MIDI Styles Set 20: Southern Gospel
In response to your requests, we're pleased to bring you over 20 all-new Southern Gospel styles. These Country-flavored styles will make a great addition to your Band-in-a-Box Styles collection. The styles feature lots of 2-beat Country swing, straight-8th & 16th rhythms - slow, medium or fast tempos, 3/4 tempos and Ballads.
Anchors -MedSw Southern Gospel [ANCHORS.STY]
Med-2-beat swing in a SoGospel or Country style. Piano, bass, drs, ac. g & mandolin. B-beat on 2&4 & mando fills thru-out. 'b'- more intense. T=130
Apointed -MedFunkSw SoGospel [APOINTED.STY]
Contemporary swing in a Southern Gospel or Ctry style. 4 insts: banjo (strum & arps), ac. g, el. b & drs. Feel is almost st.8ths. T =170
Bagwell -MedSt16 Southern Gospel [BAGWELL.STY]
Med. st.16ths - SoGospel -Country style. Banjo - 16th arps. 16th cut-time feel w/b-beat. 5 insts: banjo, ac. b, ac. g, Cello (at 'a'), Strings (at 'b'). T=120
Bishops -MedSt8 Southern Gospel [BISHOPS.STY]
This is a medium straight-8ths Southern Gospel or Country style with ac. Piano (fills), ac. guitar (strumming), bass, drums, charang (quasi-OD guitar fills). T=140
Blakwood -Bouncy SouthernGospel [BLAKWOOD.STY]
Medium bouncy, country shuffle - Southern Gospel w/back-beat. 5 insts: p, b, drs, g & organ. Add tamb & hand claps at 'b'. T=115
Burkes - FastSw Southern Gospel [BURKES.STY]
Similar to Goldcity.sty, this variation features more swing in drs & organ (w/fills) added. 5 insts: pno, b, drs, ac. guitar & organ. T=210
Crimsons -Guitars&B SoGospel [CRIMSONS.STY]
This 3 instrument Country swing style features 2 guitars and bass only. With ac. bass, ac. Guitar & Nylon Guitar. T=230
Doves - St8 Arps Southern Gospel [DOVES.STY]
Arpeggiated st8 SoGospel-Ctry ballad style. 5 insts: At 'a', ac. g (arps),nylon g, ac. b & cello. At 'b' add light drums & smooth string pad. T=85
Duncans -FastSt8 SouthernGospel [DUNCANS.STY]
Fast straight 8th Southern Gospel or Country style. 5 insts: piano, bass, drums, ac. guitar (strum), muted bass & strings (at b) t=200
Easters -Fast3/4 SouthernGospel [EASTERS.STY]
Fast 3/4 tempo in Southern Gospel or Country style. Back-beat on 2nd bar. Guitar plays arps, piano fills. 5 insts: p, b, ac.g, drs & soft pad. Fuller at 'b'. T=160
Floridas -16thBal SouthernGospel [FLORIDAS.STY]
A smooth, contemporary, almost-swung, 16th Southern Gospel or Country-Pop ballad style. 5 insts: el. p, ac. g, bass, drums & warm pad. T=85
Gaithers -MedUpSw SouthernGospel [GAITHERS.STY]
Medium-up tempo, swing-shuffle, Southern Gospel or Country style. 5 insts: piano, bass, drums, strat and organ. More intense at 'b'. T=175
Galoways -EasySw SouthernGospel [GALOWAYS.STY]
Easy-swing - Southern Gospel-Ctry style. 8th notes almost st.8 feel. 5insts: el. b., ac. g.-strum, nyl g.-arps, drs & SlStrs. More intense at 'b'. T=155
Goldcity -FastSw SouthernGospel/ [GOLDCITY.STY]
A raucous, fast 2-beat style with 4 insts: piano, bass, drums & ac. guitar. Piano plays fills. 'a is more subdued. T= 230
Hayes_34 -Med3/4 SouthernGospel [HAYES_34.STY]
This is a slow-easy swing 3/4, in a Southern Gospel or Country style. Floyd-style piano, ac. bass, drs, ac.g, cello at 'a', strs at 'b'. T=90
Kingsmen -FunkSt8 SouthernGospel [KINGSMEN.STY]
Features an 8th note groove in between st.8 & Sw.8. Southern Gospel/Ctry. 4 insts: ac. pno (funky fills), bass, drs, mt. Guitar- fills T=125
Mgruders -SlowSt16 SouthernGospe [MGRUDERS.STY]
Slow st.16 Southern Gospel or Pop-Country style features a big back-beat thru-out. 5 insts: piano (fills), bass, drums, strat and organ (pad). T=75
Plainsmn -MedSw SouthernGospel [PLAINSMN.STY]
Easy swing style w/ 5 insts - piano, bass, drums, banjo & horns. Banjo plays strong 4/4, horns fill. Drums go to ride at 'b'. Bass stays in '2'. T=140
Slawters -Fast2Bt SouthernGospel [SLAWTERS.STY]
Fast 2-beat Country style in cut time (swing 16ths). 5 insts: p, b, drs, ac. guitar & strat (fills). Big back-beat w/half time feel. Bigger at 'b'. T=130
Statlers -MedUpSw SouthernGospel [STATLERS.STY]
Medium fast swing Southern Gospel or Country style. 5 insts: piano, b, drs, ac. guitar & bg singers. Pno fills, guitar strums & vocal bg add support. T=195
Steeles -MedUpRock SouthernGospe [STEELES.STY]
This is a St8, med-fast Rock Southern Gospel or Country style. 5 insts: piano, bass, drs, ac.guitar (strumming) & fiddle (fills thru-out). Softer at 'a'. T=165
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