MIDI Styles Set 16: All Blues
This is a collection of 23 great new Blues styles featuring funky blues piano sounds in the style of DrJon; some great 'Stevie Ray' styles with strat guitar, organ and fender bass; Clapton styles with bass and guitar riffs; BeeB rock and shuffle styles; a Chuck B style featuring the repeated guitar riff; down and dirty slow blues styles ala Curtis, Muddy and Elmore; a Stones shuffle blues jam; a dynamic James B with horns groove; up-tempo Jitterbug; fast 24 bar blues; wild and crazy Jerry Lee piano and more. There's a good mixture of shuffle (swing 8ths) and straight 8ths rhythms.
BeeB Rock Blues [BEEBROCK.STY]
This St. 8ths back-beat rock blues style features 5 insts. - el. Piano, el. Bass, el. Guitar, LiveMIDI Drums & Strings at a & b. Sparse fills & comps from the Guitar. T=106
BeeB Blues Shuffle [BEEBSHUF.STY]
This blues swing shuffle features off-beat snare drum rhythm. 5 insts. - Piano, ac. Bass, overdrive Guitar fills, LiveMIDI Drums. Organ w/fills at b. T=130
ChuckB Blues Shuffle [CHUKSHUF.STY]
There are 5 insts. in this med-fast swing-shuffle blues ala Chuck - Honkytonk Piano fills, el. Guitar lick, ac. Bass, LiveMIDI Drs. Rock Organ at b. Bass in 2 at a, in 4 at b. T=185
Clapton1 Rock Blues [CLAPTON1.STY]
This is a British hard rockin' blues style which features the Bass & Guitar playing a busy riff thru-out. Drs ala Ginger. 4 insts. - OvDrv Guitar, el. Bass, LiveMIDI Drs, Rock Organ. T=130
Clapton2 Rock Blues [CLAPTON2.STY]
Similar to the Brit-Rock blues style, Clapton1, this variation features a steady Guitar comp, rather than the busy Bass line. 4 insts.- OvDrv Guitar, el. Bass, LiveMIDI Drs, Rock Organ. T=130
Curtis M Slow Blues [CURTISM.STY]
A very slow New York funky 70's blues style ala Curtis. Straight 16ths. 5 insts. - el. Piano, Guitar, el.Bass, LiveMIDI Drums, Organ at b. T=75
DrJon Rock Blues [DRJONROK.STY]
This 5-inst. st.8 rock blues style features Piano ala Dr Jon and simple Guitar comp. It has a New Orleans blues-jam feel. ac. Piano, el. Bass, el. Guitar, LiveMIDI Drums. Organ at b. T=110
DrJon Shuffle Blues [DRJONSHF.STY]
A 2-handed full Piano blues trio style in the mode of the Doctor with ac. Piano, ac. Bass & LiveMIDI Drums. T=105
ElJames Basic Blues Shuffle [ELJAMES.STY]
Based on the basic repeated Guitar riff, this 4 inst. shuffle blues style features Otis Span-type Honkytonk Piano fill at b. el. Guitar, el. Bass & LiveMIDI Drums. T=105
HowlinW Drivin' St.8 Blues [HOWLINW.STY]
A St.8 primitive blues style ala Howlin' or Stones. 4 insts. - ac. P, el. B, OvDrv Guitar & LiveMIDI Drums. Driving quality. Piano maintains steady rhythm. Off-beat Guitar shots. T=105
JB_Brass Funky Blues [JB_BRASS.STY]
Similar to JBrown.Sty with Brass Section instead of guitar. A St.8 funky blues style in the mode of James B. With Brass Section and syncopated organ fills. Brass Section, el. Bass, Rock Organ & LiveMIDI drums. Tempo = 120
JBrown Funky Blues [JBROWN.STY]
A St.8 funky blues style in the mode of James B. With spare rhythm Guitar chops and syncopated organ fills. el. Guit, el. Bass, Rock Organ & LiveMIDI Drums. T=120
JeryLee Fast Boogie Blues [JERYLEE.STY]
A fast St.8ths Piano trio style featuring lots of wild R&R Piano fills ala Jerry Lee. Piano, ac. Bass & LiveMIDI Drums. T=180
Jiterbug Fast Blues Shuffle [JITERBUG.STY]
A 5 inst. Sw.8 instrumental jam style at a fast tempo. Also in the mode of Stevie Ray. Guitar is less busy than Jiterbug2. W/ ac. Piano, el. Bass, el. Guitar, LiveMIDI Drums & Organ. T=215
Jitrbug2 Fast Blues Shuffle [JITRBUG2.STY]
A variation on Jiterbug.Sty, this version features busier Guitar. 5 insts. - ac. P, el. B, el. G, LiveMIDI Drums & Organ. T=215
JonLee Slow Blues Shuffle [JONLEE.STY]
Real gritty slow Chicago urban blues in the style of JLH. Features Guitar riff with Honkytonk Piano fills. 4 insts. - Honkytonk Piano, strat Guitar, el. Bass & LiveMIDI Drums. T=95
Mojo 24 bar Fast Blues [MOJO24BR.STY]
A fast 24 bar swing-shuffle blues with ac. Piano, el. Guitar, el. Bass & LiveMIDI Drums. Organ at b. T=240
MudySlow Slow Blues [MUDYSLOW.STY]
A very slow 12/8 blues ala Mud. 5 insts. - ac.Bass, Guitar, LiveMIDI Drums & Organ pad. ac. Piano fills at b. T=65
Slow Arpeggio 12/8 Blues [SLOARPBL.STY]
Triplet style ac. Piano and a smooth Sam Cook feel are the main features of this slow 12/8 style. 5 insts. - ac. Piano, el.Bass, g & LiveMIDI Drums. Rock Organ at b. T=65
StoneShf Blues ala Stones [STONESHF.STY]
This med-tempo shuffle blues has a jam-like feel and features Keith Richards-style Guitar and Billy Preston Gospel-style Piano. 5 insts. - ac. Piano, el. Bass, OD Guitar & LiveMIDI Drums. Organ at b. T=125
StRay Shuffle Blues [STRAYSHF.STY]
Big loud and proud blues shuffle ala Stevie. The 'b' section features Guitar Bass & comp. 4 insts. - el. Bass, el. Guitar, Organ (at b) & LiveMIDI Drums. T=105
StRay Straight 8ths [STRAYST8.STY]
A 4 instrument med-tempo st.8 blues style featuring organ fills thru-out. W/ el. Bass, el. Guitar, LiveMIDI Drums & Rock Organ. T=125
TajMall St.8 Blues [TAJMALL.STY]
This med-tempo blues is based on a repeating Bass rhythm which gives it a slight Latin flavor. Sparse Guitar comp. 4 insts. - el. Piano, el. Bass, el. Guitar & LiveMIDI Drums. T=145
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