivers now detects glitches/stuttering. After playback has stopped, a green flash message will warn the user of audio stuttering, and suggest an increased audio latency setting.
  • Added: "Display warnings for detected audio stuttering" setting added to Options | Preferences | Audio. If enabled, and there is audio stuttering detected, a warning flash message will be displayed after playback has stopped. This only applies to MME audio drivers (not ASIO).
  • Fixed: A few styles showing as n/a in some cases.
  • Added: New Muted Trumpet RealTracks: Trumpet, Background CroonerBigBandMuted Sw 110 (1TrackHornSection)
  • Improved: The individual instruments in the Crooner Horn section have been expanded to included a more diverse offering of riffs and phrases.
  • Improved: Transcriptions for the RealTracks Guitar, Electric, BackgroundSoloist SurfRock16thsBrent Ev 165 and Bass, Synth, RetroPop Ev16 085.
  • Added: Notation and tablature are now available for Bass, Electric, SurfRockSyncVintage Ev 165, Bass, Electric, SurfRock8ths Ev 165, Bass, Electric, ModernDiscoFunkAlex Ev 110, Bass, Electric, UptempoSoul16ths Ev16 100, and Bass, Electric, SoulFunkSwingAlex Sw 120.
  • Fixed: Drum Grid Editor, Record Pattern, and Pattern Editor buttons were missing from the StyleMaker.
  • Fixed: The StylePicker sometimes reported a corrupted/damaged "stylz1.bin" file.
  • Fixed: Duplicate entries were shown in StylePicker sometimes.
  • Fixed: _FNKBLS pointed to the incorrect RealDrums.
  • Fixed: The B section of SpoonsTradReel was not playing correctly.
  • Added: RealDrums Demos Audio for FusionSlowEvDanny^.
  • Added: Style Demos Audio added for _HEPNO60.STY.
  • Added: Additional Crooner .SGU Demos, and additional .SGU demos for RealTracks variations.
  • Fixed: A few synth audition files did not play correctly.
  • Fixed: Many RealTracks Artist bio's had messed up formatting.
  • Fixed: The rendering setting "Include ACID info" defaulted to true, which was not ideal for exporting audio to some DAW programs (eg. Sonar).
  • Fixed: Automatic update check wouldn't work in some cases.
  • Fixed: Dates for new styles match the BB2016 release date, in the StylePicker.

Summary of Changes for Version 2016 Build 430 (Jan 04, 2016)

  • Fixed: Edit | Lyrics | "Erase Bar-Based Lyrics" did not redraw chordsheet (ie. lyrics would not disappear until clicking somewhere in the chordsheet).
  • Fixed: Bar Settings changes indicator (red underline) was hard to see, especially if part marker color was red.
  • Fixed: Bar Settings changes indicator would not always appear/disappear after making changes in the Bar Settings dialog.
  • Fixed: Chordsheet was not responding to special [#] key on UK keyboards.
  • Fixed: Editing Bar Lyrics layer or Section Text layer would not increase text box size if adding more than the current lines of text showing.
  • Fixed: Bar Lyrics and Section Text layers would never display an ampersand character.
  • Fixed: Track radio controls would not move when window was resized, and some of them would get hidden behind the mixer.
  • Fixed: Funk70sPop RealDrums typo in RD Picker.
  • Fixed: A couple of PG styles showing up as User styles.
  • Fixed: Choosing custom fonts for either 'Chords (main)' or 'Chords (additional)' ignored choice of style (Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikeout);
  • Fixed: 'Chord font size %' added to Display Options.
  • Fixed: Editing Bar Lyrics layer or Section Text layer was not undoable.
  • Fixed: Track radio control positions where not updated when opening the program.
  • Fixed: Green underlines for indicating RealCharts (under track radio controls) were not always in the correct positions.
  • Fixed: Bar Settings changes indicator uses a unique color now (defaults to red). This color can be set in Display Options by selecting 'Bar Settings indicator' in the color picker.
  • Fixed: Options | Preferences | SPACEBAR key setting was not working (ie. "Enters no chord (deletes current chord)" would be ignored).
  • Fixed: Options | Preferences | Enter Key Advances Highlight Bar setting was ignored (ie. it was ALWAYS on).
  • Fixed: When recording from a specific bar, MIDI would not get recorded unless recording audio as well.
  • Fixed: In the floating Notation window, sometimes the Bar Lyrics layer would not show if the row was empty, making it impossible to start editing that row.
  • Fixed: Editing Bar Lyrics or Section Text in the floating Notation window would not update the chordsheet.
  • Fixed: Melody | Edit Melody Track | Quantize, Time Adjust | Eliminate Note Overlap - Preserve Double Stops... would use the wrong range unless processing entire song.
  • Fixed: Melody | Edit Melody Track | Quantize, Time Adjust | Eliminate Note Overlap - Remove Double Stops... would use the wrong range unless processing entire song.
  • Fixed: When choosing range for various MIDI editing features, nothing would happen after clicking [OK] (as if [Cancel] was clicked instead). These were the features effected by this bug:
    • Melody | Edit Melody Track | Remove Harmony (or guitar solo) from Melody Track...
    • Soloist | Edit Soloist Track | Remove Harmony (or guitar solo) from Soloist Track...
    • Window | Lyrics | Vocal Wizard... | [Set Range...]
    • File | Save Special... | Save Song As MIDI File... | [Set Range...]
    • Melody | Edit Melody Track | Quantize, Time Adjust | Eliminate Note Overlap - Preserve Double Stops...
    • Melody | Edit Melody Track | Quantize, Time Adjust | Eliminate Note Overlap - Remove Double Stops...
    • Melody | Edit Melody Track | Rechannel to Specific Guitar Fret Position over Range...
    • Soloist | Edit Soloist Track | Rechannel to Specific Guitar Fret Position over Range...
    • Melody | Edit Melody Track | Transpose | Transpose Melody only...
    • Soloist | Edit Soloist Track | Transpose | Transpose Melody Part
  • Fixed: When "Auto-adjust rows" was enabled in Display Options, the rows would not auto-adjust when opening a new song, creating a new song, or changing the length of the song.
  • Fixed: The "Auto-adjust rows" would not consider the number of columns (assumed 4).
  • Fixed: Chordsheet scrolling would not work with some mice and track pads.

Summary of Changes for Version 2016 Build 429 (Dec 18, 2015)

  • Fixed: "Convert line-based lyrics to bar-based lyrics" setting in the Overrides dialog would not get reset when clicking on the [Defaults] button.
  • Fixed: Overrides dialog did not have proper hints for new bar-based lyrics items.
  • Fixed: Clicking [Convert now...] for converting line-based lyrics to bar-based lyrics would not automatically turn on the Bar Lyrics layer.
  • Fixed: Bar Lyrics layer and Section Text layer would only allow a maximum of 127 characters be typed in (rather than 255).
  • Fixed: When loading an acid loop that is tagged as "one-shot", then "Stretch Tempo" should not be checked in the loops dialog.
  • Fixed: 'Panic!' and 'Panic should also Reset DXi synth' items were missing from the Play menu.
  • Fixed: Leadsheet did not show bar-based lyrics.
  • Fixed: Some cases of editing the song (eg. entering chords) would not show the file as being edited in the title bar ("*"), and you would not be prompted to save your song when exiting or opening another song.
  • Fixed: Symbols on the right of the chord cell would force chord font to be small on beats 3 or 4.
  • Fixed: The chord cells would always be evenly divided (widths), but they should always meet in the center of the box (eg. when there is a repeat symbol on the right, only beats 3 & 4 should be squished).
  • Fixed: After editing a song, when asked if you want to save your song, the Save As dialog would always appear even if you had picked a file name for your song previously.
  • Fixed: Sometimes the new Style Picker would show additional scrollbars.
  • Fixed: The bar & beat numbers in the title bar would be incorrect.
  • Fixed: Opening a new song did not move cursor to bar 1.
  • Fixed: The description of Bar Settings changes in the title bar would sometimes not show the right bar number (eg. in songs with time signature changes).
  • Fixed: The current cell/bar on the chordsheet was not in sync with the notation and leadsheet windows.
  • Fixed: Display Options dialog would not appear, and freeze Band-in-a-Box until ESC key pressed. This would only happen with low resolution monitors.
  • Fixed: Possible application crash when opening the Display Options.
  • Fixed: Some machines (likely with their operating system set to something less than 32bit color) will crash on bootup.
  • Fixed: MIDI Chord Detection was not working.
  • Fixed: Audio could only be imported once per program session.
  • Fixed: MIDI would not get recorded unless recording audio as well.
  • Fixed: Edit | Lyrics | "Line based Lyrics" sub-menu removed.
  • Fixed: Edit | Lyrics | "Erase Bar-Based Lyrics" item replaces "Erase all Lyrics...".
  • Fixed: After entering a chord into the chordsheet, it would not appear in the leadsheet.
  • Fixed: Sometimes the Style Picker would take a long time to open.
  • Fixed: Style Picker now has a new filter for showing or not showing styles that are use missing RealTracks or RealDrums (Other | Show Styles with RealTracks/RealDrums that are Found/Not Found [RT n/a]...).
  • Updated: PDF manuals and Tips updated.
  • Fixed: Sinsy vocal synth - lyrics weren't written correctly.
  • Improved: Sinsy vocal synth - notes are made legato, which limits choppy generation.
  • Fixed: Loops Dialog resizable (BB and RealBand) and remembers positions between sessions. Height and Widhts of Loops list increases.
  • Fixed: RealTracks Picker Song and Style Demo buttons weren't finding the recent Song and Style demos (from RealTracks sets 228-253).
  • Fixed: Sibelius 8.01 XML files could not be loaded.
  • Fixed: Moving the guitar after visiting options dialog could result in narrowing of the fretboard width, within the guitar window.
  • Fixed: Capo setting didn't get properly updated visually unless visiting the Guitar Options dialog.
  • Fixed: "Pause Till MIDI received" doesn't interfere with stylepicker.
  • Fixed: StylePicker Options dialog default button only resets options for that dialog.
  • Fixed: Time sig menu (4/4), reduced text.
  • Added: MIDI Patch filter added to 'Other' Menu of stylepicker.
  • Fixed: F5 dialog and other dialogs updated to use the new StylePicker.
  • Fixed: F5 dialog was not loading style in correct bar sometimes.
  • Fixed: ASIO fix for Tascam 16x08 recording/VU Meters or other Int24 LSB format audio.
  • Improved: Download Manager - UI changes to make settings are more intuitive, and 'Total' bandwidth indicator added.
  • Improved: Download Manager - Automatically installs files only after all downloads complete, and gives message suggesting to close BB. This is intended to avoid conflicts and reduce the chance of failed installs.
  • Fixed: Download Manager - Prevent cases where files are erroneously re-downloaded.
  • Fixed: Download Manager - Individual download button functionality improved. Allows user to re-download a file if they choose to.
  • Fixed: Some gibberish characters in the StylePicker.

Summary of Changes for Version 2016 Build 427 (Dec 3, 2015)

  • Fixed: Adding/removing/changing part markers would un-highlight the highlighted region of the chordsheet.
  • Fixed: Edit | Cut for just one cell would not copy the data of that cell (to clipboard) for pasting later.
  • Added:New Feature: Stero UserTracks supported.
  • Fixed: Using [Chord Display] | Choose Colors for chord and notation Display... while in the notation window would not fully update the chordsheet once leaving the notation window.
  • Fixed: The Download Manager can be run from Help | Utilities | Run Download/Install Manager now...
  • Fixed: Section Letters on the chordsheet do not fit within part markers for shorter part markers.
  • Fixed: Sometimes repeat symbols (DC al Coda, 'tag', etc.) would overlap the chords on the chordsheet.
  • Fixed: Repeats and chorus end symbols did not show the # of times to repeat (eg. '3X :|')
  • Fixed: Capo setting didn't get properly updated visually unless visiting the Guitar Options dialog.
  • Fixed: Moving the guitar after visiting options dialog could result in narrowing of the fretboard width, within the guitar window.

Summary of Changes for Version 2016 Build 426 (Dec 2, 2015)

  • Fixed: For localized versions, the program would crash while opening.
  • Fixed: Edit | Cut would not clear the selected region (ie. select NO bars).
  • Fixed: Help | Program Manuals (PDF) not linking to the 2016 manuals.
  • Updated: PDF upgrade manual.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated Sept 12, 2016

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2015 Build 417 Update (80 MB)

The patch installs many RealTracks updates; make sure to select the correct RealTracks and Drums folders so those files can be updated.

Audiophile users can download this larger Audiophile update instead, which has some .wav specific updates.

Summary of Changes for Version 2015 Build 417 (April 21, 2015)

  • Added: Extra information written to audio files so that DAWS like SONAR, Presonus, Reaper etc. will read the tempo of the WAV file and stretch it if necessary. Note that "Include Acid info" must be selected in the Wave Render settings dialog (Press WAV button for this).

Summary of Changes for Version 2015 Build 416 (April 14, 2015)

  • Fixed: Audio transpose was sometimes set to non zero value.
  • Fixed: Program would sometimes hang on exit, if ASIO used and MSGSWavetable used.
  • Fixed: notation highlight with color notes fixed.
  • Fixed: notation with titlebar sizing issue.
  • Added: debug crash report now created.
  • Fixed: 'remember window size and position' not working.
  • Fixed: double clicking on a song to load didn't work if load last song at bootup was true.
  • Fixed: output chords now saved, with a warning if you have this set.
  • Fixed: Individual track (either by drag-n-drop or when "One WAV file per Track" was enabled in Render dialog) were not acidized.
  • Improved: Updates dialog makes reports in bb\Data folder showing which files need to be updated. Each report is the same name as the update patch installer with "_files_report.txt" appended.
  • Fixed: Automatic updates could cause crash if server data was corrupt, missing, or there was no Internet connection.
  • Fixed: Setting audio transpose amount (either by doing it manually in Song Settings dialog, or automatically when transposing the song) was being set when there were was no Audio track, or Artist Performance Tracks in the song. This could cause a transpose amount other than zero before an audio track was added.
  • Fixed: Save As Video feature would not include tempo changes in audio if the song was MIDI only.
  • Fixed: Save As Video feature would sometimes be out of sync if song had tempo changes.
  • Improved: About dialog shows an improved list of contact information.
  • Fixed: (for localized versions) the tilde ~ or ~~ characters (indicating tempo swapping) were missing from the RealTracks names in the Mixer.
  • Fixed: (for localized versions) some dialogs were not wide enough to show all of the text in some languages.
  • Fixed: (for localized versions) "Freeze/Simple" button was always displaying in English.
  • Fixed: (for localized versions) Updates dialog would not detect the user's language setting (was detecting the operating system language instead).
  • Fixed: Fold song dialog would sometimes show an "Incorrect entry" error message.
  • Fixed: Some of the buttons in the Piano Roll window would disappear, and other screen artifacts would appear, when expanding the mixer (eg. Thru or Audio).
  • Fixed: reading ACID loop files might not be read properly in rare cases (eg. 8bit WAV files).
  • Fixed: a black box would appear over the "Auditioning File" dialog when auditioning MIDI files (and other audio formats).
  • Fixed: Notation defaults button wasn't setting font sizes to default.
  • Fixed: Artifact was remaining on notation and other windows sometimes after Ctrl-T full screen sizing.
  • Fixed: Video window custom sizing wasn't letting certain numbers to be entered.
  • Added: Program now notifies (Yellow FlashTip) on bootup if BBserver is running.
  • Fixed: Pressing Options button from Leadsheet window was causing an exception sometimes.
  • Fixed: Imported Acidized loops sometimes showing up with tempos like 89.999 instead of 90.
  • Added: Some Hi-Q instruments that were not previously included, but called for by some MIDI SuperStyles.
  • Improved: In the Hi-Q MIDI Synth Patch window you can now audition any HiQ patch.
  • Fixed: M_POPFLT.STY was pointing to a misnamed HiQ instrument.
  • Fixed: Instrumental studies Blues Rock Shuffle #1 had incorrect .sty assignment.
  • Updated: Version of Band-in-a-Box® Server is updated to version
  • Fixed: Acidized rendered WAV files were set to the wrong key if the song key was minor or sharp.
  • Fixed: When rendering a track or whole song using drag-n-drop, the file would not be acidized if a region was selected in the chordsheet.
  • Fixed: Some of the buttons in the Piano Roll, Audio Edit, and Notation windows would disappear, and other screen artifacts would appear, when expanding the mixer (eg. Thru or Audio) or toggling fullscreen mode.
  • Fixed: Access violation error message when sometimes opening the Lead Sheet window, if one of the custom track names was blank.
  • Fixed: Choosing 'Silence' as a RealTrack would create a blank track label.
  • Fixed: Access violation would occur when leaving the Notation Window Options dialog, if the dialog was opened from the Lead Sheet Options dialog.
  • Fixed: Choosing a custom MIDI style would not show in the RealTracks Picker dialog.
  • Fixed: Save to Video feature would give the message, "... pixels is an invalid Width..." when disabling "Custom dimensions".
  • Fixed: (for localized versions) Flash message font size was too big in some languages.
  • Fixed: (for localized versions) Style description on main screen would have garbled text in Japanese or Polish.

Summary of Changes for Version 2015 Build 415 (Jan 20, 2015)

  • Fixed: Loops dialog was sometimes showing a division by zero message when adding certain loop.
  • Fixed: mp3 dialog was showing blank messages sometimes.
  • Fixed: div by zero when changing acid loops.
  • Fixed: BB wasn't remembering window size position for next bootup.
  • Fixed: Now remembers the 'output chords' setting between sessions.
  • Fixed: 'Normalize individual tracks' checkbox option to the Render dialog.
  • Fixed: Drag and drop single tracks were not normalized.
  • Fixed: Drag and drop single tracks were not acidized.
  • Fixed: There were hidden controls in the StylePicker Filter.
  • Fixed: Updates dialog was not displaying information on multiple RealTracks patches.
  • Fixed: There were some missing hints in some dialogs.
  • Fixed: Chord Options dialog would not allow rest/hold/shot selection if there was no chord on the current beat.
  • Added: Make Video dialog now has codec selection. You can choose an available codec to render your video, or just let Band-in-a-Box® choose one automatically.
  • Fixed: Some acid loops were not being read properly.
  • Fixed: Some acid loops were not being recognized.
  • Fixed: Some memos for new RealTracks were not showing up.
  • Improved: RockabillyRockNRollKevin Ev 165 (RealTracks and MIDI SuperTracks) has additional work done so it doesn't cut out as often in chord transitions.
  • Fixed: RealTracks artist names Steve Mackey and Rob McNelley were misspelled in a few places.

Summary of Changes for Version 2015 Build 414 (Dec 19, 2014)

  • Improved: Save as video dialog. Codec selection now available. We recommend CVSM MS-CRAM (Windows Video codec), or "Auto" but you can choose different ones.
  • Fixed: Save As video now follows settings for no-lead in, and works correctly in fakesheet mode. Always renders Video as stereo now.
  • Fixed: Auto updates dialog, handles European date formats correctly.
  • Fixed: StylePicker 'other styles found' incorrectly listed some new styles.
  • Fixed: 85BPM RealTracks strings, including (1TrackStringSection styles), were sometimes not playing.
  • Updated: RT207, 217, 220, 225, 227 - More style demos added.
  • Fixed: RT210 - Removed unneeded HiQ assignment from demos.
  • Fixed: RTBonus Rockabilly - Custom FX RealStyles may not have loaded Amplitube presets correctly.

Summary of Changes for Version 2015 Build 413 (Dec 17, 2014)

  • Improved: Enhancements to Save as Video (for upload to YouTube etc.) function. Updates include better sizing of video, video artifacts issue on non-Aero themes fixed.
  • Fixed: New features button links to proper webpages.
  • Added: Some additional Shots and Holds for the most recent instruments.
  • Fixed: Some demos songs with incorrect Hi-Q assignments.
  • Fixed: Audiophile version crash when some specific holds files were used.

Summary of Changes for Version 2015 Build 412 (Dec 15, 2014)

  • ** Major feature added **:
    Save as Video. Now you can save your Band-in-a-Box® song composition as a video, that you can upload to YouTube or work with in video programs. Just press the [Save as] button and choose 'Save as Video'. The 'video' portion is the chordsheet in Band-in-a-Box® that shows the chords and a highlighted bar moving as the song plays. Song title and song info displays at the top of the window. For example, you can make a backing track for a cool chord progression, and upload it to YouTube for others to play along to. Do a visual transpose and upload a second version for Bb tenor sax players.
  • Fixed: When no mp3 codecs were available and render was chosen to mp3, program was sometimes locking up.
  • Fixed: Icon changed for 2015 new features in some menus.
  • Fixed: Most HiQ instruments have been updated - fixed tuning problems and one sustained note problem.
  • Improved: RT207 - A new RT - Horn Section, Rhythm, Funk 2-part, Ev 110 (Simple with Space) adds space between riffs and sounds more like a background style.
  • Fixed: RT 208 Rockabilly - RealStyle fixed.
  • Fixed: RT 209 Baritone Sax - RealStyle fixed.
  • Fixed: RT 210 Motown - Style Demos Audio added, some song demos updated.
  • Fixed: RT 211 Motown - Demo fixed.
  • Fixed: RT 212 Synths - RealStyle and demos added for Synth, ElectroFlutes, Rhythm Pop Ev 085.
  • Fixed: RT 216 Jazz Pollwinners - updated/fixed demos and styles.
  • Fixed: Audiophile version crash when a specific P&W holds file was used.
  • Updated: StylePicker list updates for new styles.
  • Updated: Documentation and help file updates.

