MIDI Styles Set 12: Country, Swing, Rock, Waltz & Boogy
We've been listening to your requests - this disk has a varied selection of 20 popular country, swing, rock, waltz and boogie styles. Eight authentic Nashville styles plus City Rock, Cocktail, Boogie, Mills Bros., Slow Waltz and more! Includes 20 original demo tunes with chords and melodies.
A-cappella 3/4 vocal style [ACAPEL34.STY]
An a-cappella (no instrument) style in 3/4 meter for 4 part vocal chorale or Choir. At 'b' bass voice follows chord roots. See Memo for more info.T =60-200.
A-cappella 4/4 vocal style [ACAPELA.STY]
An a-cappella (no-instrument) style for 4-part Choral group or Choir. At 'b' a bass voice follows the chord roots. See demo Memo for more info. T=60-200.
Barbershop Quartet in 3/4 [B_SHOP34.STY]
A-cappella Barbershop Quartet in 3/4 meter with optional rhythm guitar and bass voice on roots at 'b'.Use Harmonies 134,135 or 140. See demo Memo for more info.T=80-200.
Barbershop Quartet [BARBERSH.STY]
An a-cappella barbershop style. Use Harmonies 134,135 or 140. Tenor sings a 3rd above the Lead (melody).See demo Memo.@b,optional rhythm guitar and bass voice on roots.T=70-200.
Bogey - Slow Swing Ballad [BOGEY~.STY]
A Slow easy swing Ballad style with Piano (light stride w/some fills), ac. Bass, ac.Guitar, Drums 41w/brushes. Strings @'b'.T= slow (65-110).
Boogie Rock Variation [BOOGYRK2.STY]
A Swing 8ths version of BoogyRok Style. The Piano plays boogie-woogie left hand pattern. At 'b', add piano right hand shots and bass, drums and horns. T =120 -220.
Boogie Rock straight 8ths style [BOOGYROK.STY]
Features left hand acoustic Piano (only) playing the 'classic' boogie pattern. At 'b' add Piano right hand (on Guitar track), Bass, Drums and Brass. T=120-220.
Boogie Shuffle [BOOGYSHF.STY]
A Swing 8ths version of BoogyRok Style. The Piano plays boogie-woogie left hand pattern. At 'b', add piano right hand shots and bass, drums and horns. T =120 -220
Rockabilly Blues2 [C_BILLY2.STY]
A Rockabilly Blues style with an Albert Lee influence on Electric Guitar. Works best at Medium to Fast Tempos (120-190). With Drums, Bass Acoustic and Electric Guitars.
Uptempo Country Boogie [C_BOOGIE.STY]
Uptempo Country Boogie Style with driving piano on chorus (b). Drums,Bass,Elec Guitar and Piano. Medium to Fast Tempos (120-180).
Contemporary Country Rock [C_GUIT8.STY]
Contemporary Country Rock Style ala Eagles, Trisha Yearwood. 5 Instruments -Piano, Bass, Drums and 2 Acoustic Guitars. Tempo 84-130.
Drivin' Honktonk [C_HONKY3.STY]
Drivin' Country Honktonk style ala Brooks and Dunn. Bass plays 2/4 on verses (a) and walks on the chorus (b). 4 Insts -Drums,Bass,Piano and Elec Guitar. Tempo 110-160.
Merle Honktonk [C_MERLE.STY]
Country Honkytonk style ala Merle or Hank Williams Jr. Halftime beat at 'a' and double time at 'b'. With Elec lead fills at 'b'. Drums,Bass, Piano and Elec Guitar.Tempo 120-200.
Rockabilly Blues [C_SHUF1.STY]
Rockabilly Blues - medium to very fast tempos. Piano has a classic jazz swing feel against a 50's Rock and Roll Rhy Section. Drums,Bass,Piano,Elec Guitar. Tempo 110-180.
Country Waylon [C_WAYLON.STY]
Outlaw country style ala Waylon and Merle with Drums,Bass,Piano Acoustic Guitar,Telecaster Elec Guitar. Tempo 150-120.
Simple Country Willy [C_WILLY.STY]
This Rhumba style features the basic Latin Rhumba rhythm featuring brushes and Congas. With P,B,G,D(brushes and Congas). Strings @b. T =90-140.
Church Organ and Choir 4/4 [CHURCH.STY]
A style for Church Organ and Choir. Choose from Harmonies 136-139. At 'b', Organ volume is louder and bass voice follows the chord roots. T=60-200.
