MIDI Styles Set 17: Unplugged
You asked for great sounding acoustic styles. We got 'em ! You'll find styles emulating groups like the great David 'Dawg' Grisman , Dave Mathews, Bon Jovi, Newgrass Reunion, Ry Cooder. There are also classic driving straight-ahead Bluegrass styles ala Bill Monroe, Folk-Rock ala The Band or Van Morrison, a James Taylor Latin style, 60s Folk styles ala Limeliters, Kingstons & PP&M, up-tempo Appalachian with fast fingerpickin' banjo licks, a new acoustic Grisman-type Samba, slow Folk-blues with finger-picked guitar, and lots more.
Acoustic Ballad -Unplugged [ACBALLAD.STY]
A slow, Ballad style ala Grisman quartet with Bass, Drums, Guitar, Violin and Mandolin. Guitar plays fills and Violin is added at 'b'. T=70
Bluegrass 101 w/drums -Unplugged [BG101_D.STY]
Variation on Bgras101 with drums added, ala Bill M. Banjo, Mandolin, Guitar, Bass and Drums. Great at faster tempos. T=165
Bluegrass Boogie -Unplugged [BGBOOGIE.STY]
Acoustic style ala Bill Monroe band of the 40's and 50's with bass, banjo, guitar & Mandolin. Walking bass and guitar runs at 'b'. T=50-120
Bluegrass 101 -Unplugged [BGRAS101.STY]
Driving straight-ahead Bluegrass ala Bill M. with Banjo, Mandolin, Guitar and Bass. At 'b', Banjo in higher register and more active guitar and mando. T=165
Bluegrass Waltz -Unplugged [BGWALTZ.STY]
An acoustic up-tempo Bluegrass 3/4 time style with bass, banjo, guitar & mandolin. At 'b', crosspicked guitar, mandolin fills and chordal banjo. T=90-180
Bluegrass Waltz w/drums -Unplugg [BGWALTZD.STY]
Alternate to BgWaltz.Sty with light simple drums added. Up-tempo Bluegrass in 3/4 time. At 'b', crosspicked guitar, mandolin fills & chordal banjo. T=90-180
Big Pink -Unplugged [BIGPINK.STY]
In the style of The Band, Van Morrison, Bob Dylan, this acoustic style features acoustic rhythm guitar, piano, bass and drums. At 'b', add 2nd guitar. T=80
Dog Funk -Unplugged [DOGFUNK.STY]
Mandolin-driven funk-groove style, with a 16th note shuffle feel. With mandolin, guitar, acoustic bass and fiddle. Fiddle plays staccato chops at 'a', fills at 'b'. T=100
Dog Funk w/drums -Unplugged [DOGFUNKD.STY]
DogFunk.Sty with drums added. Mandolin-driven funk-groove style, with a 16th note shuffle feel. (mando, g, b, drs & fiddle. T=100
Dog Samba -Unplugged [DOGSAMBA.STY]
A modern 'New Acoustic' Samba in the style of David 'Dawg' Grisman. Features guitar, bass, mandolin & congas. The mandolin is slightly less busy at 'b'. T = 140
Folk Rock 3/4 -Unplugged [F_ROK3_4.STY]
Loping Folk-Rock waltz with acoustic guitar, bass and drums. At 'b', a '2 against 3' feel and acoustic piano joins in. T=130
Folk 101 -Unplugged [FOLK101.STY]
Popular Folk style of the '60s typified by PP&M, Kingston Trio & early Beatles. Nylon guitar, bass and percussion. At 'b', add 2nd ac. guitar arps. T=110
Folk 101 w/Piano -Unplugged [FOLK101P.STY]
Similar to Folk101.Sty with ac. piano added. Nylon guitar, ac. Piano, bass and perc. At 'b', add 2nd ac. guitar arps. T=110
Folk Blues -Unplugged [FOLKBLU.STY]
A slow Folk-blues style with finger-picked guitar, ac. Piano, bass, harmonica & drums. Drum variation at 'b'. T=70 - 120
Folk Funk -Unplugged [FOLKFUNK.STY]
An acoustic Bo Diddley shuffle style with strummed guitar, bass and drums. At 'b', add second guitar playing 'popcorn' parts. T=100
Folk-Rock 1 -Unplugged [FOLKROK1.STY]
A modern Folk-Rock acoustic style with 2 acoustic guitars, bass and drums. At 'b', Half-time drums and Pete Townsend-style strumming ala 'Pinball Wizard'. T= 80-150
Folk-Trio -Unplugged [FOLKTRIO.STY]
A Folk style ala Limeliters or Kingstons, featuring strummed banjos & guitars, bass & tambourine. At 'b', add bongos, banjo fingerpicking & different guitar rhythm. T=170
JTaylor Latin -Unplugged [JTLATIN.STY]
Acoustic Folk-pop with a Latin flavor featuring soft ac. Piano, Arpeggiated guitar, Bass, Drums, and percussion (Congas and Maracas). Add strings at 'b'. T=110
Jug Band -Unplugged [JUGBAND.STY]
Acoustic Jug Band style, featuring fiddle, banjo, guitar, washboard (drums)and tuba. At 'b', guitar comps chordally. T=100
Mountain -Unplugged [MOUNTAIN.STY]
Uptempo Appalachian acoustic style, featuring Clawhammer-style banjo, guitar, fiddle, and bass. Guitar plays fills at 'b'. T=140
Mountain w/Drums -Unplugged [MOUNTN_D.STY]
A variation of Mountain.Sty style with washboard Drums added. Up-tempo Appalachian style w/banjo, guitar, fiddle, bass & drums. Guitar fills at 'b'. T=140
NGR -Unplugged [NGR.STY]
Acoustic bluegrass-rock fusion, in the style of Newgrass Revival. With banjo, mandolin, guitar, and bass. Syncopation with pushes at 'a'. Driving bluegrass feel at 'b'. T=120
NGR w/drums -Unplugged [NGR_D.STY]
Similar to NGR with drums added. Acoustic bluegrass-rock fusion ala Newgrass Revival, with banjo, mandolin, guitar, bass and drums. More driving at 'b'. T=120
Nugrass -Unplugged [NUGRASS.STY]
Similar to NGR with drums added. Acoustic bluegrass-rock fusion ala Newgrass Revival, with banjo, mandolin, guitar, bass and drums. More driving at 'b'. T=120
Swamp Rock -Unplugged [SWAMPROK.STY]
An acoustic style ala groups like Dave Mathews & Bon Jovi, with banjo, guitar, bass, drums & fiddle. At 'b', add fingerpicked banjo & heavier drum backbeat. T=100
Wry Coder -Unplugged [WRYCODER.STY]
Bouncy acoustic style ala Ry, with guitar, piano, mandolin, bass and drums. In the 'b' substyle, guitar plays bluesy fills, and drums get slightly less busy. T=90
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