Summary of Changes for Version 2015 Build 411 (Dec 5, 2014)

  • Fixed: MIDI SuperTracks instant demos work from the MIDI SuperTracks Selection Dialog.
  • Improved: Bar Section Letters show on the chordsheet at small font sizes.
  • Improved: When using Bars Per Line or BigNote mode on Leadsheet, offers to deselect Fakesheet mode, because Bars per line is not active in fakesheet mode.
  • Added: Checkmark added to the Bars Per line menu to show current setting.
  • Fixed: 6% Relative Tempo setting was not working.
  • Improved: Recognition of acid chunks for loops improved.
  • Fixed: color selection menu wasn't working.
  • Added: Hints added for Overrides dialog simple tracks.
  • Updated: Messages changed when jBridge is not installed, and link to more info on jbridge.
  • Fixed: Video was sometimes not clearing between songs.
  • Fixed: Help | Tutorial | New Features of Version 2015 menu item was not working.
  • Fixed: Tutorial #26 wording.
  • Fixed: Some drum styles were listed improperly in the RealDrums Picker.
  • Fixed: All RealDrums have proper memos and groove descriptions.
  • Fixed: Consistent naming for bonus RT demo folders and RT215.
  • Fixed: Bonus RT Strings - Replace wav files for wma files, for some audition demos.
  • Fixed: Bonus RT Joe Robinson BoomChick - Style Audio Demos added; Audition files updated.
  • Fixed: Bonus RT Held Styles - Style Audio Demos added; Missing audition files added.
  • Fixed: Bonus RT Held styles - Piano, Electric HeldChords 60 fixed.
  • Fixed: Bonus RT Rockabilly Swing - Style Demos Audio added; Some audition files updated.
  • Fixed: Bonus RT Funk - Style Demos Audio added; Some audition files updated.
  • Fixed: MIDI SuperTracks - Style Demos Audio added.
  • Fixed: RT 207 Funky Horns - Style Demos Audio added; RealStyles added; Some audition files added.
  • Fixed: RT 207 Horn Section updated.
  • Fixed: RT 213 Style files updated, no longer require bonus pak instruments.
  • Fixed: RT 214 Missing drum audio files fixed for JazzWaltzLewis.
  • Fixed: RT 218 Audition files added.
  • Fixed: RT 222 Rockabilly - RealStyles fixed, pointing to correct Drums.
  • Fixed: RT 223 New Orleans - Fix missing Drums audio error, incorrect filename.
  • Fixed: RT 224 New Orleans Shuffle - Fix missing Drums error.
  • Fixed: RT 227 Baritone Guitar - Audition files added for Custom FX.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated Jan 20, 2015

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Coyote Wavetable Update for Windows 10 - July 2015 (1 MB)

This patch addresses a Windows 10 compatibility issue with the Coyote Wavetable DXi syth (MIDI sounds in Band-in-a-Box®).

This is intended for Band-in-a-Box® 2014 and earlier users; Band-in-a-Box® 2015 users do not need to install this update, the fix is already included in the most recent 2015 updates.

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2014 Build 386 Update (50 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2014 to Build 386 from any previous 2014 build. The update must be installed into your existing Band-in-a-Box® 2014 folder.

If you have build 379 or earlier, you may wish to download this full patch (250 MB) which includes some RealTracks updates (only applicable to users who have build 379 or earlier).

You need to have both Band-in-a-Box® and Band-in-a-Box® Server closed prior to installing this update. Band-in-a-Box® Server is the process that interacts with remote apps. To close it, right click on the icon (white and green musical note) in your task bar (bottom-right of your computer screen) and select Exit.

The patch installs some RealTracks updates; make sure to select the correct RealTracks and Drums folders so those files can be updated.

Summary of Changes for Version 2014 Build 386 (Sept 30, 2014)

  • Fixed: RealDrums dialog was showing an error msg in build 385.
  • Improved: Big Piano Window is now sizeable. Drag the window to the height, width that you want. This can be useful, for example, when recording a youtube video, match the size to the size of the piano to a video of a real piano, so that you set the same # of octaves to display - then match the width. There are also preset buttons for 40,40,75,100% of piano size in the big piano options dialog.
  • Fixed: (Japanese and Chinese version only). Entry of title was sometimes opening a text entry IME dialog.
  • Updated: RealTracks artist bio information updated (to fix outdated url's etc).

Summary of Changes for Version 2014 Build 385 (Sept 25, 2014)

  • Fixed: The audio track (if present) was not rendering when drag/drop was used.
  • Added: Enhanced support for Fretlight® guitar, including
         -left-handed Fretlight® support.
         -option to not auto-open guitar window with playback.
         -option to show scales on Fretlight®.
         -bend notes now display on Fretlight®
         -clickable Frelight® Ready icon to browse to website.
         -These features are accessible from the guitar settings dialog in the guitar window of Band-in-a-Box®.
         -left-handed Fretlight® support.
  • For more details on the Fretlight® features with Band-in-a-Box®, see the enhanced documentation in Band-in-a-Box® manual, online help file and video at
  • For more information on obtaining a Fretlight® guitar, visit

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated Sept 30, 2014

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2014 Build 384 Update (40 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2014 to Build 384 from any previous 2014 build. The update must be installed into your existing Band-in-a-Box® 2014 folder.

If you have build 379 or earlier, you may wish to download this full patch (240 MB) which includes some RealTracks updates (only applicable to users who have build 379 or earlier).

You need to have both Band-in-a-Box® and Band-in-a-Box® Server closed prior to installing this update. Band-in-a-Box® Server is the process that interacts with remote apps. To close it, right click on the icon (white and green musical note) in your task bar (bottom-right of your computer screen) and select Exit.

The patch installs some RealTracks updates; make sure to select the correct RealTracks and Drums folders so those files can be updated.

Summary of Changes for Version 2014 Build 384 (July 18, 2014)

  • Fixed: Guitar glitch when changing fret positions (redraw took a long time).
  • Fixed: Guitar fretboard drawing glitch for the open position.
  • Changed: Notation, editable notation, when TrackType is Guitar: when entering notes using guitar tab, notes get entered on the last guitar tab string clicked on. Now if you want to stop that mode, actions like changing the track, or the notation mode will reset it so that clicking a note isn't in the guitar tab mode still.

Summary of Changes for Version 2014 Build 383 (July 15, 2014)

  • Improved: Guitar Tab notation entry improved. Clicking on tab in editable notation (after setting tracktype to guitar), will then set the next note to be inserted on that string.
  • Fixed: Tab font was too big on leadsheet.
  • Fixed: & was displaying for some styles with & in the name, such as R&B.sty.
  • Fixed: F5 Bar report was missing bar numbers sometimes.
  • Fixed: Updating old mixer sliders wasn't updating the new mixer sliders.
  • Fixed: RealTracks auditioning issue if your home folder was named with "band" in it.
  • Fixed: If usertracks was chosen, loop dialog referred to the usertracks (and vice versa).
  • Fixed: Instrument radio button menu showing usertracks was showing for loops.
  • Fixed: Acid info file had wrong acid name sometimes.
  • Fixed: User Memo in RealTracks picker wasn't allowing spaces in memos.
  • Fixed: In notation, sometimes after pressing stop, the up/down arrows were causing notes to change in the notation window.
  • Improved: In lyric editing more, going to the next lyric now highlights the text of the lyric.
  • Fixed: Audio button on mixer was resulting in wrong notation windows width.
  • Improved: Notation window, when note names are displayed, and there are blue lines shown for durations, now more visible note names.
  • Improved: For the audition play controls in the RealTracks picker and other dialogs, the play button now stays pressed in.
  • Fixed: Chords with 16th note pushes like ^^C weren't showing correctly using BigBand font.
  • Fixed: Drums demos with # in the name were not playing from the internet.
  • Fixed: Audio play from bar 1 offset fixed, on songs without tempo changes.
  • Fixed: Audio track, option in Render dialog to include/exclude audio track in render wasn't working in all cases.
  • Fixed: Audio Track volume not being saved with the song.
  • Fixed: When the option to show the Channel Numbers for the note names is selected, and you are in Staff Roll notation mode, the channel numbers appear behind the blue lines. This makes it difficult to see the numbers in this format.
  • Fixed: If I have all MIDI tracks in the song then changing the "THIS SONG" volume setting works ok within BiaB but makes no difference to the exported ".wav" file. That is you can have it all the way up or down but the exported ".wav" is still the same volume.
  • Fixed: Audition file for styles was looking for a RealDrums demo for some songs that already had RealDrums in them.
  • Fixed: Mute audio function doesn't cause a glitch now - happens immediately.
  • Updated: Full Band-in-a-Box® manual.
  • Fixed: When adding styles with StylePicker editor, the styles weren't being added to the new categories.

Summary of Changes for Version 2014 Build 381 (March 10, 2014)

  • Fixed: Freeze wasn't updating on mixer sometimes.
  • Fixed: Redraw chords too big when returning from Ctrl-T full screen mode.
  • Fixed: Anomalies on chords/notation window when enlarging mixer.
  • Improved: Vocal synth engine (Sinsy) improved. New male singer added "Matsuo"; Settings now saved with song. Here's an example of Sinsy singing "Listen". Here is another example Helicon harmonies.
  • Improved: Faster bootup (about 20% faster).
  • Improved: Videos accessed by the Vides Demos button are updated, with lots of new videos and organized by catagories.
  • Added: New UserTracks Templates added to "C:\bb\RealTracks\UserTracks\UserTracks Templates" folder (Also in C:\bb\data\TemplatesForUserTracks).
  • Fixed: Some users with a recent Windows update needed to re-activate the program (ie delete tickets and re-activate).
  • Added: Full Band-in-a-Box® 2014 User Guide

Summary of Changes for Version 2014 Build 380 (Dec 19, 2013)

  • Added: On-screen piano is now "clickable". Click on any track of the piano on the mixer, to hear that note (using the current MIDI patch of the track clicked). This also adds to the notation (if in editable notation mode) at the current time.
  • Fixed: Menu item for Melody Embellisher wasn't working.
  • Added: Play From button wasn't showing on the arrow menu when it was hidden from the main menu. Same for WAV, Prefs, ChordBuilder, RealTracks and RealDrums buttons.
  • Fixed: Access Violation occurring when top menu was clicked on in some cases (certain songs with frozen tracks).

Summary of Changes for Version 2014 Build 379 (Dec 12, 2013)

  • Added: Full screen (no GUI) mode. Press Ctrl T, and the top toolbar disappears. This makes the chord screen (and notation window, audio edit, piano roll) full screen. This is most useful for people with lo-res displays, where the toolbars are taking up too much of the screen, or those who want a clean look. If you set this, most options need to be done via menus, or pressing Ctrl-T again to toggle back the full display.
  • Changed: Flash Messages (yellow information messages) now bottom right, instead of top right, so they don't partially cover the mixer.
  • Added: Fine tuning the mixer sliders. Changing mixer #s by left click drag. You can now left click and drag the #s beside the mixer sliders, and this will allow fine tuning the values. Right click to type in the value.
  • Fixed: Freeze-up sometimes could occur when mixer window was open and audio track was displayed.
  • Added: Additional shots and holds files for new RealTracks are added. (Note: Holds193 does not exist).
  • Fixed: Some RealTracks Picker memos were not displaying.
  • Fixed: RealDrums Picker - some new drums styles had missing information.
  • Fixed: Miscellaneous minor fixes to demo songs included with RealTracks sets 188-205, such as typos and missing song titles.
  • Added: Documentation - Setting for RealDrums Reverb. This feature was not previously documented. In RealDrums, Prefs there is a setting for Amount of Reverb to RealDrums. Normally no reverb is added to Drums. But if you want some added, you can set it here.
  • Added: Documentation - Volume adjustment for Real Drum Pushes. This feature was not previously documented. RealDrums - Preferences: Adjust Push Velocity. This makes a dB adjustment to RealDrums drum pushes (there was already one for shots, just not pushes).
  • Added: Strings externalized including graphics.
  • Fixed: Spacebar key in RealTracks Picker and StylePicker dialog wasn't working correctly in the Filter edit control (was triggering a Preview).

Summary of Changes for Version 2014 Build 378 (Dec 06, 2013)

  • Added: We've added more material to the strings RealTracks! (included in the BonusPAK). The strings styles now have much more varied playing and can play complex chords. Simple arrangements are also available.
  • Fixed: Spacebar for preview was beeping in certain cases.
  • Fixed: Song title wasn't defaulting to untitled on bootup in some cases.
  • Added: Hints added for new dialogs (UserTracks, UserTracks Settings (off F5 dialog), Vocal Synth).
  • Added: Some strings externalized (for non English versions).
  • Fixed: After Vocal Synth, File-Open was forgetting the current directory.

Summary of Changes for Version 2014 Build 377 (Dec 04, 2013)

  • Changed: Instead of mixer tracks saying <not used> or <empty>, the name is just blank. This was a requested change, to have a cleaner look on the mixer.
  • Added: Tempo Spin control on main screen enhanced. Right click or Shift Click now changes by 1, without spinning unpredictably to higher values. Text doesn't highlight implying that it's editable.
  • Fixed: Previews in StylePicker, RealDrums Picker, RealTracks Picker, and Main Screen (Style button - Preview style) now shut off ASIO when needed to work correctly (ASIO is started when needed afterwards).
  • Added: Pressing <SPACEBAR> key now works for previews in StylePicker, RealDrums Picker, and RealTracks Picker.
  • Fixed: StylePicker list discrepancies.
  • Fixed: RealTracks Picker list typos fixed and some missing info added.

Summary of Changes for Version 2014 Build 376 (Dec 03, 2013)

  • Updated: Updated to show latest style definitions.
  • Updated: 'Patches' tab in mixer to shows patch names in large fonts.
  • Updated: Prefs- Output channels - now this is not saved between sessions (people were inadvertently setting it).
  • Fixed: RealTracks and SuperTracks files released with 2014: misc. minor fixes.
  • Fixed: 2014 Upgrade manual wasn't launching from the Help menu.
  • Fixed: Choose Font dialogs for Lyric Options, Notation Options and Display Options were showing up behind the program in certain cases.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated July 18, 2014

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Band-in-a-Box® Server Update - Version 2 Build 5048 (2 MB)

Updated March 27, 2013

This will update Band-in-a-Box® Server to version 2 Build 5048 from any previous build. Band-in-a-Box® Server allows the desktop version of Band-in-a-Box® to communicate with the Band-in-a-Box®, BB Remote, and RealBand Remote apps for iPhone and Android.

The newest build of Band-in-a-Box® Server adds support for RealBand Remote for Android, and improves the reliability of some server connections.

The previous build (Build 5046 - Dec 2012) added support for the iPhone version of RealBand Remote. Note that RealBand Remote also requires the desktop version of Band-in-a-Box® and RealBand 2013.

If you need a previous version of Band-in-a-Box® Server (Version 2 Build 2939) for any reason, you can download it here.

If you want to find out your version of Band-in-a-Box® Server, you can right-click on the green and white musical note icon in your taskbar and select "About".

You need to have Band-in-a-Box® 2011 or higher for this update to work, since previous Band-in-a-Box® versions did not include Band-in-a-Box® Server. Install the update to your existing bb folder.

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2013 Build 366 Update (50 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2013 to Build 366 from any previous 2013 build. If you haven't previously downloaded the build 365 patch, you may wish to download download this much larger (280 MB) full update patch (includes all updates since 2013 was released). The update must be installed into your existing Band-in-a-Box® 2013 folder.

You need to have both Band-in-a-Box® and Band-in-a-Box® Server closed prior to installing this update. Band-in-a-Box® Server is the process that interacts with remote apps. To close it, right click on the icon (white and green musical note) in your task bar (bottom-right of your computer screen) and select Exit.

The patch installs some RealTracks updates; make sure to select the correct RealTracks and Drums folders so those files can be updated.

Summary of Changes for Build 366 (Jan 09, 2013)

  • Added: Visual Transpose "Non-Concert" button enhanced.
    • Visual Transpose button now has settings for Guitar Capo. For example, if you set Guitar Capo to +2, then if you enter a D chord, it will play as an E chord, but display as a D chord. (same with entering notes on notation)
    • Visual Transpose button now has settings for Tuning Guitar down by # of semitones. For example, if you set to tune guitar down by 1 semitone, a song entered in E will display in E, but play in Eb.
    • Visual Transpose button now has settings for visual transposing by any amount.
  • Improved: Now no drum cymbal crash will happen on bar 1 for RealDrums (and the first bar of the first chorus), if you set Prefs-Arrange-First Bar of Chorus Gets a Drum Cymbal Crash to FALSE.
  • Improved: '\' character removed from the display of RealTracks names in various dialogs.
  • Improved: Genre classification when choosing best RealTracks.
  • Improved: Band button instrument list better, and now says (solo) for soloists.
  • Improved: Strings externalized for Non-English versions. Variation names show up in filter for non-English RT searches.
  • Fixed: Some songs with time signature changes were not syncing (typically when using Bluegrass styles).
  • Fixed: Improvements in some RealTracks Bluegrass bass parts.
  • Fixed: If a style had no RealDrums, and also no MIDI patterns in any instrument, you couldn't add a RealDrums, or fills would be in the wrong place.
  • Fixed: Hotkeys for Rests, Shots and Holds.
  • Fixed: Some chords like C7...4 or C9…4 were not entering the holds for 4 bars as requested.
  • Fixed: Move Audio to Performance Track (he audio track always gets copied to the Melody track regardless of the track of choice).
  • Fixed: RealTracks chosen in the RealTracks picker weren't getting added to Favorite RealTracks sometimes.
  • Fixed: Reset Mix command (From the Combo radio button) wasn't visually updating the mixer.
  • Improved: Bootup messages about RealDrums RealTracks not found now won't show if you have these items disabled in Prefs (ie Prefs-RealTracks- RealTracks enabled=false).
  • Fixed: Choose from Best RealTracks dialog. The [Default] button only enables 'Include variations' but does not affect checkboxes of 'types' of RealTracks.
  • Improved: Woodshed Tempo button in Practice Window.
  • Added: New Tips of the day, for BB 2013.
  • Improved: In Song Form dialog, now issues an Auto warning yellow message if song forms are all consecutive (i.e. the user might be mis-entering the data as bar number to end, instead of number of bars.
  • Updated: 2013 PDF User's Guide.
  • Updated: Better memos (in the RealTracks Picker) for the RealTracks released in Dec. 2012.
  • Fixed: BluesFunky16ths^ RealDrums had mismatch between substyle names and drum groove names.
  • Fixed: All available styles have been checked to confirm they have the correct resolution (even or swing) in the notation window.
  • Improved: Some RealTracks demos in Sets 170-176 are improved.

Summary of Changes for Build 365b (Dec 13, 2012)

  • Updated: Improved and accurate notation for all three Artist Performance sets.
  • Added: Full Band-in-a-Box® 2013 User's Guide PDF.
  • Added: There are 34 additional RealTracks that have been given new simple variations. These are updated if you already have those RealTracks installed.
  • Fixed: There were many RealTracks with simple variations that weren't showing as having simple variations in the RealTracks Picker, and these may not have always been using simple riffs. The total number of RealTracks with simple variations is now over 400.
  • Fixed: EuroDance and BluesRock128 RealDrums styles info is updated in the RealDrums Picker.
  • Updated: StylePicker list is improved, and the new SuperStyles and RealStyles appear in more categories.
  • Added: Shots and holds have been added for the R&B Horns (RealTracks Set 176). There are now shots and holds databases up to #260.
  • Updated: Shots and holds work much better with the new RealTracks (in sets 170-187).
  • Added: We've added new simple basses: Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Half,Half; Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Half,Quarter; Bass, Acoustic, Jazz Quarter,Quarter; in three tempos each, - 110, 140, and 190. There are new RealStyles that use these.
  • Improved: The existing "simple" and "very simple" Jazz basses are also updated.
  • Improved: The BAND button is revised, and some new styles are added to it.
  • Added: Style demos for more of the new RealStyles.
  • Improved: Volume levels for the new RealTracks and SuperTracks have been fine-tuned.
  • Fixed: Any issues with MIDI SuperTracks styles and demos have been fixed where necessary, and most MIDI SuperTracks demos have been fine-tuned.
  • Updated: Other miscellaneous tweaks to RealTracks, SuperTracks, and Hi-Q files.

Summary of Changes for Build 365 (Dec 7, 2012)

  • Added: Campfire RealStyle demos. (Can be loaded in via the "Country [campfire]" category in the StylePicker, or from the Campfire subfolder in the \bb\RealTracks - Demos folder).
  • Added: A jazz swing RealTracks (#2125) has been added that plays the simplest bass lines for jazz swing, with root and 5th in the 'a' section.
  • Fixed: _TBLZRAS.STY was pointing to incorrect Drums folder.

Summary of Changes for Build 364 (Dec 5, 2012)

  • Improved: Better use of pedals in Piano MST
  • Improved: MIDI SuperTracks dialog now has option to show/hide MIDI SuperTracks that are N/A (not available)
  • Improved: StylePicker updates for most recent STY files.
  • Updated: RealTracks 180-187 databases, styles, and demos updated to latest versions as of Dec 5 2013.
  • Updated: MIDI SuperTracks databases, styles, and demos updated to latest versions as of Dec 5 2013.
  • Fixed: Possible missing Hi-Q instrument messages

Summary of Changes for Build 363 (Dec 4, 2012)

  • Fixed: Thru/Audio synth patch was not loading sometimes.
  • Fixed: Mixer was sometimes continuing to show old synth name.
  • Fixed: Styles and Realtracks names with '&' character were displaying with an underline character instead of the '&'.
  • Added: More style definitions.
  • Added: Many new and improved Artist Performances (\bb\Artist Performance Sets). Note: Set 2 is ony included in the 16PAK upgrade).
  • Added: More StylePicker information for new styles (e.g. style memos).
  • Fixed: RealTracks 180-187 databases, styles, and demos updated to latest versions as of Dec 4 2013.
  • Fixed: MIDI SuperTracks databases, styles, and demos updated to latest versions as of Dec 4 2013.
  • Fixed: Spurious entries in the RealTracks Picker window removed.
  • Updated: Improved temp swapping information for new RealTracks.
  • Fixed: Missing MIDI SuperTracks messages.
  • Fixed: Possible missing Hi-Q instrument messages.

Summary of Changes for Build 362 (Dec 3, 2012)

  • Fixed: Reverb was being set to 127 on bass sometimes.
  • Changed: Songs saved with Hi-Q instruments now just save the name of the Hi-Q instrument, not the entire setup file (tgs). (the setup file is present in c:\bb\DX Settings) So the song files stay tiny, and will work long into the future, as the Hi-Q instruments change.
  • Fixed: Problem installing Print to PDF (PDF995).
  • Fixed: Two missing RT 172 (EuroDance) folders.
  • Updated: Band-in-a-Box® Server has improved localization support.
  • Fixed: Small problem with Hi-Q instrument 26.
  • Updated: Help file.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated Jan 09, 2013

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2012.5 Build 357 Update (35 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2012.5 to Build 357 from any previous 2012.5 build. The update must be installed into your existing Band-in-a-Box® 2012.5 folder.

You need to have both Band-in-a-Box® and Band-in-a-Box® Server closed prior to installing this update. Band-in-a-Box® Server is the process that interacts with remote apps. To close it, right click on the icon (white and green musical note) in your task bar (bottom-right of your computer screen) and select Exit.

The patch installs some RealTracks updates; make sure to select the correct RealTracks and Drums folders so those files can be updated.

Summary of Changes for Build 357 (August 15, 2012)

  • Fixed: MIDI files from MIDI SuperTracks and some RealCharts were not showing correct durations in some cases.
  • Fixed: Some RealTracks with simple variations still not showing in RealTracks Picker in some cases.
  • Fixed: In some cases, after installing from a PG Music hard drive to computer (option 2 or 3), MIDI SuperStyles weren't showing up.
  • Fixed: Some of the newer RealTracks artists not showing in the StylePicker filter.
  • Fixed: In some specific situations, Band-in-a-Box® would display a spurious "keep take?" message during regular playback.
  • Updated: Some RealTracks Picker memos are improved.
  • Updated: 2012.5 Help file.
  • Added: 2012.5 User's Guide.