Church Organ and Choir 3/4 [CHURCH34.STY]
Similar to Church.Sty except this covers tunes in 3/4 meter. Choose from Harmonies 136-139. Please see demo Memo for made details. T=60-200.
Cocktail Swing [COC_TAIL.STY]
A smooth basic swing style with ac. Piano, ac. Guitar, ac. Bass and Drums. Strings at 'b'. Fills are minimal. Tempos 100-200.
Cocktail Swing w/brushes [COC~TAIL.STY]
A smooth basic swing style with ac. Piano, ac. Guitar, ac. Bass and Drums with brushes. Strings at 'b'. Fills are minimal. Tempos 100-200.
Slow Swing Ballad [J_SLOBAL.STY]
A Slow easy swing Ballad style with Piano (light stride w/some fills), ac. Bass, ac.Guitar, Drums. Strings @'b'.T= slow (65-110).
Latin Beguine [L_BEGUIN.STY]
This Rhumba style features the basic Latin Rhumba rhythm featuring Congas. With P,B,G,D. Strings @b. T =90-140.
Bossa Easy [L_BOS_EZ.STY]
A simple Bossa with minimal fills which works well in a wide tempo range (100-200). P,B,G,D, Calliope pad. This variation of the BosaBrazil style does not have the Surdo (deep) drum.
Bossa Brazil [L_BOSBRZ.STY]
A simple Brazilian style bossa. Brazilian Surdo (deep) drum sound is featured, yet the drums and the style are very light and uncluttered. G,B,Drs w/Surdo, Calliope pad. P@b.T=100-170.
Latin Rhumba with Congas [L_RUMBA3.STY]
This Rhumba style features the basic Latin Rhumba rhythm featuring brushes and Congas. With P,B,G,D(brushes and Congas). Strings @b. T =90-140.
Latin Beguine -brushes [L~BEGUIN.STY]
A Beguine style which features ac. Piano, ac. Guitar, ac. Bass and smooth Drums (GS41) with brushes. At 'b' add congas and SlowStrings. T= 130-180
Bossa Easy [L~BOS_EZ.STY]
A simple Bossa with minimal fills which works well in a wide tempo range (100-200). P,B,G,Dr-brushes, Calliope pad. This variation of the BosaBrazil style does not have the Surdo (deep) drum.
Bossa Brazil [L~BOSBRZ.STY]
A simple Brazilian style bossa. Brazilian Surdo (deep) drum sound is featured, yet the drums and the style are very light and uncluttered. G,B,Drs w/Surdo & brushes, Calliope pad. P@b.T=100-170.
Latin Rhumba w Brushes and Conga [L~RUMBA3.STY]
This Rhumba style features the basic Latin Rhumba rhythm featuring brushes and Congas. With P,B,G,D(brushes and Congas). Strings @b. T =90-140. Uses brushes - GS drums #41
A simple 3-part vocal group swing style with rhythm guitar accompaniment throughout. This style relies on BB's ability to harmonize a melody (try harmony #9). At 'b', add Bass & claps. T=100-200.
City Rock [R_CITYRK.STY]
City Rock is a slow basic Rock style which features up-front drums and bass, unobtrusive piano comping, strat guitar and Warm Pad. Drum and piano fills are kept to a minimum. Tempos 75-130.
Raindrop 60's Swing [RAIN_DRP.STY]
An easy-going 60's Pop-swing style which features Ukulele, Piano, Bass and Drums. At 'b' strings are added. Works well with bouncy medium tempos. Tempos 90-30.
Raindrop 60's Swing [RAIN~DRP.STY]
An easy-going 60's Pop-swing style which features Ukulele, Piano, Bass and Drums with brushes. At 'b' strings are added. Works well with bouncy medium tempos. Tempos 90-30.
Slow Swing Waltz [SLOWLZ12.STY]
A slow swing waltz style - simple and uncluttered -with ac.piano, bass, drums, ac.guitar, and slow strings. Slow tempos (65-120).
Slow Waltz [WLZ_SLOW.STY]
A slow straight 8ths waltz style - simple and uncluttered -with ac.piano, bass, drums, ac.guitar, and slow strings. Slow tempos (65-120).
Slow Waltz [WLZ~SLOW.STY]
A slow straight 8ths waltz style - simple and uncluttered -with ac.piano, bass, drums with brushes, ac.guitar, and slow strings. Slow tempos (65-120).
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