Summary of Changes for Build 356 (August 8, 2012)

  • Fixed: The F5 Bar Settings dialog changes weren't working for MIDI SuperTracks in some cases.
  • Fixed: Help - Run Upgrade menu command was not showing the correct manual.
  • Fixed: "Rebuild" button in the RealTracks Settings dialog was showing spurious error messages relating to the MIDI SuperTracks.
  • Fixed: Many of the RealTracks with a simple variation were not listed as such in the RealTracks Picker.
  • Updated: PDF upgrade manual.
  • Fixed: In certain cases, Dixieland styles were not displaying in the StylePicker.
  • Fixed: Some RealTracks artist bio's were not displaying in the RealTracks Picker.
  • Fixed: Some RealDrums memos were not displaying in the RealDrums Picker.
  • Fixed: One of the PopModernGrooveSync16^ drum variations didn't work.
  • Fixed: _P128PNS.STY was showing N/A RealTracks.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated August 15, 2012

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2012 Build 350 Update (50 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® 2012 to Build 350 from any previous 2012 build. The update must be installed into your existing Band-in-a-Box® 2012 folder.

You need to have both Band-in-a-Box® and Band-in-a-Box® Server closed prior to installing this update. Band-in-a-Box® Server is the process that interacts with remote apps. To close it, right click on the icon (white and green musical note) in your task bar (bottom-right of your computer screen) and select Exit.

The patch installs some RealTracks updates; make sure to select the correct RealTracks and Drums folders so those files can be updated.

Summary of Changes for Build 350 (August 21, 2012)

  • Updated: Support for RealTracks Sets 155-169

Summary of Changes for Build 350 (April 24, 2012)

  • Improved: ASIO stability and timing with large buffers is improved. MIDI soft-synth timing with large ASIO buffers is much better, although still will remain dependent on the speed of the computer, the nature of the DXi or VSTi synths used, and the quality of the ASIO drivers.
  • Fixed: Vulnerability related to multi-threading, which could explain some of the reported intermittent, un-reproducible crashes with ASIO.
  • Fixed: Song-based RealTracks were sometimes being removed when starting Band-in-a-Box® by double-clicking on a song.
  • Fixed: Using a different MIDI style was sometimes wiping out another MIDI track.
  • Added: When picking a custom MIDI style, the stylepicker memo now names the tracks for each instrument.
  • Fixed: Loops were sometimes mono instead of stereo.
  • Added: Band-in-a-Box® can now load more types of audio files for loops (unusual .wav formats etc.).
  • Improved: Flash message colors improved (green for messages that you can click on).
  • Fixed: MIDI from a style was surviving sometimes when a loop was set.
  • Fixed: Some mixer drawing issues for custom slider.
  • Improved: Safety code added to prevent plugins crashing program if memory/resources are low.
  • Fixed: Intermittent "lost plugins" issues when a set of plugins has been saved to a song, and then later when the song is reloaded some saved plugins do not get inserted.
  • Fixed: Jukebox crashing intermittently on loading new songs "too soon" after beginning playback, and intermittent timing irregularities.

Updated April 11, 2012

  • Updated: Some 'A-only', 'B-only', and 'Bluesy' RealTracks instruments weren't playing the correct variation.
  • Updated: Some simple bass ST2 files showed as missing, even though the parent 'regular' bass ST2 was present.
  • Updated: StylePicker improvements.
  • Updated: Fixes for minor miscellaneous RealTracks issues reported since Feb 1 2012.

Added Feb 1, 2012

  • Updated: The latest version of Band-in-a-Box® Server (Version 2 Build 2939) is now included in the patch. Band-in-a-Box® Server is used to connect to the Band-in-a-Box® and BB Remote apps for iphone / Android.

Summary of Changes for Build 349 (Dec 14, 2011)

  • Added: AmpliTube .STY files and .SGU demo songs. These are styles we've made that load in specific AmpliTube presets. They can be opened from the AmpliTube category near the bottom of the StylePicker.
  • Added: Loops .STY files and .SGU/.MGU demo songs. These can be opened from the Loops category near the bottom of the StylePicker.
  • Fixed: Occasional 'BluesRockEv^ missing' error.
  • Fixed: Crash when using Band-in-a-Box® Server with iPhone/Android apps.
  • Fixed: Some "BB2012 Tutorial" style demos not loading from StylePicker.
  • Improved: Some AmpliTube presets tweaked.
  • Improved: For Non-English versions, RealTracksFolderNamesX.txt implemented to allow fuller names of realtracks in various realtracks list.
  • Improved: Prefs-RealTracks-Verify function sped up, and report no longer reports bt0 file errors (not used anymore)
  • Added: Find and Fix button added to Prefs- RealTracks (it looks for missing st2/xt2 files in parent folder of RealTracks folder, and if it finds them, copies them to your BB folder
  • Improved: Rebuild button in RTPicker now Fixes problems (copying xt2/st2)
  • Fixed: Combo Plugins were not getting written when rendered
  • Fixed: Drum whack at the end
  • Updated: Styles list updated
  • Updated: 2012 Manual

Summary of Changes for Build 348 (Dec 5, 2011)

  • Fixed: Sax RealTracks #1642 and 1643 were not playing at 'b'

Summary of Changes for Build 346 (Dec 2, 2011)

  • Fixed: 'Simple RealTracks' weren't showing up correctly in the RealTracks Picker.
  • Added: Tip in the Loops dialog, to use 44K WAV files, or wma/mp3 (not mp4). Also, a tip about File-Open Audio as a means to convert a file.
  • Updated: Help file and manual.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated August 21, 2012

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2011.5 Build 329 Update (25 MB)

This patch installs Build 329 and will update any Band-in-a-Box® 2011.5 build. It must be installed into your existing Band-in-a-Box® 2011.5 folder.

You need to have both Band-in-a-Box® and Band-in-a-Box® Server closed prior to installing this update. Band-in-a-Box® Server is the process that interacts with remote apps. To close it, right click on the icon (white and green musical note) in your task bar (bottom-right of your computer screen) and select Exit.

Note: If you are updating a hard drive edition of Band-in-a-Box®, be sure to select the correct destination directory - either X:\bb (where X is your USB drive letter) or X:\PGMusic\Programs\bb if the hard drive was purchased prior to September 2009.

Added Feb 1, 2012

  • Updated: The latest version of Band-in-a-Box® Server (Version 2 Build 2939) is now included in the patch. Band-in-a-Box® Server is used to connect to the Band-in-a-Box® and BB Remote apps for iphone / Android.

Summary of Changes for Build 329 (August 25, 2011)

  • Fixed: Occasional exception if a RealDrums had a huge number of patterns.
  • Fixed: Possible Mixer Window exception if opening on a small screen (800x600 or less).
  • Fixed: Mixer Window wasn't remembering open status correctly if closed with close box.

Summary of Changes for "b" update to Band-in-a-Box® Build 328 (August 22, 2011)

  • Fixed: Generation of songs on iPhone sometimes not working with QuickTime 7.7 or higher.

Summary of Changes for Build 328 (August 16, 2011)

  • Improved: Drag and Drop rendering, when Rendering Dialog --> "Include 2 bar Lead-In" and "Include Drum Count-in Sound" settings are set to false
  • Fixed: Mono/stereo setting in the render dialog now applies to Drag and Drop. So now, for both Render and Drag and Drop:
    • individual RealTracks always render as stereo
    • all other tracks and Combo render mono or stereo according to the "Stereo Files" setting in the Render dialog.
  • Fixed: Option to exclude leadin from MIDI file.
  • Fixed: Pickup notes may not have been rendered if the lead-in was silent.

Summary of Changes for Build 327 (August 10, 2011)

  • Fixed: Issue with QuickTime version 7.7 (or higher), preventing generation of mp4 files.
  • Fixed: Verify command improved, spurious bt0 errors removed.
  • Fixed: Access violation at end of building song list fixed.
  • Fixed: Shots/Holds were not working correctly when the option "Excluded Instruments Rest" was selected in the Chord Options dialog.
  • Fixed: Re-generating a single track, was sometimes forcing generation that was completely different riffs than original track, instead of using the same riffs.
  • Fixed: Some bass styles were unable to play anything on 2 beat slash chords preceeding a push.
  • Fixed: Auditioning RealTracks, sometimes picked (e.g.) RT# 1541 instead of RT 541.
  • Fixed: Rendering when leadin bars set to false, or leadin should be removed, wasn't working correctly in some cases.

Summary of Changes for Build 326 (July 28, 2011)

  • Added: StylePicker Text Filter added. Filter the list of styles by any text string. Multiple terms allowed. e.g.:
    • Bossa guitar <----- styles with bossa and instrument=guitar in them
    • Guitar Brent <----- styles that have artist=Brent Mason
    • Jazz Trio Oliver <----- trios with Oliver Gannon
  • Fixed: Help Menu item to Run Upgrade Manual, and Run Manual fixed to 2011_5
  • Added: RealDrums Artist now displayed in style memo in stylepicker
  • Added: Drums countin added on styles that don't have drums, but use RealTracks on the drums track (e.g. Bluegrass).

Summary of Changes for Build 325 (July 25, 2011)

  • General maintenance patch. Miscellaneous fixes related to RealTracks Sets 122-136.
  • Added: Band-in-a-Box® 2011.5 full User Guide.
  • Updated: StylePicker list updated.
  • Fixed: Some organ shots and holds didn't work.
  • Updated: A couple of styles in the RealDrums Picker didn't display properly.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated August 22, 2011

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2011 Build 319b Update (25 MB)

This patch installs Build 319 and will update any Band-in-a-Box® 2011 build. It must be installed into your existing Band-in-a-Box® 2011 folder.

Note: If you are updating a hard drive edition of Band-in-a-Box®, be sure to select the correct destination directory - either X:\bb (where X is your USB drive letter) or X:\PGMusic\Programs\bb if the hard drive was purchased prior to September 2009.

Added Feb 1, 2012

  • Updated: The latest version of Band-in-a-Box® Server (Version 2 Build 2939) is now included in the patch. Band-in-a-Box® Server is used to connect to the Band-in-a-Box® and BB Remote apps for iphone / Android.

Summary of Changes for "b" update to Band-in-a-Box® Build 319 (August 22, 2011)

  • Fixed: Generation of songs on iPhone sometimes not working with QuickTime 7.7 or higher.

Summary of Changes for Build 319 (August 10, 2011)

  • Fixed: Issue with QuickTime version 7.7 (or higher), preventing generation of mp4 files.
  • Added: Drums countin added on styles that don't have drums, but use RealTracks on the drums track (e.g. Bluegrass).
  • Fixed: Shots/Holds were not working correctly when the option "Excluded Instruments Rest" was selected in the Chord Options dialog.

Summary of Changes for Build 318 (May 30, 2011)

  • Improved: Sometimes after resizing the main window, parts of screen wouldn't redraw.
  • Added: Some new style definitions.
  • Fixed: Sometimes using metal guitar soloist, would play a "too long" riff.
  • Fixed: Save Soundtrack wasn't working if the song was playing.
  • Fixed: Non-English versions only: Medley names were messed up.

Summary of Changes for Build 317 (April 29, 2011)

  • Improved: Holds work better for slash chords. On chords like Am/G, the held note for bass RealTracks will now be G instead of A.
  • Fixed: Printing Leadsheet memo wasn't working.
  • Fixed: Fakesheet display issues.
  • Fixed: Single MIDI track rendering didn't work in build 316.

Summary of Changes for Build 316 (April 19, 2011)

  • Added: On bootup, a FlashMessage will appear if you haven't already removed un-needed RealTracks files (this can reclaim 65% hard drive space).
  • Fixed: MIDI timing on rendering to audio improved.
  • Fixed: Loading a new style wasn't killing the currently set realdrums.
  • Fixed: Frozen RealTrack with RealChart was dragging as MIDI sometimes.
  • Added: More support for bt1 files (these are small files used when there is an audio track present).
  • Added: Files in bb2go folder are colored green when selected when mp4 present.
  • Added: In BB2Go dialog, warnings issued if QuickTime not installed.
  • Added: In BB2Go dialog Quicktime version number found added, with a button to download it.
  • Fixed: Rendered songs with no lead in sometimes had excessive silence appended to the end.
  • Updated: More automatic RealStyle substitutions for MIDI styles added.
  • Fixed: Minor updates to RealTracks memos and info.
  • Fixed: Soloist #1309 medley should be set to 'every 4 bars' instead of 'every chorus'.
  • Updated: Help file.

Summary of Changes for Build 315 (March 28, 2011)

  • Fixed: Includes an updated Coyote WaveTable synth, version 1.1. Sustain pedal off was sometimes not working.
  • Improved: Audio track tempo and pitch change quality is improved in a few cases.
  • Fixed: Tracks with double time/half time soloists were not following the settings in the F5 Bar Settings dialog (mute at bar X etc).
  • Fixed: Some Bass RealTracks (eg. Simpler bass variations) weren't playing slash chords correctly.
  • Fixed: Brent Mason Ballad RealTracks Soloist was playing incorrect notes sometimes.
  • Fixed: Some style memos in stylepicker were listing drums when drums were not present (e.g. gypsy jazz styles).
  • Changed: Suppressed message, "for best results set tempo to ###".
  • Fixed: Frozen soloist was not showing up as green in some cases.
  • Added: The realtracks picker used for realtracks changes, making medleys, or stylemaker, now allows multiple search terms, e.g. you can type "blues guitar " to see any RealTracks with all of those words.
  • Added: Artist name now a search term in the RealTracks pickers from f5 dialog, medley maker and stylemaker, for example "Guitar Oliver" would show RealTracks with Artist Oliver Gannon.
  • Improved: Copy/paste import/export in Soloist works for the extra information found by pressing the Soloist Editor-More button.

Summary of Changes for Build 314 (February 8, 2011)

  • Fixed: RealDrums Picker was sometimes giving a List Index out of bounds error, when a filter was in use.
  • Changed: Menu item - Help | web | Forum discussion - now points to
  • Fixed: Using the Bar Settings window to change any RealTrack at any bar was sometimes not working for choruses other than "all"
  • Fixed: When you add intro bars and you have set a visual transpose for a non concert instrument, the first chord of the tune (after the intro bars) is then changed to the concert version of the chord.
  • FIxed: Patch changes at any bar sometimes not working with higher banks.
  • Fixed: For iPhone BB version Muting, Reverb, Volume, and Panning settings sometimes did not work.
  • Fixed: "On/off" checkbox in save with patches not working for RealDrums.
  • Improved: Better memory usage for BB Server. Memory freed after song generates.
  • Fixed: When using the Fade out feature in the Song Settings window with RealTracks that have 4-bar endings: The track fades out as desired, but then it gets un-muted during the last two bars of the 4-bar ending.
  • Fixed: If there is a style change in the song, the bass track disappears in the first style after it is frozen.
  • Fixed: Muting Realtracks (especially soloist RT) in bar #1 (via F5) didn't mute the notes played on bar 0; in these cases you would hear part of the line played by the RT just before bar 1.
  • Fixed: Simple variation of Bluegrass Banjo wasn't working on Maj, Min, and 7 chords.
  • Updated: Help file
  • Added: 2011 full PDF Manual

Summary of Changes for Buid 313 (January 5, 2010)

  • Fixed: Clicks during tempo changes sometimes.
  • Fixed: Drum clicks at end of song sometimes (ASIO only).
  • Fixed: Other ASIO enhancements.
  • Updated: Miscellaneous StylePicker updates.
  • Added: 5 new "multi-styles" have been made, and each one has a corresponding demo in C:\bb\RealTracks – Demos\MultiStyles

    _JAZMEDL – This style toggles between different Jazz Swing Soloists depending on the part markers you select: A-B: No Soloist; C-D: Tenor Sax; E-F: Trumpet; G-H: Alto Sax; I-J: Trombone; K-L: Vibes; M-N: Electric Guitar; O-P: Piano; Q-R: Bass

    _BOSMEDL – This style toggles between different Bossa Soloists depending on the part markers you select: A-B: No Soloist; C-D: Alto Sax; E-F: Trumpet; G-H: Flute; I-J: Trombone; K-L: Vibes; M-N: Electric Guitar; O-P: Bass

    _BGMEDLY – This style toggles between different Bluegrass Soloists depending on the part markers you select: A-B: No Soloist; C-D: Fiddle; E-F: Guitar; G-H: Mandolin; I-J: Banjo

    _BOS2SWG – This style features a Jazz Piano Trio, switching between a Bossa groove for A & B, and a Swing groove for C & D

    _BOS2SWV – This style features a Jazz Vibes Trio, switching between a Bossa groove for A & B, and a Swing groove for C & D

Summary of Changes for Build 312 (December 8, 2010)

  • Fixed: RealCharts were getting erased when songs were frozen in some cases.
  • Updated: Misc StylePicker (bbw.lst) updates.
  • Fixed: Medleys have more consistent volumes.
  • Fixed: RealCharts notes on Frozen tracks weren't highlighting in notation sometimes.
  • Fixed: Some Bass RealCharts weren't working properly.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated August 22, 2011

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Coyote WaveTable 1.1 Update (1 MB)

This small patch will update the Coyote WaveTable to the most recent version. It requires that you already have the Coyote installed. If not, install the full Band-in-a-Box® (2010 or 2011) update patch instead - that will also install the most recent Coyote WaveTable.

Note: If the CoyoteWT shows up in the DirectX dialog, and it is version 1.1 (right-click on the Coyote control panel and select About...), then you don't need this patch.

Summary of Changes (May 18, 2011)

  • Fixed: Coyote WaveTable wasn't showing up in the DirectX dialog on some computers.
  • Fixed: Sustain pedal controller sometimes wasn't working properly.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated May 18, 2011

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2010.5 Build 308 Update (25 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® to Version 2010.5 (Build 308) from any previous Band-in-a-Box® 2010 or 2010.5 build. The update must be installed into your existing Band-in-a-Box® 2010 folder.

It will also optionally install the Coyote WaveTable, which is a DXi synth that can be used on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. This is primarily intended for 64-bit Windows Vista and 7 users who are unable to use the Roland VSC-DXi, since the VSC is only compatible with 32-bit versions of Windows. To use the Coyote synth, click 'Use DXi/VST synth" in the MIDI Driver Setup, and select "CoyoteWT" in the DirectX/VST window.

Note: If you are updating a hard drive edition of Band-in-a-Box®, be sure to select the correct destination directory - either X:\bb (where X is your USB drive letter) or X:\PGMusic\Programs\bb if the hard drive was purchased prior to September 2009.

RealTracks Updates | RealBand program updates

Summary of Changes for Build 308 (April 27, 2011)

  • Fixed: Timing improved for rendering of MIDI tracks to audio.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact . Updated April 27, 2011

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2010.5 Build 304 Update (25 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® to Version 2010.5 (Build 304) from any previous Band-in-a-Box® 2010 or 2010.5 build. The update must be installed into your existing Band-in-a-Box® 2010 folder.

Band-in-a-Box® 2010.5 added over 40 new features and enhancements since version 2010

It will also optionally install the Coyote WaveTable, which is a DXi synth that can be used on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows. This is primarily intended for 64-bit Windows Vista and 7 users who are unable to use the Roland VSC-DXi, since the VSC is only compatible with 32-bit versions of Windows. To use the Coyote synth, click 'Use DXi/VST synth" in the MIDI Driver Setup, and select "CoyoteWT" in the DirectX/VST window.

Note: If you are updating a hard drive edition of Band-in-a-Box®, be sure to select the correct destination directory - either X:\bb (where X is your USB drive letter) or X:\PGMusic\Programs\bb if the hard drive was purchased prior to September 2009.

RealTracks Updates | RealBand program updates

Summary of Changes for Build 304 (July 14 2010)

  • Fixed: Lyrics issue in non-English versions. This build (304) is the same as build 303, except for a small fix for non-English versions. If you are already using English build 303, there is no reason to install build 304 (although there is no harm in doing so).

Summary of Changes for Build 303 (July 6 2010)

  • Changed: If you load a style, it will erase the song's settings for RealTracks for the 5 instrument parts. Note: This won't erase song realtracks set for Melody or Soloist, unless they are used in the style). So if you want to add a song RealTracks instrument that sticks as you use different styles, either freeze the track, or use the melody or soloist track.
  • Fixed: Functions to Change all songs to a specific style, or tempo wasn't running in some cases.
  • Improved: Display of Piano, Acoustic RealTracks in the RT picker improved. Also Metal Guitar Soloists say "Soloists"
  • Added: Message if song has style changes with RealTracks, since those are not supported.
  • Updated: PDF manual updated.

Summary of Changes for Build 301 (June 24 2010)

  • Added: The StylePicker now has a filter to show/hide Real or MIDI styles. So if you only want to see MIDI styles, or if you only want to see styles that use some/all RealTracks, you can set this.
  • Added: If you like the current mix (of volumes, panning, reverb), and you want this applied as a default for all songs, you can now set this by right-clicking on the Combo radio control. Choose "Make Current Mix the Default", "Load Default Mix" or "Reset Mix (to factory defaults)".
  • Improved: RealTracks naturally occurring pushes are enhanced in many styles. This requires updating the ST2/XT2 files, and these are included in RealTracks and Band-in-a-Box® 2010.5 updates.
  • Added: When rendering, you can now add a dB amount to the whole mix, so that the mix will be louder or softer. There is automatic "peak-limiting" added, so that the music will not distort if you set it too high.
  • Improved: For Audio Track rendering, Reverb is now added to the mix if there is Reverb set for the audio track.
  • Improved: Playback timing accuracy and performance on MIDI DXi/VST Softsynths. Also, songs with MIDI tracks now render to WAV files about 20% faster.
  • Added: Styles can now be made that are set to use Half-Time and Double-Time RealTracks. For example, you can make a Jazz Ballad style (tempo 65) that uses a Sax Soloist at tempo 140 (playing double time). The StyleMaker- Misc-More dialog now has setting called TimeBase: Normal/HalfTime/DoubleTime for RealTracks.
  • Added: MIDI Styles can now be expanded or reduced. For example, if you have a Bluegrass style at a typical tempo of 130 that is 16ths note based, and you would prefer it as a style that is 8th note based at a typical tempo of 260, you can do this in the StyleMaker by selecting the menu item Style-Expand. Style-Reduce is available also for styles that you want to reduce from 8th notes to 16th notes.
  • Added: If Band-in-a-Box® cannot find your RealTracks folder or your Drums folder, a yellow hint message appears at bootup to alert you to that, and tells you how to fix it: "Note: You have RealTracks installed, but none are found in your RealTracks folder. You should point to your correct RealTracks folder in Prefs-RealTracks Settings."
  • Improved: RealTracks Pushes are now played a little quieter (2 dB quieter), so that they don’t stand out as much.
  • Improved: For Hypercanvas or TTS-1 users only. The Roland HyperCanvas and Cakewalk TTS-1 sound better in Band-in-a-Box® if you use note 36 for bass drum, instead of note 35 (36 is more velocity sensitive). Now you will get a message to that effect when you exit the MIDI Driver dialog, and if you answer yes, it will set this for you, improving the sound of the drums with your HyperCanvas/TTS-1.
  • Improved: For RealTracks, many Jazz comping styles now play triads (instead of 7ths) when simple triads are entered, instead of "jazzing them up" to 7ths chords (e.g. Guitar: Freddie, Wes Piano: Some Jazz. All Stride, Rehearsal). If you prefer this "the old way", where triads are automatically "jazzed up" when comping using Jazz RealTracks, then you can set the Prefs-Realtracks settings option to force 7ths for triads.
  • Added: Utility function added to "Change all songs in current folder to a specific tempo."
  • Added: Utility function added to "Change all songs in current folder to the current style name."
  • Added: Utility command added to change channels by N on melody or soloist.
  • Added: Notes like Fb, Cb, E#, B# can now be entered. To do this, right click on a note (like F), and set the forced accidental to #, and the note will appear as E#.
  • Added: Right-click menu item added "edit section text"
  • Added: Option for the Leadsheet Lyric memo to start on new page on printout.
  • Added: If a song has lyrics (or other text) in the Lyric Memo or Lyric Document, these lyrics will now show up on the Big Lyrics window, so that they can be seen during playback. Note: if you have lyrics in text format, it is easy to paste them in as a Leadsheet Memo, and now you will see them on the Big Lyrics Window as well.
  • Added: When entering lyrics, additional buttons are available "Close lyrics" "Edit Lyrics" and "Enter as Section Text" (instead of Lyrics).
  • Fixed: 3rd and 4th endings weren’t displaying correctly.
  • Fixed: Chord Options Update button updates the chordsheet, clear all works better.
  • Fixed: BBStyles button wasn't working in RDPicker, now loads the style chosen.
  • Changed: File-New gets volumes of 127, instead of 90.
  • Fixed: Spurious message about better realtracks available when half-time realtracks were used.
  • Added: Enhancements for entering songs quickly. Typing special words, instead of chord names, will make the following settings:
    • begin - sets the begin of the chorus to the current bar
    • end - sets the end of the song to the current bar
    • chorusend - sets the end of the song chorus to the current bar
    • tkc - sets key signature to c, tkbb would set it to bb
    • trc - transposes song to key of C
    • t125 - sets tempo to 125
  • Added: Enhancements for playing songs from the chordsheet
    • spacebar or double click on ending bar (or a bar in the tag), and it will play from the ending (or tag). This only applies to the chordsheet, since notation windows always play from the ending or tag already.
    • Right Click on ChordSheet (or notation) to quickly set Chorus Begin, Chorus End, or Song Ending
  • Improved: Default for output for pumping out chords changed to 1 from 90.
  • Fixed: Frozen tracks were playing louder, when Play pressed again.
  • Improved: Frozen tracks generate faster if play pressed again.
  • Fixed: Stop shouldn't repeat the message about tempo match.
  • Added: Quick-load a song by typing only. In Chord entry modeType word 'Song' followed by a filename, or partial filename, and the song will get loaded in. e.g. type c:\a\MySong.sgu to load in that exact style name, Type bossa to load in the first song with 'bossa' in the name AFTER the current song name, in the current folder.
  • Added: Quick-load a style by typing only 'style' followed by a stylename. e.g. stylezzbossa <enter> will load in zzbossa.sty
  • Fixed: Now checks for valid drive letter when custom directory for RealTracks and RealDrums
  • Added: Message if frozen track loaded, but RealTracks or RealDrums folder doesn't exist.
  • Improved: Will keep on generating RealTracks if some wav files are missing
  • Fixed: Thru banks now saved (if option to save thru in save patch dialog is set to true). Note this fix applies to the main screen, not the F5 dialog.
  • Improved: Will not show this message if using ASIO and MS GS Wavetable is selected: "MIDI driver installed properly but in use.."
  • Fixed: Copying melody when regions overlapped was losing some notes
  • Changed: Default of tempo swapping for RealTracks is now true.
  • Added: RDbutton now has menu (like RT picker button) to choose prefs or rd picker
  • Added: Song memo now says if RD come from song or style
  • Fixed: Sometimes would crash on looping if no lead-in option was chosen
  • Fixed: Render bug - extra 2 bars were removed from render of MIDI track if no lead-in option was
  • Updated: Help file has been updated.
  • Updated: PDF New Features Guide

Summary of Changes for Build 299 (May 3 2010)

  • Improved: RealTracks Endings work for more complex chords like C69, Cm9, Cm11.
  • Improved: Chords like CDim, C7sus can be used for endings (a held chord is played for them).
  • Fixed: Sometimes RealTracks riffs were transposed incorrectly.
  • Fixed: 7,m7,m7b5 slash chords were not working for RealTracks.
  • Fixed: Some fast Jazz bass and piano tempo swaps weren't working.
  • Fixed: ASIO now stops when stop pressed if always on = false.
  • Changed: Startup transpose message (annoying to some ) changed to a tip status, so disabling tips in prefs will also disable it.
  • Added: c:\bb\BBMany.txt will allow multiple instances of BB to run.

Summary of Changes for Build 298 (March 31 2010)

  • Fixed: Render (if not using DXi) from Render dialog, or Part name Radio button save-as WAV file won't complain if the track is audio, or all RealTracks.
  • Fixed: Progress messages improved if rendering to WMA or partial range of render file.
  • Fixed: Russian version - font improvements.
  • Fixed: Crash with ASIO, exiting MIDI Driver dialog, or pressing Panic button.
  • Fixed: Some styles not loading all style demos, like _COWBOYR.STY.
  • Fixed: Dragging soloist sometimes said no music available (if it was a RealChart).

Summary of Changes for Build 297 (March 25 2010)

  • Added: Coyote WaveTable synth has been added. This is primarily intended for 64-bit Windows users who are unable to use the Roland VSC-DXi, since the VSC is only compatible with 32-bit versions of Windows.
  • Fixed: RealTracks picker not displaying "Ev" Even for some realtracks.
  • Improved: More descriptive info provided when Tempo swaps of RealTracks available, now lists the current and proposed tempo swap e.g. Bass 110->85.
  • Fixed: Drum track wasn't green when it was a RealTrack.
  • Fixed: Drag n Drop not working for Soloist Generated track.
  • Fixed: Dragged Frozen RealTracks with RealChart was dragging as MIDI.
  • Fixed: RealDrums with multiple substyles weren't saving in frozen state.
  • Fixed: Fiz sound in bar 3 of drums fixed.
  • Fixed: Frozen tracks can now have volume changes applied to them (mute etc.) by F5 dialog (realtracks only)
  • Fixed: Volume changes (e.g. F5 dialog - mute at certain bars) were not working for generated soloists.
  • Fixed: If soloist was generated on a blank song, the song wouldn't generate, just the solo would play.
  • Fixed: Ending chord can now have a hold on it, with or without a 2-bar ending.
  • Added: Message if you try to make a tag on one chorus. Tags are meant to work on songs with more than 1 chorus.
  • Fixed: Some patch changes were showing up on some RealCharts (eg 371).
  • Fixed: Drum pushes/shots leaking through during F5 mute.
  • Fixed: Mutes on RealTracks with time signature changes not working correctly.
  • Fixed: Some endings weren't playing if riffs overlapped previous one
  • Fixed: Generate RealTracks button not working if launched from the RealTracks button (this generates the currently selected track on the radio buttons).
  • Fixed: Some styles with silent drums made a sound on the HyperCanvas (drum velocity of 1 removed).
  • Fixed: Chord Screen would go blank with DoubleTime/HalfTime generation sometimes.
  • Fixed: Generate Single Track of RealTracks would generate it twice with halfTime/Double Time tracks.
  • Fixed: Some Bluesy realTracks (like 751) weren't playing bluesy.
  • Updated: Band-in-a-Box® 2010 PDF manual.

Summary of Changes for Build 295 (February 15 2010)

  • Improved: TempoSwapping Improved:
    - There is an additional option to replace the current RealTracks selections with similar ones that would work better at the current tempo. This is an option available by pressing the Realtracks Toolbar button- Select Better RealTracks.
    - Yellow Message now appears if RealTracks are selected, but better RealTracks are available for the current tempo. (this message can be disabled in Prefs-RealTracks)
    - RealTracks button on the toolbar now shows a menu, RealTracks picker, RealTracks Prefs, and Select Better RealTracks for this tempo.
  • Changed: Half Time/ Double Time changed
    - The option to automatically half/double time realtrack has been removed, and replaced with a manual option, so the user has control over when/how Realtracks would be halfTimed/Double timed. The previous method of "automatic half/double time" of RealTracks caused some problems, because people wouldn't know when the RealTracks were going to be half/double timed.
    To do this, visit the RealTracks assign Dialog, and use the new comboBox called "TimeBase", and set that to Normal (Default) / Half-Time / Double-Time.
  • Improved: Drag Drop improved.
    - The feature to Drag and Drop tracks from BB to DAW sequencers has been improved. Some DAWs (Ableton, Nuendo) don't yet support direct drag/drop of tracks that aren't generated yet. So a DragDrop panel has been added to the top left of the screen. This allows you to Drag n Drop to these sequencers in 2-steps. First drag to the DragDrop panel, then when it turns green, drag/drop from the panel to your AW (Ableton, Nuendo). Note that for other sequencers (RealBand, Sonar) and Windows Explorer, you can still DragDrop directly from the track to the DAW in 1-step.
  • Fixed: Edit - Undo. In certain situations after a delete chord command, edit-undo stopped working.
  • Fixed: Nashville Notation - can now enter 'flat 3', flat 6 etc. chords - type 3bm7 for Flat 3 minor 7th.

Summary of Changes for Build 294

  • Fixed (Feb 3 2010): RT #484 could cause crash if A7#5 chord used in song.
  • Fixed (Jan 18 2010): Missing RT error in Pro and Mega versions.
  • Fixed (Jan 14 2010): RealTracks dropouts were possible in some specific situations when no DX plugins used.
  • Fixed (Jan 14 2010): When patch changes are done by the user on the main screen, embedded patch changes are stripped from the track. Previously, embedded Bank changes weren't stripped as well.
  • Fixed (Jan 14 2010): Some Jazz Bass RealTracks were not always playing correctly when tempo substitution was enabled.
  • Fixed (Jan 14 2010): Occasional gaps in some Bluegrass RealTracks solos.
  • Fixed (Jan 14 2010): Some PG DX plugin presets not displaying.

Summary of Changes for Build 293 (January 11, 2010)

  • Fixed: Crash after saving songs with a frozen Soloist track.

Summary of Changes for Build 292 (December 22, 2009)

  • Fixed: RealTracks dropouts on some Windows XP systems.
  • Improved: More RealTracks have shots, and they have improved volume levels.
  • Updated: RealTracks and RealDrums memos in the RealTracks/Drums Picker have been added/updated.
  • Improved: More consistent dB levels for all RealTracks instruments.
  • Updated: StylePicker is updated to support new styles with RealTracks.
  • Updated: Some Artist Bio's are updated
  • Fixed: Typos and minor fixes in Soloist and RealTracks windows
  • Updated: More song and style demos can be selected from within the RealTracks window.

Summary of Changes for Build 291 (December 14, 2009)

  • Fixed: Issue in build 290 with copy/paste when there were a lot of RealTracks present.

Summary of Changes for Build 290 (December 12, 2009)

  • Fixed: Issue where RealTracks were dropping out (on first time running program only, if DXi not selected).
  • Fixed: Left clicking on Tone/Reverb in Combo setting wasn't setting master controls.

Summary of Changes for Build 289b (December 12, 2009)

  • Fixed: StylePicker update for new styles.

Summary of Changes for Build 289 (December 11, 2009)

  • Fixed: Individual Tone control was acting as a master tone.
  • Fixed: For some RealTracks, tempo swapped RealTracks were swapping to trumpet.
  • Changed: Prefs-RealTracks - Allow Sustitution based on tempo (now defaults to false).
  • Changed: Prefs-RealTracks - Allow RealTracks Half-Time/ Double Tme (now defaults to false).

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact . Updated July 7, 2010

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Band-in-a-Box® 2009 and 2009.5 USB hard drive patch for Windows Vista and Windows 7 (1 MB)

Please read about this patch before downloading

You only need to install this patch if you are having trouble, such as errors when opening/closing the program, saving songs, rebuilding the StylePicker, etc.

Note that the update may take about 10 minutes to complete.

It allows Band-in-a-Box® and RealBand to run properly directly from an external hard drive, while UAC (User Account Control) is enabled. It also allows functions such as importing CD audio tracks to work without elevating privileges (right-click, run program as an administrator).

This patch is NOT intended for an installation on your system hard drive (usually C:) or other internal hard drives.

Make sure to select the correct destination directory on your USB hard drive - usually X:\bb (replace 'X' with your drive letter) if the hard drive was purchased September 2009 or later, or X:\PGMusic\Programs\bb if the hard drive was purchased prior to September 2009.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact . Updated Nov 15, 2009

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2009.5 Build 288 Update (20 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® to Version 2009.5 (Build 288) from any previous Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or 2009.5 build. The update must be installed into your existing Band-in-a-Box® 2009 folder. It is not necessary for you to install previous 2009 patch updates first.

Note: If you are updating a hard drive edition of Band-in-a-Box®, be sure to select the correct destination directory - either X:\bb (where X is the drive letter) or X:\PGMusic\Programs\bb if the hard drive was purchased prior to September 2009.

RealTracks and RealDrums specific updates.

Summary of Changes (February 21, 2011)

  • Fixed: RealTracks were sometimes playing endings in the middle of the song. Improved support for newer RealTracks styles.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated February 21, 2011

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2009.5 Build 287 Update (20 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® to Version 2009.5 (Build 287) from any previous Band-in-a-Box® 2009 or 2009.5 build. Band-in-a-Box® 2009.5 has over 20 new features and improvements! The update must be installed into your existing Band-in-a-Box® 2009 folder. It is not necessary for you to install previous 2009 patch updates first.

Note: If you are updating a hard drive edition of Band-in-a-Box®, be sure to select the correct destination directory - either X:\bb (where X is the drive letter) or X:\PGMusic\Programs\bb if the hard drive was purchased prior to September 2009.

RealTracks and RealDrums specific updates.

Summary of Changes (January 8, 2010)

  • Updated: List of RealTracks and RealDrums has information about newer instruments.
  • Fixed: Some Bluegrass solos generated with gaps.

Summary of Changes for 2009.5 Build 287 (September 8, 2009)

  • Fixed (Sept8): Miscellaneous minor typos and other minor errors in Soloist, RealTracks, and StylePicker dialogs.
  • Fixed: Simulataneous Audio and MIDI recording - various fixes. To record audio and MIDI together, either use the menu on the audio window, or Shift-Click on the Record Audio button. A message to this effect is added in the audio record dialog. Also now reports the correct number of MIDI notes recorded during audio/MIDI recordings, and Keep/Reject take works for Audio and MIDI.
  • Fixed: When there was a mute or rest at bar 1, realtrack was making a brief sound at bar 1.
  • Fixed: Song Demos for RealTracks styles sometimes weren't loading from the main screen style button.
  • Changed: Song Demo button in the StylePicker loads the song, but now doesn't auto-play it (since there is a Play button already there).
  • Fixed: When RealTracks were set to a slower tempo than original, sometimes there would be a brief sound of realTracks playing prior to bar 1.
  • Fixed: Favorite will open if OKToAutoAddRecentFiles is false (or shift is held).
  • Changed: File-New command or exiting the RealTracks dialog now clears the yellow Flash Messages.

Summary of Changes for 2009.5 Build 285 (August 21, 2009)

  • Fixed: For songs with rests (or mutes using F5 key) at bar 1, RealTracks were playing briefly.
  • Fixed: Drum Picker dialog was showing wrong tempo ranges and genres for some drum tracks.
  • Fixed: inor errors in some RealTracks memos.

Summary of Changes for 2009.5 Build 284 (August 12, 2009)

  • Added: Classic RealStyles styles made. This is a new category in the StylePicker, and it contains new styles that are intended to be commonly used RealTracks. They are divided into genres, so you can go to Classic RealStyles – Jazz to easily find RealStyles for Jazz Swing, Bossa etc. (Note: For RealTracks released prior to August 2009 there are many Classic RealStyles included in the RealTracks patches)
  • Added: Guitar RealCharts have been improved. The new guitar RealTracks have more accurate guitar display/tab/notation for the corresponding RealTracks.
  • Added: The Verify function in the RealTracks assign dialog has been enhanced. It checks your installation to find out if RealTracks are properly installed, or if any files are missing.
  • Improved: Song Memo enhanced. The font for the song memo is size selectable.
  • Improved: Developer mode for RealDrums enhanced. If the file c:\bbNumberedDeveloperFiles.txt exists, the DrumAudioResults.txt with information get numbered and written to c:\bb\Results folder (Note: This feature is only for those people developing their own RealDrums files. You need to create a c:\bb\Results folder first).
  • Improved: Realtracks are enhanced. These features are present in the new RealTracks that are released with 2009.5: Smoother playing of piano parts over slash chords; Support for some more complex slash chords like C7/E played by piano; RealTracks feature to only play certain riffs in certain keys. This feature happens automatically on certain RealTracks, no settings are needed.
  • Added: RealCharts for piano are auto hand-split now. RealTracks (and MIDI style) piano parts that are on the piano track will appear with hands-split (right hand in red, left hand in blue) on the Big Piano window, and in notation. There is a setting for this on the Notation-Options dialog.
  • Added: Smooth Audio looping. Now the audio track loops seamlessly, including when it is used with the conductor. Frozen songs now loop smoothly and are usable with the conductor.
  • Added: Any missing RealTracks/RealDrums are listed. When a song is loaded, played or saved, a yellow hint message will appear if any RealTracks or RealDrums are missing, listing the files that are missing or not available in your installation.
  • Added: The SongList dialog now lists if any RealDrums or RealTracks were not found, in a separate column ('d' and 't' indicates missing RealDrums or RealTracks, '-' indicates missing style). Note: If you want to disable this feature, you can add the file AlsoReadStylesWithSongListBuildUp_False.txt to your bb folder (contents irrelevant).
  • Added: Chord Options dialog now has a 'Clear All' button that erases all Rests/Shots/Pushes/Pedal Bass from a song.
  • Fixed: Audible 'Audio Glitches' in some RealTracks were removed.
  • Added: Songs with RealTracks on Drums (and no drum part) get a drum count-in. For example, _BG_BAND.STY.
  • Added: If a ChordSheet/ notation transpose is in effect, there is a Transpose 'yellow hint' message on bootup as a reminder.
  • Added: Audio Base tempo reminder message. If saving a song, and Audio Base tempo is different than the Song Tempo, a warning message will show, asking you to confirm that you want to save it like this.
  • Improved: Feature that starts a new line on a part marker (section) has been enhanced - Previously a section with only 2 bars wouldm't start a new line, now it does. F5 bar settings Notation - on a new line - now works for chord sections. Notation starts a new line on a part marker (like the chord sheet). This can be disabled for a song or globally.
  • Added: Option added for Melody-Guitar rechannel, to include events already on guitar channel.
  • Added: When launching AudioChordWizard, a preserve part markers question doesn't appear now if there are no chords in the song.
  • Added: Message in RealTracks dialog when no style demo found.
  • Improved: Many more demos shown in RealTracks dialog.
  • Added: Multiple search terms work with RealTracks picker. If you separate terms with a space, each term is searched for separately. So a search for "Country Guitar Ev 120", will find any Country Guitar styles with an Even feel that would work with a tempo close to 120.
  • Added: Multiple search terms also work with RealDrums picker.
  • Added: Adding a search term for RealDrums or RealTracks that has a number will filter for RealDrums or RealTracks that match the tempo or within a compatible range.
  • Added: Checkbox for RealTracks to show/hide RealTracks that are out of compatible tempo range.
  • Added: Spacebar starts from current location, and stops the song (this is now the default).
  • Added: Double click on radio buttons at top of screen opens up the menu (like the right mouse click does).
  • Changed: The RealTracks and RealDrums button now open up the RealTracks Picker and RealDrums picker, instead of the settings dialog (Control-click will open up the settings dialog).
  • Added: Favorite song dialog opens up song dialog if there are no songs in favorite.
  • Fixed: Endings weren't playing for RealTracks that had 2 substyles.
  • Fixed: Sme chords were silent for certain type of RealTracks with 2 substyles.
  • Fixed: RealTracks not honoring break bars on replay.
  • Fixed: Visually hung notes on guitar or piano sometimes showing when stop was pressed.
  • Fixed: AudioChordWizard, average song tempo was being set to 120 in Band-in-a-Box®, instead of the actual tempo.
  • Fixed: Conductor if we press X to set a loop 4 bars, doesn't say loop 4 bars in the yellow hint area.
  • Fixed: Archive button for Realtracks, when asking for drums it wasn't archiving them.
  • Added: RealTracks now searchable by artist name.
  • Fixed: Custom solo generation was leaving a RealCharts MIDI track that could be heard.
  • Fixed: With some of the 101 Riffs add-ons, there were audio memos with the riffs that weren't playing.
  • Fixed: When opening a song from the RealTracks dialog, the memo doesn't open now, as it was conflicting.
  • Fixed: There was a bug that happened when you diddn't have any ASIO drivers installed on your computer, and you selected ASIO as your audio driver type.
  • Fixed: Wrong string "Pre-processing WMA" in progress dialog.
  • Fixed: When you save a RealTrack or MIDI track as a wave file by right-clicking on the track name and selecting Save RealTrack as WAV, ASIO drivers were automatically switched to MME.
  • Fixed: Songs with a style change from MIDI Drums to RealDrums.
  • Fixed: Yellow message for the delay between songs, and juke delay.
  • Fixed: Doesn't decompress WMA to WAV when building a songlist.
  • Fixed: Soundtrack error generating WAV file for complete song with no leadin.
  • Fixed: Soundtrack radio obuttons were hidden for RealTracks parts.
  • Fixed: SoundTrack was not generating properly if requested length was greater than the song length.
  • Fixed: Stuck notes visually on big piano, piano roll, leadsheet.
  • Fixed: Piano channel was getting set to 8 or 9 sometmes if hand splitting was set to true.
  • Changed: When File-New, a chord isn't added to the ending bar of the song. Note: A chord would get added to the ending bar if you press Play and none exists, this is normal.
  • Fixed: Miscellaneous improvements and fixes done to various styles and demos.
  • Added: The new behaviour of the assign realtracks dialog is that it shows whatever realtracks is set for the style (or song over-ride), instead of just showing the song over-ride.
  • Added: Clicking on the lables in the realtracks assign dialog also sets the track
  • Added: RealDrums dialog now updates afer returning from Settings dialog. Also shows path name in dialog.
  • Added: RealDrums and RealTracks dialog shows path in title bar.
  • Fixed: RealCharts for Guitar was sometimes overlapping notes.
  • Added: Clear all bars in the Chord Options now has a confirmation dialog.
  • Changed: Tip dialog, show tips at startup changed to a flashmessage. (less annoying, still defaults to false).
  • Added: Some bass styles now display in Bass Tab and on the Bass fretboard.

Summary of Changes for Build 282 (January 5, 2009)

  • Fixed: BarVolume data and some other settings weren't saving if Melody or Soloist track was a RealChart.
  • Improved: For search and replace, if no rest or push is mentioned in the "replace with" chord, then it will just preserve whatever pushes/rests are there.

Summary of Changes for Build 281 (December 30, 2008)

  • Added: Higher Bank Patch Support added. (Support for Higher bank Patches, names displayed, Change of patch at any bar (f5), songs and styles can be stored with these patches). If you use a synth like the Ketron, and like to use higher patches that are not GM or GM2, then these features should be useful to you.
  • Improved: OpenPrefsFile, insures certain values are set to defaults (mainly useful when loading in older versions of prefs)
  • Fixed: Undo-Open Prefs File now has correct label "Undo Open Preferences"
  • Fixed: Render was sometimes regenerating some tracks
  • Improved: Freeze/Unfreeze improved. Generates the bt0 stretch file at end of freeze, better messages, faster.
  • Added: Verify RealTracks, RealDrums option added. Accesses as a button in the RealTracks Settings dialog. This utility function checks current RealTracks& RealDrums folders. It verifies that File dates are the same, and BT0 (tempo stretch) files are correct. It takes ~5 minutes, and produces a report in a Checkbt0.txt file (notepad).
  • Fixed: F5 dialog, entering style changes was not working in some builds. (alternate method of clicking on style name was working)
  • Added: Realtracks assign dialog now displays more information when a RealTracks is N/A.
    -To be available, a Realtracks must have the Realtracks folder (RT Folder), and the ST2 (Soloist) file in the BB Folder.
    -If neither is found, "N/A" is displayed.
    -If only the RealTracks folder is missing, "N/A RT Folder" is displayed.
    -If RealTracks folder is found, but xxxxx.ST2 file is missing from BB folder then N/A xxxx.ST2 is displayed (where xxxx is the name of the missing ST2 file.
  • Added: The following improvements have been made to the Higher Bank Patches support in Band-in-a-Box®:
    -Patch name is displayed on screen for higher bank patches.
    -F5 dialog can now use higher bank patches, (enable "show higher bank patches" in this dialog"). Choose patch name using dialog, or type in numbers.
    -If used for melody or soloist patches, these settings are automatically saved with the song (for other parts bass/drum/piano/guitar/strings you need to enter Save w/Patches dialog,and type FILL w/PATCHES).
    -In the save with Patches dialog, pressing “Fill with Patches” now also selects the save with banks option.
    -Notation window (leadsheet and printout) displays the patch name
    -Using the + button for higher bank patches sets the patches on the screen as well.
    -Button added in higher bank dialog, to get more PAT files by connecting to
    -Styles can store patch changes using Higher Banks.

Summary of Changes for Build 280 (December 24, 2008)

  • Fixed: Long RealTracks generation time in certain situations on Windows Vista when User Account Control enabled. A symptom of this is Band-in-a-Box® displaying the message "First Time Use..Preparing audio beat array file" in the status bar.

    Explanation: Some people install Band-in-a-Box® on their computer's internal hard drive while having the RealTracks folder on an external USB hard drive. In this case, RealTracks generation time in earlier builds was very long IF User Account Control was enabled. Build 280 allows you to have UAC enabled (if you prefer this), and RealTracks will still generate properly. On Windows Vista, User Account Control can be enabled/disabed in Control Panel | User Accounts.

Summary of Changes for Build 279 (December 15, 2008)

  • Fixed: Doesn't ask the question, 'song is a different feel..' if RealCharts or Frozen song
  • Fixed: Count-in had echo when freezing song.
  • Fixed: Style disk #77 not showing up in stylepicker filter, and what add ons.
  • Fixed: Songlist wasn't rebuilding for large folders >4000 songs.

Summary of Changes for Build 278 (December 11, 2008)

  • Fixed: Problem embedding soloist #511 in styles.
  • Fixed: RealTracks on the Melody or Soloist in song/style weren't always clearing ifthere was a style change.
  • Fixed: RealChart sometimes not showing up on Soloist track.
  • Fixed: RealChart MIDI track was audible sometimes, if generated on the Soloist track, and then you pressed PLAY after that.
  • Updated: Additional Styles with RealTracks added to the StylePicker.
  • Fixed: 'Patch numbers' displayed for some RealTracks in the RealTracks Assign dialog.
  • Improved: Style and Song Demo buttons in the Assign RealTracks dialog lists more files.
  • Improved: RealTracks memos in the Assign RealTracks dialog are expanded.
  • Improved: AudioChordWizard: Transfer of chords back and forth between BB and AudioChordWizard improved.
  • Improved: AudioChordWizard: Chords can be entered using same keys as Band-in-a-Box® or RealBand (e.g. to get an Am7, just type Am7 and then <ENTER> or any cursor key to move to next cell.
  • Changed: AudioChordWizard: Hotkey for tapping barlines changed from <ENTER> to <+> on Numeric Keypad. Note that F8 also works for a hotkey for this.
  • Improved: AudioChordWizard: FineTune text slider dragging improved.
  • Improved: AudioChordWizard: Set TimeSig text slider improved - so range is always valid.
  • Added: AudioChordWizard: Help Menu|Video Help and the Video Tutorial button now Launch URL ''
  • Added: AudioChordWizard: "Set Bar 1" button which also responds to F6.
  • Added: AudioChordWizard: Menu Hotkeys.
  • Added: AudioChordWizard: Tooltip hints.
  • Fixed: AudioChordWizard: Editing anomalies if the first chord in a bar is edited, and the second chord in a bar is 'blank'.
  • Fixed: AudioChordWizard: It no longer beeps when exiting chord editing by typing the Enter key.
  • Improved: AudioChordWizard: After ACW first opens a song, it no longer insists on a first-time playback starting at the song start. Now, after a long load, if you have located to some other place in the song and click the space bar, it will start from that location.
  • Improved: AudioChordWizard: Some optimization done, it may be running a little quicker.

Summary of Changes for Build 277 (December 8, 2008)

  • Fixed: Rebulding the stylepicker was generating some messages that had to be dismissed, when a few styles with invalid data were loaded.
  • Improved: Generation of RealTracks when unusual chords encountered.
  • Added: Flyby hints added for new items in dialogs.
  • Added: Internalization support for other languages added.
  • Improved: Tip suppressed when there is a RealChart on a Melody or Notation track.

Summary of Changes for Build 276 (December 5, 2008)

  • Fixed: RealCharts indicator line was leaving a partial display in some cases.
  • Improved: Patch name display on notation, leadsheet, multitple track leadsheet, and printout.
  • Added: Green box around RealChart on notaiton and Leadsheet.
  • Fixed: Run Manual command not working correctly.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated January 8, 2010

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2008.5 Build 265 Update (20 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® Version 2008 (or 2008.5) to Band-in-a-Box® 2008.5 Build 265. It will fully update any 2008 or 2008.5 build, and must be installed into an existing Band-in-a-Box® 2008 or 2008.5 folder.

RealTracks and RealDrums specific updates.

Summary of Changes for Build 265 (December 5, 2008) since Build 264

  • Fixed: Bug with Live Drums that caused some MIDI styles to play incorrectly.

Summary of Changes for Build 264 (October 7, 2008)

  • Added: Support for the new Jazz RealTracks, and styles.
  • Fixed: For Acoustic Bass Jazz RealTracks, some chords with flat or sharp 5ths weren't workng correctly.
  • Fixed: In the StylePicker, 'other styles found' tempo ranges were incorrect

Summary of Changes for Build 263 (July 29, 2008) since Build 262

  • Fixed: Renders to WAV files were ending a bar early in some cases, where there was no MIDI in the files.
  • Fixed: What add-ons do I have reported incorrectly for RealTracks Sets 9-12.
  • Fixed: Program would sometimes render stereo RealTracks as mono and vice-versa.
  • Updated: StylePicker list (bbw.lst) updated.

Summary of Changes for Build 262 (July 23, 2008) since Build 261

  • Updated: Recognition and support for the latest Band-in-a-Box® styles, RealTracks, and RealDrums.
  • Fixed: Title bar wasn't showing "Generating RealTracks" progress if the bb chordsheet was on a bar with bar settings changes.
  • Added: Support for latest RealTracks (bluegrass), that have soloists with very long phrases. (space length is set from 0 to 0 in the soloist editor for this)
  • Fixed: If you went into the RealDrums picker via the RealDrums Settings dialog, clicked on a style that has variations, then close the RealDrums picker, you got a "Warning the RealDrums folder doesn't exist".
  • Fixed: Some RealDrums were excluded unneccesarily when tempo range was false.
  • Fixed: Visiting the realtracks settings dialog and then returning to realtracks assign dialog updates the list of styles (if location for RT folder has changed).
  • Changed: file 'PGALLDrumFolderNames.txt' now included that lists all current RealDrums.
  • Fixed: Drum click was playing on waltz even when it shows being disabled in preferences.
  • Fixed: FadeOut would revive a muted instrument.
  • Fixed: RealTracks were not obeying the "Breaks" feature (used for practising, where everything gets muted).
  • Fixed: RealTracks Generate Solo custom range fixed (was generating a few bars too many), including x extra bar feature.
  • Added: Now, if Generate a solo using the soloist dialog, and there is a "song" RealTracks already on the Soloist track, the generate solo kills the song realtracks soloist, and saves the soloist with the song
  • Fixed: Right-click on combo save as wav file was not running in some cases.

Summary of Changes for Build 261 (June 16, 2008)

  • Added: Full-featured Dialog added for selecting RealDrums. Previously, RealDrums were selected from a single popup menu. Now there is a dialog, listing all RealDrums, with filtering, sorting by column, information (name, genres, time sig, feel, tempo range,), memos, user editable memos, favorite lists and more. You can preview new RealDrums by double clicking, loading only the new real drums. Audition button will play the solo RealDrums, from the site, so that you can hear RealDrums that you haven’t bought yet.
  • Added: Support for all slash chords in bass styles. For example, Gm7b5/Db, CMaj9/E etc.
  • Added: RealTracks and RealDrums can be generated live during playback, and resume when completed. For example, play a song, and change the RealTrack as it is playing, and then resumes from the current point, by just regenerating the single track.
  • Added: ability to set a song to 'no regeneration’. Right click on Combo has setting 'Song changed, needs regeneration'. Then replay will just replay the song. This isn’t a permanent setting, but is a handy one to prevent a regeneration when you have only made a small change.
  • Added: You can now cancel the generation of the song (or RealTracks) by pressing the Escape key as the song is generating.
  • Added: Melody and Soloist tracks can have RealTracks assigned, and when they do, they will generate when PLAY is pressed, just like the other tracks
  • Added: StylePicker Load Song demo now plays song for RealTracks too (Escape Cancels)
  • Added: Ability to replay a song without regenerating arrangement. Shift click on Replay will play and never regenerate the song, even if chords have changed
  • Added: RealDrums and RealTracks custom folder names are now directly editable, so you can quickly type them in instead of waiting for the folder dialog to open.
  • Fixed: Songs with "start ending 2 bars early" were not jumping to end bar in certain cases
  • Fixed: Recommendation for tempo range of RealTracks
  • Fixed: Melody and Soloist green color at the top of the screen for RealTracks
  • Added: RealDrums name displayed at top of RealDrums dialog, including tempo that will be used
  • Added: RealTracks progress visible in StylePicker window
  • Fixed: Visiting the render dialog and exiting it will not force a regeneration of song on next playback.
  • Added: Notification added if RealTracks or RealDrums are disabled, and you to try to generate RealDrums or RealTracks
  • Added: Help file updated
  • Fixed: Stylepicker search now works for non-English versions + other international fixes
  • Improved: Support for 800x600 in RealTracks Assign dialog
  • Improved: Preview (Audition) improved in RealTracks, if no preview in \RealTracks- demos\ then will play a WMA from the RealTracks folder
  • Changed: Preview button renamed to Audition
  • Added: Shift Click on Audition button in RealTracks assign or RealDrums opens up the related folder.
  • Added: Hotkeys added for RealTracks assign dialog
  • Fixed: Notation stem direction for a note on middle staff line – now is stem down
  • Added: Developers listed in about box
  • Improved: RealSax Soloists now "more soulful" treat the V major chord like V7
  • Added: Edit - Song Setting added for "Bluesy" feel to soloists. if set, jazzy soloists will play more bluesy, by using a flatted 7th instead of major 7th. So if you type major triads for a song, but want any soloists to play as if they were dominant 7ths, use this setting.
  • Added: 5 new "Bluesy" variations of RealTracks (these soloists will always treat a major triad like a dominant 7th)
    Sax, Tenor, HipHop Rock Sw 100 (Bluesy)
    Sax, Tenor, Jazz Sw 140 (Bluesy)
    Sax, Tenor, Motown Rock Ev 120 (Bluesy)
    Guitar, Electric, Soloist Train Pickin' Ev 130 (Bluesy)
    Guitar, Slide, Soloist Blues Sw 120 (Bluesy)
  • Added: User Memos added for RealTracks. Type in your own comments, and memos, and you can also filter by these comments. For example, if you put the word “awesome" on one, you can search for that word later.
  • Added: Improved Memos supplied for RealTracks.
  • Added: Audition Demos of RealTracks and RealDrums that you don’t have by pressing Audition button and then the file will stream from the web.
  • Fixed: Occasional instance of "Unable to load WAV file"

Summary of Changes for Build 260 (May 21, 2008)

  • Fixed (build 260): Audio_Stretched.WAV file was getting written during render.
  • Fixed (build 260): RealDrums were making a brief sound during rests.
  • Improved (build 260): Limit for unique styles in stylepicker increased from 5,000 to 8,000 (PG Music has made about 3,000 styles).
  • Fixed (build 260): Was not switching from 'a' substyle to 'b' substyle in RealBass fast enough on new choruses.
  • Added (build 260): Clear ALL button added to the RealTracks Assign dialog, which removes all RealTracks assignements.
  • Added (build 260): On first time bootup (first 2 bootups) , offer is made to Archive WAV files, if program resides on C:\ drive and 'RPS001.WAV' exists in RealTracks folder.
  • Added (build 260): Archive function in RealTracks and RealDrums dialogs offers to archive the other folder as well.
  • Updated (build 260): More info added to StylePicker, RealTracks styles.
  • Improved (build 259): Faster Generation of RealTracks. The time it takes to generate the RealTracks is now 3X faster.
  • Improved (build 259): "Waveless" Much smaller size, only uses 1/8 of the hard drive space compared to previous! RealTracks and RealDrums no longer need WAV files – they can use WMA natively. This frees up huge amounts of your hard drive, so that the RealDrums and RealTracks take up only 1 /8 of the space that they used to take! Handy "Archive" function will remove the no-longer-needed WAV files with a single-click. Since you can free up hard drive space previously occupied by RealDrums and RealTracks WAV files, many users will find that the new version uses up much less hard drive space than previous versions.
  • Improved (build 259): Tempo stretching quality much improved. Now the RealTracks sound great over a much wider tempo range, typically -15 and +40 beats per minute.
  • New (build 259): Stereo panning available for the Realtracks. Previous version was mono.
  • New (build 259): Automatic prevention of audio clipping (new Float mixing and PeakLimiter added)
  • New (build 259): RealStyles™ available - these are styles that all "Real", with no MIDI. Up to 7 RealInstruments at once in a single style!
  • Improved: Improved transitions for RealTracks (Pops/Clicks removed)
  • New (build 259): Right click menu available for each part in BB (bass, drums, piano, guitar, strings), allowing you to quickly assign a RealTracks, ( or RealDrums) to that part, and other functions like mute, solo, save single track etc.
  • New (build 259): RealTracks browser dialog, showing comprehensive information about the RealTracks, including name, genre, feel, tempo, type, demos, and preview. Lists can be sorted or filtered by any column.
  • New (build 259): Easily save a style (.STY) with RealTracks, directly from the main screen ("save what you hear" as a style)
  • Improved: RealTracks work for Rests and Shots.
  • Improved: Endings are now present in RealTracks.
  • New (build 259): Name of Realtracks or RealDrums displayed for each part at top of screen
  • New (build 259): Right click on a part to save that single track to disk as a WAV file.
  • New (build 259): RealTracks demos now present in RealTracks – demos folder, and can be opened from the stylePicker.
  • New (build 259): Real Tracks Preview function to hear how RealTracks will sound, without losing your current song.
  • New (build 259): Ability to time shift a RealTracks by certain amount, to achieve more laid-back playing for example.
  • Added (build 259): Variations of RealTracks can be made, for things like a simpler type of soloing, or certain variations.
  • Added (build 259): RealTracks can have multiple substyles. For example, the Jazz Acoustic Bass plays ‘2’ feel in ‘a’ substyle, and ‘4’ in ‘b’ section.
  • Added (build 259): Soloists can solo over different chords than the chords of the song. For example, the Metal Guitar Soloist can have a tonal center controlled by the user, different than the song chords. So that the Metal Guitar can be soloing over a G chord, while the chords of the song are G F G Bb for exmple.
  • Added (build 259): "Crescendo" Soloing can be generated for some RealTracks, that has the intensity of the solo building up with flashiest part of the solos played as the solo builds.
  • Improved (build 259): Musicality of the solo phrasing improved, phrasing much closer to human.
  • Improved (build 259): Real Tracks button added to Soloist dialog, with color coding to allow quick access to RealTracks.
  • Improved (build 259): RealTracks folders now have descriptive names. Instead of cryptic names like RacG001, they have names like "Guitar, Electric, Soloist Cowboy Ev 165"
  • Improved (build 259): Bass track can now play RealTracks.
  • Improved (build 259): StyleMaker lists RealTracks names on main screen.
  • Improved (build 259): Non English versions will work with newest RealTracks without a new translation of Soloist list (Default.SOL file)
  • New (build 259): Archive and Install WAV buttons, to control use of WAV files for RealDrums and RealTracks. WAV files are no longer needed, as the program can use the much smaller WMA files. But if you prefer to use WAV files (slightly higher fidelity and slightly faster operation), you can install or archive them on a global or folder by folder basis with these commands.
  • Added (build 259): Tempo stretching custom methods added to Audio menu (for Audio track), to allow your own audio tracks to tempo stretch with high quality.
  • Improved (build 259): Many messages that used to require user input (pressing OK) have now been changed to Flash Messages that display on screen for a certain period of time, not requiring any user action.
  • Improved (build 259): Fadeouts on songs longer than 255 bars
  • Improved (build 259): Audio track now renders to WAV file at user specified tempo.
  • Improved (build 259): Multibar RealDrums patterns were sometimes split when it wasn't necessary/appropriate to do that.

Summary of Changes for Build 257 (January 17, 2008)

  • Added: .MGU file sizes are not so large when F5 volume changes are added to your song.
  • Added: Build number now saved with the song, starting with build 257.
  • Added: Prefs-Overrides now has a section for song defaults, which allows selecting default for Allow Embellishments and Vary Style in Middle Choruses. ‘Jazz’ and ‘Pop/Country’ buttons are available to set these.
  • Fixed: When you DXi-Direct Rendered to wave a song with RealDrums and/or RealTracks, with 'One WAV file per track' checked, and 'Include Lead-in Bars' unchecked, the RealDrums and RealTracks wave files still included the lead-in bars.
  • Fixed: MultiStyles - A song that started with substyle C or D would only play with the correct substyle in the 2nd and 3rd choruses if the first chorus ended with substyle A or B.
  • Improved: When DXi-Direct Rendering with 'One WAV file per track' checked, if your song has RealDrums, you no longer get a second (empty) Render_Drums wave file.
  • Fixed: If you muted all of the tracks except for RealTracks and DXi-Direct Render (one wave file per track unchecked), the rendered wave file was empty.
  • Fixed: Small typo in the RealDrums tool tip.
  • Fixed: The flash message tip - "No notation will show up because it is a RealTrack" is no longer displayed for any notation track that has no notes in it.
  • Fixed: If the only change you make to a file is recording a melody (and keeping take), the program didn't prompt you with the 'song has changed, save it' dialog.
  • Fixed: 'What add-ons do I have' incorrectly reported that you have Styles39 installed if you have Styles38 (but not 39).
  • Added: Practice Window now looks for programs on other drives than C:\
  • Fixed: If you had a long intro without part markers, Band-in-a-Box® was sometimes unable to pick a RealDrums pattern when it should be able to.
  • Fixed: With 'Snap to Gridlines' disabled in the Notation Window Options dialog, the notes still snapped to the gridlines.
  • Fixed: In the Practice Window, when a program shows as N/A because you haven't installed it to the default location, you will now be prompted to locate the file.
  • Fixed: The Practice Window sometimes wasn't finding the Video Guitar Lessons.

Summary of Changes for Build 256 (January 2, 2008)

  • Fixed: Multistyle wasn't changing in certain combinations (c/d going to a/b in a new chorus).
  • Fixed: RealDrums sometimes played out of sync when there were time signature changes in a song.
  • Improved: RealTracks "tempo stretching" has been improved (RealTracks quality at tempos different than the base tempo). Note: for this feature, the bt0 files in Realtracks directory must be 12/30/07 or newer. The patch will install newer bt0 files to your RealTracks folder.

Summary of Changes for Build 255 (December 21, 2007)

  • Fixed: If Soloist-More-'Trigger Solo Playback Early was set to false, RealTracks generation could cause an endless loop.
  • Fixed: StyleChanges followed by a bar with 2 chords, AND a push on the 2nd chord could have bad timing for a few bars.
  • Fixed: When favor brushes was selected in RealDrums Preferences, if a RealDrums had variations but none had brushes, a 'RealDrums not found' message was shown.
  • Added: RealDrums substitutions are now available for RealTracks styles (styles beginning with '=').
  • Fixed: RealDrums style changes were sometimes not happening when there was a RealDrums style change to a different variation of the same wave file, with no MIDI style change).
  • Added: RealDrums feature for 4's styles: WAVFileFillsMustPlayOnSongFills=0.
  • Added: What Add-Ons dialog reports on RealDrums, with names of RealDrums Sets installed.
  • Added: Songs saved with a different filename are now added to recent files list (favorite files).
  • Fixed: Error message sometimes occurred when rebuilding SongPicker.
  • Updated: ReaDrums menu look has been improved.
  • Updated: Help file and manual updated.
  • Updated: Some styles and demo songs will be updated if you have them installed.

Summary of Changes for Build 253 (December 10, 2007)

  • Added: Rendering to separate files implemented for RealTracks. To do this, press the WAV button and select One WAV file per Track. You will then get separate wave files for all RealTracks with names like "MySong_Render_RealTrack_Guitar.WAV"
  • Added: KaraokeBMP folder can now hold JPG as well (for background of Karaoke files).
  • Improved: RealTracks transitions and overall sound quality improved!
  • Improved: StylePicker improvements, including 'Styles with RealTracks' category along with styles and demo songs.
  • Added: Volume controls (F5 bar settings dialog) now work for RealTracks and Audio track.
  • Added: Option in File-Save w/patches setting to "Always Save all mixer settings" Note: default for this option is false.
  • Fixed: Page turning if section paragraphs feature was disabled.
  • Fixed: Notation display problem when changing key signatures.
  • Fixed: Slowing tempo of Karaoke files didn't slow the Kar lyric display.
  • Fixed: Audio Edit window display erratic in a song with multiple tempos.
  • Fixed: Lyrics "Enter Key" entry bug where enter key wasn't saving the lyric entered.
  • Fixed: Fixed stylepicker problem, if an ls3 file didn't end with a carriage return.
  • Fixed: Problem selecting styles from the RD menu if there were over 1000 menu items.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated December 5, 2008

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2007 Update to 2007.5 Build 242 (16 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® Version 2007 to Band-in-a-Box® 2007.5 Build 242. This version has many new features and enhancements since 2007! The update includes all of the changes in previous Band-in-a-Box® 2007 updates. Please note that you must have Band-in-a-Box® Version 2007 or 2007.5 installed in order for this update to work.

RealDrums style updates.

Summary of Changes for Build 242 (September 24, 2007)

  • Fixed Bug with Live Drums that caused some MIDI styles to play incorrectly.

Summary of Changes for Build 239 (September 24, 2007)

  • Fixed: Missing text on buttons when using custom filename or browse folder dialogs.

Summary of Changes for Build 238 (August 23, 2007)

  • Improved: Timing of RealDrums pushes, rests, and shots in some cases.
  • Improved: Synchronization of RealDrums if relocating to different parts of a song.
  • Improved: RealDrums tracking of multiple tempo changes within a song.
  • Added: 'Barsallowed' feature supported for RealDrums stylemaking (similar to barsblocked feature).
  • Fixed: Reharmonist was changing melody patches in some cases.
  • Fixed: Correct Key signature when multiple key signatures present in a MIDI file.
  • Fixed: In a few cases, RealDrums Install button would decompress non-RealDrums files.

Summary of Changes for Build 237 (June 18, 2007)

  • Added: New RealDrums ("minus sign") styles, includes styles for Sets 67 and 68 (only applicable if you already have those Styles Sets installed).
  • Updated: a_pgmusic.ds file updated with entries for RealDrums 6-10 (so they get chosen automatically for appropriate styles)
  • Fixed: Choosing an alternate folder for drums improved.
  • Fixed: RealDrums menu was sometimes a single tall menu.
  • Fixed: "RD" button always enabled now in the RD dialog
  • Fixed: In RealDrums dialog, was somtimes showing other files (e.g.SEQ files) when pressing RD Demo button
  • Added: Strings added for international versions.
  • Updated: BBW.LST file updated so that more RealDrums Styles can be chosen directly from the StylePicker.

Summary of Changes for Build 236 (June 15, 2007)

  • Added: “Favor Brushes", “Favor Sticks" settings. When selecting RealDrums styles to use for a style, BB will use your preferences for brushes and sticks. For example, if you choose “Favor Brushes", BB will always choose from among variations that include brushes (when available).
  • Added: RealDrums Variations of instruments with each play. Most RealDrums styles (starting with RealDrums set 5) contain may instrument variations (brushes vs. Sticks, HiHat vs. Ride Cymbal, Percussion only etc.). Now, by selecting Prefs-Real Drum Settings – choose different Variations with each play, you can hear a different variation each time play is pressed, so the song sounds fresh each time. One time you’ll hear it with “brushes", the next time with sticks and ride cymbals, etc. This can be done in a number of ways. 1-RealDrums style saved with a song ('File-Save with patches' dialog), 2-RealDrums style saved with the StyleMaker, or 2-Global option in the RealDrums dialog.
  • Added: RealDrums Compatible song/style finder. In the RealDrums Settings dialog, there are now buttons that will, for a chosen RealDrums style, enable you to (1) play the RealDrums demo song, (2) show a menu of BB styles that would work with the Real Drum style and (3) play a song demo of various BB styles that work with the Real Drum style. N/A is shown for styles that are available from PG Music but that you do not have. N/A is shown for styles that are available from PG Music but that you do not have.
  • Added: Clear Button added to the RealDrums Dialog.
  • Added: Selectable Folder for your RealDrums styles. Now you can choose any folder (e.g. e:\Drums) for your RealDrums. This allows you to, for example, conserve space on your C:\ drive.
  • Added: 'Install' button in the RealDrums dialog that will prepare any RealDrums audio files in the Drums folder by converting them from WMA or MP3 to wave.
  • Added: RealDrums feature that checks if the tempo of the RD style you are loading is in the appropriate tempo range for your song, and warns you if it isn't. It will give you the warning if the song tempo is more than 10 BPM slower than the slowest RD style, or 50 BPM faster than the fastest RD style, in which case it may sound poor.
  • Added: RealDrums styles can now have 2 separate feels, for example Bossa and Swing, with different push amounts, and custom fills for transitioning between substyles.
  • Added: People making their own styles benefit from the Developer Mode, that outputs TXT files with information about their style-in-progress. Now they can render a batch of songs, which will all save separate TXT files, useful for analyzing their styles. Also, Bars Blocked limit increased to 2,000 bars.
  • Improved: In the Style picker, when choosing “Song Demo", the melody patch used will be the one from the demo, even if you’ve set “Change Melody Patches" in the dialog. This insures that you’ll always hear the correct melody instrument for the demo.
  • Improved: Improved Vista support – Recording panel button opens up the Vista Sound Control Panel, with tips on enabling/disabling microphone/line-in recordings.
  • Added: Audio Chord Wizard version 2.1. Better detection of chords, bar lines, and tempos.
  • Improved: Audio Chord Wizard - 2 chords per bar can now be detected (previously only 1 per bar).
  • Improved: Audio Chord Wizard - Faster chord interpretation and scrolling.
  • Improved: Audio Chord Wizard - No requirement to “Set Bar 1" as the first bar line. Can renumber bars at any time. Automatically attempts to find a valid Bar One location.
  • Added: Audio Chord Wizard - Hotkeys (and remote control support) added to navigate around the song.
  • Improved: 'Set Bar One' function more accurately estimates bar lines throughout the entire song.
  • Added: Tap F8 or enter to set bar line locations. Often 2 taps are enough for the entire song.
  • Added: Help button and menu to access documentation directly from the Audio Chord Wizard.
  • Added: Right-click item for individually changing the time signature of one or more bars. This feature never moves barlines, just re-interprets inside selected bars.
  • Added: New Audio Chord Wizard utility dialog that allows you to generate and remove tempo maps. After using the Audio Chord Wizard for an MP3 (or auther audio) file, an automatic tempo map is created, so that the MIDI styles in Band-in-a-Box® sync to the Audio File for the whole song. This allows you to remix an existing MP3, by adding a BB style to the MP3. For example, add strings or congas to an existing song, (or a trumpet solo, or chord reharmonization etc.) and they stay in sync for the whole song, and can be all played or rendered to a WAV file. The tempo map can be added, removed, re-added etc. from the song at any time.
  • Added: Audio Chord Wizard utility - Automatic detection of key signature based on the chords only. This is useful for a song from the Audio Chord Wizard, where you forgot to set the key signature or for any song without the key signature set.
  • Added: Audio Chord Wizard Utilities dialog added, with handy options to 1. Make/Remove tempo map in Band-in-a-Box® 2. Remove audio file from song 3.Auto-set Key signature, with button present in the Audio Chord Wizard (4) enable/disable the BB MIDI style.
  • Improved: Bar One Drawn More-Bold, easier to identify.
  • Improved: Set Bar One is automatically applied to the first F8 or Enter Key press, if Bar One has not already been set by the user. Set Bar One is automatically applied to the first Mouse-Dragged Barline, if Bar One has not already been set by the user.
  • Added: Audio Chord Wizard - Right-Click menu option "Reset Barlines". This clears all the user's barline edits, and performs the equivalent of a Set Bar One on wherever the current Bar One location happens to be.
  • Added: Kill Audio File now gives a message informing that you need to save the file to completely remove it.
  • Added: Support for Styles Sets 67-68.
  • Added: Support for Soloist Sets 19-20.
  • Added: Support for RealDrums Sets 6-10.
  • Updated: Help file and manual updated, including improved Audio Chord Wizard documentation.

Summary of Changes for Build 235 (May 2, 2007)

  • Fixed: Memo in progress was being lost when going into the Stylemaker.
  • Updated: Only applicable if you have RealDrums Sets 4 and 5: StylePicker allows you to choose RealDrums styles from Sets 4 and 5. BBW.LST updated, and many demo songs and "minus sign" styles (Band-in-a-Box® styles that have RealDrums assigned to them) have been added.

Summary of Changes for Build 234 (May 2, 2007)

  • Added: Support for RealDrums Sets 4 and higher, which include Variations within RealDrums styles, allowing the user to choose between different drum kits, for example "Brushes", "Ride", "HiHat", and "Congas".
  • Improved: Menus in the Practice Window support up to 2000 menu items by having "More" submenus.
  • Improved: Bass track in C_Boogie.sty has been improved (only applicable if you already have this style).

Summary of Changes for Build 233 (March 8, 2007)

  • Added: You can now mute an audio track by right-clicking 'Audio' in the instrument panel at the top of the screen.
  • Improved: Audio status is shown in the instrument panel. Audio label is either displayed white (no audio track), yellow (audio track present), or red (audio track muted).
  • Added: Fly-by help hint added for audio label in instrument panel.
  • Fixed: For songs without 2-bar endings, RealDrums volume changes were not working correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed: Error when selecting 'Line-based lyrics | Auto-update all songs in folder to note-based lyrics'.
  • Added: Audio Chord Wizard - Right-click menu item "Estimate Tuning". Right-Click "Estimate Tuning" on a bar, and it attempts to find the pitch tuning of that bar. Then a dialog is presented giving the pitch estimate in cents (100ths of a semitone), a confidence rating. The results dialogs gives an opportunity to either Accept the Tuning Estimate (set the ACW Tuning control to that value), or to Cancel and not accept the Estimate. This feature improves chord detection accuracy on many songs. Note: The Tuning Estimation only works on one bar, because analysis of larger sections would take a very long time.
  • Improved: Audio Chord Wizard - Harmonic/Chord analysis has been accelerated. ACW should analyze audio and draw the screen updates two or three times faster than previous versions.
  • Improved: Audio Chord Wizard - Chord Symbols are resized to fit the bar-space when the view is zoomed-out.
  • Improved: Audio Chord Wizard - Saved bar information is now imported back from Band-in-a-Box®. When the user returns the chords to BIAB and saves the song, BIAB saves information about the Bar One location and edited Bar locations inside the song file. If the user later re-opens the saved song into ACW, ACW will now load the saved Bar One and Bar Edits from the previous session. So a song can be re-opened into ACW, the bar locations further refined, and then the updated chord and tempo-map information can be sent back to BIAB.

Summary of Changes for Build 232 (March 1, 2007)

  • Improved: On Windows Vista, MS GS Wavetable latency is auto-set to 205ms (instead of 120 which is what XP wants).
  • Added: Registrations of FileTypes (MGU etc.) includes a message about disabling UserAccountControl - a needed step if the Registry is write protected under Vista.
  • Added: Information about installing DXi synth plugins is provided if no DXi Synths are found.
  • Improved: Opt. Return to Factory Settings (option 2 - return ALL..) now returns DXi/DX/VSTi/VST settings to factory defaults.

Summary of Changes for Build 231 (February 14, 2007)

  • Fixed: Help file display under Windows Vista. New Help file included (BBV.CHM, instead of BBW.HLP). This is included for compatibility with Vista, since Vista doesn't currently display HLP files.
  • Added: RealDrum styles WAV files can now be mono WAV files (in addition to stereo).
  • Fixed: Timing problem with a few RealDrum styles (note: this bug was present on build 229/230 only).
  • Fixed: RealDrum Volume problem (note: issue was present only on build 229).
  • Improved: RealDrums timing has been slightly improved in other styles as well.
  • Added: Style txt files now support dbAdjustA= and dbADjustB= settings, for custom volumes for substyles. Note : if using these features, make sure that dbAdjust=0 (or whatever global adjustment you want) follows the dbAdjustA or dbAdjustB lines, to ensure compatibility with versions prior to build 230. Example:
    ;CORRECT this boosts 'a' substyle by 3db and b substyle by 4 db!
    dbAdjust=0 ; this line is needed for compatibility with versions prior to build 230
  • Fixed: Audio Render sometimes had silence at the beginning of the rendered file.
  • Added: This adds the ability to record audio while using a DXi synth, without re-routing the MIDI to the MIDI Driver.
  • Fixed: Timing issue when recording with large ASIO buffers, and a timing issue when punching-in with large ASIO buffers.
  • Fixed: Humming issue when recording, or occasionally with RealDrums playback.
  • Added: Soundtrack rendering to MP3.
  • Updated: Band-in-a-Box® 2007 PDF manual.

Summary of Changes for Build 228 (January 17, 2007)

  • Fixed: Piano roll crash div by zero error on foreign language versions.
  • Fixed: Conductor looping bug, when looping at a certain point with RealDrums. If conductor was set to trigger loop at the next part marker, the RealDrums would loop back to the beginning of the song.
  • Fixed: In some specific cases, section text didn't show up in the lead sheet window (For example, in Fakesheet mode if there was only one text event and you were not displaying staff lines).
  • Fixed: Disappearing note stems if not printing chord symbols, or not showing chords on leadsheet.
  • Fixed: Render to wave problems when song had an audio track and 'adjust audio track volume' set to negative value.
  • Fixed: Left/right arrow key bug when entering line-based lyrics.
  • Fixed: 'Could not stop wave input' when recording punch-in, using MME drivers.
  • Fixed: Recorded audio played back early if using a stereo audio track and no lead-in.
  • Fixed: Error when generating audio harmonies for part of song when using stereo audio track.
  • Fixed: Error when using non-realtime audio effects on stereo audio track.
  • Fixed: Deferred live loop bug with realdrums.
  • Fixed: A few synths were missing from the Synth/sound card menu in MIDI Driver Setup.
  • Fixed: Link to open the Guitar Chord Dictionary from Practice window was defaulting to the wrong .exe.
  • Improved: Record Audio now remembers the last record mode (ie start of song vs. from bar #).
  • Fixed: Help file not displaying certain topics on notation window.
  • Fixed: Audio and RealDrums were off by 2 bars in rendered wave file if lead-in was unchecked, and not using a DXi synth.
  • Fixed: Batch rendering of audio files can be done for MP3 and WMA files (in addition to wave).

Summary of Changes for Build 227 (December 15, 2006)

  • Added: When you save a MIDI file, BB will auto-create a wave file for the RealDrum track, making it easier to import your song into a sequencer. This setting is in the MIDI file options dialog.
  • Enhanced: Pressing RD button to get list of RealDrums now displays the menu every time (previously required the button to get held down the first time).
  • Enhanced: dbl-click on fav-folder dialog opens the folder.
  • Added: Many new fly-by help hints.
  • Enhanced: ASIO Drivers dialog now has an option to suppress warnings about untested cards.
  • Enhanced: When playing at half-speed, better method of slowing down drums (optional, setting in RealDrums).
  • Added: Strings are externazlied to enable foreign language translations.
  • Fixed: Guitar chord diagrams weren't displaying properly.
  • Fixed: Sync problem in following case: Using RealDrums + RelativeTempoChanges in song (%) + jumping around the song with conductor or play from = Out_Of_Sync.
  • Fixed: THRU Channel now resets to 5 on bootup only if it is conflicting with one of the main parts (bass/drums/piano/guitar/strings/melody/soloist).
  • Fixed: Only one copy of BBW.EXE is allowed to be running at a time (multiple instances had been opening up in certain cases).
  • Fixed: Cursor keys weren't working when notation window was opened, until you clicked on the notation window.
  • Fixed: Small memory leak (4K every time play was pressed) when using ASIO.
  • Fixed: Help | Display Program Manual
  • Updated: Misc. additions to BB2007 upgrade manual.
  • Fixed: .STY not found errors when opening some RealDrum demo songs.
  • Fixed: Minor issue with RealDrums Reggae styles.
  • Fixed: Latency Adjust feature could cause all track volumes to be set to 0.
  • Added: Complete advanced tutorial on creating RealDrums styles added to help file.

Summary of Changes for Build 226 (December 4, 2006)

  • Enhanced: Print-Preview. With Save as Graphics file, you can now specify pixel size of graphic, and you are able to view the resulting graphic after save. Also, when saving multiple pages, you get a message about where it has been saved, and can view the first page.
  • Enhanced: RealDrums. For developers (making their own RealDrum styles), there is now a 'Developer mode'. When this is set (as a checkbox in the Prefs-RealDrum settings dialog), any mistakes/typos in the _style.txt file will be displayed, and a detailed DrumAudioResults.txt file will show what pattern was chosen at every bar, and more information. RealDrums style.txt files can now have pascal style comments in them ie. instead of "0,4,5" you can now put "0,4{put a comment like this},5". Typos or unreocognized (future) features won't cause a message to be displayed unless DeveloperMode is true.
  • Fixed: RealDrums. Errors were displaying when switching between Fast reggae and slow reggae style (and same for countryEvenReduced/CountryEven8), ie when a double time feature was used in the WAV file.
  • Fixed: File not found problem when running programs like 'Brent Mason' from the Practice Window.
  • Fixed: Fakesheet 'show ending bars' option.
  • Fixed: Line lyrics were triggering notation options dialog when certain keys were pressed.

Summary of Changes for Build 225 (November 28, 2006)

  • Fixed: Windows 98/ME compatibility.
  • Added: Slash chords were correct in the Audio Chord Wizard screen, but had the wrong roots inside BBW.

Summary of Changes for Build 224 (November 27, 2006)

  • Fixed: Audio Chord Wizard wasn't recognizing some minor chords properly.
  • Improved Progress bars added to Audio Chord Wizard.
  • Added: Band-in-a-Box® 2007 tips added to tip-of-the-day windows.
  • Fixed: Help buttons in dialogs weren't working.
  • Fixed: Captions and hints fixed for the new buttons on the toolbar.
  • Updated: Help file updated.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated December 5, 2008

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BBW.LST (StylePicker) Update for Band-in-a-Box® 2007

Because of StylePicker improvements in 2008, the most current bbw.lst file (style description file) cannot be used with 2007 and earlier versions. This will install a bbw.lst file for Band-in-a-Box® 2007 that will recognize the styles released with Band-in-a-Box® 2008 and higher (Styles Set 69 and higher - current to Styles Set 77). You would only need to use this installer if you have Band-in-a-Box® 2007 and purchased a new styles set (#69 or above). If you have Band-in-a-Box® 2008 or 2009, you don't need this patch; Download the latest update patch for Band-in-a-Box® 2008 or 2009 instead (above).

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated December 30, 2008

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2006 Update--Build 224 (14 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® Version 2006 to Build 224, and includes all the fixes in previous Band-in-a-Box® 2006 updates. Please note that you must have Band-in-a-Box® Version 2006 installed in order for this update to work.

Summary of Changes for Build 224 (March 5, 2007)

  • Fixed: Help file updated to work on Windows Vista. This is a .chm file (html based) rather than .hlp, since Vista dropped built-in support for .hlp files. This is the only change since build 220. Click here if you would prefer to download build 220, which uses the .hlp format.

Summary of Changes for Build 220 (June 20, 2006)

  • Added: Support for all of the latest Band-in-a-Box® Styles, Soloists, and Melodists available from PG Music Inc.
  • Fixed: When drum lead-in was set to play patterns, sometimes played a fill on bar 1 when styles were live drums.
  • Added: Better support for Bandstand, and other synths that take time to load new patches. See the files 'UsingBandstandWithBIAB.pdf' and 'ReadmeBandstand.txt' in the folder c:\bb\Bandstand Technical Notes.
  • Changed: '0' to delete a pattern in StyleMaker now requires a confirmation dialog. Delete key still doesn't.
  • Fixed: In the StyleMaker, added a "style has changed" reminder when notation has been edited or just the pattern weight has been changed.
  • Added: Option to set a style to use riff voicings that are a simple transposition, instead of mapping to chord tones. This is set in Miscellaneous-Riff voicings use chord tones. If you de-select this, the style would simply transpose a riff-based voicing (for piano/guitar/strings) instead of mapping it to chord tones. You can also force EVERY style to map riff-based patterns in this way, by putting a file called 'RIFF12.TXT' in the folder. If you do this, all patterns that are set to riff-based voicing will simply be transposed instead of mapped to chord tones. Note: riff-based voicing is a rarely used setting, and this likely affects less than 1% of styles.
  • Fixed: Occasional problem when style used live drums, the intro was set to play drum patterns, and there were pushes present in bar 1 or bar 2 (the drums would be silent for awhile).
  • Fixed: Piano Roll now displays drum patch names instead of instrument patches when viewing the drum track.
  • Fixed: Melodist Editor - 'SET' button was obscured by the chorus combo box.
  • Updated: This patch includes the most recent bbw.lst (style list file), default.sol (Soloist definition file), default.mel (melodist definition file), BIAB 2006 help file, and BIAB 2006 manual.

Summary of Changes for Build 212 (February 23, 2006)

  • Improved: StylePicker limit now increased from 4,800 to 7,200 styles. The stylelist file is now called bbw7k.lsw instead of bbw.lsw (note: PG Music uses about 3,300 of those style names, so you have room for 3,900 styles from third parties.
  • Fixed: After Edit-Unfold, program not alerting to "file has changed".
  • Fixed: After Melody-Quantize, program not alerting to "file has changed".
  • Fixed: Melody Quantize not working for partial song, was only working for full song.
  • Fixed: when the "include patch changes in MIDI files" setting was disabled, controller 0 and 32 bank changes were still being included in the MIDI File.
  • Improved: StyleMaker, drum editor: small improvement in alternate notes velocity (now rounded off to nearest 18, instead of truncated). Note that the alternate notes need to be rounded off to nearest velocity of 18, due to file format compatibility with earlier versions. So if you enter an alternate velcity of 93, you'll get 90 (18*5).
  • Fixed: DirectX Window would sometimes be on-top of dialogs which were popped up by hosted plugins, making it impossible to read or respond to the dialog, appearing to hang the program. The DirectX Window is now at the same window level as the standalone Piano Roll or standalone Audio Edit window, and shouldn't obscure dialogs any more. The behavior of the DirectX window will be slightly different now, since you could conceivably completely cover up the DirectX window with some other Band-in-a-Box® window such as the standalone PianoRoll window. But this is nothing new in multi-window programs. If you have a lot of floating windows, just move them around onscreen until you can see a little bit of each window, so you can click on each one to bring it to the front.
  • Fixed: Long-standing intermittent 'DX crash on exit' bug which afflicts some folks some of the time. It seemed most likely when Exiting Band-in-a-Box® with the DirectX window open. Some plugins were more apt to cause the problem, and it was reported that VSC DXi (and VSC VSTi) were perhaps more likely to show this problem than the average plugin.
  • Fixed: Notation slur divide-by-zero which can occur only on rare instances of deleting a slurred note, if the slur is very short-duration.

Summary of Changes for Build 210 (February 20, 2006)

  • Fixed: Notation paste bug, where subsequent pastes could go to the wrong place.
  • Added: The mouse cursor will jump to the default button in dialogs, as long as you have set the Control Panel – Mouse – Pointer Options - to “Snap to" the default button in the dialog (The location of this setting may vary depending on the kind of mouse you have. It is sometimes found at Control Panel – Mouse – Motion – Smart Move).
  • Fixed: When you Batch Rendered MIDI files and selected "Name MIDI file based on song Title", each MIDI file used the title of the previous song for the MIDI file name.
  • Fixed: When you have 'send notes to notation window' enabled in the guitar settings window, you can click on the fretboard to input the notes into the notation window. However, this wasn't working for open strings.
  • Fixed: When you selected zzjazzsw.sty in the StylePicker, it loaded zzjazz instead.

Summary of Changes for Build 208 (February 9, 2006)

  • Improved: The main change in build 208 is that the appearance of the dialog boxes have been improved (standard Windows fonts and sizing, alignment and spacing of text and buttons, etc).
  • Fixed: If a key sig was sharp, such as F#, and you transposed the notation up or down by a multiple of 12 (or -12,) then it would make the key sig flat such as Gb.
  • Fixed: File extension is now ensured to be ".WAV" when choosing a target file in the Render to Audio File dialog.
  • Fixed: If pressing the event editor button within the notation window in StyleMaker edit mode, the title bar for the Event List would say that the track is "Thru".
  • Fixed: Ties were occasionally mis-drawn in beats that were using high resolution notes (32nd notes etc.)
  • Fixed: Notation - inserting a rest only deleted some of the notes from the peg.
  • Fixed: Notation - undoing a rest insertion did not restore removed notes.
  • Updated: BIAB 2006 is now ready for international (non-English) versions.

Summary of Changes for Build 204 (January 25 2006)

  • Fixed: Problem with Section Text sometimes bunching-up toward the beginning of a row in FakeSheet mode.
  • Fixed: Possible crash in the Leadsheet window when loading in a new song as current song was playing an ending.
  • Fixed: Notation bug in which the Coda symbol was not being displayed at the destination bar location after the jump occurs.
  • Fixed: Problems with hard (manually inserted) rests sometimes making the notation display go haywire at that bar.
  • Fixed: Print Preview 'PrintPage' bug in which if the print options were set to just the First Chorus, PrintPage was printing beyond the 1st Chorus if 1st Chorus was shorter than 1 page.
  • Fixed: 'Repeats and Endings' item has been added back to the right-click menu in the chord sheet.

Summary of Changes for Build 202 (January 20 2006)

  • Fixed: The 'Notation | 'Notation/Edit/note-roll mode' menu item did not work, nor did CTRL-ALT-N.
  • Fixed: The chord C#m played incorrectly in Ukulele styles.
  • Fixed: All 5,624 existing chord definitions for Guitar, Ukulele, Banjo, and Mandolin have been checked for accuracy and fixed where necessary.
  • Fixed: Aug chord problem. BIAB occasionally played a major chord instead of Augmented - typically happened after a series of aug chords had been played.
  • Fixed: There was a glitch between loops when you were using a DXi synth with the Conductor Window.
  • Fixed: Classical Soloists #159 through 162 were incorrectly assigned to a Jazz Swing database. They are now assigned to Class_16.ST2.
  • Fixed: Soloist #18 was the same as #14. Soloist #18 has been re-defined as a 'Tenor Sax - Slow Ballads' Soloist.
  • Added: Four new Soloists have been defined in Default.SOL: #335 Milt - Ballad Vibes (Slow Swing 16ths), #336 Yardbird - Slow-Med (Alto Sax ala CharlieP - Swing 16ths solo style), #337 Bari Sax Slow Bop (Baritone Sax Slow Bop Swing 16ths solo style), and #338 Blues - Jimmy & Wes (Blues - Jimmy & Wes (Organ & Guitar alternating) Med-Swing). The newest Default.SOL is included in the update.
  • Fixed: If you used the Conductor Window while playing the Jukebox, playback stopped after the current song.
  • Fixed: 'File | Open Audio' didn't always work for CDA files.
  • Fixed: 'Audio | Import Audio' didn't work for CDA files unless you had saved the currently open BB song on your local hard disk.
  • Fixed: Conductor Window hotkey [~] conflicted with [`] hotkey for entering rests in the notation window, and with regular apostrophe key on European keyboards. Conductor hotkey has been changed to [CTRL + ~].
  • Fixed: Opt. | Preferences | MIDI Options - when 'Style Patch Changes' was disabled, some style patch changes were still sent.
  • Fixed: When 'include patch changes in MIDI files' was disabled in the MIDI File Options dialog, some patch changes were still included in the MIDI file.
  • Fixed: In the Harmony Maker dialog, if you specified any negative value for the Velocity Boost of "Low Root", it set the velocities of those notes all to 127 instead of decreasing the velocities by the amount you specified.
  • Fixed: The fly-by help hint for the SAVE AS button in the Soloist Editor dialog had an error. The [SAVE AS] button saves as a *.sol file, not *.s1.
  • Fixed: 'Open Previous Song' and 'Open Previous Style' didn't work if "OK to auto-add recent files" was unchecked in the Favorite Songs dialog.
  • Fixed: 'TEMPMAIN.WAV not found' error and audio track erased after importing wav file and generating harmonies without pressing save.
  • Fixed: 'Expecting to write xxx bytes, instead wrote xxx bytes' error when pasting audio harmonies into multiple sections of a song.
  • Fixed: Problems with Audio Harmonies, Cut/Paste, and non-realtime Audio Plugins (including 'Could not open file' and 'division by zero' errors) after Opening or Importing a .WAV file.
  • Fixed: Crash when printing if there were slurs in a number of consecutive bars.
  • Fixed: Crash in the StyleMaker drum grid editor when using ASIO drivers and a DXi synth.
  • Fixed: Recording a style pattern (StyleMaker) sometimes did not work properly in the case of Dxi being used with MME audio drivers.
  • Fixed: If you had the 'pause play until MIDI or key received' feature enabled while using a DXi synth, the song started playing when you hit a key, but there was no sound. This also happened for the first song in the Jukebox.
  • Fixed: If a sound card's sample rate is changed while BIAB is open and using ASIO drivers, the message box stating "sample rate has changed" only appears once rather than each time a song is played.
  • Fixed: Possible 'inetwh32.dll missing' error when opening help file.

Summary of Changes for Build 198 (December 16 2005)

  • Fixed: Guitar chord diagrams were sometimes displaying and printing incorrectly.
  • Fixed: Pitch Invasion is now playable when the dpi (font size) is set at 120 (instead of the standard 96).
  • Improved: Music Replay - For the melody & rhythm games, in previous builds, if you pressed "stop" before you played your part, it was counted as a zero score when it tallied the totals. It now is not counted at all.
  • Improved: Music Replay - The scoring has been improved, and now gives a more accurate representation of your performance.
  • Improved: Music Replay - The default metronome patches have been changed from "metronome" to "sidestick" (some soundcards do not have a metronome sound, in which case it was silent).
  • Improved: Music Replay - "Automatically retry phrases if the score is not at least x" is fixed. Previously you needed to get higher than x, but it is now equal to or greater than x.
  • Added: Music Replay - There is a "score report" that you can access at the end of a Rhythm or Melody game. It gives you detailed information about all of the notes you played, and how the individual notes were scored. You can access this by pressing "show score report" at the final dialog, which opens the report as a txt file.
  • Fixed: JazzBal1.STY didn't show up in StylePicker.
  • Updated: Updated Pitch Invasion and Music Replay help files are included.

Summary of Changes for Build 197 (December 7 2005)

  • Improved: Added improved generic VST interface to Nonrealtime DirectX.
  • Improved: Added 'remove VST Plugin from list' to Nonrealtime DirectX.
  • Fixed: General Protection Fault on some systems when rendering to wave in realtime using MME drivers.
  • Fixed: General Protection Fault when exiting the program after re-rendering to wave.
  • Fixed: VST Preset Naming problems in Band-in-a-Box®.
  • Fixed: VST Preset Naming problems in DXNonrealtime.
  • Fixed: "Untested format" error message for ASIO format INT24LSB has been eliminated.
  • Improved: "Untested format" error message will now only be shown at the time the user selects a new ASIO driver rather than every time the program boots up.
  • Fixed: If right clicking directly on a note in the bass clef, and then launching the notation symbols dialog, the clef combo box got set to treble clef rather than bass clef. If the user did not notice this, then the symbol (such as staccato) was inserted in the Treble clef.
  • Fixed: In fakesheet mode, time signatures were sometimes being drawn in incorrect bars.
  • Fixed: In fakesheet mode, time signatures would sometimes get drawn at the end of a line when it really belonged at the beginning of the next line.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated February 23, 2006

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BBW.LST (StylePicker) Update for Band-in-a-Box® 2006 and earlier

Because of StylePicker improvements in 2008, the most current bbw.lst file (style description file) cannot be used with 2007 and earlier versions. This will install a bbw.lst file for Band-in-a-Box® 2006 and earlier that will recognize the styles released with later versions of Band-in-a-Box® - current to Styles Set 77. You would only need to use this installer if you have Band-in-a-Box® 2006 or earlier and purchased a newer styles set. If you have Band-in-a-Box® 2008 or 2009, you don't need this patch; Download the latest update patch for Band-in-a-Box® 2008 or 2009 instead (above).

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated December 30, 2008

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PG Music Font Update for 64-bit versions of Windows.

This patch will update the PG Music fonts so that they work with 64-bit versions of Windows. To ensure that the fonts are updated correctly, restart your computer right before installing this patch. If you are not currently having trouble with fonts, and you do not have a 64-bit version of Windows, you do not need to install this update.

Updated February 27, 2006

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2005 Update--Build 163 (7.2 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® Version 2005 build 147/148/152/156 to build 163 automatically. This update includes all the fixes included in the previous updates(148/152/163), plus the newer ones below. Please note that you must have Band-in-a-Box® Version 2005 in order for this update to work.

Summary of Changes for Build 163 (June 16 2005)

  • Updated [Build 163]: Band-in-a-Box® updated to be aware of the newest styles sets.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: When in Fake sheet mode and viewing multiple tracks, the printout skipped every second line.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: Access violation when scrolling to the end of the Lead Sheet window in Fake Sheet mode.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: Program sometimes crashed on Window 2000 when VU Meters were open during playback.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: Lyrics were duplicated in the Lead Sheet window with Fake Sheet enabled if they occurred between 4:100 and 4:119 (beats:ticks) of any bar.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: Ties didn't display in bar 1 in Lead Sheet window when Fake Sheet was enabled.
  • Improved [Build 156]: Status bar at top of screen now shows what beat of a measure you are on in the Notation and Chord Sheet windows.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: In the Chord Options dialog, the options in the Rest type combo box weren't correctly displayed under some circumstances.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: It is now possible to Cut a selected range of notes (for example from C4 to C5) in the notation window.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: When entering a held chord, if you selected "excluded instruments should rest" in the chord settings dialog, that feature will not work past bar 10.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: Program crashed under certain circumstances if there was a harmony change as well as patch changes in the event list.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: Some of the text box and combo box labels in the Event List Editor were misplaced.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: In the StylePicker, "Only Show Styles Disk #" menu, some of the new styles disks weren't described.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: The right-click menu in Piano Roll window had some incorrect strings.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: In the StylePicker editor, if you added a new style and set the 'Patch for Soloist Track' to you got an error when rebuilding style list.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: In the MIDI Output Driver Wizard dialog, the 'Use my external MIDI Module' section was greyed out.
  • Fixed [Build 156]: Band-in-a-Box® wouldn't run if there was an identical folder or browser window called "Band-in-a-Box®" open.
  • Added [Build 156]: International strings and hints for Piano Roll window.

Summary of Changes for Build 152 (Feb 17 2005)

  • Fixed [Build 152]: Hints no longer show up on a listbox, since they interfere with selection.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: "error allocating DIB" error was happening when saving a range of pages to a JPG. This was because the name passed to the converter was not always being correctly generated.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: Problems using the custom file/save dialog, trying to save as a graphics file (for example, .JPG). For example, if your song is MySong.MGU and you save as a .JPG file, the default file name in the Save As dialog will be MySong.MGU. If you keep this filename, your original song file is replaced.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: Patch changes on Melody or Soloist track not showing up in track after a MIDI File generation.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: Soloist patch changes at any bar were not working.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: Multiple lines of lyrics in FakeSheet not drawing if there was a repeat.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: Lyrics not highlighting in time with music in WinME. This was because Win98/ME has a less precise timer with a less fine resolution than XP.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: Gibberish when Jazz Symbols was enabled and non-regular chord symbols such as Roman Numerals were selected.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: Print page sometimes producing gibberish in Win98/ME.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: After converting the audio track from Mono to Stereo, you would get chipmunk sounds (octave higher) if you pasted a previously cut or copied section onto the newly converted audio track. If you converted from stereo to mono and then Pasted a previously cut or copied section of audio, the result would by that the sound is an octave too low.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: On Windows XP, after recording audio and "keeping take", you got the error " Could not open file" if the directory path for your song is too long. Often, this is about 4 or 5 folders from the root hard drive, so it can be a problem for songs saved in folders on the desktop or My Documents folder.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: As above, this also occurred when loading in a file with a very long folder.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: PAT file conversion issue in which blank spaces at the beginning of a line having a patch was causing the patch to not be converted.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: Gibberish issue with user-selectable fonts in the staff settings besides just the title font.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: Intermittent screen redraw issue involving the Title Window within BBW's main window that happened after completion of the Audio Harmony generation routines.
  • Added [Build 152]: Improved 'tab' order movement through many dialogs.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: PianoRoll auto-scroll during playback was sometimes jerky.

The following are fixes for international versions (non English):

  • Added [Build 152]: Ability to load a different splash screen for international versions.
  • Added [Build 152]: ToolBar font can now be customized for international versions.

The following are fixes for Dx and Dxi settings:

  • Fixed [Build 152]: Save Group so it pops up a "Group Is Empty, can't save Group" message, if the Group is empty.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: Save Preset so it pops up a "No plugin is selected, can't save Preset" message, if no plugin is selected.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: BBW exit routine, so that if there are no DX plugins assigned, it will erase 'DefaultDXSynth.tgs'.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: BBW exit routine, so that if there are no DXi plugins assigned, it will erase 'DefaultDXiSynth.tgs'.
  • Fixed [Build 152]: Direct Rendering improved for songs with an audio track.
  • Added [Build 152]: Audio file merge progress indicator added to BBW title bar when DXi rendering.
  • Updated [Build 152]: Updated Helper applications.

Summary of Changes for Build 148 (December 8 2004)

  • Fixed [Build 148]: Invisible cursor when clicking/dragging notes in Win98/ME
  • Fixed [Build 148]: When displaying multiple lines of lyrics per row in FakeSheet mode, the last bar of any lyric line of a row (except the first line) would fail to display any lyrics.
  • Fixed [Build 148]: If a song contained Stereo Audio, and the MIDI was rendered to audio, the audio track was merged in at half speed.
  • Added [Build 148]: Missing Inetwh32.dll added to support help file web linking.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated June 16, 2005

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Band-in-a-Box® Melodist 4 Update(1.1 MB)

You would only need this patch if you purchased Melodist set 4 separately or got the Band-in-a-Box® 2005 MegaPAK before March of 2005. Please note that you must have Band-in-a-Box® Melodist 4 in order for this update to work.

Summary of Changes for Melodist 4 (March 8th 2005)

  • Added: New Dixieland Melodist databases.
  • Added: New Dixieland Melodist demo songs.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in this update, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated March 8th, 2005

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 2004C Update--Build 74 (5.6 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® Version 2004/2004a/2004b to version 2004c build 74 automatically. Please note that you must have Band-in-a-Box® Version 2004 in order for this update to work.

Summary of Changes for 2004c Build 74 (June 7 2004)

  • Fixed [Build 74]: Higherbank dialog also sends bank drum changes
  • Improved [Build 74]: songlist dialog now displays the found item 3 from the top, instead of at the bottom
  • Improved [Build 74]: "annoying" fly-by hint removed from the songlist dialog, since the same info is available at the top of the screen.
  • Fixed [Build 74]: Low root harmony velocity bug fixed. New bbwdll9.dll is required for that, so included in the patch.
  • Improved [Build 74]: Bar and beat # shown at the top of the screen, even in cases where bar settings information (F5 dialog) has specific info for that bar. Users with JAWS readers had requested this.
  • Updated [Build 74]: Styles updated for upcoming new styles disks. (support in program and bbw.lst file)
  • Updated [Build 74]: Default.sol updated. Soloist Disk 9 was not fully supported with the previous default.sol file, this has been fixed. Specfically, this improves soloists #11, #48, 156, 158, 247
  • Fixed [Build 74]: Songlist dialog had occasional exception if previously selected font selected was not present on system.
  • Added [Build 73]: Option in Prefs-MIDI Options to enable drum bank changes. This should usually be left unchecked, since most synths don't use bank changes on drums. But if you require drum bank changes, then select this option.
  • Added [Build 73]: When using the Higher Bank Patch selection dialog, the selection remembers where it was for the last instrument, and tries to locate it in the dialog. This makes it easier to choose higher bank patches for different instruments.
  • Added [Build 73]: +/- indicator for the column that is sorted in the Songlist dialog.
  • Added [Build 73]: Songlist dialog, pressing first letter moves the current row to the row beginning with that letter.
  • Fixed [Build 73]: Exception was occurring when opening Songlist folders that were made with earlier versions of BB.
  • Fixed [Build 73]: Guitar/Lyric/BigPiano Windows don't re-open up on re-boot. If guitar left open, doesn't re-open. Note: Lyric Document window won?t re-open.
  • Fixed [Build 73]: Patch change bug that sometimes happened clicking on radio buttons at top of screen.
  • Fixed [Build 73]: Disappearing notes, if entering lyrics in a beat that had a different resolution than the song's overall resolution.
  • Fixed [Build 73]: Brackets around courtesy accidentals sometimes drawn in incorrect locations.
  • Fixed [Build 73]: Accidentals themselves were sometimes being drawn in the wrong location.
  • Fixed [Build 73]: Repeat signs interfering with guitar chord diagrams if stavelines=false.
  • Fixed [Build 71]: DiskFull message when rebuilding style list.
  • Added [Build 70]: The Fakesheet now displays the leadin bar if there are notes present in that bar.
  • Changed [Build 70]: Repeat symbols and 1st/2nd endings now won't display on the notation window or leadsheet window if the fakesheet checkbox is not checked.
  • Fixed [Build 70]: In certain cases, The Visual Metronome took focus from the main screen, so you needed to ctrl-alt-del out of Band-in-a-Box®. This was when embedded dialogs were on the screen.
  • Fixed [Build 70]: You can now load and save files to UNC folders (on other PC's on a network) such as \\My Dell PC\D_DRIVE\My Song.MGU
  • Fixed [Build 70]: In the Render to Audio File dialog, (Re)-Render to WAV file... had the DXi Render Help Hint instead of the correct one.
  • Fixed [Build 70]: If you had colors displayed, (absolute, or relative to key or chord), C notes always showed up black when using the Scriabin colour set.
  • Fixed [Build 70]: The Interval tutor was playing a unison interval instead of a lower second note when replay was selected, you guessed correctly, and no prior first guess was made.
  • Improved [Build 70]: About Box now shows information about system's physical memory and available physical memory, and a more accurate speed test.
  • Fixed [Build 70]: Saving a MIDI file when both a harmony and harmony changes at any bar are present.
  • Fixed [Build 70]: When audio was recorded for a short sequence (bar 1-5) for example, and a second recording take was made further on (bar 10) if you played the song from any other place than the beginning, the audio track was silent.
  • Fixed [Build 70]: Section Text events would not print unless the treble clef was selected and Print Note Based Lyrics was selected.
  • Fixed [Build 70]: In the Edit Repeats and Ending dialog, the help hints for the [Delete All] and [Edit List...] buttons were reversed. The [Delete All] hint had a typo. The [Options] button had the same help hint as [Show form].
  • Fixed [Build 70]: If the key box was selected, and the down arrow was used to change the key, if you responded that it was OK to transpose the song, Band-in-a-Box® would generate an Access Violation.
  • Fixed [Build 70]: When using the Ctrl-F keyboard shortcut to have the song play from any bar, you can now select the chorus by only using the keyboard using the TAB key and the up/down arrow keys.
  • Fixed [Build 70]: Using Ctrl+Shift+ Q or W to turn the volume of the selected instrument up or down, although the volume indicated in the synth window did change, the actual volume of the instrument playing did not change unless the user clicked on the volume control arrows.

Summary of Changes for 2004b (March 2004)

  • Improved: Stylpicker printout to clipboard works better for big lists.
  • Added: DXi rendering direct-to-disk (press the WAV button, and select the “Direct Render" button
  • Fixed: Wording of message “This style has brushes, OK to remap them to non brushes? (note: Opt-Prefs2 can turn this off)
  • Fixed: The last lyric is not carried through to the printout
  • Fixed: Under the Opt. Menu, Utilities was spelled wrong.
  • Fixed: When you delete intrface.bbw and restart, the driver message ends: "...or use the Driver Wizard button in the follo" which should be "...or use the Driver Wizard in the following dialog."
  • Added: Filter added for the Song List dialog, so you can filter by any kind of text “like songs with the name “Gary" in them"
  • Added: Songlist dialog is much faster, displaying list almost instantly (used to be a few seconds when there were thousands of songs)
  • Added: Ear Training dialog now has a “Correct" bitmap that shows up to add a little visual reward for getting it right.
  • Added: Stylepicker, now have an option to export as comma-delimited file (for file-open by Excel)
  • Added: Songlist dialog, now have an option to as comma-delimited file (for file-open by Excel).
  • Added: Songlist dialog – now has selection of font
  • Added: Songlist dialog, - now remembers and finds last song chosen or current song.
  • Added: Hotkeys added for newer dialogs.
  • Added: Internationalization support added: (note: other languages still require a new DLL called BBBWX.DLL where X is the language)
  • Added: option added in prefs to make the reduction of volumes when increasing beyond 127 options
  • Added: hints for the audio edit window,lyric view, track copy, guitarist editor.
  • Fixed: scrolling in print preview with screen width selected
  • Fixed: When you only print chords, no staves or notes, you get the left margin creeping over gradually.
  • Fixed: The Copyright info did not print
  • Fixed: If I select a song and exit the song list, when I return to the Song List window, the first song in the list was always selected, not the previously selected song.
  • Fixed: If Visible Metronome is turned on and a song is playing, going into nearly all dialogs and clicking an option will make that dialog lose focus and disappear behind the Band-in-a-Box® screen.
  • Fixed: The pop up hints for the Melodist and Soloist button had the hot keys switched.
  • Fixed: Soloist | Edit Soloist Track | Record to Soloist Part - when selected, there is a checkbox stating "Overdub underlying melody" = should state "Overdub underlying Soloist"
  • Fixed: Chord builder sometimes inserted chords at wrong location.
  • Fixed: If you set up any repeat such that the last bar of the repeat occurs on bar 5 or 9 or 13 ... , the last bar of the repeat showed up blank in the Lead Sheet and Print Preview windows in Fake sheet mode.
  • Fixed: Leadsheet and titlebar-main program bar highlighting with large latecny settings
  • Fixed: Ch15 message as first event after importing a MIDI file.
  • Fixed: some songs weren't playing to the end when there were time signature changes.

Summary of Changes for 2004a (January 2004)

  • Fixed: Access violation when printing.
  • Fixed: DXi functionality improved and much more stable.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated June 7, 2004

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Band-in-a-Box® Font Update for Versions 12 and earlier (0.5 MB)

NOTE: You should only need to use this patch if you are experiencing problems with fonts on Windows 2000 or XP, and you have Band-in-a-Box® 12 or earlier. If you do not currently have font issues, you do NOT need this patch. See the article about fonts in the Frequently Asked Question page for your version of Band-in-a-Box® if you are getting a font error.

You should restart your computer before and after installing this patch. If problems perist, delete the PG*.FOT files from \windows\system and restart your system.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. -Updated October 21, 2003

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 12.0b2 Update (1.7 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® Version 12.0x to version 12.0b2 automatically. Please note that you must have Band-in-a-Box® Version 12.0 in order for this update to work.

This patch adds support for the new Style disks (#34, #35, #36) so that you will see full information about them in the Stylepicker.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated June 18, 2003

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 12.0b Update (2 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® Version 12.0 to version 12.0b automatically. Necessary files will be updated to the current versions. Please note that you must have Band-in-a-Box® Version 12.0 for this update to work.

Summary of Changes for version 12.0b (compared to 12.0a):

  • Added: Saving a file with a new name now added to the recently used files list.
  • Added: Disable tab display option (option in print options).
  • Added: A new feature to allow XG synths that don't have patch 41 for brushes to still hear brush sounds. To access the XG-brushes feature, choose Edit-Prefs-Prefs2-and set "Drum Brushes" to XG. Then the drums will get mapped to XG note numbers in BB songs and MIDI files.
  • Fixed: What add-ons do you have dialog fixed.
  • Fixed: Chord sub memos weren't displaying the correctly transposed notes.
  • Fixed: Smaller font used for audio edit window, leadsheet window.
  • Fixed: Notation will print lyrics/section text if melody is empty.
  • Fixed: Section text works for tracks other than Melody or Soloist (eg. Bass).
  • Fixed: Printing bass clef only, the section text will still show up.
  • Fixed: Notation print problem when only printing chords (no notes).
  • Fixed: Minor enhancements in custom file dialog, and name is now g32.exe instead of f32.
  • Fixed: Saving MGX file now remembers the style.
  • Fixed: Higher banks saved for all instruments. Bank assignments now auto-saved for Melody and Soloist part.
  • Added: Non-English versions only - Style lists improved/changed for international (non English) versions. Note: if using an International version, you might need to copy BBWX.LST to overwrite BBW.LST where X is the first letter of the language you are using.

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated March 14, 2003

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 12.0a Update (1.36 MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® Version 12.0 to version 12.0a automatically. Necessary files will be updated to the current versions. Please note that you must have Band-in-a-Box® Version 12.0 for this update to work.

To apply the Band-in-a-Box® 12.0a update: Double-click BBW12A.EXE. When prompted, either accept the default destination c:\bb or enter another location, and then click the 'OPEN' button.

Note: A backup of any files that are modified will be copied to a backup folder (i.e. c:\bb\backup). If you ever want to revert to the previous version of the program that you had before applying the patch, rename and copy the files from the c:\bb\backup folder to c:\bb, and choose "OK to Overwrite."

Summary of Changes for version 12.0a2:

  • This is a maintenence release.
  • Fixed: Font issues in Windows XP
  • Improved the saving of the style wizard data to be forward compatible with future versions of BB.
  • Fixed: Error about invalid # typed in if importing a MIDI file after using stylewizard in the same session.
  • Fixed: "what add-ons do I have" was ignoring styles sets 31, 32.
  • Fixed: #s on guitar chord diagrams font was wrong on PC's that lacked MS Sans Serif font.
  • Fixed: Printing a single leadsheet harmony, was printing all of them if print preview was visited first.
  • Fixed: If Titles had 'illegal filename' characters (":<>?*" etc.),file-save or MIDI-file save dialog wouldn't show up.
  • Fixed: If saving a new song using the ZZ (original 24 styles), style wouldn't show up when song was reloaded unless filename extension was changed to .SG1 (for jazz).

If you encounter a problem or have a concern with any of the features in Band-in-a-Box®, do not hesitate to contact us. Updated December 11, 2002

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 11.0c2 Update (1.2MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 11.x to version 11.0c2. Please note that you must have version 11.0 (or higher) to use the update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed. To check which version of Band-in-a-Box® you have, choose "About Band-in-a-Box®" from the Help menu. Please refer to the readme.txt file for more information.

Changes for version 11.0c2, compared to 11.0b:

  • Improved: For styles with a bass instrument on the bass part, the lowest note played will be E2 (the lowest note on a standard bass guitar). This can be set to a lower value, in Options-Prefs. If 'skip notes' are used in the style (ie brief notes that are lower than E2 used to simulate the sound of a muted note), they will be heard but not displayed on the notation.
  • StyleMaker improvements. Saving routine improved to remove unused or deleted patterns. When StyleMaker is open: looping always set to true, key signature always set to C, and 2 bars per screen of notation shown. Bug with chord on bar 1, beat 1 getting changed when using StyleMaker fixed. Notation Window closes if StyleMaker opens up.
  • StyleMaker "Stylechecker" enhanced. More messages about pushes present / lacking in style, more detailed messages about loud notes near the end of a pattern. Messages about low bass notes in the style, and masks on ending patterns added. Fixed: Stylmaker notation window will always show only bars 1&2 of the pattern, instead of scrolling past that.
  • fixed spurious "file already exists" message when choosing User-Make a New Style
  • Big Lyrics Window: when using a software synth with a latency setting (eg. VSC3), the lyric display is now in syn with the music.
  • Enhanced: During playback, the instrumens used in the style will highlight in blue at the top, the unused ones are in purple. (this was added in 11.0c2, not 11.0c)
  • Size of Floating Notation window saved.
  • Stem positions for notes in a chord was improved for certain font sizes. (11.0c2)
  • Enhancements for bass-clef instruments like trombone/ bass guitar. These instruments use bass clef, so you can now set the Melody and Soloist tracks to always display bass clef notation only. To do this, open the notation window options dialog, select the "Transpose" combo box, and choose an instrument like "trombone". This sets the treble/bass clef 'split point' for the notation to a high value like C8, which will then allow all notation to be displayed on the bass clef, and will only display the bass clef for Melody and Soloist tracks in the leadsheet window.
  • Notation enhancment, the Max. # of ledger line setting now works for treble and bass clefs.
  • Fixed: MIDI File save wasn't working for certain styles when "include lead in" wasn't selected in the Options-Prefs dialog.
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Band-in-a-Box® Version 11.0b Update (1.2MB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 11.x to version 11.0b. Please note that you must have version 11 to use the update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed. To check which version of Band-in-a-Box® you have, choose About Band-in-a-Box® from the Help menu. Please refer to the readme.txt for more information.

Changes for version 11.0b, compared to 11.0:

  • Fixed: Display problems 800x600/Large fonts users for WAV render dialog and import-chords dialog
  • Fixed: what addons do I have dialog wasn't recognizing styles 27,28,29
  • Fixed: not launching VSC3 on Windows 95 from button
  • Fixed: Importing PG-Chords from PG-MIDI files: Slash chords are interpreted with incorrect root. C/D is read in as C/Db. (note: this didn't affect the intelligent Chord Wizard function)
  • Fixed: Chord Builder dialog doesn't open up at current bar, now it does
  • Fixed: list of synth-drum-kits was too small in MIDI Driver dialog,
  • Fixed: 3 blank style buttons replaced with graphical buttons
  • Reworded: "the old way" was reworded from Prefs2 dialog
  • Styles menu changed to de-emphasize the older 24 original styles
  • Additional strings added for international (non English) versions
  • Styles can be loaded in Long File Name Dialogs
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Band-in-a-Box® Version 10.0c Update (505 KB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 10.0 - 10.0b to version 10.0c. Please note that you must have versions 10.0 to use the update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.

To check which version of Band-in-a-Box® you have, choose About Band-in-a-Box® from the Help menu. Please refer to the readme.txt for more information.

Changes for version 10.0c:

  • Added: Pressing in the Chord Builder advances the chord position by 2 beats
  • Fixed: Entering Lyrics- were sometimes losing focus, requiring clicking on the entry box again.
  • Fixed: During jukebox, if in another program, would sometimes change focus to Band-in-a-Box®.

- Updated June 26th, 2001

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 10.0b Update (505 KB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 10.0 or 10.0a to version 10.0b. Please note that you must have versions 10.0 to use the update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.

To check which version of Band-in-a-Box® you have, choose About Band-in-a-Box® from the Help menu. Please refer to the readme.txt for more information.

Changes for version 10.0b:

  • Fixed: Playing from any bar with high bar numbers was not working sometimes.
  • Feature added: Chord Builder now has buttons to advance the bar numbers and clear chord.
  • Feature added: The bar and beat number track the chordsheet and other windows. This allows you to keep the chord builder window open and enter new chords with much less keystrokes / mouse clicks!
  • Feature added: The conversion to WMA (Windows Media) now uses improved conversion CODEC for Media Player 8 (compatible with earlier versions of Media Player).
  • Fixed: When you switch to notation mode from a bar greater than 64 and a bar change has occurred,the display moves to bar 1.
  • Fixed: Korg synthesizers were getting their bank reset to zero every time play occured.
  • Feature added: In the Ear Training Window, the notes played now display on the BigPiano Window and the Guitar Window.

- Updated June 7th, 2001

Band-in-a-Box® Version 10.0a Update (308 KB)

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This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 10.0 to version 10.0a. Please note that you must have versions 10.0 to use the update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed. To check which version of Band-in-a-Box® you have, choose About Band-in-a-Box® from the Help menu. Please refer to the readme.txt for more information.

Use the compressed *.EXE version if the patch update reports that it cannot find the correct file.

Changes for version 10.0a:

  • Guitar Chord Melody generation: Generating a solo for 'part' of a song (instead of the whole song) has been fixed.
  • Ear training dialog - Interval tutor - "Any note or scale tone" were reversed
  • Drum Bank changes were getting sent, interfering with Yamaha XG units, by setting the drums to a piano instrument. This is fixed. (drum bank changes are never sent, as with version 9)
  • Hint labels for Soloist and Melodist (Shift F4 and Shift F5) were reversed.
  • Internationalization support (irrelevant to the English version)

- Updated April 6th, 2001

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 9.0d Update (648 KB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 9.0-9.0c to version 9.0d. Please note that you must have versions 9.0 to use the update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed. To check which version of Band-in-a-Box® you have, choose About Band-in-a-Box® from the Help menu. Please refer to the readme.txt for more information.

Changes for version 9.0d:

  • Fixed: MIDI Output Driver choice sometimes had to be repeated
  • Fixed: In waltz time, a half note on beat 2 was sometimes misdrawn as a whole note

Changes for version 9.0c:

  • Better support for LS3 files
  • Fixed: Tijuana style not displayed in StylePicker

Changes for version 9.0b:

  • Support for new styles 20, 21, 22, 23.
  • Style limit for style picker increased to 2000 from 1000.
  • Support for LS3 files (style definitions for 3rd party style manufacturers)
  • Fixed: 640x480 menu item for copy-choruses
  • Fixed: Help items not working (note roll options more, and style aliases)
  • Dialog space increased for translated versions

Changes for version 9.0a:

  • Rendering to audio error on NT "error renaming file" - fixed
  • Lyrics now shift when using edit-insert bars, edit-delete bars or intro-generate/remove
  • Error that happened when using "large fonts", and launching choose folder dialog is now fixed (there is a new f32.exe file for this).
  • Language support added, compatible with previous translations, and strings externalized.
  • Undo Chord Solo on Soloist Track now works
  • Note lyrics sometimes lost during save - fixed
  • Big piano window track changes when clicking from notation window
  • After generating guitar chord solo, will now prompt prior to saving a song

Click here to download the bbw.lst file for Version 9.

- Updated September 14th, 2000

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 9.0a Update (402 KB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 9.0 to version 9.0a. Please note that you must have versions 9.0 to use the update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed. To check which version of Band-in-a-Box® you have, choose About Band-in-a-Box® from the Help menu. Please refer to the readme.txt for more information.

Changes for version 9.0a:

  • Rendering to audio error on NT "error renaming file" - fixed
  • Lyrics now shift when using edit-insert bars, edit-delete bars or intro-generate/remove
  • Error that happened when using "large fonts", and launching choose folder dialog is now fixed (there is a new f32.exe file for this).
  • Language support added, compatible with previous translations, and strings externalized.
  • Undo Chord Solo on Soloist Track now works
  • Note lyrics sometimes lost during save - fixed
  • Big piano window track changes when clicking from notation window
  • After generating guitar chord solo, will now prompt prior to saving a song
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Band-in-a-Box® Version 9.0 Help file (2515 KB)

**WINDOWS 95/98 ONLY**

This self extracting archive contains an improved Band-in-a-Box® Version 9.0 helpfile with updated topics.

- Updated June 6th, 2000

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 9 Win 3.1/NT Help (1.3 MB)

This special help file is for Windows 3.1 and NT users of Band-in-a-Box® Version 9. Windows 95/98 users do not need this file.

- Updated January 25th, 2000

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 8.0c Update (929 KB)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 8.0, 8.0a or 8.0b to version 8.0c. Please note that you must have versions 8.0, 8.0a or 8.0b to use the 8.0c update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.

To check which version of Band-in-a-Box® you have, choose About Band-in-a-Box® from the Help menu. Please refer to the readme.txt for more information.

Changes for version 8.0c

  • Added: Soloist suggestions added for styles disks 15-17 Nashville, Blues, Unplugged
  • Fixed: Bug Fixed where "Allow Pedals in Middle Choruses" option couldn't be set to off
  • Fixed: Timing on importing MIDI file to Melody when Lyrics present.
  • Added: If using Windows 3.1 and 640x480, some menus will now show in two columns to avoid scrolling
  • Added: Limit of # of styles in the StylePicker dialog increased from 800 to 1,500 (BBW.LST file)
  • Fixed: Occasional GPF with editing notes in notation fixed.

Changes for version 8.0b

  • Added: The SAVE button on the main screen has always really functioned as a SaveAS button. There's now an option in Options-Prefs2 to allow the button to function as a "Save" button instead.
  • Added: The Drums plugin has been enhanced. The SPACEBAR used to stop playback, but this was being hit inadvertently by people as they played the drums (especially when children were using it). An option has been added to require Ctrl-Spacebar to stop the song.
  • Added: After recording, if you're using a Software Synth like the VSC-88 that has a delay (latency), BB will automatically shift the track back by the amount of the latency.
  • Added: BBY.HLP file support has been added, this is a help file for Windows 3.1 or NT users only (Windows 95/98 users do not require this file)
  • Fixed: Some synth modules with small MIDI buffers were getting a "MIDI Buffer Full" message when stop was pressed.
  • Fixed: In MIDI files generated by BB, Drum Patch changes for brushes were getting written with patch #1 instead of patch 41.
  • Fixed: A bug when using the "Take Again" button in the Record (it was sometimes recording to the Soloist track instead of the Melody).
  • Maintenance fixes on any problems reported are implemented.

Changes for version 8.0a

This Update is recommended for Users of Windows 3.1 or Windows NT. Windows 95 users are not recommended to update unless you are experiencing any of the following:

  • Notation: 2 small improvements in notation display in unusual circumstances (following "hard" rests, and following time signature changes).
  • Default name for MIDI file improved, now defaults to the title of the song (not file name)
  • Misidentification of CPU type in the About box fixed, and "Speed Test" added in the about box.
  • Strings externalized to resources (only relevant for non-English versions of BB)
  • Windows 3.1 and NT only: small fix in the use of file names

- PG Music Inc. (August 26th, 1999)

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 7.0d to 7.0g Update (610K)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 7.0d or greater to version 7.0g automatically. Please note that you must have version 7.0d or greater to use the 7.0g update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.Please refer to readme.txt for installation instructions.

Changes For Version 7.0g

  • Support for playback of live drums and custom drum kits. (Styles Disks 9 & 10)
  • New "recording metronome" option in the prefs dialog (useful for styles without drums such as classical styles).
  • Ability to create styles with live drums or custom drum kits.
  • Allows the import of a MIDI file to step time patterns by analyzing the pattern to eliminate duplicate patterns. Those options are also accessed from the StyleMaker menu.
  • New Feature -"slide" a pattern in the StyleMaker (move it by ticks forward or backward)
  • Maintenance fixes on reported problems have been implemented.

- PG Music Inc. (December 3rd, 1997)

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 7.0e Update (1.13 Mb)

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 7.0 or 7.0x to version 7.03e. Please note that you must have at least version 7.x or greater to use the 7.0e update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.

To check which version of Band-in-a-Box® you have, choose About Band-in-a-Box® from the Help menu. Please refer to bbw70e.txt for more information.

Changes for version 7.0e:

This update adds new functionality such as the ability to play Soloist Disk Sets which extend the soloing capabilities of the soloist feature. You can now set the soloist feature to specific styles such as bluegrass or modern jazz. This update also fixes reported problems with version 7.0.

- PG Music Inc. (December 1st, 1996)

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 7.0 or 7.0a to 7.0d Update

Please note that you must have at least version 7.0 to use the 7.0d update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed. To check which version of Band-in-a-Box® you have, choose About Band-in-a-Box® from the Help menu.

Once you have downloaded the Band-in-a-Box® 7.0d update, refer to bbw70d.txt for installation instructions.

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 6.03 to 6.04 Update

This patch corrects Windows 95 display problems with the notation buttons. You should only use this patch if you are running Windows 95. Please note that you must have at least version 6.03 to use the 6.04 update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed. To check which version of Band-in-a-Box® you have, choose About Band-in-a-Box® from the Help menu.

Please refer to readme.txt for installation instructions.

- PG Music Inc. (June 1996)

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 6.02 to 6.03 Update

This patch corrects a problem entering long chords. Please note that you must have version 6.02 to use the 6.03 update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.

Please refer to readme.txt for installation instructions.

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 6.01 to 6.03 Update

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 6.01 to version 6.03. Please note that you must have version 6.01 to use the 6.03 update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.

Please refer to readme.txt for installation instructions.

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 6.0 to 6.03 Update

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 6.0 to version 6.03. Please note that you must have version 6.0 to use the 6.03 update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.

Please refer to readme.txt for installation instructions.

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Band-in-a-Box® Version 5.05 to 5.06 Update

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 5.05 to version 5.06. Please note that you must have version 5.05 to use the 5.06 update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.

Please refer to readme.txt for installation instructions.

Changes to version 5.06

  • Enhanced JukeBox Playback Options including hidden titles for "Guess The Song" games, Silent Click In, and Varying Melody instrument.
  • Song List Printout
  • Load Song by Full Title display
  • Korg 01W and JV80 Drum/Patch Kits.
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Band-in-a-Box® Version 5.04 to 5.05 Update

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 5.04 to version 5.05. Please note that you must have version 5.04 or greater to use the 5.05 update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.

Please refer to readme.txt for installation instructions.

Changes for version 5.05

  • JukeBox feature
  • Simple printout of chords/lyrics
  • Improved lyrics
  • Improved drivers for SoundBlaster and Yamaha C1
  • Added support for all Voyetra drivers VAPI/SAPI/TAPI (V22/V24/IBM PS1/ etc.)
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Band-in-a-Box® Version 5.03 to 5.05 Update

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 5.03 or greater to version 5.05. Please note that you must have version 5.03 or greater to use the 5.05 update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.

Please refer to readme.txt for installation instructions.

Changes for version 5.05

  • JukeBox feature
  • Simple printout of chords/lyrics
  • Improved lyrics
  • Improved drivers for SoundBlaster and Yamaha C1
  • Added support for all Voyetra drivers VAPI/SAPI/TAPI (V22/V24/IBM PS1/ etc.)
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Band-in-a-Box® Version 5.02 to 5.05 Update

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 5.02 or greater to version 5.05. Please note that you must have version 5.02 or greater to use the 5.05 update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.

Please refer to readme.txt for installation instructions.

Changes for version 5.05

  • JukeBox feature
  • Simple printout of chords/lyrics
  • Improved lyrics
  • Improved drivers for SoundBlaster and Yamaha C1
  • Added support for all Voyetra drivers VAPI/SAPI/TAPI (V22/V24/IBM PS1/ etc.)
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Band-in-a-Box® Version 5.01 to 5.05 Update

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 5.01 or greater to version 5.05. Please note that you must have version 5.01 or greater to use the 5.05 update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.

Please refer to readme.txt for installation instructions.

Changes for version 5.05

  • JukeBox feature
  • Simple printout of chords/lyrics
  • Improved lyrics
  • Improved drivers for SoundBlaster and Yamaha C1
  • Added support for all Voyetra drivers VAPI/SAPI/TAPI (V22/V24/IBM PS1/ etc.)
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Band-in-a-Box® Version 5.0 to 5.05 Update

This patch will update Band-in-a-Box® version 5.0 or greater to version 5.05. Please note that you must have version 5.0 or greater to use the 5.05 update. If you are using any other version, the update will not succeed.

Please refer to readme.txt for installation instructions.

Changes for version 5.05

  • JukeBox feature
  • Simple printout of chords/lyrics
  • Improved lyrics
  • Improved drivers for SoundBlaster and Yamaha C1
  • Added support for all Voyetra drivers VAPI/SAPI/TAPI (V22/V24/IBM PS1/ etc.)
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